All Dramphinians have a duty to destroy demons and the undead, the forces of Unnature. Different orders operate across the Beast World and beyond.
Cold Iron, Focused Mind
Most beasts are glad to see a paladin. Their arrival is an assurance that someone powerful is watching to ensure fairness and honesty. Their methods are more violent than a cleric’s, but paladins still strive to be gentle. A paladin is a rain cloud over the world, bringing a dreary day before flowers bloom and the land flourishes.
The Sword’s Edge and The Scale’s Fulcrum
Dramphine asks much of all her paladins. They must remain physically powerful to fight evil and mentally sharp to judge the truth. The Moon Wolf’s faithful adjudicate the most serious crimes accused of beasts and brethren. They exemplify all of Dramphine’s divine charges, respecting their hierarchy while reducing harm at the same time.
The Orders of Dramphinians
It is said that there are many hidden orders of The Moon Wolf around the world but those known to the public, are the shining beacons of hope of the people in an otherwise unknowing world. The following are the known orders of The Moon Wolf: