
All Dramphinians have a duty to destroy demons and the undead, the forces of Unnature. Different orders operate across the Beast World and beyond. 

Cold Iron, Focused Mind

Most beasts are glad to see a paladin. Their arrival is an assurance that someone powerful is watching to ensure fairness and honesty. Their methods are more violent than a cleric’s, but paladins still strive to be gentle. A paladin is a rain cloud over the world, bringing a dreary day before flowers bloom and the land flourishes. 

The Sword’s Edge and The Scale’s Fulcrum 

Dramphine asks much of all her paladins. They must remain physically powerful to fight evil and mentally sharp to judge the truth. The Moon Wolf’s faithful adjudicate the most serious crimes accused of beasts and brethren. They exemplify all of Dramphine’s divine charges, respecting their hierarchy while reducing harm at the same time. 

The Orders of Dramphinians

It is said that there are many hidden orders of The Moon Wolf around the world but those known to the public, are the shining beacons of hope of the people in an otherwise unknowing world. The following are the known orders of The Moon Wolf:


The highest paragons of their deity, this sisterhood of hunters live in constant, dogged pursuit of Unnature: the Motherguard. Whenever they appear, soul-rotting evil is surely close by, and everyone knows their order will cut that rot out of the world at any cost. Wise folks can see their work’s long-term benefits, but nervous eyes and disdainful whispers follow a Motherguard paladin everywhere. A Motherguard paladin is no rain cloud—they are an amputation. The Motherguard consider their identity as women to be part of maintaining their tight-knit social order. This requirement isn’t biological; committed self-identification as a woman is the test of this precept. Many male Dramphinian paladins are just as ferocious in pursuing demons and necromancy. However, the bond that Motherguard share is uniquely female. The Motherguard sees surrender as a loss of zeal for driving out Unnature.  

The Claw

The Claw see themselves as The Perennial Order of Justice. Paladins of The Claw are the jailers and headhunters of all-kind present in the cities and even unknowing settlements. Whenever an injustice happens in a major city, a Claw Dramphinian is present to right the wrong. Whenever a high-profile criminal is caught, a Claw Dramphinian is the one usually holding the chains of the caught. Members of this order enjoy the hunt as they believe that mortalkind unchained and left to do wrong precipitate the influence and aura of the demon and the undead in one way or another. The order has gotten a bit active the past few years as the criminal underworld has been recently opening their eyes and minds to the use of demon and evil magic for financial or personal gain. When you hear the sound of chains, whether arcane or not, a member of The Claw is near.


The Order known to the high level delvers and those who man the plane-traversing technologies. Lamplighters are tasked by The Moon Wolf to traverse the neighboring worlds to curate and destroy the evil that lurks within them. The order believes that offense is the best defense. To protect Beast World, the Lamplighters have to take the fight to the sources of infection. The Lamplighters recruit those unafraid of the unknown and untethered to Beast World. To know the unknown beyond and to kill whatever evil seen is the central dogma of the Lamplighters. A person lost in another realm can count on the Lamplighters many safehavens adorned with their iconic lamps and lanterns.