Draught Creatures

When draughts are unhitched, use the following stats. 

Beylik Draydriver 

Breeding a normal warhorse with the dire horse of the Beylik gives the Draydriver an immense work capacity while keeping an even-keeled, friendly temperament. They are the most popular breed used to pull delver wagons, and make excellent riding horses as well. 

Jackal-Reared Axe Beak 

In the old stories about jackals, from before they revealed themselves fully to the world, axe beaks are depicted as their beloved companions and trusted steeds. Through centuries of love and care, jackals have bred incredible speed into axe beaks—they are the fastest known land animals. Despite careful husbandry, the breed retains its ancestors’ dull wit and fixation on shiny objects. Jackals see this as part of the bird’s charm (unless they happen to enjoy wearing earrings). 


The steam engine’s more fragile, arcane-powered cousin is the autotrotter, a mechanical quadruped built to resemble the creator’s favorite animal. The autotrotter is unique among draughts in that it can carry out simple commands given in advance. 

Autotrotter Spurs

Wondrous item, rare
When attached to the boots of a creature, the autotrotter spurs allow the creature to use their autotrotter’s spell storing capabilities. 

Steam Engine 

Huge object 
Speed: 30 ft.Hit Points: 200Armor Class: 19 (metal plating)Damage immunities: poison, psychic
The steam engine counts as two creatures for hitching, but it’s not a creature at all. Its massive chamber of steel and fire sends superheated steam through the pistons that turn its great wheels. It must be fed coal or another fuel source to operate, roughly equivalent in cost and effort to a team of two Draydrivers.