Attachments -Furnishings


All furnishing prices include caravan shipping and handling. 


Compacting Mattress 

Price: 100 gpWeight: 30 lbs.Dimensions: 6x3x1 ft. when inflated
Airtight feather mattress can flatten for storage. Hand-powered air pump included.

Dimension Dorm 

Price: 500 gpWeight: 10 lbs.Dimensions: 10x5 ft. on a wall
A wall hatch opens vertically into a weak-existent demiplane that’s just big enough for a night’s sleep on its included cot and linens. The contents disappear if removed. The bed-plane only exists while occupied; anything left inside after leaving appears in the nearest unoccupied space. The dimension dorm can create up to four demiplanes at a time, accessible via a numbered dial on the door handle. 
If the dimension dorm is destroyed while occupied, anything on its bed-planes appears outside in unoccupied space. 

Extraspatial Folding Bed 

Price: 2000 gpWeight: 150 lbs.Dimensions: 10x10 ft. wall space
With a pinch of Broken World space in a wall, a delver can enjoy a wider bed than physically possible. When lifted and stowed by its foot, the 8-foot-wide bed disappears behind a cupboard door that leaves floor space clear. 


Price: 2 gpWeight: 0 lbs.Dimensions:  6x3x3 ft
Hooks included for installation. Supports up to 250 pounds of sleepy delvers or their gear. 

Hanging Pole

Price: 15 gpWeight: 20 lbs.Dimensions: 5x5x10 ft.
This pole is suspended from the ceiling, allowing a bat, sloth, or anyone else who sleeps inverted to do so comfortably. Supports up to 300 pounds. 

Single Bed 

Price: 50 gpWeight: 70 lbs.Dimensions: 6x3x3 ft.
A solid wood frame, duck feather mattress, wool blanket, and pillow appropriate for Medium creatures. 18 inches of storage space underneath. Delver wagons come with four by default. 

Triple Bunk 

Price: 120 gpWeight: 150 lbs. Dimensions: 6x3x10 ft. 
Three stacked bunks are great for a crew looking to save space, but delvers with horns or antlers might face clearance issues. A solid wood frame with a ladder rises to the top of a wagon’s interior. 

Wall-Shelf Cot, Pair 

Price: 50 gpWeight: 10 lbs.Dimensions: 10 ft. of wall
Two stacked beds appropriate for Medium creatures, with a latch that keeps them tucked in a gap in the wall when not in use. 


Cushioned High-back 

Price: 50 gpWeight: 10 lbs.Dimensions: 2x2x5 ft. when erected 
This high-back cushioned chair collapses flat for storage. 

Cushion-top Crate 

Price: 5 gpWeight: 20 lbs.Dimensions: 2x2x2 ft. 
Remove the hand-embroidered cushion to reveal a storage crate. 

Dinner Bench 

Price: 15 gpWeight: 30 lbs.Dimensions: 8x3x4 ft.
8-foot bench made of lacquered Bat’yan timber, with a full-length back for comfort. Usable indoors and outdoors, collapses flat for storage. 

Folding Stool 

Price: 30 gpWeight: 10 lbs.Dimensions:  2x2x3 ft. when erected 
Backless stool that collapses to a 2-foot square of hardwood. A snap to stow. 



Price: 30 gpWeight: 50 lbs.Dimensions: 2x5x5 ft
Included cloth straps can brace shelved books in case of rough roads. 

Chest of Drawers 

Price: 50 gpWeight: 50 lbs.Dimensions: 5x3x5 ft.
Oak chest with six wide drawers. Equipped with finger latches to prevent accidental opening during unsteady rides or while babysitting curious toddlers. 


Price: 3 cpWeight: 70 lbs.Dimensions: 5x5x5 ft. 
This is a crate. 

Extraspatial Floor Safe 

Price: 1500 gpWeight: 150 lbs.Dimensions:  5x5 ft. in the floor 
Metal hatch installed in the floor of a wagon, opens into a 2-foot extraspatial volume with solid iron walls. The latch has a steel loop for a lock, which sits flush with the floor. 

Floor Shelf 

Price: 15 gpWeight: 10 lbs.Dimensions: 2x2x3 ft.
Square stand with two shelves and a flat lacquered surface that functions as a side table. The bottom hook attaches to the floor to prevent sliding and allowing repositioning. 

Furniture Loft 

Price: 15 gpWeight: 40 lbs.Dimensions: 10x5x2 ft.
Solid wood loft that runs along the cabin ceiling. Easily stow unused furniture. 

Gyrostable Medicine Cabinet 

Price: 300 gpWeight: 30 lbs.Dimensions: 2x2 ft. on a wall
Wooden cabinet built in a gyroscopic frame that compensates for travel over rough terrain. 

Gyrostable Wine Rack 

Price: 300 gpWeight: 100 lbs.Dimensions: 4x3x5 ft.
For the cautious sommelier, a gyroscopically stabilized wine rack will treat your souvenirs like a precious newborn cub. Its shelves keep items at the same angle unless the wagon is fully inverted (in which case you have bigger problems anyway). 

Steel Footlocker 

Price: 8 gpWeight: 60 lbs.Dimensions: 5x2x2 ft.
This is a footlocker (steel). 

Thespian’s Friend 

Requirements: 9th-level WagonPrice: 3,000 gpWeight: 150 lbs.Dimensions: 5x5x10 ft.
Walk-in closet carved with decorative filigree and measures of melody from the Universal Symphony. The thespian’s friend can store up to 100 outfits. As an action, a creature inside the closet can speak the command word to instantly swap to a stored outfit. The thespian’s friend can store armor, but only stage props that don’t change a creature’s AC. 

Wall Pouch Chain

Price: 10 gpWeight: 10 lbs.Dimensions: 10x5 ft. on a wall
Steel chain attached to the long wall, with four hooks to hang the included burlap sacks. Supports up to 500 pounds. 


Candle Sconce 

Price: 2 gpWeight: 0 lbs.Dimensions: 1 ft. on a wall
Simple fixture of polished steel, securely holds a wax candle and provides soft light to the wagon’s interior. Candle not included. 

Cantrip Lantern 

Requirements: 5th-level WagonPrice: 500 gpWeight: 10 lbs.Dimensions: 1 ft. on a wall
Octagonal lamp with a permanent dancing lights spell, turned on and off with two staccato hand claps. The clapper chooses the light’s color. 

Faerie Lights

Requirements: 5th-level WagonPrice: 500 gpWeight: 0 lbs.Dimensions: 10 ft. on a wall
A 10-foot length of ensorceled wire with twinkling points of light every 3 inches. The line casts bright light 5 feet and dim light for an additional 5 feet. The lights can be lit or extinguished by speaking the command word as an action. 

Oil Lamp 

Price: 5 gpWeight: 0 lbs.Dimensions: 1 ft. on a wall
Hook and lantern installed on a wall to keep the mood light and cozy. Casts bright light in a 15-foot radius and dim light for an additional 15 feet. Once lit, the lamp burns for 6 hours per flask (1 pint) of oil 

Wall-Mounted Soda Lamp 

Price: 300 gpWeight: 10 lbs.Dimensions: 2 ft. on a wall
Lamp filled with Soren’s Scintillating Soda, with a glass tube in a shape of the commissioner’s choosing. Casts bright colored light 15 feet, and dim light for an additional 15 feet. A pint of oil can heat the soda within for 8 hours. 


Hidden Table 

Price: 300 gpWeight: 60 lbs.Dimensions: 5x5 ft. in floor
5-foot square table with 9-inch footwell underneath. Stows to sit flush with the floor. 

Fold-Out Counter 

Price: 40 gpWeight: 40 lbs.Dimensions: 10 ft. in a wall
This counter-for-four folds up into a wall. 

Notched Insert Table 

Price: 400 gpWeight: 100 lbs.Dimensions: 5x5x5 ft
Hardwood table and four stools that combine into a 5-foot cube for easy storage. Optional puzzle box variant for laetine delvers. 

Outdoor Fold-Out 

Price: 40 gpWeight: 20 lbs.Dimensions: 5x10 ft. wall
Fold-out surface from an exterior wall, suitable as a bench or table.