Attachments -Fittings
Grade 1
Grade 1
Armored Storage
Location: CabinThis iron strongbox is built into the wagon’s frame. The box’s walls are 2 inches thick, and it has a cube of usable space 2 feet on each side. It has AC 19, 50 hit points, and a damage threshold of 4. Picking its lock requires a DC 17 Dexterity check made by a creature with proficiency with thieves’ tools.
Refit. As a grade 3 or higher fitting, the lock’s pick DC is 25. Additionally, the box is equipped with a counterspell that triggers when the knock spell is cast within 60 feet of it. As a grade 5 fitting, the box has an extraplanar interior. The box can still hold objects normally, but speaking a command word causes it to open into a cubic pocket in the Astral Sea, 10 feet on a side and with walls of stone. Ringing a bell mounted on the wall opens the strongbox door from the inside.
Intruder Chime
Location: CabinAs an action, a user can turn a brass key above the wagon’s doorknob to activate this magical ward against intrusion. The ward stretches 5 feet outward from each of the wagon’s walls. You can designate creatures that don’t trigger the ward, but when any other enters its area, it emits a loud sound for 30 seconds audible within 120 feet. The ward remains active until the key is turned again.
Refit. As a grade 3 fitting, the intruder chime’s sound can be heard mentally by members of the wagon’s crew within 10 miles of it.
Rain Wheels
Location: WheelsWide alchemical rubber tires with large square treads allow the wagon to putter along happily where others get sunk and stuck. The wagon ignores difficult terrain imposed by mud or water up to 1 foot deep.
Retrieval Band
Location: FrameA 120-foot alchemical-rubber band is attached to a pole at the top of the wagon’s frame. It can be attached to a creature’s belt as an action, which allows the creature to reach the roof from the ground by spending only 5 feet of movement. The band can be broken by dealing 10 slashing damage to any part of its length.
Refit. As a grade 3 fitting, the retrieval band’s pole is fitted with a retracting spool. While a creature is attached and within 60 feet of the pole, it swings and lands safely onto the wagon’s roof if it falls farther than 30 feet.
Sled Treads
Location: WheelsWheels are replaced with skis, allowing the wagon to traverse snowy and sandy locales. The wagon ignores difficult terrain imposed by snow or sand, but its speed is 5 feet on any other terrain.
Towing Hitch
Location: FrameA sturdy hitch is affixed to the wagon’s undercarriage, able to drag 1,000 pounds across the ground or tow a wheeled vehicle up to 4,000 pounds.
Wagon Armor
Location: FrameRetrofitting the wagon allows it to withstand more powerful attacks. The wagon gains a +1 bonus to AC when fitted with wagon armor.
Refit. As a grade 3 fitting, wagon armor grants a +2 bonus to AC. As a grade 5 fitting, it grants a +3 bonus to AC.
Grade 2
Grade 2
Disc-Supported Undercarriage
Location: FrameThe wagon’s undercarriage is supported by a wide, thin disc of white metal. The disc’s surface bears the same magic that constructed the Causeway of Arneria. When the wagon’s wheels are damaged, the disc activates to allow the wagon to roll on only three wheels. The wagon’s speed isn’t reduced by wheel damage from a breakdown.
Kieli Boards
Location: CabinThe wagon’s interior baseboards are carved with Oric arcane script, used for untangling intricate languages. A creature in the cabin that listens to a conversation for 10 minutes can comprehend the languages spoken by other creatures in the cabin. This effect lasts until the creature leaves the wagon.
Location: FrameThe Oric tinkerer Orstur devised this alchemical substance, which he named after the Oric word for “cloud gas.” The strange gas fills copper pipes along the wagon’s undercarriage, lifting the frame. While fitted with pilvikaasu, the wagon is 500 pounds lighter. The wagon can’t be made less than 100 pounds with this fitting.
Refit. As a grade 3 or higher fitting, pilvikaasu can lighten a wagon by an additional 500 pounds for each grade higher than 2 (but still not less than 100 pounds).
Restful Interior
Location: CabinScented silks hang from the ceiling of the wagon to encourage a serene atmosphere. Creatures that spend Hit Dice to regain hit points in the wagon’s interior add 1 to the result of each die rolled.
Wall Reinforcement
Location: FrameSteel beams fitted along the wagon’s interior prevent the walls from falling, as long as the wagon is still intact. Breakdowns can’t cause a wall collapse. This fitting also includes a steel door. The Strength check DC to breach the interior through this door is 20.
Grade 3
Grade 3
Animated Ladder
Location: FrameActivating this fitting as an action causes two animated ropes, threaded through wooden rails, to rise from the wagon’s roof. The ladder extends at a rate of 15 feet per round to a maximum height of 120 feet. Activating the fitting again can cause the ladder to either slowly descend or instantly collapse.
Block of Privacy
Location: CabinA block of chalk two feet on a side sits in the center of the wagon. The block has a contoured hole in its middle that absorbs noise. Any sound made within the interior of a wagon with a block of privacy can’t be heard beyond its walls.
Breadcrumb Wheels
Location: WheelsMagic powder fills a channel in the wagon’s tires. When the fitting is activated as a bonus action, it leaves behind an invisible trail as it travels. A creature in the driver’s seat can see the powder as a glowing, fluorescent green trail. The driver can see the path the wagon took for the last 10 miles. The powder floats on still water, and hangs in the air if the wagon was flying. Once the fitting is activated, the channel in the wheels can be used once before it must be replenished.
Dragonbreath Interceptor
Location: FrameA set of energy-attracting orbs are affixed to each corner post of the wagon’s frame. When installing this fitting, choose a damage type: acid, cold, fire, or lightning. The wagon gains resistance to the chosen type.
More than one dragonbreath interceptor can be installed on a wagon, choosing a new damage type each time.
Draught Platform
Location: FrameThis fitting can be engineered to trigger at the same time as another attachment. Draughts step up onto these two sturdy platforms as they extend from the wagon’s undercarriage, giving them a safe place to stand when the wagon moves by some other means, such as floating, sledding, or hurtling through the air toward a brick wall.
Nightcloak Lacquer
Location: FrameThis body lacquer absorbs light in stillness. The wagon is invisible in dim light or darkness if it hasn’t moved for 1 minute.
Quick-Switch Hatches
Location: FrameHatches with rapid-release mechanisms allow easy movement in and around a wagon. A creature on board the wagon can switch spaces or seats with another willing creature within 5 feet. By spending 5 feet of movement, the switched creature is left in the activating creature’s space.
Rat Skeleton
Location: FrameThe wagon’s joints and draught harnesses are replaced with salvaged metal from Broken World ruins, imbuing it with space-warping properties of the former brethren home. The wagon can move through a gap 5 feet wide, but must spend 4 feet of movement for every 1 foot traveled. This special movement doesn’t alter the inside space of the wagon.
Shade Gatherers
Location: FrameWooden charms from the Bat’yan hang from the eaves of the wagon’s body, which subtly dampen the light around it. Dim light becomes darkness within 30 feet of any of the wagon’s walls.
Grade 4
Grade 4
Location: FrameAn aquatic monster’s hide is treated with linseed oil to create a puncture-resistant raft that stows neatly in the wagon’s undercarriage, while a furled cloth sail is stored in its eaves. When the wagon enters water deeper than 5 feet, the raft automatically inflates, and the sail deploys on a mast that telescopes from the center of the roof. The wagon has a speed of 30 feet on water (a draught platform allows draughts to accompany a rafting wagon).
Climate Control
Location: CabinLaetine alchemists have devised a new (and expensive) technique using shrink wax to seal a thick glass pane in a wagon’s window. Its walls are insulated with a fluffy pink substance scavenged from the Broken World, absorbing excess heat while warming a chilly cabin. A tent extends over the draughts from the top of the wagon’s frame, affording them the same comfort while resting. The wagon remains dry and comfortable even in a hurricane, blizzard, or the heat of the Beylik sun.
Roll Without Trace
Location: WheelsThe wagon’s tires and the draughts’ feet are treated with the seasonal shedding of an air elemental’s skin. The result is an almost imperceptible air gap between the wagon and the ground. Its movement is silent, and can’t be tracked except by magical means. It leaves no tracks or any other trace of its passage.
Serene Sanctum
Location: CabinA 5-foot alcove in the wagon is reserved as a liminal space between the Beast World and the dwelling of a warlock’s patron. A warlock that spends at least 15 minutes within the serene sanctum benefits from a short rest.
Static Tile
Location: FrameA 5-foot square of polished gray marble is affixed to the roof of the wagon. Spatial magic from across four disciplines uses the wagon’s mass to anchor this tile to an absolute point in arcane space, exploiting a loophole discovered by the wizard Morgaine. Even when the wagon is moving, anything on the square is treated as motionless for the purposes of spells (for example, glyph of warding or magic circle)
Tremor Caps
Location: WheelsWheel rims inlaid with polished chunks of an earth elemental grant the crew a sixth sense. While the wheels are in contact with the ground, all of the wagon’s crew have tremorsense out to a range of 60 feet from its walls.
Grade 5
Grade 5
Arcana Blinding
Location: CabinFor a reason that eludes the most learned wizards in the Beast World, rare oil from the gears of Dungeon apparatuses removes the Arcana’s ability to divine the space within when rubbed into the timber of the wagon’s walls. The wagon, its interior, and creatures within can’t be targeted by divination spells or perceived through magical scrying sensors. Additionally, creatures in the wagon’s interior are immune to psychic damage and the charmed condition.
Diving Wainbody
Location: FrameA full-body conversion allows a wagon to travel in water and dive beneath its surface. A flywheel in the undercarriage turns propellers that descend when the enclosed driver operates the fitting’s lever. A second lever causes two side tanks to fill or empty, submerging or surfacing the wagon. A creature can travel through the airlock door underwater by ending its turn in a 5-foot space between the two doors (this can be part of the interior or extend from the wall). The wagon gains a swimming speed of 30 feet, and the cabin holds enough air to sustain up to six Medium creatures for 8 hours. The diving wainbody can safely travel at a depth of 900 feet, taking 2d6 bludgeoning damage from pressure for every 10 feet deeper.
Location: WheelsThese jury-rigged wheel rims each bear one quarter of a teleportation circle. As a reaction to the wagon traveling at least 180 feet in a straight line on its turn, the driver can envision a location the wagon has traveled to before, and throw a switch. The wagon springs through a hole in space, instantly teleporting to that envisioned location (or one nearby, at least). The wagon appears in an unoccupied space 1d10-2 miles away from the intended destination (minimum 0 miles). Once used, the eighty-eights cannot be activated again for one week.
Morph Wheels
Location: WheelsThis fitting replaces the wagon’s wheels and the shoes of the draughts with an unstable, amorphous material invented in an Astral bat conjuration laboratory. A wagon with morph wheels ignores difficult terrain, and is immune to being grappled or restrained. Additionally, the wagon can roll on liquid without penalty, and takes no damage from lava.
Grade 6
Grade 6
Recall Canopy
Location: SpecialThis canopy is woven from what some arcanists believe is the fabric of the Absolute Veil itself. After spending 1 minute setting up the canopy in an unoccupied space large enough for the wagon, it vanishes. While the canopy is set up, a creature can speak its command word and pull a lever under the driver seat to teleport the wagon, and everything on board, to the space beneath the canopy. Anything in the canopy’s area is moved to the nearest unoccupied space. The canopy can be made visible and stowed by dismissing its magic as an action.
Once used, the recall canopy can’t be used again until the next dawn.