Basic Game Mechanics Enhanced
Long Jump
You can perform a Long Jump up to a distance equal to 5x your Strength Modifier if you’ve moved at least 10ft, on foot, before the jump, otherwise your Long Jump distance is cut in half.
Example: A character with a +5 Strength Modifier can Long Jump 25ft (5x5).
High Jump
You can perform a High Jump up to a number of feet equal to 1 + your Strength Modifier if you’ve moved at least 10ft, on foot, before the jump, otherwise your High Jump height is cut in half
Example: A character with a +4 Strength Modifier can High Jump 5ft (4+1).
This is what you would use to figure out how high someone’s feet can leave the ground when they jump. If you are instead looking for how high they can REACH, then you need to factor in how tall they are.
Whether a character is 4ft-tall or 7ft-tall, if they both have a +4 Strength Modifier then they both have a High Jump of 5ft. Their height is what makes all the difference for how high they can reach while jumping.Here is the formula for figuring out how high a character’s hand could reach, if they were trying to jump up and grab a high ledge.
While performing a High Jump, your total reach is a number of feet equal to 1 + your Strength Modifier added to 1.5 x your height.
Example: A character with a +4 Strength Modifier, that is 6fttall could jump and reach a total height of 14ft: 1 + 4 (Str Mod) + 9 (6ft x 1.5 for the height).Constitution Checks
Checks that test a character's endurance, fortitude, or vitality are considered Constitution Checks instead of Constitution Saves.
This rule is not as much a rule as it is a way to handle Constitution Saves differently. Various spell and combat effects should still require a Save since the character’s life is actively in danger and THAT is the spirit of the Save mechanic. Concentration Checks make sense to be a Constitution Save still because it happens during combat when people are fighting for their lives. However, there are plenty of times, when the circumstances are not as dire, where you should make Constitution CHECKS instead.
During travel, if you decide to push onward and travel for longer than normally possible, have that be a Constitution Check instead of a Save. Instead of Saves for levels of Exhaustion, or things that involve your characters overall endurance, having them be Checks instead would make it much scarier. Often these moments end up being Constitution Saves which is too generous in my opinion.
In these scenarios, adding a character’s Prof. Bonus can be overkill.
Considering that there are plenty of Olympic sprinters who don’t have the best ENDURANCE, perhaps Barbarians and Fighters, who have decent Constitution scores, shouldn’t automatically succeed in stressful situations just because they are proficient in Constitution Saves. Only characters who have a high Constitution Modifier should shine in these moments. The endurance of adventurers should be around similar levels to each other, since they are all pushing their bodies to the limit.
Holding Your Breath
While not in combat or other strenuous activities, you can hold your breath for a number of minutes equal to 1 + your Constitution Modifier. If you are in combat or another strenuous activity, you can hold your breath for a number of ROUNDS equal to 10 + your Constitution Modifier. If you run out of time then you immediately fall Unconscious.
Non-combat refers to casual activities like walking around, comfortably swimming, and so on. Combat is quite the opposite and should be treated differently. Fighting while there are toxic fumes suffocating you, being underwater while wearing armor, or getting stabbed are all things that will GREATLY limit the amount of time you can hold your breath for.
Whenever you take damage while holding your breath during combat, you must make a Constitution Save. The DC equals 10 or half the damage you take (rounded down), whichever is higher. Failure: You lose one round of air
At the start of your turn, if you have no rounds of air remaining, you must make a Constitution Save. Failure: You fall Unconscious. Success: You gain enough air for this round and must repeat the Save at the start of your next turn.
Fall Damage
When applying damage taken as the result from falling, the first 10ft results in 1d6 Bludgeoning damage, the second set of 10ft increases to 2d6, the third set of 10ft increases to 3d6, and it continues to increase by increments of 1d6 for each new set of 10ft fallen.
Rage does not reduce fall damage.
The max amount of fall damage caps at 100d6 which is about a 140ft fall.
Shared Fall Damage
If you land on a creature while falling, you and the creature both must make a DC 15 Dexterity, Strength, or Constitution Save (GMs discretion). Failure: You take full damage and the creature takes half damage. Success: You take half damage and the creature takes no damage.
Potions in Beast World
Leveled Healing Potions
Leveled healing potions are assigned a potency level, according to the number of d4 included, from 1 to 10. Each character that drinks a leveled healing potion adds their Constitution Modifier (minimum of 0) to each die rolled.
Example: A level 5 healing potion has 5d6, and adds your Constitution Modifier 5 times (once per die). A player that drinks a level 5 healing potion regains HP equal to 5d6 + (5x your Constitution Modifier). If the player has a Constitution Modifier of 3, they would regain an average of 33 HP.
Healing Potion Table
Level Healing CostX Xd4 + X(ConMod) ----1st 1d4 + 1xConMod 50 gp2nd 2d4 + 2xConMod 150 gp3rd 3d4 + 3xConMod 300 gp4th 4d4 + 4xConMod 500 gp5th 5d4 + 5xConMod 750 gp6th 6d4 + 6xConMod 1000 gp7th 7d4 + 7xConMod 1400 gp8th 8d4 + 8xConMod 1900 gp9th 9d4 + 9xConMod 2400 gp10th 10d4 + 10xConMod 3000 gpBonus Action Potions
A creature can drink a potion using a Bonus Action or Action, but an Action is still required to administer a potion to another creature.
Maximum Action Potions
A creature can drink a potion using an Action, rather than a Bonus Action, to gain the maximum benefits of the potion. If the potion restores HP, the creature regains the maximum amount possible from the potion.
Help Action
Proficient Help Action
A creature that lacks proficiency in a skill cannot take the Help Action to aid another creature with an Ability Check using that skill.
Rolling Dice
ADV and DisADV Stacking
Each new source of ADV or DisADV, after the first instance, grants the player either a +2 bonus or a -2 penalty to their roll. Multiple instances of ADV and DisADV cancel each other out.