Actions & Movement
Movement Within a Wagon
Climbing to the roof from the ground costs 30 feet of movement and requires a DC 11 Strength (Athletics) check without a ladder. The DC increases by 2 if the roof has an overhang where the creature is climbing, and decreases by 2 if it has a running board. If the wagon is moving, the creatures have disadvantage on the check.Moving to the roof from the driver’s seat or through a roof hatch costs 15 feet of movement.
Doors & Windows
Climbing up and entering a wagon door costs 10 feet of movement.Unlocked windows can be opened with an action. A locked window or door can be unlocked with a DC 15 Dexterity (thieves’ tools) check. Windows have AC 7, 2 hit points, and a break DC of 5.
Entering through a broken window requires succeeding on a DC 11 Dexterity saving throw, or glass deals 1d4 slashing damage. This can be prevented by spending 1 minute to clear the glass.
Creatures move normally in the cabin and on the roof. If the wagon has extraspatial cubes, they don’t affect the size of the roof. See “The Rules of Space” for more information.
Maneuvering a Wagon
It’s a good idea to keep someone at the reins of a wagon, especially when it’s strafing around a frost giant or anything else that can stomp it flat.
Drive Checks
The wagon can take the Dash, Disengage, and Dodge actions. It acts on the driver’s turn, and the driver can give the wagon orders to take one of the actions by spending half of their movement, as long as the driver ends their movement in the driver’s seat. Without orders, a wagon takes the Dodge action. It moves away from threats if its draughts are creatures, and doesn’t move otherwise.
When a wagon is required to make a Strength or Dexterity saving throw, its driver makes a Drive check against the save DC instead. If a hitched wagon without a driver is required to make a Drive check, the GM rolls the check with disadvantage and a +0 modifier.
Other times a Drive check might be necessary are when road conditions are dangerous, when attempting to outmaneuver a moving target or any other time traversal isn’t safe enough to take for granted. The Drive check is also used in the Mobile Encounter and Rally rules, outlined later.
Single-Hand Rein
Skilled wagon movement is possible with concentration and wherewithal. Drive checks use the single-hand rein tool, the delver wagon’s specialized rein that leaves one hand free. Ability checks to use the single-hand rein use the driver’s choice of Constitution or Wisdom. All classes can choose this proficiency at 1st level.
The driver can expend a wagon’s Maneuverability for the following effects.
During a Drive check, the driver can use their reaction and expend Maneuverability to roll an additional d20, taking the higher result. The driver can reroll after seeing the first roll’s result but before the outcome is determined.
As a bonus action, the driver can expend Maneuverability to give the wagon extra movement equal to its speed until the start of the driver’s next turn. (This increase can effectively triple a wagon’s speed, when used with the wagon’s Dash action.)
When a creature on board the wagon is the target of an attack roll, the driver can use their reaction to expend Maneuverability to force the attacker to choose a new target within range, or lose their action.
Maintaining a Wagon
Wainwrights are the gearheads of a crew, who bolt on the wagon’s gigantic weapons and keep the undercarriage from falling out during a tough fight.
Wainwright Checks
A delver rolls a Strength or Intelligence (wainwright’s tools) check (their choice) to use their physical might to force cooperation from wagon parts, or to design and discern schematics. Wainwright checks are used to replenish a wagon’s hit points and maintain its parts. A creature can add their proficiency bonus to the check if they have proficiency with tinker’s tools or wainwright’s tools.
Wainwright’s tools. Akin to the Tinkerer's tools but more geared towards the repair and craftsmanship of a wagon.
Maintenance Kit
Everything a wainwright needs to keep things shipshape is in the wagon’s maintenance kit. The kit weighs 70 pounds and contains wood glue, ammunition, rivets, replacement lumber, pre-ground arcane crystals, and other expendable tools. Most of the kit is tucked underneath the cabin, but the tools for patching damage in a fight are stored directly under a hatch in the floor. A wagon can only carry one maintenance kit at a time.
The cost of a kit increases as repair needs become more complex, and higher-quality kits can store more supplies. A wagon’s minimum kit quality increases every four levels after level 1. A maintenance kit’s uses can be refilled at a wainwright shop, and most wagon shops charge a proportional cost for partial kit replenishment.
Maintenance Kit TypesLevel - Uses - Cost (gp) - Quality1 - 4 - 100 - Lesser
5 - 6 - 300 - Moderate
9 - 8 - 900 - Greater13 - 13 - 2700 - Superior17 - 17 - 5100 - Supreme
Wrightbarrow, the largest Vinyotian wagon manufacturer, hasn’t finished researching their self-healing flesh wagon (yet). Until they do, one of a wainwright’s jobs is to keep the wagon’s structure hale and hearty.
A creature at the service hatch can take the Patch action once. Expend one use of the maintenance kit and make a Wainwright check, consulting the Patch table to determine which die type to roll for repair. Then, roll a die for each level of the wagon and repair hit points equal to the result. For example, a wainwright using the Patch action on a 7th-level wagon rolls a 19 on the Wainwright check. They roll 7d10, and the wagon regains that amount of hit points.
Wainwright Check Result - Patch Die Type
<10 - d4
10 - d6
14 - d8
18 - d10
22 - d12
Maintenance & Tuning
When the crew takes a rest, the wainwright can use the maintenance kit to repair and reload the wagon.
As part of a short rest, a wainwright with access to the service hatch can also perform maintenance on a wagon. Among other things, this allows them to properly fix the hasty patches made during a ride. The Patch action becomes available again. For each use of the maintenance kit a wainwright expends during maintenance:
The wainwright can take the Patch action, and has advantage on the Wainwright check.
One component’s uses can be replenished.
As part of a long rest, a creature with access to the service hatch can tune the functions of a wagon and perform more intensive repairs than maintenance allows for. Patches are made permanent with repairs, and the Patch action becomes available again. If the wagon is unhitched, the draughts also benefit from a long rest.
During tuning, one attachment can be installed or replaced. Additionally, a crew member can expend a use of the maintenance kit for all of the following effects:
The wagon is repaired to full hit points.
Breakdowns are removed.
All expended Maneuverability, Adaptability, and uses of components are replenished.
The wainwright speaks the language of the wagon. While tuning, a wainwright can attempt to fiddle with a component to coax a little extra out of it. Make a Wainwright check with a DC equal to 11 + the grade of the component. On a successful check, a creature has advantage on the next attack roll made with the component in the next 24 hours. Only one of a wagon’s components can be fiddled with at a time.
A wainwright can expend a wagon’s Adaptability for the following.
Whenever the wainwright makes a Wainwright check, they can use their reaction to expend Adaptability to roll an additional d20. The roll can be made after the initial roll, but before the outcome is determined.
As an action, the wainwright can expend Adaptability to patch the wagon’s hit points a second time before the wagon undergoes Tuning or Maintenance.
The wainwright can use a bonus action from the wagon’s service hatch to replenish one of the wagon’s Maneuverability.
The Ranger Fetish
Every delver wagon’s first magic is the Ranger Fetish, a built-in item included with all new constructions. An accord with Varastan druids and rangers offers draughts safety in exchange for the delvers’ continuing efforts to keep the Dungeon from harming nature. A Ranger Fetish is a humble cluster of twigs and fragrant berries hidden somewhere on a wagon. It lends its power to the structure as long as it remains in physical contact.
The Ranger Fetish can bring a creature back from the dead, as long as it died, and was hitched to the wagon, within the past 24 hours. The resurrection ritual takes 10 minutes, and consumes an opal worth at least 100 gp.