Beast World

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Orc Vikings (Norse, Scandinavia)

Elven Isolationists (China, Japan) 
Halfling Riders (Mongolian) 
Warforged Empire (Russia)

Tiefling Empire (Egyptian)
Tabaxi Empire (Persian) 

Human Empire (English, British)
Firbolg Empire (Spanish)
Gnomish Empire (French)
Dragonborn Mystics (Mesoamerican, South American)
Goblin Nomads (Pirates, Polynesia) 

Goliath Icelanders (Arctic, Antarctic) 

The Truths of Essa

Of Blades, Sorcery, and Firearms

The Realm of Empires is a world where armies fight for their country whether their ambitions be malicious or nay. It is a world of sharp blades, sharp wits, where a cutting retort can be just as deadly as a sword’s point, and also of sharp bullets that pierce one's armor. It is also a world where magic and sorcery is a dying art, partly due to it being only tied to those with blood that can. Powerful magic are held by a variety of people. There are those in special bloodlines and families in some empires where magic is treasured greatly. In the contrary, there are those who are hunted for their blood as they serve as the key to a mortal wielding the arcane. Lastly, after the War of Those Before, mortals made advancement on the creation of firearms. Each empire now holds a different iteration and knowledge of the technology known as the firearm. The hard edge of steel coupled with the shadowy substance of magic topped with the rise of the ingenious guncraft: that is the Realm of Empires. 

Freedom and Adventure

There are those who become unlatched by the collectiveness of empires, these are pirates and adventurers. These people choose not to follow the goals set by their respective places of birth but their own ambition. Most of which is fueled by their yearn of freedom: Freedom from the the rulers and laws. Freedom from the shackles of the various religions of the realm. Freedom from greedy landowners and moneylenders. Adventuring pirates sail where they want, take what they please and live a life of freedom unknown by any other in the Realm of Empires. Nobility and rulerships hire daredevils to explore the unknown and bring back the booty they discover. Of course, if those adventurers lower their guard for even a moment, they’ll find themselves facing the threat of pirates, looking for easy prey. 

Archæology and Exploration

Beyond the empires of Essa lie the ruins of an ancient battlefield, where the Dragons and the First Ones fought: the vast cities of the Old Synt. Who knows what ancient secrets and treasures remain, unseen by mortal eyes, untouched by mortal hands? Those who call themselves “archæologists” unearth these treasures and bring them back to emperors and the rich. Daring the perilous ancient ruins, these scholars are all the rage in the noble courts and the subjects of romantic novels all across the land. They hope to discover the secrets of the Synt in hopes that they may uncover the key to mortality’s future, and possibly the secrets of the universe itself. 

The Period of Peace?

A year ago, the Treaty of the Open World was enacted with all of the empires in attendance and agreeance. Of course, there will be those who do not approve but, at the time, all of the ruling powers reached an agreement that all borders be opened for trade. As such, espionage and reconaissance work increased in demand. In turn, national security was developed much more quickly. Times are a changing and some do not welcome such change.

Diplomacy and Intrigue

In the Essa, empires and rulerships are at the height of their power and presence. In the courts of kings, queens, tsars, diplomats dressed in expensive lace and silk try to resolve their disputes. A swelling tide of nationalism grows in the hearts of people, and a new kind of conflict—covert warfare— is finding its way into the world. A new kind of espionage is making its way into the world, as well. Agents trained in the arts of deception live perilous lives of illusion as they pillage enemy secrets with only their beauty, cunning and wits...and a willingness to do anything for crown and country. 


Essa is the world where all of the Realm of Empires takes place—a continent with many similarities to 17th Century Earth. In it is a variety of empires ruled by different kinds of governments, which bear cultural and historical similarities to particular, historical empires on Earth. While she isn’t Earth’s twin sister, she is certainly a distant cousin, which should make Essa more familiar and learning about her culture and history easier. There are some important differences, however.


Sorcery is a very real power in Essa. Certain bloodlines have the key to it and this blood is sought for by those who do not have it. It is potent and dangerous, each flavor of magic from the different empires demanding unique prerequisites and powers of its effects. It is a discipline that those with proper blood can attempt to master, but when such power is harnessed by those who best wield it, Sorcery can change the fate of one's empire or one's destiny.


As magic became harder to study and wield, empires turned to science and invented the firearm. A revolutionary technology that empires are racing to mass produce in order to heighten their martial might. Now, the best scientists and artificers of Essa are sought after for the maximization of the potential of firearms. Some empires craze over this new ingenious invention, some loathe it, and some seek ways to counter it or even stop its technological advancement.


In Essa, each empire has cultivated its own culture and of course, its myriad variety of religions accross subcultures in each empire. No one knows the true religion of Essa as each empire would have a principal religion they would say that is to be followed but even then, subcultures of empires show that there are many ways in which spirituality is practiced. Maybe all of them is true, maybe not, but what's important in Essa is that religion is a driving force of many people and this includes those who are in power.

Old Synt

The ruins of a society far older than mortality’s lie scattered across Essa. Some sit in ruined cities beneath the earth, while others lie on an extensive string of islands in the western seas. The race that built them—known as the Synt—has remained unknown, but it is clear that they were not mortal. These ruins are a treasure haven for daring men and women. Strange artifacts have been pulled from their depths, resulting in a great amount of puzzlement... and an even greater amount of wealth. 

Secret Societies

The Empires are not the only powers influencing Essa. There are many more clandestine organizations—not beholden to nationality or religion— moving international politics, some unnoticed by even the most observant scholars and statesmen. 


Each of these empires is developing an identity: a sense of patriotism beyond the preferences of its nobility or its rulers. Ordinary people  fight to maintain what they see as their cultural heritage and national security.