After the Treaty of Open Borders have been signed, a new lucrative sector of medicine and business slowly rose up to the view of those with enough gold, Votsnystoyan Augmentations. Throughout time, a person can gain injuries in the crossfire of deadly combat or through tragic, violent accidents. Augmentation, at a base level, allows a creature affected as such to regain the ability to function as a normal person. However, augmentation can be taken much further than just regaining lost function. One can become something beyond what they were. Adventurers and the rich typically make use of these augments, but anyone with the required funds and drive can make use of these augments. There are three degrees of augmentations. Any spellcaster would be hesitant to use augmentation as they have the capacity to inhibit magical capability. Certain countries are entertaining the idea that they can subject spellcasters to involuntary augmentation for a crime instead of other forms of punishment.
Types of Augments
Prosthetics (PR)
Prosthetics are designed to replace a lost limb, organ, and other bodily function. These are readily available to the public and allow one to return normal life. You are now at least 10 percent machine.
Partial-Conversion (PC)
Partial Conversion is used for those who suffer more drastic wounds, or desire stronger technological capabilities. Roughly fifty percent of your body is now machine.
Full-Conversion (FC)
Making you more machine than mortal, you gain access to powerful capabilities borne from technology, but you are at least eighty percent machine.
The Truths of Augments
Using Augmentations
Your character can have a total number of augmentations equal to the percentage of their body that is machine divided by 10 (rounded down). For example, if your character has a Full-Conversion augment done on themself, they are now at least eighty percent machine (dependent on DM whether it increases up to a 100). Meaning, they could have 8 total augments done on themself.
Augmentations & Magic
Your spellcasting becomes impacted by the technology you now wield. Your spell slots are determined by your augmentation level:
Prosthetic. Decrease the number of your highest-level spell slots by 1. For example, if you can cast fifth level spells, and have two fifth level slots, you lose one fifth level slot.
Partial- or Full-Conversion. The number of spell slots you have for each level of spell is decreased by 1. In the the case of those who have Pact Magic, your total number of Warlock Spell Slots are decreased by 1 and the number of Mystic Arcanum is decreased by 1 for each level.
Augmentations & Ki. If you are Partial or Full-Conversion, your Ki Point total is halved.
For example, if you have a Prosthetic augment and a Full-Conversion augment. You decrease the number of your highest-spell slots by 1 and the number of spell slots you have for each level of spell is decreased by 1. If you have two Prosthetic augments, you decrease the number of your highest-level spell slots by 2.
Augmentation Surgery
The time required for each procedure depends on the type of augmentation. Prosthetic augments take about 2-5 hours. While Partial- or Full-conversion augments take about 6-12 hours. The patient must be incapacitated, restrained, or unconscious. A restrained or willing patient can remain awake during the procedure, though they automatically gain a level of exhaustion and are poisoned for the duration of the procedure and 1 hour afterward.
Augmentation surgeries are strenuous for the body. The patient gains 1 level of exhaustion that lasts for 1 week (this cannot be reduced by any means). This is not absolute as things can go awry in the procedure. The surgery can go well or not. This depends on the skill of the surgeon and their team (if they have any). Risks include increased amount of exhaustion for an extended period of time, loss of body parts or organs, etc. On the other hand, if it goes well, the recovery time can be decreased to a day.
Votomat Augmentation
Those presented here are augments for biological, living creatures. Votomat augmentation is another story due to their different anatomy and physiology.
You can have your augmentations modified by someone who has expertise in medicine and tinker’s tools. Each modification has a suggested cost, and a requirement for how much of a conversion you have.
Cost (gp) - Aug - Modification
2,500 - PC - One of your limbs is replaced by a mechanical one that functions the same of the body part it replaced.
5,000 - PC - Your body gains is partiall converted to be fifty percent machine.
8,000 - PR - One of your eye is replaced by one that gives you darkvision out to a range of 30 feet. You can have another eye replaced with this modification to give you darkvision out to a range of 60 feet instead.
11,000 - PR - Your ears are modified with implants that make you immune to being deafened. You have advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on hearing.
12,000 - FC - You gain resistance to nonmagical damage.
12,500 - PR - Your adrenaline system is overhauled. You have advantage on initiative saving throws.
13,200 - PR - You gain one tool or weapon, hidden and attached to your mechanical body, making you incapable of being unarmed.
14,000 - PR - You can hold your breath for up to an hour.
14,300 - PC - When you start your turn, any creature grappling you takes 3d6 lightning damage.
15,200 - PR - Choose Strength, Dexterity, or Constitution. That ability and its maximum for that score increases by 2.
15,200 - PC - You need to fail an additional death saving throw to die.
15,300 - PR - Your mouth secretes poisons, one use per minute. The poison retains its potency outside your body for 1 minute. This poison deals 1d4 poison damage.
15,400 - PR - You have fangs installed. You gain a +2 to Charisma (Intimidation) checks, and they count as daggers for you.
15,700 - PC - You have had your flesh reworked to a more pleasing form. You gain a +2 on Charisma checks against creatures that would be attracted to you.
16,300 - PR - Your unarmored AC increases by 1.
16,400 - PR - Your grip is improved. You cannot be disarmed, and you add +2 to a check whenever you need to maintain your grip.
16,500 - PR - You gain a tail. You have advantage on Dexterity (Acrobatics) checks. Choose one of the following: club, sickle, or dagger. The tail counts as the chosen weapon.
16,600 - PR - You have a hydraulic step; gaining a +2 bonus to Dexterity (Acrobatics) checks, and your jump distance is doubled.
17,000 - PC - Your strength score is now 18. You cannot increase it through ability score increases.
17,300 - PC - Your dexterity score is now 18. You cannot increase it through ability score increases.
17,500 - PC - You can heal quickly. Whenever you roll your hit die, roll twice, using either roll.
17,750 - PR - You can drive a mechanical vehicle you own remotely. You must be able to see the vehicle to drive it.
18,000 - FC - You no longer require sleep and cannot sleep.
18,500 - PR - You have filters in your lungs. You are immune to airborne poisons and agents.
20,000 - PC - Your unarmored AC is 18.
21,000 - FC - Your body is resilient against attack. You reduce all damage you take by 2.
25,000 - FC - Any critical hit against you becomes a normal hit.
Luxury Modifications
Cost (gp) - Aug - Modification
32,000 - PR - One of your eyes is replaced by one that causes heat signatures to light up in your vision. You can see lightly and heavily obscured creatures within 60 feet of you as if they were visible as long as they aren’t behind total cover. You can’t see a creature that doesn’t give off heat, such as certain Constructs, Elementals, or Undead.
35,000 - PR - One of your arms is replaced by a cauldron arm. This alchemical tool is designed to suffuse potions directly into a creature’s bloodstream. The arm has three channels, each of which can hold a potion. Once integrated, you can use an action to empty a potion you’re holding into one of these channels, or to fill an empty bottle with a potion stored in a channel. You can also spend 1 minute concocting one of the following potions within a channel (your choice): a potion of flying, a potion of growth, a potion of heroism, or a potion of superior healing. Once this property is used, it can’t be used again until the next dawn. A potion you create this way loses its magical properties if it’s removed from the cauldron arm. As a bonus action, you can release a potion stored in one of the arm’s channels into your body, consuming the potion and causing you to gain its benefits. You can also use an action to create a contingency, choosing a potion in a channel and specifying a circumstance that causes the arm to release that potion. For example, you could specify that a potion of healing should be released when you start your turn with 0 hit points. When the circumstance is met, if the potion is still in the channel, the arm releases it whether or not you want it to, and the contingency ends. The contingency ends early if you create another or if you use an action to end it.
37,000 - PC - Your legs are replaced by long, dextrous limbs. Your walking speed becomes 50 feet, unless your walking speed is higher, and opportunity attack rolls against you have disadvantage. You can also make magical unarmed strikes with your legs that deal piercing damage, with a +2 bonus to their attack and damage rolls and a damage die of 1d8.
45,000 - FC - You gain large, mechanical wings attached to your spine. You gain a flying speed of 30 feet. As an action, you can furl the wings around yourself protectively. While furled, your walking speed is reduced to 10 feet, and any other speeds you have are reduced to 0 feet, including your flying speed. You have three-quarters cover, and you have resistance to all damage except psychic damage. You can unfurl your wings using a bonus action. You can gain an increase of 10 feet flying speed per 10, 000 gp paid with this augment.
60,000 - PR - One of your eye is replaced by one that causes you to gain truesight out to a range of 120 feet, and you can’t be blinded. The eye counts as a simple ranged weapon you’re proficient with. It has a normal range of 60 feet and a long range of 300 feet, and deals 3d6 necrotic damage on a hit. If this damage reduces a creature or object to 0 hit points, the target is reduced to dust. A creature reduced to dust can be restored to life only by a true resurrection or wish spell. You don’t need a free hand to attack with the lens, and being restrained or within 5 feet of a hostile creature doesn’t impose disadvantage on your attack rolls with it. You can also use the lens to cast the disintegrate spell (DC 19). Once this property is used, it can’t be used again until the next dawn.
100,000 - FC - You heart is replaced with a legendary one. You gain the following benefits.
You gain immunity to fire and poison damage, and the poisoned condition. You also gain immunity to disease.
Whenever you roll a Hit Die to regain hit points, you use the maximum value for each die, instead of rolling.
Whenever you make a death saving throw, you can release the power of the heart. If you do, you regain hit points equal to half your hit point maximum, and can stand up if you were prone. Each creature within 30 feet of you must make a DC 19 Dexterity saving throw, taking 8d8 fire damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one. Once used, this property can’t be used again until the next dawn.