For as cosmopolitan and free-thinking as Allemance is, even they recognize the need to learn about and understand their enemies. During the last few decades, Alley war efforts were largely successful due to work of a select group of individuals, specially trained for subterfuge and covert operations. Often chosen by the queen directly, these are the Queensguard and they report to the intelligence branch of the Allemance military and much more prominently, the current queen. Proficient in both close quarters combat and social manipulation, the Queensguard travel across Allemance, and beyond, investigating and neutralizing threats to Allemance before the general populace is even aware of it. As the saying goes, "A successful queensguard is never seen, never heard and never known."
Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy
The Queensguard are the elite agents of Allemance that operate in the interests and at the behest of the crown of Allemance. Originally formed as an elite unit of spies and scouts during the Invader War, the Queensguard became the eyes, ears, and sword of Allemance’s ruler. The Queensguard operates throughout Allemance as the ultimate agency for dispensing the Queen’s justice. Local informants and sleeper agents can call on its agents when a crime or situation poses a threat that spreads beyond their abilities. Agents, on the other hand, can insert themselves into any situation they deem appropriate, since they wield the authority of the crown. The Queensguard also conducts operations beyond Allemance’s borders, gathering intelligence, performing covert missions, and vigilantly working to keep Allemance safe from its enemies.
The role of the queensguard is part spy, part infiltrator, and part investigator. They are the eyes and ears of the Allemance crown and are largely responsible for the extensive intelligence network that the kingdom enjoys. Thus, they are not afraid of combat, but are not front-line combatants themselves. When they do strike, it is quick and decisive.
In the Shade of the Throne
The Queensguard are not your typical knights physically present in the court. The Queensguard serve the crown of Allemance as the intelligence branch. As the secret servants of the crown, members of the organization are granted the authority to conduct intelligence operations on foreign soil, execute covert missions across the world, and prevent national secrets from falling into the hands of rival intelligence agencies. The Queensguard also have the unwritten authority to eliminate any creature that threatens their nation, its sovereign, or its citizens. Once inducted into the Queensguard, an agent is expected to serve until their death—while an agent may retire, the crown can recall them at any time.
Untraceable Non-Arcana
Queensguard members have been rumored to be required to not have ties to divine magic. The reason for this is still unknown. Queensguard were rumored to be highly trained in the field with no dependence on magic and the arcane. The prevailing theory is that the organization believes that magic can be tracked easily and that it can be a tad bit unpredictable at times.