Beast World Incantaions

For the burgeoning arcanist or divine conduit, their magic capabilities can open the world. To call forth fire, to create something from nothing, to move through air or even heal what is harmed. Any one spell is a wonder by itself, with greater and stranger powers awaiting only further practice and experience. But the spells learned through traditional means provide effects that are instant and dwindling. A fireball burns and is no more, a ray will find its mark, and a conjured creature will eventually return to its original location, or simply vanish. 

But there exist spells of different purpose and intent. These spells change how their caster approaches the world. Compared to the short-lived bursts of power that are so commonly taught, these spells and their effects live on, with some effects permanent and others in need of renewal each month. These spells often hunger for sustenance—magical reserves, pieces of their casters’ lives, days or weeks, or esoteric reagents.—and produce more and more potent effects the more they are fed. 

These spells are hot and vibrant, requiring focus and dedication found only in the most determined and disciplined of casters. Such a spell demands the sole focus of its caster, and while many practitioners of magic taper their focus to the casting of rituals, these spells can take much longer to cast—multiple days, in some cases. These spells require their casters to expend immense effort and some even mandate more than one caster, with some of the spell’s most powerful forms only manifesting with whole groups focusing as one. 

These spells demand more, take more, require more than standard spells, but their effects are fantastical and companionate, endearing and enduring. While any spellcaster can learn their craft’s spells, few will learn the majesty and wonder of incantations. And for good or for ill, these spells change their casters’ lives, forging an inextricable new magic bond.

Learning and Using Incantations

Any character can learn an incantation, regardless of whether their class grants spell slots. A character with spell slots who has learned an incantation spell casts it as normal: at a level for which they have spell slots. If a character doesn’t have spell slots, they can cast the spell once at its lowest level, and must finish a long rest before they can cast it again. A character without spell slots is unable to cast an incantation spell if its level is higher than what a full spellcaster of their level would be able to. For example, a 5th-level character can’t cast sensor gate, but would be able to upon reaching 7th level. 

Researching an Incantation

When a character comes across a rumor, a fable, or a story that describes the capabilities of an incantation, they can learn more about it with the ultimate goal of finding it. A character may spend 8 hours researching an incantation. Activities that count towards this research time include asking people who might know more, tracking down information on its whereabouts, or reading about it. At the end of the 8 hours, they may make either a Charisma (Persuasion), Intelligence (Investigation), or Wisdom (Perception) check. The DC equals 20 + three times the level of the incantation. On a success, they learn the rough whereabouts or last known location or sighting of the incantation they are searching for.

Additionally, a character may spend a week researching, asking around, or searching for the location of an incantation. At the end of this week, they gain a +1 bonus on the next attempt they make to learn about the location of an incantation. This bonus is cumulative for each week spent this way, up to a maximum equal to the character’s level.

Casting a Spell with Longer Casting Time

Some spells, such as a door that waits or memory of completion, have more powerful effects when cast with a longer casting time, as detailed in the spell’s description. If you choose to extend the casting time of an incantation spell and you are interrupted at any time during its casting, the spell slot is expended and the spell doesn’t produce an effect.

Casting a Spell with Other Casters

Some spells, such as to call forth a raven or wild growth, allow other spellcasters to contribute spell slots to the casting of the spell to achieve shared or more powerful effects, as detailed in a spell’s description. Spellcasters who expend their spell slots in this way must be present for the entire duration of the spell’s casting.

A Door That Waits

5th-level Conjuration

Casting Time: 5 hours
Range: Touch
Components: V, S, M (a compass gifted by a friend, a peacock feather quill, ink that was bartered for without coin, a key, 4 liters of SODA, 5 grams of dust from the old bricks of Patrie)
Duration: Instantaneous

The chalk lights up as you finish the final word of the spell. A litany of writing and magic circles flare with soothing tones in front of you as another door elsewhere in the world lights up in response. Space and distance tear apart at your asking as the installed mechanism of the door blooms with magnificent power. Miles and miles are removed as space distorts, letting you cross vast distances with the opening of a patient door.

As you cast the spell, you either draw, carve, inscribe, or otherwise create lasting sigils on the frame of a doorway that ties it to any number of doorways you have already cast this spell on. When you open a doorway inscribed with this spell you may choose for it to open a linked doorway, allowing you to travel from one to the other instantly. You may dismiss a connection between two doorways as an action. Casting this spell again allows you to form new connections between doorways. Anyone else opening these doors will simply open it as normal. 

Longer Casting Time. For every additional hour you spend casting this spell, you may allow another creature the ability to use your doorways to travel. This creature must be present for the entirety of the spell’s casting.

A Fickle Memory

4th-level Enchantment

Casting Time:  6 hours
Range: Self
Components: V, S, M (a burnt candle stub, a ring, a hair or nail from the creature you target, 1 vial of blood drawn from an aberration)
Duration: 24 hours

It takes a surgical precision to venture so deeply into a mind, and an even more keen blade to cut out only the faces that tie your lives together. The anger. The betrayal. But also the love. With every slice, you feel recollection fade between you, replaced by the sterile chill of complete strangers. By the end, they will not even remember your name, and though the thought gives you hope, it also sends a shiver down your spine.

Choose a creature you know who is on the same plane of existence as you. You attempt to remove any recollection of yourself from the creature’s mind for the spell’s duration. The creature makes a Wisdom saving throw. On a failed save, you can erase all memories that include you from the target’s mind, or blur your face and name in the target’s memories. The target becomes completely unaware that they’ve ever met you, and treats you like a stranger. Their mind fills in any gaps in their memory created by your absence. 

When the spell ends, the creature remembers everything, and is aware they were affected by a spell. A greater restoration spell cast on the target restores the creature’s memory before the end of the spell’s duration. 

With Longer Casting Time. Casting this spell for 12 hours increases the duration of the spell to a week. Casting this spell for 48 hours changes the duration of the spell to a month. Casting this spell for 168 hours changes the duration to one year.

A Fruit of Labor

2nd-level Conjuration

Casting Time: 1 hour
Range: 5 feet
Components: V, S, M (rich soil, a four-leaf clover)
Duration: Instantaneous

Sweat beads on your brow as you funnel your magic into complex forms and lattices, into blooming buds, and reaching roots. The shape of the plant, its form, and its aesthetic are little more than set dressing to the performance of its fruit: raw and delicate magic spun slowly, and filtered through your plant to become sweet flesh wrapped in a skin of beautiful shades and hues. Finally, exhausted, you see your hard work pay off: a single piece of succulent and reinvigorating sustenance. 

You create a single portion of fruit fit for consumption. The fruit’s appearance, taste, feel, and smell are determined by you at the time of casting this spell, though they are at all times palatable to those who consume it. A creature who consumes the majority of this piece of fruit removes one level of exhaustion, restores a singular lost memory, and removes all effects and spells affecting it that can be removed by dispel magic or remove curse. Upon finishing this spell, you gain one level of exhaustion. The fruit lasts for 24 hours, or until you take a long rest, at which point it disperses into air. 

At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 3rd level or higher, the fruit removes one additional level of exhaustion for each spell slot above 2nd. 

With Other Casters. When another creature contributes a spell slot of 3rd level or higher, another fruit is created by this spell. Any spellcaster who contributes a spell slot gains one level of exhaustion.

Always On Your Mind

1st-level Abjuration

Casting Time: 10 minutes
Range: Touch
Components: V, S, M (smelling salts, adamantine chain link worth 50 gp, a vial of gold dust worth 50 gp, a vial of saltwater mixed with pirate's blood)
Duration: 1 month 

Taking on a few symbols, writing out a few inscriptions, or even engraving the odd glyph or two, and there you go. Never lost, never missing, just simply waiting for you to pick it back up in case you drop it. Thieves beware! Pickpockets pack it up! A magical tether for any weather, the perfect spell to keep things alway at hand. 

Select an item in your possession that you own. This item gains a visible marking or inscription of your choice. This marking or inscription can only be removed by passing the item’s ownership to someone else, and the new owner casting an application of always on your mind. At any point, you may think of the marked object as long as it is within the same plane as you, and picture the object’s location with perfect clarity, knowing its exact distance from you in whichever unit of measurement you choose, as well what container it resides in, if any. 

At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 4th level or higher, items marked by this spell can be pictured even if the item is on a different plane. 

With Other Casters. When another creature contributes a spell slot of 2nd level or higher, the item can be tracked by the contributing caster as well.

Chains of Penance

5th-level Conjuration

Casting Time: 5 minutes
Range: 120 feet
Components: V, S, M (a rusted locket and a vial of nightmare blood)
Duration: 1 hour

The beast thrashes against the shoreline, its tentacles pummeling the rocky ridge, and anyone foolish enough to wander upon it. Chunks of earth tumble into the sea around you, stirring its murky depths into rough waves. You raise your arms towards the sky, and bellow a command. The ground quakes beneath your feet, swelling in time to the ocean. You feel your arms shaking with exertion. You squeeze your palms shut, and arcane chains rise from the cracks in the stone and begin to curl around the tentacles of the beast, choking its spirit, and pinning its lashing form to the rocks. 

Choose a creature you can see within range. The target creature must succeed on a Wisdom saving throw, or become bound by the arcane chains. On a failed save, the chains prevent the target from using any magical abilities or spells, or from changing form. The target’s movement speed also becomes 0. The arcane chains remain active for 1 hour, or until dispelled. 

With Longer Casting Time. For each additional 5 minutes you spend casting this spell, the chains will remain active for 1 additional hour. 

Assisted By Other Casters. When this incantation is cast, any number of other spellcasters may choose to assist. Assisting casters may contribute one spell slot equal to or greater than the spell slot used to cast this spell. For each additional spell slot contributed, the chains will remain active for an additional hour. Otherwise, the chains will dissipate.

Cocoon Bastion

4th-level Conjuration

Casting Time: 1 hour
Range: Touch
Components: V, S, M (silk from a purple worm, silk from a sorrowful spider, needle and thread from a laughing vendor)
Duration: 16 hours

You weave how it should look, how it should be finished.. Yet it always feels too fragile as you spin out the magic in soft but durable thread in your palm. If wind can push it so easily, how is it supposed to protect against a blade? How is it supposed to protect against a fire? You spin it into how it will look once released. It’s almost pillow-like, like a pearlescent wreath of cloth. It always works, in the end, it always heals. But if you don’t show that extra concern, who will? 

You prepare yourself to protect another creature. When you cast this spell, you gain a charge that you can expend as a reaction at any point in the spell’s duration. When you expend the charge, hundreds of silk threads explode from your hand, wrapping a willing creature into a cocoon. The cocoon is one size category larger than the creature it holds, and floats 5 feet above the ground in unoccupied space. The cocoon follows you at a distance of 5 feet. 

While inside the cocoon, the target cannot take actions, reactions, or bonus actions, and its speeds is reduced to 0. Any condition or spell affecting the target ends, the target is immune to all damage, and is stabilized. If the cocoon is targeted by an attack, you must make a Constitution saving throw. The DC is equal to your spell save DC. On a success, the cocoon remains safe. On a failure, the cocoon suffers a rupture When the cocoon has suffered 3 ruptures, it is destroyed. 

The cocoon lasts for 24 hours, but can be dismissed by you or the target at any time, no action required. If the target spends at least 4 hours inside the cocoon, it gains the benefits of a long rest. A creature can only gain the benefits of a long rest once per casting of this spell. 

At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 5th level or higher, the number of ruptures that the cocoon can sustain before being destroyed increases by 1 for each slot above 4th.

Deathbound Speaker 

4th-level Necromancy

Casting Time: 2 hours
Range: Touch
Components: V, S, M  (a knife made of stone, a hammer made of bone, and feathers from a creature you beat in a game of chance)
Duration: Instantaneous

The ink dries and becomes permanent, the written messages seeping into air. The skull inhales, ink-tinted air entering and sparking it alight. You speak, and with a groan, it responds, its voice like gravel at first but becoming clear as more air enters it, until it talks with clarity and ease, as though death had not dried a now non-existent throat. Awareness seeps into it as the magic takes hold, and a sigh comes out from non-existent lips. It speaks the name you give it, and offers you assistance. 

You animate the skull of a deceased creature with a semblance of life. It possesses a rough personality of the creature it came from, though it has no definitive memories. It has a general intelligence resembling the creature it came from. It can communicate in all languages you know, as well as all the languages the creature it came from knew, though it only communicates around other creatures when directed to do so by you. It possesses the same Intelligence, Wisdom and Charisma scores the creature it came from had. It is loyal and friendly to you. 

When placed on top of a book, it is able to read it. 

Once per day, the skull may cast speak with dead

At Higher Levels. If you cast this spell using a spell slot of 5th level or higher, the skull is able to cast speak with dead one additional time for each spell slot above 4th. If you cast this spell using a spell slot of 7th level or higher, the skull is able to cast speak with dead at will.

Dweller Among Clouds

6th-level Transmutation

Casting Time: 14 hours
Range: 30 feet
Components: V, S, M (a stone carved with a map of your surroundings, moss gathered in a castle dungeon, a seedling plucked from the land of a ruler, a knife from a person who wanted it first, a 5000 gp replica of the building or structure to be enchanted)
Duration: Instantaneous

A hum, a hymn, a chant. There’s rhythm as you circle the grounds of the building, the wind picking up with each wordless beat. A choir of zephyrs join you and rush around the structure as you continue, the chorus seeping through its rooms and halls, moving through its doors and windows, and then down into its foundations, wedging into gaps. You can feel the air take up space again as the building begins to shift and tilt. You finish your spell, and see the structure high, high above, resting on a cloud. 

You enchant a building or structure that you or, with permission, a willing creature owns to rise into the air and rest upon clouds. The rise of this building does not cause compromise or damage surrounding buildings, and dirt fills the ground where any underground section once lay. The building rests on a series of clouds a mile above the ground. The clouds extend thirty feet out from the building itself, and are treated as a hard surface when on top of them. You can direct the clouds to move, though it can only move three miles a day. The cloud and the building it holds may be teleported, but count as six creatures for the purpose of creature limits. 

If the clouds are dispelled, either by you or the effect of dispel magic or similar spells, the building falls slowly as if under the effects of feather fall. If the building lands unevenly, it will collapse as appropriate. 

At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 7th level or higher, the clouds may travel an additional three miles each day for each spell slot above 6th.

Enchantment Passage

3rd-level Transmutation

Casting Time: 8 hours
Range: Touch
Components: V, S, M (an ounce of powdered precious metals, a 3500 gp worth diamond carved with a symbol that represents you, gloves worn from use, a vial filled with lightning)
Duration: Instantaneous

Will is the key to all magic, and only the strongest wills bring about everlasting change. Your mind was introduced to this truth when you first learned this spell, a dangerous machination that brings joy to trophy hunters, families looking to reignite the heirloom close to their name, and even the odd mage looking to expand their horizons from their peers. Sweat from your brow gathers as you hold a rapier stained with your own blood, dried now ever since your fallen foe struck you, pointing it downward at your own weaponry. Lightning gathers around the rapier’s point, crackling and sizzling the air around you, ozone pervading the room. In an instant, it turns to howling gales, tossing loose objects to and fro around the room, the danger that chases all sailors present around you. As the rapier makes contact with your own blade, all is still aside from a harsh flow of light falling downward from the weapon in your hand. It pools on your own weapon, and you see the stormbound power your foe once wielded against you now a part of your own might. 

You tear the magic out of one object and place it in a similar and suitable item of your choosing. The first object loses all of its magical abilities and properties while the second object gains them. You are able to transfer the magic of a common, uncommon, or rare magic item. In order for the magic to be transferred, the recipient object must still be usable with the new properties without sacrificing its usability, though some functions may change. For example, a ring of protection does not need to be transferred into a ring to still confer its benefits, but its new form must still be worn or easily wearable to grant them. A mace of disruption’s magic does not need to be placed into another mace, but it must still must be a weapon you hit with. Magic from armor must be transferred into another suit of armor, though if the magic requires certain physical traits, such as needing to be made of metal, or leather, the armor receiving the magic must have the same traits. 

As another example, a magic weapon that relies on ammunition would lose functionality if its magic would be transferred into a weapon that cannot use any or the same kind of ammunition, resulting in the magic being unable to be transferred. 

You must remain in contact with both objects for the entirety of this spell’s casting time. If this spell’s casting is interrupted or halted, the magic remains in the first item. If the item to receive magic already possesses magical properties and abilities, they are removed upon completion of the spell. You gain one level of exhaustion. 

At Higher Levels. If you cast this spell using a spell slot 5th-level or higher, you are able to transfer the properties of a very rare magic item. Transferring the properties of very rare magic item causes you to gain two levels of exhaustion. If you cast this spell using a 8th-level spell slot, you are able to transfer the properties of a legendary magic item. Transferring the properties of a legendary magic item causes you to gain three levels of exhaustion. If you cast this spell using a 9th-level spell slot, you are able to transfer the properties of an artifact. Transferring the properties of an artifact causes you to gain five levels of exhaustion.

Entrusted Blade

7th-level Transmutation

Casting Time: 15 hours 13 minutes 27 seconds
Range: Special
Components: V, S, M (three ingots (one of pure iron, one of pure silver, and one of pure gold), a jug of purified olive oil, and 220,000 gold pieces, which is consumed during the ritual; three spellcasters who can cast at least 7th-level spells, a good-aligned creature with pure-hearted intent to fight against evil, three blacksmiths, and seven people who received help from the destined creature in different ways)
Duration: 1 minute

"This ritual was developed by cleric members of a temple, aiming to help all champions fighting for the good. Its purpose is to conjure the holiest of all blades, fit for the hands of a hero; the Angelicus Gladius..."

Several preparations are required before the ritual can be performed. A large hole is dug and its inner layers are covered with marble slabs, creating a pool. Then, the ritual can begin. 

Three spellcasters stand side by side facing the marble pool, and start their incantations which last 15 hours. They must not be interrupted. The process doesn’t come to a halt while the three spellcasters are thus occupied; a number of expert crafters melt the gold pieces in large cauldrons, and three blacksmiths craft one part of a sword each; a silver grip, a golden guard, and an iron blade. The entire process is witnessed by seven people who are grateful to the destined creature for one reason or other. 

The destined must have helped each of the seven in one of these different ways: retrieving stolen goods, reuniting with a loved one, curing an affliction, protecting from a fatal situation, providing basic needs, making sure that justice is served, and avenging a death. 

As the incantations near their end, crafters pour the molten gold into the marble pool before the seven witnesses. At the end of the casting, three blacksmiths place the sword parts onto the molten gold, which sink to the bottom and are consumed. If everything is done flawlessly, an invisible angel walks down the 807 invisible steps between heaven and earth in 807 seconds. At the end of its journey, the angel rises from the pool and is made visible by the molten gold engulfing its body. It reaches for the jug of purified olive oil and drinks it before it reaches inside the pool and draws out the unblemished sword of legends; the Angelicus Gladius. 

The angel wields the sword for 1 minute and takes it back to heaven if the destined creature does not claim it during that time. Only the pure-hearted creature can take the sword from the angel’s hand.

Glass Ink

2nd-level Enchantment

Casting Time: 10 minutes
Range: Touch
Components: V, S, M (a stained glass jar, and a great raven feather quill)
Duration: Instantaneous

Your ink-smudged fingers drag tenderly over an old map, ink pooling like liquid metal wherever your digits brush. Lifting one corner of the page, you guide the ink as it trickles down the paper, and runs into a tiny glass jar. Hundreds of similar jars clink from within your coat pockets, whispering of the secrets they hold. 

You remove the ink from a book, paper, map, tattoo, or similar surface. The ink is removed from the surface, and is deposited into a small glass jar. The surface is left blank, with no indication that text has previously graced it. 

The contents of the jar can be poured onto an object or willing creature. Doing so will display the original text or image upon the item or creature. The text is formatted as closely to the original as possible, although it may be resized, warped, or cut off if necessary. For instance, if a surface is too small to display the entirety of the original text, only the text that can fit is displayed. The rest of the ink remains in the bottle, and can be poured onto another surface. 

Removing the ink from a living creature, or depositing new ink onto a creature requires them to be willing.

Grace of the Coinslinger

1st-level Transmutation

Casting Time: 30 seconds
Range: Touch
Components: V, S, M (a copper coin, a silver coin, a wooden coin, an iron coin, only one of which shouldn’t be counterfeit)
Duration: 5 minutes 

Convenience is at the heart of it. So is simplification. So is wanting to flash some of the nicer mint in the world, and perhaps so is wanting to cause a little bit of strife for someone else. You cup your magic, form ridges with its edges, and make lassos that go out into the world and the great beyond, all tied to your own coins. You send the coins on their way, hope for the best, and usually it works out. Convenience is at the heart of it, sure, but as you see your coins flicker out of existence, you wonder whose convenience is it, really. 

You can exchange coins in your possession for coins of a different type, but of similar value. You can exchange currency such as copper, silver, gold, or platinum for other coins in their equivalent exchanged amounts. The coins you trade out are replaced by coins you seek to possess. The new coins you receive come from elsewhere around the same plane as you, unless you specify to exchange them with other coins you can see, in which case equal totals of coins swap places instantly. 

Exchanging coins outside of standard currency will still give you coins of equal values, though which coins you receive, and what those values are, are not determined by you. 

For the duration of this spell, you can throw coins as though they are weapons you are proficient with. You may use either your Strength, Dexterity, or spellcasting modifier when attacking with them. Copper coins deal 1d4 damage, silver coins deal 1d6 damage, gold coins deal 1d8 damage, and platinum coins deal 1d10 damage. Coins thrown this way have a range of 60 feet. Copper coins make no sound if they hit an object when thrown, and objects they hit make no sound until the end of your next turn. 

At Higher Levels. If you cast this spell using a spell slot of 2nd level or higher, coins you throw gain a +1 bonus on their attack and damage rolls for each spell slot above 1st, up to a total of +3.

Houndmaster's Nightmare

3rd-level Transmutation

Casting Time: 1 hour
Range: Self
Components: V, S, M (dog fur)
Duration: 24 hours

With a howl and burst of joy, the spell releases, your form dissipates, and your consciousness and awareness are now split among dozens and dozens of hounds of all different looks, sizes, and speeds. They scatter from where you stood, each one sniffing, barking and trouncing wherever they go, and your senses are scattered between them all. As they swarm out from the single point of where you cast the spell, you search the area they congregate in, and, upon finding what you sought, the hounds dissipate into nothingness, and the magic reforms your body at a point you choose. 

You gain a charge that you may expend at any point during the spell’s duration as a reaction. When you expend this charge, you turn into 1d4+4 pack of dogs. You are able to perceive the world through all of the packs, though you may only directly control one pack at a time. At the end of the spell’s duration you appear in one of the packs’ spaces, and all other packs dissipate. You lose 5 hit points if a pack dies while under your direct control. When you turn into the packs, you may leave a general command for them from one of the following: 

At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 4th level or higher, you create one additional pack of dogs for each slot above 3rd.


4th-level Divination

Casting Time: 1 hour
Range: Touch
Components: V, S, M (a sprig of dried lavender, a mirror dipped in ink with a metal frame, and 500 gp worth of gold dust)
Duration: 4 hours

You run your hand gently over the shoulder of a companion. This spell allows you to share in their pain and thoughts. Like the laying of mortar and bricks, a memory becomes tangible. The voices of this place, the smell of the air, the sights clear and nearly authentic to touch. Like watching a theater unaffected by your presence, this reality has passed, but every detail is clear and you carry each one with you. 

You touch a willing creature and you learn which of their memories is at the forefront of their mind in the moment. For the spell’s duration you have access to one of their most significant memories and both you and the target can view the event, played back in perfect detail. Neither you or the target can affect the outcome of this event; you can only watch it happen. Neither of you can speak to anyone who appears in the memory, but you can speak to each other while viewing. When the memory has ended, you are able to perfectly recall each detail of it as if you lived it yourself. 

At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 5th level or higher, you can choose another of the target’s memories to experience. The number of memories you can view in this way increases for each slot level above 4th, to a maximum of three memories.

With Other Casters. When another creature contributes a spell slot of 4th level or higher, the contributing caster may view the memory with you and the willing creature.

In Hands Unseen

1st-level Transmutation

Casting Time: 30 minutes
Range: Touch
Components: S, M (a tattoo, worn or carried)
Duration: Instantaneous

Cleverness, guile, a smile. Subterfuge is one thing: knowing which way to place your steps one way or another another, or even the way to craft a convincing lie. But this? This could be flagrant, this would hide in plain sight, and this wouldn’t really be lying, per se. But as you wrap this breeze of shadow around your items they slowly turn into something new. A longsword? Now a wooden coin, carved with a lion’s face. A potion? Now a small prayer book written in a language few can understand. And your thieves’ tools? Now just another bracelet. All tools of your trade, now hidden until needed. Who would need to lie, when the truth is so plain in front of another? 

Three objects of your choice are transformed into trinkets. While transformed, they do not appear magical. If the effect is dispelled, they resume their transformed state after 1 minute. The trinkets turn back into their original form only when a keyword, key phrase, or gesture is spoken or performed by you, or others you give permission to. The keyword, key phrase, or gesture as well as what creatures aside from you, if any, have permission to turn the object back are all chosen upon casting the spell. 

You must have at least one level of rogue in order to cast this spell. A majority of your levels must be rogue in order to cast this spell. 

At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 2nd level or higher, you may transform another object for each spell level above 1st.

Irreparable Soul

7th-level Necromancy

Casting Time: 24 hours
Range: Self
Components: V, S, M (a knife, a letter from someone who once loved you, an object taken from one you hate, a tool you use often)
Duration: Instantaneous

You feel it fading away, slowly, surely, the strife and troubles slowly ebbing away from you. Your altar, dedicated and crafted by you and for you, hums. Your sigil stands above it, your chosen antiquity sits on top, with all the sacrificial pieces below. One by one they collapse and burn away, flames of cold,violent, and careless hues robbing them of form. One by one their meanings are burned from you as well, the flames taking them too. Form and meaning are burned and swallowed by the antiquity, as it becomes more and more of you. You push through, as forms and meanings are taken by the spell and fed into your antiquity, until finally there is only you and it remaining, with your sigil above you both. You retain your form, but now it possesses your meaning. 

You begin the process of becoming a lich. You gain resistance to necrotic damage, and immunity to poison damage. You gain knowledge of three rites to complete the process. Casting this spell marks you, and failure to complete the first rite within a year’s time kills you, and prevents all attempts to return you to life. Spells such as dispel magic or wish do not remove the spell’s effects or the mark, and it is not suppressed by antimagic field

All rites must be performed at an altar you construct, which must be constructed of at least 10,000 gold worth of material. You must choose a sigil for yourself which must be carved on the ground in front of it, and you must place upon and around it a number of candles equal to your age. On the altar’s surface a knife must be placed, as well as an item to become your antiquity (an item discussed at the bottom of this section)

The first rite requires that you sever ties with who you were, unshackling yourself from the person you once were, and unmooring who you are from your past. For this rite, you must gather seven accouterments, trinkets, or items of your past. Each one must be tied to a memory or event of your past that helped shape the person you are today. Each must be placed upon the altar and stabbed with your altar knife. Each item stabbed upon your altar with your altar knife is destroyed, and the memory of it damaged from any and all who remember it, except for you. Should a creature attempt to recall the memory tied to an object you destroy, they must make a Wisdom saving throw in order to remember it. On a failure, the creature is unable to recall the memory for a month. Additionally, creatures who have at least one memory of you damaged in this way are unable to recognize you. Creatures who have seven memories of you damaged in this way are unable to remember you on their own. 

Upon finishing this rite, you have one year to complete the second rite. Failure to complete the rite within a year will cause the spell’s mark to kill you. 

The second rite requires that you embrace what you are becoming. For this rite, you must take an object that represents your future. Such an object may be a weapon you favor, may be an arcane focus, or a holy symbol. This item must be placed upon your altar and stabbed, whereupon it will become transfigured into a scarred and damaged version of itself. A weapon may have its metal become rusted or jagged, an arcane focus may take on appearance that unnerves onlookers, a holy symbol may appear profane. Regardless of what object is chosen, it retains all function despite its outward appearance. Additionally, you may designate a set of clothing or armor to become marred in this way as well. This item becomes your antiquity. 

Upon finishing this rite, you have one year to complete the third rite. Failure to complete the rite within a year will cause the spell’s mark to kill you. 

The third rite requires that you take revenge against one who has wronged you. You must take a person who has wronged you, be it through harming a loved one or comrade, injuring you directly, robbing or destroying a precious item to you, or turning others away from you, to your altar. There, you must kill them with your altar knife. Upon completion of the third rite, your altar knife slays you, destroying your body. You reform in 1d10 days within 5 feet of your antiquity, forming from your marred object and a selected set of clothing or armor, if any. Your type becomes undead. You gain all damage resistances, damage immunities, condition immunities and senses of a lich. You gain the rejuvenation and turn resistance abilities of a lich. You gain the paralyzing touch action of a lich, which uses your choice of either Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma modifier to determine its attack roll and DC. While not wearing armor, your AC becomes 14 + Dexterity Modifier. 

For each day from then on, you must make a DC 5 Wisdom saving throw to still feel attachment and care for your allies. On failure, you feel distant to them, and depart, pursuing your own vested interests and pursuits. Each day you succeed permanently increases this DC by 1.


Wondrous item, artifactAntiquities are not found nor are they taken as trophies. They are created through the use of the irreparable soul incantation, born into reality upon completion of its second rite. They are representations of the life that its creator once had, and beacons of what they have become. Antiquities house the soul of their creators, serving as both bastion and barricade for their life and undeath, and as shepherd should its creator perish. 
Antiquities have an AC of 28 and 400 hit points. Antiquities heal themselves over time, healing 20 points of damage each turn. Antiquities have resistance to acid, cold, fire, force, lightning, piercing, poison, psychic, radiant, slashing and thunder damage, immunity to nonmagical damage, and any amount of necrotic damage it would receive heals the antiquity for an equal amount of hit points. Creatures who damage an antiquity with a weapon attack roll, spell attack roll, or spell must make a DC 20 Intelligence saving throw or take an equal amount of damage as inflicted upon the antiquity. 
Should the creator of an antiquity die, they gain a new body over the course of 1d10 days, regaining all its hit points and becoming active again. This new body appears within 5 feet of the antiquity. While the creator is dead and the body is forming, they are able to see out of the antiquity, and may communicate as normal from the antiquity. Should the new body be destroyed before it is completed, another new body begins to form over the course of another 1d10 days.

Maelstrom Steed

4th-level Transmutation

Casting Time: 30 minutes
Range: 30 feet
Components: V, S, M (lightning struck wood, a lantern worth 50 gp, a giant cheetah's tooth)
Duration: Instantaneous

With the creature’s head in your hands, you whisper words of magic to it, half-lullaby and half assurance, promising protection and power, ensuring safety and health. A long life awaits it, a loved life awaits it, and glory, travel, sustenance and companionship await it. As sigils begin to cover its surface along with whatever equipment it bears, you whisper to it the speed of lightning, the strength of the wind, and the heart of a storm. 

You imbue the essence of wild and untamed nature into a steed, elevating your bond to magical heights. A warhorse, pony, camel, elk, mastiff (or other animal, as allowed by your GM) retains its statistics, though it is an elemental instead of its normal type. Additionally, if your steed has an Intelligence of 5 or less, its Intelligence becomes 6. Your steed understands all languages that you do. It gains a flying speed of 60 feet, and immunity to cold, fire, lightning, and thunder damage. Any attacks it possesses deal either cold, fire, lightning, or thunder damage instead of its normal type. Additionally, your steed gains a bonus to its hit point maximum equal to half of your hit point maximum. 

Your steed serves you as a mount, both in combat and out, your instinctive bond allowing you to fight as a seamless unit. While mounted on your steed, you can make any spell you cast that targets only you also target your steed. 

When the steed drops to 0 hit points, it can begin making death saving throws. Should it perish, you may decide whether it leaves behind a physical form. 

If the chosen steed is one created by find steed, this spell persists on the summoned steed if it is summoned after being dismissed. The range of your telepathy increases to a number of miles equal to your spellcasting modifier.

You cannot have more than one steed affected by this spell at a time. As an action, you can release a steed from this enchantment at any time. If the steed is airborne after this spell is dismissed, it falls slowly as if affected by feather fall. 

Memory of Completion

3rd-level Transmutation

Casting Time: 3 hours
Range: 15 feet
Components: V, S, M (powdered tree leaves from a different plane, rosemary tea, a mithril nail, sovereign glue, and a hammer made in a hallowed area)
Duration: Instantaneous

Entropy, carelessness, malice, it matters not. You see how fracture lines formed, you see how the impact created dents and damage, you see how rot and erosion have taken their toll. But it matters not. You can see what is missing, you can see what it was meant to be, what it could be. Your weaving of magic does not dabble in the reversal of time, it does not handle the turning back of a clock, but rather, a fulfilment. A return to form. A return to glory. 

You repair an object to its original shape or form, removing damage caused by the ravages of time or by the willful destruction of another. Select an object of medium size or smaller within range. All breaks, tears, or fractures are repaired. If the item was magical, its magic may be restored provided that an additional, appropriate spell is supplied to the item (appropriate spells subject to GM discretion). 

At Higher Levels. When this spell is cast with a spell slot of 4th level or higher, the casting time (in hours) is equal to the level of spell slot expended. In addition, at the 4th, 5th,and 6th, the size of objects to be repaired increases by one category. At the 9th level, objects larger than gargantuan can be repaired using this spell. 

Extended Casting Time. When you cast this incantation, every additional hour you spend casting increases the range of this spell by 15 feet.

Nine Lives Parade

5th-level Conjuration

Casting Time: 1 hour
Range: Self
Components: V, S, M (a cat eye marble, a whisker of a widowed cat, and a bowl of raw owlbear meat)
Duration: Instantaneous

They rise like a tidal wave, strutting along the streets in a mass of vibrating fluff. On their own, these cats are adorable little creatures, but amassed together, they pave a terrifying path of destruction. Glassware shatters all around, as it is pushed from tables and shelves. Kittens paw at the coattails of passersby, and trip wanderers by scampering too close underfoot. Rats and birds squawk and shriek, as the mass of cats leap from every possible vantage towards them, claws and teeth posed to strike. The howling of the pack begging for table scraps drowns out the normal sounds of the city. You pick up a cat and give him a kiss on the forehead, before turning and disappearing into the chaos. 

You gain a single charge upon finishing this spell. By using this charge, you conjure a deluge of cats to conceal, distract, and enthrall. Hundreds of cats appear, and the swarm then disperses in a 120ft radius. Within this 120ft radius, you and your companions have advantage on stealth checks amongst the chaotic, yowling kittens. You and your chosen companions gain the ability to navigate through the swarm of cats with no issue. Anyone else attempting to make their way through the cats does so as though moving through difficult terrain. 

Additionally, any scrying attempts in the area of the spell are rendered useless as any scrying orb is batted around like balls of yarn by the cats. Creatures scrying in the affected area must succeed a Constitution saving throw or become incapacitated for 1 minute. 

With Longer Casting Times. For each additional hour you spend casting this spell, its radius increases by 30 feet.

Opening the All-Seeing Eye

5th-level Divination

Casting Time: 1 hour
Range: Special
Components: V, S, M (the skin worth at least 15000 gp of an aberration or fiend that has the ability to cast spell)
Duration: Permanent

To see everything, it must be opened...

The ritual master can apply the method of the ritual on itself or another creature. First, the eyes of the creature are plucked out. To keep from passing out during this act, the target of the ritual must succeed on a DC 20 Constitution saving throw. 

Then these eyes and the skin of the aberration or fiend are melted and mixed together in a cauldron until they have a jelly-like consistency. Once the mixture is ready, the empty eye sockets are filled with it and the eyelids are sewed together to hold the mixture inside. 

The mixture inside carves a way to the forehead and creates a new eye socket, with a new ice-blue eye in it. 

The new eye grants Darkvision out to a range of 60 feet, and the benefits of detect magic and see invisibility, permanently. However, you have disadvantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on sight.

With Longer Casting Times. For each additional hour you spend casting this spell (After each hour, you must succeed on a DC 20 Constitution saving throw or the spell ends and the creature gets the succeeded benefits of the spell), you gain the following: 

Perilous Binding

3rd-level Evocation

Casting Time: 8 hours
Range: Touch
Components: V, S, M (a map of a battlefield, fur from a large mammoth who acknowledges you, petrified oak sharpened into a dagger, a wild boar’s tusk, feathers of a mute parrot, and a handful of gladioli)
Duration: Instantaneous

Rapid aggression and adrenaline. The cost of casting this spell is worrying and sudden: your sense of danger going haywire, the sudden smell of iron, sweat and battle invading your lungs and mind, the sensation of fatigue and desperation seeping into your muscles. The presence of safety and serenity vanish as your breath quickens, the words of the spell struggling against you to be screamed out. Whether out of desperation to put an end to this feeling, or the desire to overcome the oppression of this spell’s casting, you finish. Now, before you, lies a tool of victory. 

You enchant a weapon to have a +1 bonus. Doing so requires 1,750gp of rare reagents and materials, which are expended upon completion of the spell. Gems or other valuable items may be used to supplement the cost, but only if their combined worth is at least half of the required reagents and materials. The weapon must not already confer a bonus to attack and damage rolls from an pre-existing magic enchantment. 

At Higher Levels. When this spell is cast using a spell slot of 6th level or higher, you may expend 7,000 gp worth of rare reagents and materials to increase the bonus to +2. When this spell is cast using a spell slot of 9th level or higher, you may increase the bonus to +3, at the cost of 28,000gp.

Protection Bound

3rd-level Abjuration

Casting Time: 8 hours
Range: Touch
Components: V, S, M (a drawing of a labyrinth, an amicable turtle who thinks well of you, a fossilized shell, the last feather of a crow, a tooth from a shark, and a knife given to you by someone who wishes you safety)
Duration: Instantaneous

Brute force and sweat. The toil of casting this spell is frustratingly literal: a weight upon your mind, as well as a weight upon your body. Disparate thoughts are sloughed off, and your movements are labored - as though your arms were laden with iron. You hum out the words with clarity despite, perhaps even in spite, of this, as you feel the pressures of battle begin to ease. The spell finishes, and now a life saving tool is made all the better. 

You enchant a suit of armor or a shield with a +1 bonus. Doing so requires 2,500gp of rare reagents and materials, which are expended upon completion of the spell. Gems or other valuable items may be used to supplement the cost, but only if their combined worth is at least half of the required reagents and materials. The suit of armor or shield must not already confer a bonus to AC from a preexisting magic enchantment. 

At Higher Levels. When this spell is cast using a spell slot of 6th level or higher, you may instead enchant a suit of armor or shield to have a +2 bonus, at the cost of 9,000gp worth of rare reagents and materials. When this spell is cast with a spell slot of 9th level or higher, you may instead enchant a suit of armor or shield to have a +3 bonus, at the cost of 40,000gp.

Sand Ship

4th-level Transmutation

Casting Time: 6 hours
Range: 30 feet
Components: V, S, M (the heart of a dead captain of a ship that was worth 10,000 gp, a drop of lava)
Duration: 24 hours

The line where the sky meets the sea, it calls me and no one knows how far it goes. I will my ship to follow it over the lands. I go far. If the wind in my sail on the sea stays behind me, one day I'll know how far I'll go.

Casting sand ship on a water vessel up to the size of a small sailing ship transforms it into a vessel capable of sailing on sand as easily as water. The vessel still needs a trained crew and relies on wind or oars for propulsion, but it moves at its normal speed across sand instead of water for the duration of the spell. It can sail only over sand, not soil or solid rock. For the duration of the spell, the vessel doesn’t float; it must be beached or resting on the bottom of a body of water (partially drawn up onto a beach, for example) when the spell is cast, or it sinks into the water.

The Mage’s Assistant

3rd-level Conjuration

Casting Time: 30 minutes
Range: 60 feet
Components: V, S, M (a drop of honey and a stolen mummified hand)
Duration: 1 hour

A glowing, spectral arm extends your reach. You feel its energy course through your own arm, as if it were nothing but an extension of you. 

A giant, spectral hand appears at a point you choose within range. You can use your own movement to move the hand, or dismiss it as an action. 

Additionally, you can use your action to control the hand in various ways. The Mage’s Assistant can lift, carry, and drop items or willing creatures up to its carrying capacity of 75 pounds. The Mage’s Assistant can also be used to cast spells with a range of touch, manipulate objects, open unlocked doors and containers, or stow and retrieve items. The hand cannot wield a weapon, activate magic items, or make unarmed strikes against opponents in combat. 

As a bonus action or reaction to a creature taking a turn, items in your possession can instantly be teleported to the spectral hand if it is within eyesight. Willing creatures can also be teleported to the hand, but only if they are within 5 feet of you, and are under the hand’s carrying capacity. 

With Longer Casting Time. If cast for an additional half an hour, the carrying capacity of The Mage’s Assistant increases to 150 pounds. If cast for an additional 2 hours, the carrying capacity of the Mage’s Assistant increases to 300 pounds. If cast for an additional 5 hours, the carrying capacity increases to 800 pounds.

To Call Forth A Raven

3rd-level Conjuration

Casting Time: 1 hour
Range: 30 feet
Components: S, M (raven feathers that were freely given)
Duration: 1 hour

You summon wind and guile, spinning it in your hands into the form of feathers, talons and a beak. You pour intention and freedom and sight into it, forming function and eyes. And finally, you wrap into it a tether to you, tying this vehicle of freedom and flight to you before it sets off, soaring high and away from your body. 

You create a spectral raven that obeys your commands for the duration of the spell. It manifests in an unoccupied space that you can see within range. This spectral raven uses the raven stat block. At any time during the duration of the spell, you may choose to see through the raven’s eyes and control its actions, without losing sight or control of your own body. While controlling the raven in this way, all checks you make with your own body are made with disadvantage. 

At any point during the duration of the spell, you may teleport to the raven, trading places with it. You must be able to fit into the space the raven was occupying when you trade places with it. The raven disappears when it drops to 0 hit points or when the spell ends. When the raven disappears, you may teleport to where it was as a reaction. 

At Higher Levels. If you cast this spell using a 4th level spell or higher, the raven gains 10 additional hit points for each spell level above 3rd. If you use a spell slot of 4th level or higher, the duration is concentration, up to 4 hours. If you use a spell slot of 5th level or higher, the duration is 8 hours. 

With Other Casters. When this incantation is cast alongside other spellcasters, they may contribute a spell slot equal to or greater than the spell slot you used. Each spellcaster that contributes a spell slot is also able to look through the raven’s eyes.


2nd-level Abjuration

Casting Time: 3 hours
Range: 60 feet
Components: V, S
Duration: Instantaneous

Hints of magic cling to the tripwire, hinting at the secrets within the coats and under the caps of those who’ve passed through. You’ve wound your tripwire cords through the land, like a spider carefully weaving a web. Any movement across your particular web will alert you immediately, and you will have the advantage in knowing what particular brand of threat they may possess. 

You set a magical tripwire of up to 60ft in length. It is invisible and incorporeal. Until dispelled, the tripwire gathers information about creatures that cross its threshold, and alerts you of intrusions. When you cast the spell, you can designate creatures that won’t activate the tripwire. The tripwire can identify if an intruding creature is wielding magic or carrying a magical item. 

The tripwire cannot discern the exact specifications of the magic or items that pass through its threshold, though it can discern general information such as the school of magic. When tripped, a mental alarm alerts you of the intrusion and provides the information gathered by the tripwire. 

Further, the tripwire can identify when aberrations, celestials, elementals, fey, fiends, or undead creatures pass through it and tells you what type has done so. 

With Longer Casting Time. For every additional hour you spend casting this spell, you can increase the length of your tripwire by 20ft, or place a new tripwire of up to 20ft in length.

True Dragonization

5th-level Transmutation

Casting Time: 14 hours
Range: 60 feet
Components: V, S, M (a red dragon that leads the incantation, a gallon of red dragon blood and 7 humanoid sacrifices who are of the same race as the target of the ritual)
Duration: Permanent

"True Dragonization is a ritual used in draconic cults who believe in the supremacy of red dragons. The word “True” indicates the red dragons. The aim of the ritual is to transform someone into a half-red dragon."

The target drinks the blood of the red dragon at the beginning of the ritual. The blood tastes like fire and heats the body of the creature who drinks it. Then, the red dragon starts to speak in Draconic, speaking of the nature of red dragons, of why they are supreme, and of the deeds of legendary red dragons. At the end of each 2 hours, a humanoid is slain and the target of the ritual is bathed in its blood. 

While the Draconic words of the red dragon makes the target more of a dragon than its normal nature, the blood of the humanoids is to make the target remember what it actually is. This process creates a mixture of both sides, resulting in a half-red dragon.

What Blood is Worth

4th-level Necromancy

Casting Time: 1 hour
Range: Touch
Components: V, S, M (a stretch of cloth dyed in your preferred color, an iron key)
Duration: Instantaneous

Translating languages is difficult, as intent and nuance can be lost, and this equally applies to the translation of magic. Your hand is outstretched to the person across from you, both of your breaths rising and falling together. Magic flows from one of you to the other, replenishing drained resources, and reinvigorating one’s power. 

You open a channel between you and one other willing caster. While this channel is open, you can transfer spell slots from you to them, or from them to you. A transferred spell slot that is higher than the highest level spell slot available to a recipient instead receives a spell slot of their highest available spell slot. A caster cannot receive spell slots in excess of what they can normally possess, and any spell slots transferred that would put it over its normal daily limit are lost. If this spell is interrupted, all transferred spell slots are lost. A transferred spell slot is instantly available and ready to be used once this spell concludes. 

This spell may be cast as part of taking a short rest. 

You must have at least one level of sorcerer in order to learn this spell. A majority of your levels must be sorcerer in order to cast this spell. 

At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a 5th level spell slot or higher, another willing caster may give or receive spells as part of the spell for each slot above 4th.

Wild Growth

4th-level Transmutation

Casting Time: 30 minutes
Range: Touch
Components: V, S, M (A waterskin of mixed milk and honey, a stone from a keep, a spear carved from a walking stick, and seeds from three different trees dipped in gold, a bottle of torrential air)
Duration: 8 hours

A breeze comes from your breath and swirls around you, rustling grass and leaves to verdant life. From your breath comes a renewal and reinvigoration of the flora around you, calling it to your senses, which expand out from you: into earth and roots below, and rising up into the air above. The grove that forms moves with you, sighs with you, and bids you relaxation from the outside world. Here, the dominant power is yours, and your command is for peace. 

Nature surges and comes to life in a 30 ft. radius from a point you touch, the grass becoming soft, the shade of the trees moving to the exact right spot, and the wind moving gently at just the right force. In this zone, nature shelters and eases the aches and pains of you and your allies. While in this area, you and allied creatures heal an additional number of hit points equal to your level when you take a short rest. 

You must have at least one level of druid in order to learn this spell. A majority of your levels must be druid in order to cast this spell. 

At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 5th or 6th level, the duration is 24 hours. If you use a spell slot of 7th or 8th level, the duration is a week. If you use a spell slot of 9th level, the duration is a month. Using a spell slot of 5th level or higher allows creatures who take a long rest in the spell’s area to regain all spent Hit Dice. 

Longer Casting Time. The radius of this spell increases by 10 feet for every additional hour you take to cast this spell. 

With Other Casters. When this incantation is cast alongside other spellcasters, they may contribute one spell slot equal to or greater than the spell slot you used. For each additional spell slot contributed, the zone can provide food for one creature and expands by another 10 feet for each spell slot level contributed. If three spellcasters expend 9th level slots each, the duration is permanent.