Language & Linguistics
Languages of Beast World
To choose your PC's languages, all of the bulleted languages listed below can be picked.Languages of Beast World
People of the Beast World primarily speak: Common, every character knows common.
Some of the cultural languages are:
Arneria (General)
Greater Arnerian - Blend of the Bat'yan and Beylik languages used on the Causeway.
Bat’yan (Regional)
Beylik (Regional)
Allemance (General)
Glasrúnish - Used in Glasrún.
Vinyot (General)
Oria (General)
Vanlig - West Oria
Strannik - East Oria
Al’ar (General)
Aurica dialect
Dakshin dialect
Jarik dialect
Kandela dialect
Sampura dialect
Loamtongue - spoken by ligonines from the Loamlink.
Draconic - spoken by dragons and goblins.
Seelese - spoken by jackals.
Dungeon-Deep Abyssal
Dungeon- Primordial
Thieves' Cant
Language of the Broken World