Houserules and more
The world is real in a sense that there are things happening that you will not witness or you may have heard of in the form of rumors/news.
You’re the main characters of this story but you’re not the main characters of the world. Many NPCs are moving and doing things to claim their goal. Everyone is a hero in their story.
The world doesn’t level up with you. So, run if you think you’ll all die. I’ll give flavor before the encounter sometimes to let you know that the monster ahead is over your level. For example, “As you face Ra’thukan in his heavy iron armor, you feel a sense of dread that this may be your last moments”
The world is dangerous and persistent. Resurrection cost diamonds. No save points. If you kill an enemy one time, he may come back as an undead that remembers you and goes after you.
I am not your enemy, I am your storymaker and storyteller.
You can worldbuild with me! You can make up traditions and customs of from where your from if you want when in roleplay with PCs and NPCs. Just make it feasible y'know. For example, you roleplay that your character has beliefs that Gods are mortals too. That would be made canon.
Keep metagaming to a minimum as much as possible (as it is not fun haha). Roleplay to what your characters would do.
The DM has got your back if your stats is not on par with your character stats. For example, you are solving a riddle that you think your PC should know the answer. The DM would have you roll an intelligence check. Another example would be for charisma characters. If you think the PC would get you out of the trouble with words, I won't require you to tell me the words that the PC would say (but it would be fun if you would).
Combat is not the only option!
You can loot. BUT there is no guarantee that the loot will be undamaged depending on how you incapacitated the lootee.
Loot can be sold and bought.
Please be aware that your character can die either by your dumbass choices or sheer bad luck. With this, please have a backup character in mind.
You can choose to retire your own character at any point in the campaign if you are not having fun with it and want to play a new one. Death is not only the way to change characters. You can talk to the DM and “retire” the character; maybe make it an NPC or have it settle. Then talk to the DM on how to incorporate your new PC. PC level will be the same one from the past one. Magic items and gold would be with the now-NPC or depending on how the character retired.
Please don't make a character that doesn't want to be part of the story. The story is what makes the campaign.
If you ask me about the goal of the game, it is to have fun. So, I’ll do my best to make the most legendary story for your creation!
Ye Olde House Rules
THE HOW - Always say HOW you are going to do an action AND let the DM decide on what kind of check you are going to do.
DESCRIBE IT - The more specific you describe your action, the better. Be specifically descriptive as you can. Describe it like a movie scene. DM can award inspiration/advantage, etc.
TAKE NOTES! – Please take notes on everything that seems important such as names, your party’s relationship with said NPC’s, places, food, facts, clues, etc. You can assign a note taker of the party or you can do it on your own (Pwede each kayo may discord text channel ng notes)
LEVELING MECHANIC – DM will choose if the party will level up by Milestones or by EXP. DM can interchange this throughout the campaign.
PLOT ARMOR - If DM deems moment of your character is important for your development (NOT PLOT), DM can give advantage or an additional die (either hit or damage)
WILL THIS WORK? - If you ask the DM, “Will this work?”, it’s success depends on your character’s experience. For example, if you cast a certain spell to cut a rope to do something, ask yourself if your character has already experienced this or not. This applies to combat also. The DM will say what check to roll.
HELPING AT SOLO SKILL CHECKS - If making a skill check for anything and everyone wants to do it (ie. Investigating a room), only one can do it. Others can help. For example, player B helps player A. Player A will now have advantage. DM will tell if this can’t be done in certain situations.
LUCK MECHANIC aka THE DEVIL’S BARGAIN – A player can use a bargain to reroll any roll and a token will be “given” to the DM. the DM can now use the token given to him for any d20 reroll. If the DM uses it, it will be gone. This is “stuck” with the player not the player character. LUCKY FEAT IS NOW GONE
NEW CAPSTONES – I will be reworking the level 20 capstones for the following classes: Bard, Fighter, Monk, Ranger, Sorc, and Warlock. This is to bring them on the same level as the other classes.
PREPARE YOUR SPELLS – Any caster should have prepared spells noted for each day in game; have it listed at every start of the session; mechanic is at every long rest, spellcasters prepare their spells for the coming day. For realism.
SPELLS R 4 ANYONE - Any character can cast and read a spell from a book/scroll from a wizard or something. Arcana check; DC is dependent on your character decided by the DM.
COUNTERSPELL RULES - A clear mechanic on counterspelling enemies. The DM will describe a person casting a spell with a bit of flavor for what spell. Once the DM has said the name of the spell being cast, PCs cannot counterspell the said spell. So, the counterspelling is more realistic and fun (pros and cons babyyy).
AUDIOVISUAL MAGIC - Verbal component of spells is flavored as saying the name of the spell, in any language or order for the duration. Fireball can be Llaberif, or Narlab in elvish or if you reflavor it to be ice damage, calling the spell Icebomb. For rituals, it is enchanting the same word for the duration. This is for flavor. If you thought of something else, tell it to the DM. Also, the somatic component of spells are the intricate hand/s movements or arcane focus movement that facilitates the manifestation of the spell. With this, a visual of arcane circles, sigils or runes are seen (Kinda like in Dr. Strange).
ADVANCED INITIATIVE – You may now use your Wisdom modifier (knows when the fight starts) or Dexterity modifier (reacts very fast) for initiative rolls.
TEAMWORK MAKES THE DREAM WORK – When two player character's have initiative next to each other, they can take their turns simultaneously or even swap initiative. For combos and teamwork fun.
FOCUS IN COMBAT – Due to the size of our party, everyone should be focused and alert to facilitate smooth turns. Combat will always be slowed down if the party is more than 4.
EDGE DICE - To simplify minor combat advantages. When a creature makes an ability check, attack roll, or saving throw against another creature and they have the edge on that roll, they add an edge die, which is a d4, to the roll. If their opponent has the edge against them for that roll, they instead subtract the d4 from the roll. A creature gains the edge for a particular roll by having a minor situational or environmental edge over their opponent. A few examples include:
A creature that has cover or the high ground against a ranged attacker could grant them the edge against any ranged attacks or spells targeted at them.
A creature attacking an opponent in melee while their ally flanks them from behind could have the edge on attacks against that opponent.
A creature casting a spell that deals lightning damage against a target that is wet or standing in water could have the edge against that creature for that spell.
A creature that uses a piece of the environment to assist them with an attack, such as jumping off a chair before attacking, could have the edge against their target for that attack.
If both creatures have the edge for a roll, it cancels out, and neither creature adds or subtracts an edge die. The GM has the final say on whether or not a creature has the edge over another, though it is encouraged that the GM awards the edge for creativity, tactical positioning or risky maneuvers, especially those that require a skill check and have a chance of failure, such as jumping over a gap to get to a better firing position.
DAZED IN COMBAT – If you’re not paying attention in combat, the enemy may have an attack of opportunity.
NO FLANKING – No more flanking rules.
BATTLE COMMS – If in combat and you are talking to yourself to another player and you’re telling him what to do, your turn will be forfeited and it will be as like your character persuading/ordering the other character on what to do. So, avoid talking in the heat of the battle. 6 seconds of dialogue before your movement and action is fair for short orders or dialogue.
SPRINTING – As an action during combat, you can move x5 your speed but only in a straight line. This will be your action and movement.
EXHAUSTED SPELLCASTING – If you have no spell slots left, you can use your life force. Make a Constitution saving throw. DC = 10 + spell’s level. On a failure, the caster suffers a number of levels of exhaustion equal to the spell’s level. On a success, the caster suffers half as many levels of exhaustion (min. 1)
FORCE OF WILL – Gain an additional action but in doing so, you get 2 points of exhaustion that can only be reduced by long rests. You can use this house rule once only in a round.
SWAN SONG – If your character dies, you may have one last action (DRAMATIC HEROIC ACTION). BUT in doing so, your character will stay dead permanently.
INCAPACITATING TAKE DOWNS – You know the scenes in movies where the protagonist silently chokes down the enemy guard? You roll a Medicine (Wisdom) check to do this.
BODIES ON THE FLOOR – Dead bodies on spaces become difficlt terrain.
INSTAKILL MECHANIC – If you roll a Nat20 to hit on a roll, roll twice more. If both rolls are Nat20, INSTAKILL IRREGARDLESS OF WHAT TYPE OF CHARACTER IT IS. Works only for characters and not objects and buildings.
YOU'RE DEAD, DON'T TALK – The PC will roll their death save in the private text channel with the DM. Both the DM and the unconscious PC will not say anything to the party on what is happening.
NEW HP GAIN MECHANIC – We roll for HP every level up. Get half of your HP dice + roll the other half on the appropriate die. So, average plus roll is your HP gain.
TRAINING MONTAGE – Tell everyone on how you progressed to the next level. Like, how did you learn your new spell? Your new move? Studied? For RP flavor and character development.
DOWNTIME? – You can tell the DM on what you are doing in your downtime so you can have a progression of some sort. Like, you want to look for a new set of armor OR you don’t want to sleep to study a book of spells/language (1 exhaustion point in the morning is the penalty; in the morning you learn a new spell or language).
LEARNING FEATS - If the character can find someone who has mastered a feat, the Dungeon Master may optionally allow characters to learn it! Learning a feat costs 3,000 gold pieces and 6 months of training, during which they cannot adventure. Each extra feat beyond the first costs twice that (6,000 gold pieces, 12,000 gold pieces, etc.)
CHUG THAT POTION - If you drink a potion as an action, you gain the full heal. If as a bonus action, you roll for how much HP you gain. If you give an HP potion to your ally as an action, you get the full heal. If you give an HP potion as a bonus action, you roll how much HP he gains.
FAMILIAR FAMILIAR - With the Find Familiar Spell you can take any Tiny sized creature that is less than and equal to CR 1/2. With Pact of the Chain, this is expanded to CR 2. This is true for creatures from official books. You can also use the official statblocks to make any creature you can think of that is mechanically similar to what you want your familiar to be.
BRAIN MATTERS – Your intelligence modifier equates to an additional (or opposite if you have a negative modifier) proficiency that you are able to gain granted by your class or background. Do note that the proficiencies should fit with your character's past. In the case of a negative modifier, pick a tool/language/skill proficiency equal to your negative modifier and remove it. Temporary effects that change your Intelligence score, such as magic items and spell effects, have no effect on this rule.
Min. Modifier Proficiency
+1 tool proficiency
+2 skill proficiency
+3 language proficiency
+4 tool proficiency
+5 skill proficiencyLANGUAGE! – See Languages.