Attachments -Renovations



Barn Door 

Price: 180 gpWeight: Included in wagon’s weightDimensions: 20 ft. wall option
One long wall is refitted with two 5-foot doors that slide outward. 

Cafe Service 

Price: 450 gpWeight: 50 lbs.Dimensions: 20 ft. wall option
One long wall folds out, becoming a shop counter or walk-up service area. 

Capture Paint 

Price: 5,000 gpWeight: Included in wagon’s weightDimensions: Wall or Ceiling
This pot of paint covers 200 square feet of flat surface. The included lens can capture an image within with a command word (“cheese,” by default). Speaking it again within 10 feet of the painted surface permanently recreates the image, even imitating ambient light. The image can’t shift perspective, so it’s unable to fool more than a passing inspection. 


Price: 170 gp*Weight: IncludedDimensions: 10 ft. wall option
Wood framed portal allowing entrance or egress. Antler-width or Small by request. 

False Stars 

Price: 350 gpWeight: Included in wagon’s weightDimensions: Wall or Ceiling
Flat, pale green gems affix to a flat surface up to 20 feet on a side. Speaking their command word causes an illusory image of the night sky to appear on the surface. The image is indistinguishable from the real sky without touching the wall or using magical detection. 

Fold-out Patio 

Price: 1,000 gpWeight: 250 lbs.Dimensions: 20 ft. wall option
With a minute of unlatching work, one long wall of the wagon swings out and sits flat. This transforms it into an outdoor terrace and opens the air within the wagon. 

Hanging Gardens 

Price: 250 gpWeight: 50 lbs.Dimensions: 10 ft. wall option
The exterior of the rear wall allows traveling delvers to cultivate small garden crops or flowers. 


Price: Unaccountably, 1 spWeight: 25 lbs.Dimensions: 2 ft. of any interior or exterior wall
Extreme competition and price undercutting has made the ladder one of the Beast World’s cheapest works of carpentry by weight. Allows faster roof ascent or descent. 

Running Board 

Price: 15 gpWeight: 40 lb.Dimensions: 10 ft of any exterior wall
Flat wood surface nailed to the bottom of a wagon’s exterior. Allows creatures to circle outside without touching the ground. 

Single Full-Length Window 

Price: 600 gpWeight: Included in wagon’s weightDimensions: 10 ft. wall option
Replaces the rear wall with a 100-square-foot pane of reinforced glass, resilient as hardwood but crystal clear. 

Stone Hearth 

Price: 850 gpWeight: 300 lbs.Dimensions: Wall (Installed)
Stone fireplace installed in a wall, along with necessary insulation and counterweight engineering. Enjoy warm company on cool nights or heat a hanging kettle. 

Two Windows 

Price: 250 gpWeight: Included in wagon’s weightDimensions: 20 ft. wall option
Included on both long walls of new delver wagons. Two medium windows along a 20 foot wall. 

Window Bars 

Price: 30 gpWeight: 10 lb.Dimensions: 5ft. wall option (window)
Iron bars inserted into a window, creating a secure interior in exchange for sacrificing traversal and flexibility. Bars have break DC 20, AC 19 and 35 hit points. 



Price: 400 gpWeight: Included in wagon’s weight
Complement your mounted instruments of war with a splash of nature, and supplement your diet with homegrown vegetation. New wagons commissioned for the Littfeld Delver Caravan have this roof by default. 


Price: 3,000 gpWeight: 300 lbs.
Why is it so expensive? It’s a status symbol. Impress your friends and foes alike with a circle of fancy, impractical seating. 

Mural Canvas 

Price: 225 gpWeight: Included in wagon’s weight
A smooth, white roof suitable for art. 


Price: 200 gpWeight: 60 lbs.
Outdoor furnishing that adds a 5-foot by 20-foot covered shelter along a long wall. 

Reflecting Pool 

Requirement: Water TankPrice: 240 gpWeight: 1,500 lbs.
This is a 3-by-3 foot pool that is 2 feet deep, and the ire of every draught beast. Includes rain cover, but not leaf-skimming net. 

Second Story Addition

Price: 2,500 gpWeight: 1,500 lbs.
This adds a 10-foot by 10-foot by 6-foot room to the wagon’s roof, lowering the main cabin ceiling by one foot. Take care that your 20-foot high wagon doesn’t obliterate a low bridge or topple over during a sharp turn. 


Price: 430 gpWeight: Included
5-by-10 foot window that strains your neck to look through for too long. Unless you lay down. Reinforced glass is resilient as hardwood. 


Price: 240 gpWeight: Included
Refits a 10-foot square for storage. Weatherproof crates permanently installed, includes waterproof tarp and straps. 

Driver's Seat

Rain Cover 

Price: 200 gpWeight: 80 lbs.
Your driver will appreciate this awning over the front seat. 

Tankard Holders 

Price: 20 gpWeight: 20 lbs.
Carved from hardwood, permanently installed. “Big Quaff” tankards not guaranteed to fit. 

Weatherproof Loveseat 

Price: 75 gpWeight: 30 lb.
Front-end configuration, max comfort for two. For when your driver needs a friend. “Dramphine is my co-pilot, but I could use some company."

Mechanical Renovations


Crews with unique furnishing needs can install a portable furnace in the cabin. First, choose a fuel type. Then, choose a function (or all three by choosing the hybrid furnace), adding to the price as applicable. Any furnace also heats the interior of a wagon, as well as cooks food on its stovetop. 


Fire Elemental 

Price: 9,000 gp
Cooking is better with friends! This furnace comes with a tenant—a Small fire elemental lives in its wrought iron frame and remains if given regular work consuming fuel, cooking food, or heating metal. If the furnace loses its resident, a wizard in most large cities is capable of attracting a replacement. 


Price: 1,500 gp
This furnace burns firewood. Ovens and boilers use a standard day’s firewood, while a forge uses quadruple for one day’s work. 



Price: +200 gpWeight: 400 lbs.Dimensions: 2x4x2 ft. (plus chimney)
Iron stove designed to boil water in a tank (see below). The boiler creates steam, which can be distilled into potable drinking water or sent through a pipe into an engine or other furnishings. 


Price: +500 gpWeight: 1,200 lbs.Dimensions: 5x5x10 ft. (plus chimney)
Iron stov


Price: +1,000 gpWeight: 1,400 lbs.Dimensions: 5x5x10 ft. (plus chimney)
Indecisive? This furnace performs all three of the previously outlined functions! 


Price: +0 gpWeight: 800 lbs.Dimensions: 4x4x4 ft. (plus chimney)
Stone-and-iron oven that can roast all day with efficient use of firewood. A substantial increase in quality of life. 

Water Tank

A water tank is a nobleman’s luxury until it becomes the difference between life and death. First, choose a tank size. Then, choose add-ons. A Medium creature requires one gallon of water a day to survive normally. A Draydriver requires ten. 

Filtering Distillery 

Price: +100 gpWeight: 40 lbs.
Using a copper coil and a charcoal filter, this water tank attachment turns tepid swamp water or brine into clear, potable drinking water. Distilled water is also an important ingredient in many alchemical compounds. This device can be installed with a boiler for convenient, automatic filtering. Requires a new filter every three months with normal use (2 gp each). 

Sun Still 

Price: +30 gpWeight: 20 lbs.
This device is installed on the roof of the wagon. In sunny weather, it distills a quart of water passively a day. This removes salt, natural impurities, and poisons. 


A delving crew’s draughts are invaluable members of the team, and by asking a bit more of their powerful legs, the wagon’s axles can turn a flywheel. This rotates a gear shaft running up through the floor to power advanced furnishings. Two other types of flywheel are provided for more sophisticated applications. 

Air Compressor

Price: 100 gpWeight: 70 lbs.Dimensions: 2x2x2 ft.
This contraption is made from a steel cylinder crafted with magic-aided precision, forming an airtight seal around a piston connected to the flywheel. This forces air through an outlet to operate some furnishings. 


Price: 150 gpWeight: 300 lbs.Dimensions: 1x1x10 ft. shaft
For crews with too much firewood and not enough oats. A steam-powered flywheel keeps your tailor working at the sewing machine even after the wagon stops for the evening. This flywheel requires a water tank and boiler. 


Price: 1,500 gpWeight: 300 lbs.Dimensions: 1x1x10 ft. shaft
Inventive transmuters have packaged an animated gear with this flywheel. It can be commanded to spin up to 8 hours between dawns. 


Price: 150 gpWeight: 300 lbs.Dimensions: 1x1x10 ft. shaft
Spin impurities out of your alembic with a centrifuge, craft stunning chair legs with a lathe, or whirl the water off your laundry. It all starts here. 

Artisan Work Stations 

While field maintenance is possible with common artisan’s tools, a crew’s lifestyle often deprives them of access to larger and more complex implements. These work stations allow hobbyists and craftspeople to live the same road life as any Dungeon delver. 

Alchemist & Brewer 

Requirements: Flywheel, Plumbing, FurnacePrice: 1,500 gpWeight: 400 lbs.Dimensions: 10x5x5 ft.
This work station is installed on a gyroscopically stable bench, to prevent a wagon’s movement from ruining a batch. It includes alembics and glassware, as well as a flywheel-powered centrifuge. Its humidity chamber and controlled burners allow precision catalyzing previously available only in a university.

Calligrapher, Cartographer, & Painter 

Price: 200 gpWeight: 200 lbs.Dimensions: 10x5x5 ft.
There’s nothing more valuable than a well-written correspondence. This work station facilitates royal decrees and letters to mother alike. The wide drafting table and writing desk is constructed from solid joinery and careful attention to smooth surfaces. A light box is included for sharp reproduction and tracing. As a bonus, a wood pulp press sits behind the table for mobile paper production, and the whole package includes enough storage space to safely stow favorite quills, inkwells, brushes and paints. 

Carpenter & Woodcarver 

Requirements: FlywheelPrice: 450 gpWeight: 450 lbs.Dimensions: 10x5x5 ft.
With this work station, woodworking of every sort is at your fingertips wherever you go. An installed flywheel powers the automatic lathe and a full-function table saw. A paper belt dipped in crushed seashells and glue spins with the flywheel’s power as well; press the your work against it to wow your customers with wood as smooth as a brethren’s bottom. Finally, the work station features a vise-equipped bench, and a chest for any hand tools one requires. 

Cobbler & Leatherworker 

Requirements: PlumbingPrice: 300 gpWeight: 200 lbs.Dimensions: 10x5x5 ft.
Every delver wears some manner of leather; a craftsman with the right tools can tan themselves an early retirement. A tanning rack is wallmounted behind the work station, and a tall glass cabinet allows humidity control with water circulated from a tank. 

Potter & Mason 

Requirements: Flywheel, Plumbing Price: 300 gpWeight: 200 lbs.Dimensions: 10x5x5 ft.
For a potter or mason looking to ply their craft and make their living on the road, this is an invaluable set. The flywheel operates a potter’s wheel to spare a thrower’s ankles from the pedal. The included kiln refit allows a furnace to fire ceramics fit for the Bey. 

Smith & Glassblower 

Requirements: Flywheel, Plumbing, FurnacePrice: 1,200 gpWeight: 1,200 lbs.Dimensions: 10x5x5 ft.
Whether in the mountain or on the road, when steel calls, a smith must answer. This workbench is equipped to give blacksmiths and glaziers everything needed to make ore and sand into warfare and fineries. An anvil sits under a giant’s rune-hardened stone table, and a smelter endures the necessary purifying heat. A water trough with cold-water circulation allows a smith to work without interrupting a crewmate’s bath. Newly included this year: a high-tension vise clamps work firmly against the table. 

Tinker & Jeweler 

Requirements: Flywheel, FurnacePrice: 1,200 gpWeight: 300 lbs.Dimensions: 10x5x5 ft.
The gyrostable bench of this work station also stabilizes its stool. This enables meticulous, precise work even in the rocky wastelands of the northern Beylik. A mounted magnifying glass overlooks a polished metal table. Pincers on a flexible wire hold the work steady. By popular demand, this work station now features a miniature smelter for shaping precious metals. 

Weaver & Tailor 

Requirements: FlywheelPrice: 700 gpWeight: 300 lbs.Dimensions: 10x5x5 ft.
Approved by the most exclusive Louvain celerine silk-houses, the Weaver & Tailor work station is a tastemaker’s secret weapon. A loom and multipurpose flywheel spinner empowers a weaver to control every step of the clothier’s craft from raw cotton and fleece. An included dying basin keeps a work-in-progress safe during the coloration process. At the intersection of craftsmanship and art, the wide cutting table, adjustable mannequin, and flywheel-powered sewing machine give a traveling tailor the tools to express themselves with the same convenience enjoyed by the heads of the Alley fashion state. 

Comfort & Convenience 

Annihilation Box 

Price: 90,000 gpWeight: 750 lbs.Dimensions: 5x5x5 ft.
The convenience of ultimate annihilation is at your fingertips in a wagon with this furnishing. The black metal crate features a triple-redundant safety latch and intermediate airlock. Nonliving material emptied into the crate falls into a gap in reality within, utterly destroying your trash. Magic items or living creatures are unaffected, but only the intervention of a deity or the wish spell can bring back anything else dropped into the annihilation box. Mind your wedding ring! 


Requirements: PlumbingPrice: 60 gpWeight: 70 lbs.Dimensions: 2x2x4 ft.
This wooden basin is elevated by a small column. With the foot pedal pump and optional water tank connection, the basin can be filled automatically. 
Optional. For 15 gp, the basin can also be upgraded with a second pipe, attached to a reservoir heated by a furnace. 


Price: 70 gpWeight: 60 lbs.Dimensions: 5x5x3 ft.
This is a circular, watertight tub made of dark wood planks that holds up to 50 gallons of water. A necessity for fastidious delvers, and affixed to the wagon’s floor to prevent sliding. 
Upgrade: Requires plumbing. For 30 gp, a tub is connected to a water tank for a convenient fill and drain. 

Bellows Fan 

Requirements: Flywheel, Air CompressorPrice: 120 gpWeight: 40 lbs.Dimensions: 2x3x4 ft.
This furnishing forces air through a nozzle to dry off wet fur on a rainy day, or wet fur after a bath, or wet fur after an aquatic adventure, or any other time fur becomes wet. 

Ceiling Fan 

Requirements: FlywheelPrice: 100 gpWeight: 30 lbs.Dimensions: 3 ft. ceiling
A leather band attached to a flywheel spins a quartet of tilted wooden blades. When a lever is thrown to release the stored tension in the band, the fan spins for up to 8 hours, providing comfortable air circulation. 

Chilling Fan 

Requirements: Flywheel, Air CompressorPrice: 3,000 gpWeight: 100 lbs.Dimensions: 3x2 feet in a wall
Some call this the pinnacle of alchemical achievement. When attached to a flywheel, this fan blows air cooled by a precisely distilled, expensive solvent. This is the power of supreme comfort coveted by all Oric delvers traveling the Bat’yan. 

Gyrostable Lounge 

Price: 200 gpWeight: 200 lbs.Dimensions: 5x5x2 ft.

This extravagant sofa has a gyroscopic frame, for royal lazing and severe wagon motion sickness. 


Requirements: Plumbing Price: 150 gpWeight: 40 lbs.Dimensions: 5 ft. wall
A 50-foot length of flexible, hollow tube that can be used with a hand pump to deliver water. The water sprays 30 feet from the included brass nozzle. 

Ice Chest 

Requirements: Flywheel, Air Compressor
Price: 3,500 gp
Weight: 200 lbs.Dimensions: 5x5x3 ft.
The same principle as the Chilling Fan, but adds an insulated container for food and other perishable preservation. The chest’s door seals to keep contents at a low temperature even during hours the flywheel isn’t spinning. As long as it isn’t opened more than a few times. 

Laundry Machine 

Requirements: Plumbing, Flywheel
Price: 500 gp
Weight: 60 lbs.Dimensions: 5x5x5 ft.
This round barrel contains another, smaller one connected to a gear shaft. Pulling a lever on the side spins the inner barrel and washes clothing inside. Then, holes in the inner barrel drain water through an outlet in the back. With plumbing attached, the water can be pumped directly from a connected pipe. 

Spring Portal 

Requirements: Flywheel, Air Compressor
Price: 3,000 gp
Weight: 100 lbs.Dimensions: ---
Installed at the bottom of a bath, this flat, 6-inch river stone makes post-delve relaxation easier than ever. You can speak a command word as an action to cause fresh volcanic spring water to erupt from the stone. The effect produces 30 gallons of steaming water. If water is allowed to re-enter through pores in the stone, new spring water circulates for up to two hours. Once activated, the spring portal can’t be used again until the next dawn. 

Toilet Closet 

Requirements: Plumbing
Price: 125 gp
Weight: 25 lbs.Dimensions: 5x5x10 ft. at corner
Installed in an interior corner, this enclosed latrine enables a water tank to make movement more comfortable. 

Interior Customization

Ceiling Hatch 

Price: 15 gpWeight: 10 lbs.Dimensions: 5 ft. ceiling
A wooden hatch & latch provides rooftop access. Weather-sealed with a narrow strip of alchemist’s rubber to prevent leaks. 

Floor Trapdoor 

Price: 15 gpWeight: 10 lbs.Dimensions: 5 ft. floor
Concealing rug not included 

Interior Wall 

Price: 5 gp/ft.Weight: 20 lbs./ft.
Extra walls. Turn your wagon into a maze! 

Travailen Gaol 

Price: 600 gpWeight: 2,500 lbs.Dimensions: 5x5x7 ft.
A wooden hatch & latch provideA 1-inch stone wall and a steel barred door convert the corner of a cabin into a cell for one Medium size creature. Without the key, a creature proficient with Thieves’ Tools can pick the lock with a successful DC 15 Dexterity check. s rooftop access. Weather-sealed with a narrow strip of alchemist’s rubber to prevent leaks.