The Spell Mastery System
Spell Masteries
A spell mastery is a feature that alters how a specific spell works in a unique way. Each mastery is bound to a single spell.
Gaining Spell Masteries
You must gain access to a spell mastery before you can use it.
Spell masteries can be gained via a wide variety of ways: magic items, feats, racial features, alternate class features, boons, downtime, and more. They can even be given to spellcasting monsters and NPCs to make them more unique.
Using Spell Masteries
There are two rules for using spell masteries:
Only one spell mastery can be used per casting of a spell, even if you possess multiple masteries for the same spell.
You must declare your intent to use a certain mastery before casting the spell, or the mastery has no effect.
Spell Mastery Features
The following optional class features provide a way for Bards, Clerics, Druids, and Sorcerers to make use of spell masteries. Options for Wizards and Warlocks are found later in this page.
Bardic Masteries
Optional Bard Class feature, added to ExpertiseWhen you choose skills for the Expertise feature at 3rd and 10th level, you can forgo one or both skill proficiency choices, instead choosing two spell masteries (per skill not chosen) for spells you know granted to you by your Bard class levels.
When you gain a level in the Bard class, you can change your choices.
Domain Masteries
Optional Cleric class feature, added to Domain SpellsWhen your cleric Domain grants you domain spells, you may choose to gain only one instead of two spells.
When you do, you may also choose one Spell Mastery for a spell granted to you by your Cleric class levels. The spell must be of a level equal to or lower than the spell(s) granted by your Domain at that level.
Whenever you cast the corresponding spell, you can use the spell mastery. Whenever you gain a level in this class, you can change your choice(s).
Druidic Masteries
Optional Druid Circle subclass feature, added to Circle SpellsWhen your Druid circle grants you circle spells, you may choose to gain only one instead of two spells.
When you do, you may also choose one Spell Mastery for a spell granted to you by your Druid class levels. The spell must be of a level equal to or lower than the spell(s) granted by your circle at that level. Whenever you cast the corresponding spell, you can use the spell mastery.
Whenever you gain a level in this class, you can change your choice(s).
Sorcerous Masteries
Optional Sorcerer class feature, added to Font of MagicYou can use your sorcery points to access spell masteries that alter and enhance the spells you know.
When you finish a long rest, you can choose a number of spells you know granted by your Sorcerer class levels up to your spellcasting ability modifier.
For each spell you choose, you must expend a number of sorcery points determined by the spell's level, as shown in the table below. You can't regain these expended sorcery points until the next time you finish a long rest.
For each spell you chose, choose one spell mastery. Until the next time you finish a long rest, you can use that spell mastery whenever you cast the corresponding spell.
Spell Level - Sorcerer Point Cost
Cantrip-2nd - 1
3rd-6th - 2
7th-9th - 3
Wizards and Masteries
Optional Wizard Class feature, added to SpellbookA Wizard can scribe spell masteries into their spellbook in exactly the same way they would spells.
To copy a spell mastery, the wizard will need to find another spellbook or spell scroll that contains a mastery.
The level of the mastery is equal to the level of the spell it alters. For these purposes, cantrip spell masteries are treated as 1st level. As with spells, the level of the mastery determines the time and gold cost required to copy the mastery into a spellbook.
Spell Masteries and Features
Cantrip Master
Prerequisite: The ability to cast at least one cantripYou have developed a deep connection to your fundamental magics. Choose up to three cantrips you know. You learn any and all spell masteries for the chosen cantrips. You can use the chosen spell masteries whenever you cast the corresponding spells.
Whenever you gain a level, you can change one of your mastered cantrip choices.
Master Hunter
Prerequisite: RangerYou know the hunter's mark spell and can cast it as a Ranger spell without expending a spell slot a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus, regaining expended uses when you finish a long rest.
Additionally, you learn one spell mastery of your choice for the hunter's mark spell. You can change your choice to a different one whenever you finish a long rest.
Spell Mastery
Prerequisite: Spellcasting or Pact Magic featureYou have learned to put a unique twist on specific spells. You learn three spell masteries of your choice for spells you know or can prepare. You can use the chosen spell masteries whenever you cast the corresponding spells.
Whenever you gain a level, you can replace one or more of the chosen spell masteries with another.
Fighting Styles
Added Fighting Style options- Oathbound Spellmaster. (Paladin) You learn two spell masteries of your choice for Paladin spells you know. You can change your choice(s) whenever you gain a level in the Paladin class.
- Wild Spellmaster. (Ranger) You learn two spell masteries of your choice for Ranger spells you know. You can change your choice(s) whenever you gain a level in the Ranger class.
Added Metamagic Option- Complex Spell. When you cast a spell using a spell mastery, you can spend a number of sorcerey points equal to half the spell's level (rounded down) to affect that spell with a second mastery which you know and are able to use. If two masteries have effects that contradict each other, such as two masteries that change the shape of an area of effect, you must choose one to override the other where they contradict, or else they can't be combined.
Warlock Invocations
Added Warlock Invocations- BOOK OF MAGICAL MASTERY
Artificers, Tool Infusions, and Spell Masteries
Tool infusions are a new category of spell mastery that incorporate tool proficiencies and tool kits.
Each tool infusion mastery has at least one benefit that is exclusively granted to the caster if they are proficient in a certain kind of tool.
Some tool infusion masteries require the caster to use part of the tool kit itself in the spell's casting.
To use part of a tool set in the casting of a spell, the caster must have the tool set accessible on their person, and have at least one free hand to hold part of the set. This doesn't impede the caster's ability to perform any somatic components required for the spell, or to provide material components for it.
List of Tool Infusion Masteries
- Acid Splash: Alchemist's Expertise (Alchemist's Supplies)
- Guidance: Gamer's Gambit (Dice Set)
- Light: Lenscraft (Glassblower's Tools)
- Mage Hand: Deft Touch (Thieve's Tools)
- Mending: Artisan's Touch (Multi)
- Poison Spray: Artisan Assassin (Poisoner's Kit)
- Resistance: Steelforged Resilience (Smith's Tools)
- Shillelagh: Handcraft Warcraft (Carpenter's Tools)
- Spare the Dying: Arcane Operation (Healer's Kit)
- Burning Hands: Chef's Blaze (Cook's Utensils)
- Burning Hands: Finesse Flames (Painter's Supplies)
- Color Spray: Kaleidoscope (Glassblower's Tools)
- Disguise Self: Quality Creation (Disguise Kit)
- Feather Fall: The Parachute Plan (Tinker's Tools)
- Find Familiar: Nature's Gift (Herbalism Kit)
- Find Familiar: Ooze Form (Alchemist's Supplies)
- Goodberry: Herbal Blend (Herbalism Kit)
- Illusory Script: Ageless Enchantment (Calligrapher's Supplies)
- Inflict Wounds: Soured Scar (Poisoner's Kit)
- Protection from Evil and Good: Sacred Stone (Jeweler's Tools)
- Purify Food and Drink: Chef's Standard (Cook's Utensils)
- Sanctuary: Mason's Mark (Mason's Tools)
- Tasha's Hideous Laughter: Accompaniment (Musical Instrument)
- Tenser's Floating Disk: Autopilot (Navigation Tools)
Spell Masteries
Note: A number of spell masteries listed have unique Conditions. Conditions mentioned will be at the end of the page.Cantrips
- Acid Splash: Alchemist's Expertise. (Tool Infusion) When you cast the Acid Splash spell, if you are proficient with Alchemist's Supplies and use part of an Alchemist's Supplies set in the spell's casting, the save DC for the spell gains a bonus equal to half your proficiency bonus, or your entire proficiency bonus if it only targets one creature.
- Acid Splash: Bigger Bubble. When you cast the Acid Splash spell, you can also choose a third target that is within 5 feet of the first, but the damage dice against all affected targets become d4s.
- Acid Splash: Caustic Compound. When you cast the Acid Splash spell, if a target is Corroding, it has disadvantage on its saving throw against the spell.
- Acid Splash: Collateral Damage. When you cast the Acid Splash spell, you can choose for the acid to splash onto one object within 5 feet of either target that isn't being worn or carried. If the spell only targets one creature, you can choose a second object as well. Chosen objects automatically take the spell's damage.
- Acid Splash: Soaking Splash. When you cast the Acid Splash spell but only target one creature, if the creature fails its saving throw, it starts corroding until the end of its next turn, unless the target or another creature within 5 feet of it uses an action to scrape the acid away.
- Acid Splash: Sticky Substance. When you cast the Acid Splash spell, a target that fails its saving throw also has its speed reduced by 10 feet until the end of its next turn.
- Chill Touch: Close to Death. When you cast the Chill Touch spell targeting a creature within 10 feet of you, you can make a melee spell attack, instead of a ranged one. When you do, the damage dice become d10s.
- Chill Touch: Ghostly Grip. When you cast the Chill Touch spell, you can cause the ghostly hand to pull the target if it is Medium or smaller. The target must succeed a Strength saving throw or be pulled up to 5 feet in a direction of your choosing.
- Chill Touch: Kiss of Mortality. When you cast the Chill Touch spell, the additional effect for undead targets also extends to humanoid targets.
- Dancing Lights: Defensive Dance. When you cast the Dancing Lights spell and combine the four lights into one form, you have a +1 bonus to your AC while within 5 feet of that form and inside the radius of light it sheds.
- Dancing Lights: Graceful Flow. When you cast the Dancing Lights spell, for the duration, you can move the lights once per turn without expending any action. If you do use a bonus action to move the lights, you also gain 10 feet of movement on that turn.
- Dancing Lights: Reactive Sparks. You can cast the Dancing Lights spell using a casting time of "1 reaction, which you take whenever you deal radiant damage to a target within 120 feet of you." When you do, you must create each of the lights within 10 feet of the target that triggered the spell.
- Dancing Lights: Seeing Stars. When you cast the Dancing Lights spell outdoors at night, each light emits Bright light in a 10-foot radius and dim light for an additional 10 feet. Additionally, the spell creates a number of additional motes of light equal to your spellcasting ability modifier. If you combine all the motes, you can form a shape of a Large or smaller humanoid.
- Dancing Lights: Wisps of Whimsy. When you cast the Dancing Lights spell, the lights appear to have little wings like a fairy. When a creature within 5 feet of one of the lights makes a saving throw against an Enchantment or Illusion spell, you can use your reaction to end the Dancing Lights spell and impose disadvantage on that creature's save.
- Druidcraft: Animal Spirits. When you cast the Druidcraft spell, the following options expand the effects you can choose from:
- You direct all tiny, non-magical bugs within 5 feet of you to either scatter from the area, or to gather at a point you designate in the area.
- You get the attention of one Small or smaller beast in the spell's range. You can target a beast you see, or call out a random. The GM determines the beast's behavior. If it perceives you as a threat, it may flee, hide, or even attack. If it perceives you neutrally or as a potential friend, it might watch you or approach cautiously. In either case, you have advantage on your next Charisma ability check to interact with that creature within 1 minute.
- Druidcraft: Faerie Flare. When you cast the Druidcraft spell, you also gain advantage on your next Charisma ability check before the end of your next turn.
- Druidcraft: Instinct. When you cast the Druidcraft spell, it doesn't require any components for you. Additionally, you can cast the Druidcraft spell even while in Wildshape.
- Druidcraft: Wild Whimsy. When you cast a Druid spell of 1st level or higher as an action or bonus action, you can also cast the Druidcraft spell as part of the action used to cast that spell.
- Eldritch Blast: Arcane Piercing. When you cast the Eldritch Blast spell, the spell's attack rolls ignore any AC bonus granted by a spell, such as the Shield spell or a source of 1/2 or 3/4 cover created by a spell. Additionally, the spell's projectiles pass through magical barriers, such as a Forcecage or Wall of Force, and can't be reflected by other spells or magical effects (such as a Tarrasque's reflective carapace). Spells that change AC calculation, such as Mage Armor, are unaffected.
- Eldritch Blast: Doom Bolts. When you cast the Eldritch Blast spell, for each bolt that hits a creature, it has a cumulative -1 penalty to its next saving throw before the end of your next turn.
- Eldritch Blast: Eldritch Arrows. When you cast the Eldritch Blast spell, if you are proficient with the Shortbow and/or Longbow, you can cast the spell as though you are firing the bolts from a spectral bow. When you do, you can fire the bolts up to two times as far, or three times as far if you're proficient with the Longbow, but any attack roll beyond the spell's base range has disadvantage. Additionally, the bolts ignore 1/2 cover.
- Eldritch Blast: Weave Weakness. When you cast the Eldritch Blast spell, any bolt directed towards a Weavebound target deals 2d6 damage, instead of 1d10.
- Fire Bolt: Fuel For The Fire. When you cast the Firebolt spell and target a creature or object that is ignited or Scorched, any attack roll for the spell has advantage and is unaffected by disadvantage.
- Fire Bolt: Furious Flames. When you cast the Firebolt spell and the attack has advantage, and both rolls would hit, the damage dice become d12s. However, if only one of the rolls would hit, the damage dice become d8s.
- Fire Bolt: Sunfire. When you cast the Firebolt spell while both you and the target are in an area of bright light created by sunlight, you can change the spell's damage to Radiant, and the spell's attack is a critical hit on a roll of 19 or 20.
- Fire Bolt: Wreckless Flames. When you cast the Firebolt spell and the attack misses, but only by a margin of 5 or less, the target takes fire damage equal to your spellcasting ability modifier.
- Friends: Backstabber. While concentrating on the Friends spell, you have advantage on the first attack roll you make against the target, after which the target can't be subjected to this effect for 24 hours.
- Friends: Best Friends. The target is unaware that you used magic to influence its mood and no longer becomes hostile towards you due to the effects of this spell, but you must complete a short rest before you can target a different creature with the spell.
- Guidance: Ally's Gift. When you cast the Guidance spell, you can deliver the spell through any willing creature that you can see within 60 feet. The target of the spell must be within the reach of the willing creature who delivers the spell for you.
- Guidance: Gamer's Gambit. (Tool Infusion) When you cast the Guidance spell, if you are proficient with the Dice Set tool and use it in the spell's casting, the target can roll the d4 for the spell twice. When the target rolls these dice, it adds the sum of both rolls to its ability check, but if the sum is 7 or higher, it doesn't add any bonus. If it rolls a 1 on both dice, it adds a +10 bonus to its check instead.
- Guidance: Guiding Light. When you cast the Guidance spell, the target also sheds bright light in a 10 foot radius, and dim light for an additional 10 feet until the spell ends.
- Guidance: Stars Align. When you cast the Guidance spell, if the target makes an ability check using the same ability as your spellcasting ability, it can add your spellcasting ability modifier to its roll, instead of rolling 1d4.
- Light: Close Control. When you cast the Light spell, you have close control over the magic. Once per turn (no action required), you can adjust the radius of the spell's bright and dim light in 5 foot increments, to a minimum of 5 feet or maximum of 30. The size of the two radiuses must always be equal. Additionally, you can dismiss the spell at any time (no action required).
- Light: Lenscraft. (Tool Infusion) When you cast the Light spell, if you are proficient in Glassblower's Tools and you target a glass object with the spell, you can cause the light to emit in certain shapes. First, if you choose a radius as normal, you can make each radius as small as 5 feet, or as large as 60 feet. Each radius must be the same size. Alternatively, you can cause the object to emit bright light in a 30-foot cone, and dim light for an additional 5 feet in each direction, or you can cause it to emit bright line a line 60-feet long and 5-feet wide, and dim light for an additional 5 feet in each direction. When you cast the spell in this way, it doesn't end if you cast it again, but you can only have a number of instances at once equal to your spellcasting ability modifier. Casting the spell again ends the oldest instance.
- Light: Overshine. When you cast the Light spell, for the duration, the area of bright light created by the spell is lightly obscured, but the spell requires concentration. Additionally, as an action on subsequent turns, you overcharge the spell's light. The area of bright light created by the spell becomes heavily obscured until your next turn starts, at which point the spell ends.
- Light: Shining Spellcraft. When you cast the Light spell, you can concentrate on it while simultaneously concentrating on another spell. Roll separate saving throws to maintain concentration on each, as needed.
- Mage Hand: Deft Touch. (Tool Infusion) When you cast the Mage Hand spell, you can use the Mage Hand to operate any tool you are proficient with. When you do, any ability check to operate the tool with the mage hand is unaffected by disadvantage.
- Mage Hand: Floating Fist. When you cast the Mage Hand spell, you can use an action to cause the hand to attack an object or creature within 5 feet of it. Make a melee spell attack. On a hit, the target takes force damage equal to your spellcasting ability modifier. The hand then vanishes and the spell ends.
- Mage Hand: Long Reach. When you cast the Mage Hand spell, the range becomes 60 feet, as the does the maximum distance away from the hand you can be before it vanishes.
- Mage Hand: Two's A Team. When you cast the Mage Hand spell, you can create two hands instead of one. When you do, the spell requires concentration. You can use your action to control both hands. Using both hands on the same task grants advantage on any ability check required for that use of the hands.
- Mending: Artisan's Touch. (Tool Infusion) When you cast the Mending spell, the casting time is 1 action if you are mending an object or structure that is related to a tool you are proficient with. For example, mending wood gains the bonus if you are proficient with carpenters tools, while mending pottery gains the bonus if you are proficient with potter's tools. Additionally, you can mend a more complex break, such as a splintered piece of wood, shattered glass, or crumbled stone, so long as the full amount of the material is still present.
- Mending: Major Mend. When you cast the Mending spell, the maximum size of the damage you repair equals your spellcasting ability modifier in feet.
- Message: Call of the Council. When you cast the Message spell, the range is tripled (if the target is willing), and you can extend the message to any number of willing creatures within 15 feet of the target, although only the target can reply.
- Message: Frightful Whispers. When you cast the Message spell, you can force the target to make a Wisdom saving throw. On a failed save, the target becomes Shaken until the end of your next turn, or Frightened if it is already Shaken. Once a creature succeeds its saving throw against this effect, it becomes immune to it for 24 hours.
- Message: Long Range Link. When you cast the Message spell, the range is 500 feet if you have been within 5 feet of the target in the last 24 hours.
- Mind Sliver: Indecision. The target must now subtract 1d6 from their next saving throw, but the damage dice is reduced to a d4.
- Mind Sliver: Blindspot. If the target fails their saving throw, you become invisible to the target until the start of your next turn or until you attack or cast a spell The target no longer subtracts 1d4 from their next saving throw.
- Minor Illusion: Crafty Chorus. When you cast the Minor Illusion spell and create a sound, you can create a number of different, simultaneous sounds equal to your spellcasting ability modifier. You can cause these sounds to originate from one or multiple points within range.
- Minor Illusion: Create Cover. When you cast the Minor Illusion spell and create an image of an object, for the duration, that object can provide you 1/2 cover against attacks that rely on sight, provided you create an appropriate object (such as a table or a barrel). A creature that can see through illusions, such as one with truesight, ignores this cover.
- Minor Illusion: Mirage Menagerie. When you cast the Minor Illusion spell and create an image, for the duration, the illusion doesn't end if you cast the spell again to create another image. However, you can only have a maximum number of illusions from this spell active at a time equal to your spellcasting ability modifier.
- Minor Illusion: Momentary Mirage. When you cast the Minor Illusion spell, you can change the casting time to 1 bonus action, but the illusion only lasts until the start of your next turn.
- Minor Illusion: Targeted Distraction. When you cast the Minor Illusion spell, you can target the illusion to be a distraction for one creature you can see within range. That creature must make a Wisdom saving throw. On a failed save, it has disadvantage on the next saving throw it makes before the illusion ends. A creature that can see through illusions, as with truesight, is unaffected, as is one that successfully examines the illusion as described in the spell.
- Minor Illusion: Supplement Spell. When you cast an Illusion spell of 1st level or higher as an action or bonus action, you can also cast the Minor Illusion spell as part of the same action used to cast that spell.
- Poison Spray: Artisan Assassin. (Tool Infusion) When you cast the Poison Spray spell, if you are proficient with the Poisoner's Kit and use part of the kit in the spell's casting, double your proficiency bonus for the purposes of determining the spell's saving throw DC.
- Poison Spray: Liquid Venom. When you cast the Poison Spray spell, the puff of noxious gas becomes a jet of misty toxic liquid, increasing the range to 30 feet. Poison Spray: Monster's Bane. When you cast the Poison Spray spell, it ignores resistance to poison damage.
- Poison Spray: Sickening Spray. When you cast the Poison Spray spell, if the target fails its saving throw by a margin of 5 or more, it also becomes Sickened until the end of its next turn.
- Poison Spray: Toxic Overload. When you cast the Poison Spray spell, the target has disadvantage on its saving throw against the spell if it is Afflicted, Diseased, Poisoned, or Sickened.
- Prestidigitation: Disappearing Act. When you cast the Prestidigitation spell, the following option expands the effects you can choose from: You can touch a nonmagical object no larger than 1 cubic foot to make it invisible until the end of your next turn.
- Prestidigitation: Magic Act. Once per turn, when you cast another spell as an Action or Bonus Action, or when you make a Dexterity (Sleight of Hand) or Charisma (Performance) check as an action, you can cast the Prestidigitation spell as part of that action.
- Prestidigitation: Master Magician. When you cast the Prestidigitation spell, you can create a number of the spell's effects at once in a single casting equal to your spellcasting ability modifier (minimum of 2). This can also affect how many of the spell's 1-minute effects you can have active at a time.
- Produce Flame: Arcane Purity. When you cast the Produce Flame spell, the fire created by the spell is made of pure arcane energy. The fire can't be doused or manipulated like other magical flames, and the damage counts as force instead of fire if you hurl the flame.
- Produce Flame: Great Ball of Fire. When you cast the Produce Flame spell, the distance you can hurl the flame equals 10 times your spellcasting ability modifier (minimum of 10), instead of 30 feet, and the spell's damage increases by +1 for every 10 feet the flame travels towards the target. This increases to +2 for every 10 feet when you reach 17th level.
- Produce Flame: Seige Spell. When you cast the Produce Flame spell and hurl the flame, the range for hurling the flame is 120 feet, instead of 30 feet, and the flame deals triple damage to structures and objects that aren't being worn or carried.
- Produce Flame: Slow Burn. When you cast the Produce Flame spell, if you hurl the flames on a later turn, rather than the turn you cast the spell, each d8 for the spell's damage becomes 2d4. If you wait at least 1 minute after casting the spell, the damage becomes 3d4 per d8, instead of 2d4.
- Produce Flame: Spark Toss. When you cast the Produce Flame spell, you can hurl the flame on a later turn as a bonus action, instead of an action. Use the same rules, otherwise, for the hurling the flame, except the damage dice become d4s.
- Ray of Frost: Chilling Cold. When you cast the Ray of Frost spell, when a creature fails its saving throw, instead of reducing the target's speed, you can cause the target to become Chilled until the start of your next turn.
- Ray of Frost: Rime Rays. When you cast the Ray of Frost spell, you can target two creatures within 5 feet of each other, instead of one. When you do, the damage dice become d4s.
- Ray of Frost: Subzero. When you cast the Ray of Frost spell and the attack hits, if the speed reuction would reduce the target's speed to 0, or if the target's speed is already 0, any damage dice for the spell become d10s, and the target also has disadvantage on the next attack roll it makes before the start of your next turn.
- Resistance: Even The Odds. When you cast the Resistance spell, if the target chooses to use the d4 before rolling its saving throw, the saving throw is unaffected by disadvantage, advantage, and any other effect that would cause the target to roll the d20 for the saving throw more than once.
- Resistance: Reactive Aid. When you cast the Resistance spell, when the target rolls the d4 (before or after it is rolled), you can use your reaction, provided the target is within 30 feet of you and you can see it, to speak a magical word encouragement, allowing the target to roll an additional d4 and add it to its total.
- Resistance: Sparing Spell. When you cast the Resistance spell, if the target still fails its saving throw, any damage it takes immediately as a result of failing that saving throw is reduced by 3 + your spellcasting ability modifier. The reduction increases to 6 + your spellcasting ability modifier when you reach 5th level, then 9 + your modifier at 11th level, and 12 + your modifier at 17th level.
- Resistance: Steelforged Resilience. (Tool Infusion) When you cast the Resistance spell, if you are proficient with Smith's Tools, you use part of a Smith's Tools set in the spell's casting, and the target is wearing armor that can be created or improved with Smith's tools, the target gains a +2 bonus to its AC until the spell ends, as well as a +2 bonus to the d4 roll for this spell. The AC bonus from this mastery can't increase a creature's AC beyond 20.
- Sacred Flame: Divine Detection. When you cast the Sacred Flame spell, if you have dealt damage to the target before, or successfully affected it with a divination spell, you don't need to see it to target it with the spell.
- Sacred Flame: Radiant Splash. When you cast the Sacred Flame spell, you can choose to target two creatures within 5 feet of each other, instead of only one creature. When you do, the damage dice become d6s, instead of d8s.
- Sacred Flame: Tongues of Fire. When you cast the Sacred Flame spell, if you share at least one language with the target, the DC for the spell gains a bonus equal to your Charisma modifier (minimum of 1).
- Sacred Flame: Soulfire. When you cast the Sacred Flame spell, if the target fails its saving throw, you gain temporary hit points equal to half the damage dealt by the spell, which last until the start of your next turn.
- Shillelagh: Blackthorn Bark. When you cast the Shillelagh spell, a layer of spectral blackthorn grows around your torso, granting you a +2 bonus to your AC until the start of your next turn, which ends early if the spell ends or if you take fire damage.
- Shillelagh: Handcraft Warcraft. (Tool Infusion) When you cast the Shillelagh spell, if you are proficient with Carpenter's Tools, you gain a bonus to damage rolls with the affected weapon equal to half your proficiency bonus (round up).
- Shillelagh: Natural Armory. When you cast the Shillelagh spell, you can affect any melee weapon you are proficient with.
- Shillelagh: Warrior of the Wilds. When you cast the Shillelagh spell, for the spell's duration, when you use the Attack action, you can make one weapon attack with the affected weapon as a bonus action.
- Shocking Grasp: Grasp of Shocking. When you cast the Shocking Grasp spell, a target that fails its saving throw by a margin of 5 or more becomes Shocked until the end of your next turn.
- Shocking Grasp: Lightning Leap. When you cast the Shocking Grasp spell and the attack hits, you can also force another creature within 5 feet of the target to make a Dexterity saving throw, doing so with disadvantage if it is wearing armor made of metal. On a failed save, that creature takes lightning damage equal to your spellcasting ability modifier.
- Shocking Grasp: Static Aura. When you cast the Shocking Grasp spell, if the target fails its saving throw, it becomes surrounded by a static aura until the start of your next turn. If it moves at least 5 feet before then, it takes 1d4 lightning damage, and the effect ends. This damage increases by 1d4 when you reach 5th level (2d4), 11th level (3d4), and 17th level (4d4).
- Shocking Grasp: Stronger Surge. When you cast the Shocking Grasp spell and the attack hits, the target must make a Constitution saving throw. On a failed save, it is Dazed until the end of its next turn. The target automatically succeeds this saving throw if it is resistant or immune to lightning damage.
- Spare the Dying: Arcane Operation. (Tool Infusion) When you cast the Spare the Dying spell, if you are proficient with a Healer's Kit and use part of the kit in the spell's casting, make an ability check with your spellcasting ability. The DC is 10, but increases by 5 for each failed death saving throw currently affecting the target. On a successful check, the target also regains 1 hit point.
- Spare the Dying: Extend Spirit. When you cast the Spare the Dying spell, you can cause the spell to be delivered by a willing creature you can see within 30 feet of you. The creature must use its reaction to deliver the spell, or the mastery has no effect.
- Spare The Dying: Preemptive Protection. When you cast the Spare the Dying spell, you can instead target a living that creature that has 1 or more hit points. When you do, the spell's duration becomes 1 minute. The first time during the spell's duration that the target would drop to 0 hit points, it immediately becomes stable. The spell then ends. When you cast the spell in this way, it ends early if you cast it again.
- Spare The Dying: Shield the Dying. When you cast the Spare the Dying spell, the target also gains a bonus to its AC equal to your spellcasting ability modifier until the start of your next turn.
- Thaumaturgy: Agent of Awe. When you cast the Thaumaturgy spell, any creature within 30 feet of you who witnessed the effect and who's Wisdom score is lower than yours becomes affected by a sense of awe. Until the end of your next turn, creatures in awe this way have disadvantage on any saving throw you force them to make against being charmed, frightened, or shaken.
- Thaumaturgy: Divine Spectacle. When you cast a spell as an action or bonus action using a Cleric or Paladin spell slot of 1st level or higher, you can immediately cast the Thaumaturgy spell as part of the same action used to cast that spell.
- Thaumaturgy: Theatrical Flare. You can cast the Thaumaturgy spell as a bonus action. Additionally, if you are proficient in the Performance skill, whenever you cast the Thaumaturgy spell, you can immediately make one Charisma (Intimidation), Charisma (Performance), or Charisma (Persuasion) check as part of the spell's casting.
- Thaumaturgy: Miracle Maker. When you cast the Thaumaturgy spell, you can create a number of the spell's effects at once in a single casting equal to your spellcasting ability modifier (minimum of 1). This can also increase how many of the spell's 1-minute effects you can have active at a time, but it won't decrease it.
- True Strike: Arcane Accuracy. When you cast the True Strike spell, if you roll the affected attack with advantage, you can also reroll one of the dice once.
- True Strike: Critical Edge. When you cast the True Strike spell, an affected attack roll is a critical hit on a d20 roll of 18, 19, or 20.
- True Strike: Deep Focus. When you cast the True Strike spell, you can extend the duration to two rounds provided you haven't rolled a die to add to one attack roll, and an affected attack isn't affected by disadvantage.
- True Strike: Force of Focus. When you cast the True Strike spell, if you roll an affected attack with advantage and both rolls would hit, the attack deals an additional 1d4 force damage. This damage increases by 1d4 when you reach 5th level (2d4), 11th level (3d4), and 17th level (4d4).
- True Strike: Light of Truth. When you cast the True Strike spell, for the spell's duration, any weapon you hold sheds bright light in a 5-foot radius, and dim light for an additional 5 feet. Additionally, the weapon's damage becomes magical for the spell's duration.
- Viscious Mockery: Lingering Insults. When you cast the Viscious Mockery spell, if the target fails its save and then misses an attack roll that was affected by the spell, it takes psychic damage equal to your spellcasting ability modifier.
- Viscous Mockery: Native Nicknames. When you cast the Viscious Mockery spell, if you share a language with the target, the damage dice becomes d6s. If the language you share is the target's native language (determined at the GM's discretion), the damage dice become d8s instead.
- Viscious Mockery: Secondhand Embarrassment. When you cast the Viscious Mockery spell and the target fails its saving throw, you can choose one additional creature within 10 feet of the target that can also hear you (though it need not understand you). That creature must succeed a Wisdom saving throw or have disadvantage on the next attack roll it makes before the end of its next turn.
1st Level
- Alarm: All Accounted For. When you cast the Alarm spell, you can choose a number of doors and windows or 10-foot cubes equal to your spellcasting ability modifier (minimum of 1) to be affected. Every door and window you select must be part of the same structure; each 10-foot cube you select must have at least one side adjacent to another cube.
- Alarm: Dual Defenses. When you cast the Alarm spell, you can make the alarm both mental and audible. Additionally, you can target an area up to twice as large.
- Alarm: Painful Ping. When you cast the Alarm spell, you can set a trap with the spell. For the duration, when a creature triggers the spell, it must make a Constitution saving throw. On a failed save, it takes 1d10 thunder damage and becomes Deafened until the end of its next turn. The spell then ends. When you cast the spell in this way, it ends early if you cast the spell again. When you cast the spell in this way using a spell slot of 2nd level or higher, this thunder damage increases by 1d10 for each slot level above 1st.
- Alarm: Unconventional Alarms. When you cast the Alarm spell, you can target any object that fits into a 10-foot cube. You can choose whether the alarm is set off when the object is touched, or when it is interacted with in a specific way (for example, when a book is opened).
- Animal Friendship: Charismatic Connection. When you cast the Animal Friendship spell, if you are proficient in the Persuasion skill, the spell's saving throw DC increases by an amount equal to your Charisma modifier. Additionally, if your Persuasion skill bonus is 10 or higher, the spell is automatically cast as though using a spell slot one level higher.
- Animal Friendship: Close Kinship. When you cast the Animal Friendship spell, if the target fails its save, you can communicate with the target for the spell's duration as though you were under the effects of the Speak With Animals spell.
- Animal Friendship: Envoy of the Planes. When you cast the Animal Friendship spell, you can also target elementals (if you know primordial) and fey (if you know sylvan) in addition to beasts.
- Animal Friendship: Natural Bonding. When you cast the Animal Friendship spell, if you are proficient in the Animal Handling skill, you can make a Wisdom (Animal Handling check), with a DC equal to 8 + the target Beast's CR + the target beast's Intelligence. On a successful check, you don't need to expend a spell slot for this casting of Animal Friendship. On a failed check, you must expend a spell slot as normal, or the spell fails. You can only attempt this check if you have a spell slot you could use for the spell.
- Animal Friendship: Swarm of the Small. When you cast the Animal Friendship spell, if you choose only beasts that are size Small or smaller, you can target five times as many.
- Bane: Blitz Bane. When you cast the Bane spell, you can cast it as a bonus action. When you do, it only lasts until the end of your next turn, and it doesn't require concentration.
- Bane: Focused Fate. When you cast the Bane spell, you can choose to target only one creature, but it makes the saving throw against the spell three times. If it fails at least two of the saving throws, it subtracts a d6 for the duration, instead of a d4. If it fails one saving throw, it is affected normally. If it succeeds all three of its saving throws, it is unaffected.
- Bane: Inevitable Curse. When you cast the Bane spell, a target that succeeds its initial saving throw against the spell still suffers the spell's effects until the end of its next turn.
- Bane: Scapegoat. Whenever a target affected by the Bane spell makes an attack roll or a saving throw, you can use your reaction forcing them to subtract a d4 for each creature affected by the spell and end the spell.
- Bane: Tides of Tribulation. When you cast the Bane spell, when an affected creature subtracts the d4 from one of its rolls for the first time on a turn, it takes the same amount of psychic damage.
- Bless: Bonded Fates. When you cast the Bless spell, for the duration, while all three targets are within 5 feet of each other and none of them are incapacitated, each target adds a d6 for the duration, instead of a d4.
- Bless: Critical Aid. When you cast the Bless spell, instead of adding a d4 to all of its attack rolls and saving throws, each target can add a d8 to one qualifying roll it makes per round, resetting at the start of each of your turns. The creature can choose to add the d8 before or after rolling its attack or saving throw, but only before any results take place (no action required).
- Bless: Greater Boon. When you cast the Bless spell, you can choose to target only one creature. When you do, the target treats any 1 rolled on the d4 for the spell as a 2. Bless: Ordained For Wisdom. When you cast the Bless spell, for the duration, affected targets take the maximum value of the spell's bonus die when adding it to Wisdom saving throws.
- Bless: Vital Blessing. When you cast the Bless spell, each target may immediately roll 1d4, gaining temporary hit points equal to the roll plus the level at which the spell was cast. These temporary hit points disappear if the spell ends. As an action on your subsequent turns for the duration, you can allow each affected creature to do so again.
- Burning Hands: Chef's Blaze. (Tool Infusion) When you cast the Burning Hands spell, if you are proficient in cooking tools and use part of a cooking tools set in the spell's casting, add a bonus equal to your proficiency bonus to the spell's saving throw DC and damage.
- Burning Hands: Finesse Flames. (Tool Infusion) When you cast the Burning Hands spell, if you are proficient in painter's tools and use part of a painter's tools set in the spell's casting, add your Dexterity modifier to the spell's damage, and you can choose a number of creatures in the spell's area up to your Dexterity modifier to be excluded from the spell's effects.
- Burning Hands: Hot Hand. When you cast the Burning Hands spell, you can create a hand-like shape of pure flame as part of the spell. Choose one affected target that fails its saving throw and that is Large or smaller to pull up to 15 feet closer to you, or push 15 feet away from you.
- Burning Hands: Reaching Inferno. When you cast the Burning Hands spell, you can create a 30-foot cone, instead of 15-foot, but creatures more than 10 feet away from the origin have advantage on their saving throw against the spell, and take no damage if they succeed.
- Charm Person: Peacemaker. When you cast the Charm Person spell, the target doesn't gain advantage on its saving throw due to you or your companions fighting it.
- Charm Person: Subtle Seduction. When you cast the Charm Person spell, when the spell ends, the target must make another Wisdom saving throw. On a failed save, it does not know it was charmed by you. The target does not make this saving throw if the spell ended because you or your companions did something harmful to it.
- Charm Person: Xenophile. When you cast the Charm Person spell, you can target creatures that aren't humanoid. However, a non-humanoid target with a level or challenge rating higher than the level at which the spell was cast is unaffected. A nonhumanoid creature which you or your companions are fighting is also unaffected.
- Color Spray: Kaleidoscope. (Tool Infusion) If you are proficient with Glassblowers tools, you can craft a special piece of glass to use as a material component in casting the spell. The process requires 5 gp of common glassblowing materials and a set of Glassblower's Tools. When you cast the Color Spray spell using the special glass, the spell's range becomes 30 feet. Rather than targeting an area, you can choose a number of creatures that you can see within range up to your spellcasting ability modifier to be affected.
- Color Spray: Lingering Light. When you cast the Color Spray spell, each creature in the spell's area must make a Dexterity saving throw. On a failed save, a creature is Branded until the end of its next turn.
- Color Spray: Prismatic Power. When you cast the Color Spray spell, you can use an ability score of your choice to increase the hit point threshold of the spell by the same amount of the ability score chosen.
- Color Spray: Rainbow Burst. When you cast the Color Spray spell, you change the shape to a 30-foot cone, or to a 10-foot radius centered on yourself.
- Command: Authority. When you cast the Command spell, any target that is prone and within 5 feet of you has disadvantage on its saving throw.
- Command: Compound Command. When you cast the Command spell, if the target fails its saving throw by a margin of 5 or more, you can choose two of the effects presented in the spell's description, instead of one. The effects occur in the order of your choosing. If the first effect causes the target to end its turn, it doesn't end its turn until it completes the second command. When you use this mastery, you can't use any command that isn't included in the spell's description.
- Command: Overwhelming Ethos. When you cast the Command spell, you can change the saving throw from Wisdom to Charisma. A target ignores this effect if its Wisdom ability score is 20 or higher.
- Command: Willbreaker. When you cast the Command spell, if a target has succeeded a saving throw against your casting of Command within the last 1 minute, it has disadvantage on its saving throw.
- Comprehend Languages: Insightful Intel. When you cast the Comprehend Languages spell, for the duration, you have advantage on Wisdom (Insight) checks related to any spoken language you hear.
- Comprehend Languages: Speed Read. When you cast the Comprehend Languages spell, the spell accelerates your ability to read text. When you read a text using this spell that you couldn't otherwise read, it takes about 6 seconds per page, instead of 1 minute. If you already knew the language you are reading, you can read one page per second instead.
- Comprehend Languages: Wordpiercer. When you cast the Comprehend Languages spell, for the duration, you have advantage on saving throws against any spell or magical effect that requires verbal components and imposes the charmed or frightened condition.
- Create or Destroy Water: Rituals of Rain and Ruin. When you cast the Create or Destroy Water spell, it has the Ritual tag for you.
- Create or Destroy Water: Season Shaper. When you cast the Create or Destory Water spell, you can concentrate on the spell for up to 1 minute. When you do, you can use an action on subsequent turns for the spell's duration to repeat its effect. Once you've caused one of the spell's effects a number of times equal to your spellcasting ability modifier, the spell ends.
- Create or Destroy Water: Temperature Spike. When you cast the Create or Destroy water spell and choose to create water, you can create it at an extreme cold or hot temperature. Any creature inside the area of the water you created when it appears must make a Constitution saving throw. On a failed save, until the end of your next turn, a creature becomes chilled (if you chose cold) or scorched (if you chose hot) until the end of its next turn. If it was already chilled or scorched and takes damage from gaining the condition again, it takes twice as much damage.
- Cure Wounds: Cleanse. When you cast the Cure Wounds spell, the healing from the spell ignores effects that prevent the target from regaining hit points, such as the Chill Touch spell or the Decaying condition. Additionally, if the target is Decaying, the condition ends for it.
- Cure Wounds: Create Tonic. (Tool Infusion) When you cast the Cure Wounds spell, if you are proficient with Alchemist's Supplies or the Herbalism Kit and use part of a set in the spell's casting, instead of targeting a creature, you can touch a glass vial or similar container with at least 6 ounces of water in it. The spell becomes stored in the water in the vial for up to 1 hour. A creature can drink the water from the vial as an action to gain the spell's effects. You can only have a number of tonics created this way equal to your spellcasting ability modifier. Creating another causes the oldest tonic to lose its magic.
- Cure Wounds: Healing Hand. When you cast the Cure Wounds spell, you can cause the spell to be delivered by a willing creature you can see within 30 feet of you. The creature must use its reaction to deliver the spell, or the mastery has no effect.
- Cure Wounds: Patient Procedure. (Tool Infusion) When you cast the Cure Wounds spell, you can use a casting time of 1 minute to restore one additional d8 of hit points. If you are proficient with a Healer's Kit and use part of a set in the spell's casting when you use this mastery, you can also add your proficiency bonus to the healing.
- Detect Evil and Good: Divined Defenses. When you cast the Detect Evil and Good spell, for the duration, when you make a saving throw against an effect caused by an aberration, celestial, elemental, fey, fiend, or undead within the spell's range that can be sensed by the spell, you can use your reaction to gain advantage on that saving throw. You must choose to do so before rolling. This spell then ends.
- Detect Evil and Good: Guided Strikes. When you cast the Detect Evil and Good spell, for the duration, you don't have disadvantage on attack rolls against targets you can't see if you are able to detect the targets location with the spell.
- Detect Evil and Good: Hunter's Ritual. The Detect Evil and Good spell is a Ritual spell for you. When you cast it as a ritual, it doesn't require concentration.
- Detect Evil and Good: Wide Sweep. When you cast the Detect Evil and Good spell, you can detect targets out to 90 feet, instead of 30.
- Detect Magic: Aware & Alert. When you cast the Detect Magic spell, for the duration, when you make a saving throw against a spell that originates in the spell's area and can be sensed by the spell during the spell's duration, you can use your reaction to gain advantage on that saving throw. You must choose to do so before rolling. This spell then ends.
- Detect Magic: Deeper Divination. When you cast the Detect Magic spell, you can use your action to focus on a magic effect you have sensed. If that effect is caused by an ongoing spell, you also learn that spell's level, unless it is of a level higher than you can cast, in which case you learn that it is a level too high for you to cast.
- Detect Magic: Rapid Radar. You can cast the Detect Magic spell as a bonus action. When you do, it lasts only until the end of your next turn, not requiring concentration.
- Detect Magic: Second-Nature Senses. When you cast the Detect Magic spell, it does not require concentration for you.
- Detect Poison and Disease: Keen Senses. When you cast the Detect Poison and Disease spell, for the duration, if you did not cast the spell as a ritual, you have advantage on all Wisdom (Perception) checks, and you can't be surprised.
- Detect Poison and Disease: Secondary Spell. When you cast any spell with Detect in its name, you can also cast Detect Poison and Disease as part of the same casting time used to cast that spell. If you cast the other spell as a ritual or you expended a spell slot to cast the other spell, you don't need to expend a spell slot to cast Detect Poison and Disease along with it.
- Detect Poison and Disease: Toxin Ward. When you cast the Detect Poison and Disease spell, for the duration, you have advantage on saving throws against being poisoned, and resistance to poison damage.
- Detect Poison and Disease: Ultimate Awareness. When you cast the Detect Poison and Disease spell, choose a number of the following benefits to affect the spell equal to your Wisdom modifier (minimum of 1) for its duration:
- The spell doesn't require concentration
- The spell lasts up to 1 hour
- The reach of the senses granted by the spell increases by 30 feet (can be selected multiple times)
- You can cast the spell as a bonus action
- The spell can penetrate all barriers
- Disguise Self: Immersive Role. When you cast the Disguise Self spell, you can change the duration to 8 hours. However, when you do, you can't dismiss the spell early.
- Disguise Self: Quality Creation. (Tool Infusion) When you cast the Disguise Self spell, if you are proficient with a Disguise Kit and have one on your person, the changes wrought by the spell do hold up to physical inspection. A creature that physically inspects the spell must make an investigation check as normal. Additionally, the DC for investigation checks made to discern the nature of your disguise increases by an amount equal to your proficiency bonus.
- Disguise Self: Subtle Shift. When you cast the Disguise Self spell, you can do so as a bonus action and without requiring any verbal or somatic components.
- Disguise Self: Voice Acting. When you cast the Disguise Self spell and change your appearance to reflect another creature you have seen and heard, you can also change your voice to sound exactly like that creature. A creature doesn't detect the difference in voice unless it uses an action to investigate and succeeds, as described in the spell. If you are proficient with the Performance skill, the DC to discern the difference increases by a bonus equal to your Charisma modifier.
- Divine Favor: Bestow Favor. When you cast the Divine Favor spell, you can change the range to touch, granting the spell's benefits to a willing creature you touch. The spell ends for that creature if it ends its turn more than 60 feet from you.
- Divine Favor: Call to Courage. When you cast the Divine Favor spell, for the duration, you have advantage on saving throws against being frightened, and affected attacks ignore any disadvantage imposed by the Frightened condition.
- Divine Favor: Smite the Shadows. When you cast the Divine Favor spell, when you deal radiant damage through the spell to a creature that is vulnerable to radiant damage, the target takes three times as much radiant damage, instead of twice as much.
- Divine Favor: Warrior's Light. When you cast the Divine Favor spell, for the duration, any weapon you wield sheds bright light in a 10-foot radius, and dim light for an additional 10-feet. If any of this light's area overlaps with an area of darkness created by a spell of a level equal to or lower than you spellcasting ability modifier, the spell that created the darkness is dispelled.
- Entangle: Fields of Green. When you cast the Entangle spell, you can double the size of the spell's area. When you do, a creature restrained by the spell can automatically repeat the saving throw at the start of each of its turns.
- Entangle: Living Vines. When you cast the Entangle spell, you can use an action on subsequent turns for the duration to force a creature in the spell's area to make a Strength saving throw or be restrained by the plants as described in the spell's initial effect.
- Entangle: Seasonal Growth. When you cast the Entangle spell, you can change the duration to 1 round, not requiring concentration. The plants last until the end of your next turn.
- Expeditious Retreat: Quick Respite. When you cast the Expeditious Retreat spell, you can change the duration to 1 round, not requiring concentration. The spell lasts until the end of your next turn.
- Expeditious Retreat: Shared Speed. When you cast the Expeditious Retreat spell, you can change the range to Touch, allowing you target a willing creature you touch. If you cast the spell in this way using a spell slot of 2nd level or higher, you can choose one additional target for each slot level above 1st.
- Expeditious Retreat: Slippery Steps. When you cast the Expeditious Retreat spell, your movement doesn't trigger opportunity attacks until the end of that turn. Additionally, as a bonus action on each of your turns until the spell ends, you can take the Disengage action.
- Faerie Fire: Brief Burst. When you cast the Faerie Fire spell, you can change the duration to 1 round, not requiring concentration. The effects last until the end of your next turn.
- Faerie Fire: Focused Flame. When you cast the Faerie Fire spell, you can choose to target a single Large or smaller creature or object, instead of a 20-foot cube. If the target fails its save, it is Dazed until the end of its next turn.
- Faerie Fire: Sparkling Spray. When you cast the Faerie Fire spell, you can change the spell's shape to a 30-foot cone. When you do, any creature in the area no more than 15 feet from spell's origin has disadvantage on its saving throw.
- False Life: Gravewalker Ward. When you cast the False Life spell, while you have the temporary hit points granted by the spell, you also have resistance to necrotic and poison damage, and advantage on saving throws against the poisoned condition, but you can not regain hit points.
- False Life: Lich's Boon. When you cast the False Life spell, you can change the casting time to 1 minute, and the duration to instantaneous. When you do, the temporary hit points last until depleted or until you finish a long rest.
- False Life: Risky Rites. When you cast the False Life spell, you can change the amount of temporary hit points granted to 2d6, instead of the spell's normal amount. When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 2nd level or higher, you gain 2d6 additional temporary hit points for each slot level above 1st, instead of 5.
- Feather Fall: Aura of Safety. When you cast the Feather Fall spell, you can affect any number of creatures within 5 feet of you without counting those creatures towards the maximum number of affected targets.
- Feather Fall: Graceful Glide. When you cast the Feather Fall spell and target only yourself, until the spell ends, you can glide up to 30 feet horizontally as you descend.
- Feather Fall: The Parachute Plan. (Tool Infusion) When you cast the Feather Fall spell, if you are proficient with Tinker's Tools and use part of a set in the spell's casting, you can use a casting time of 1 action to store the spell inside one Small object you created using the tools which you hold during the spell's casting. The spell remains stored this way for up to 1 hour, or until you use this mastery again. Any creature holding the object can cast the stored spell using its normal casting time. Doing so expends the magic from the object, making it mundane again.
- Find Familiar: Aberrant Ally. When you cast the Find Familiar spell, you can choose for the summoned familiar to be an Aberration, instead of its normal creature type. When you do, the familiar is immune to psychic damage and has darkvision out to a range of 60 feet. If you know Deep Speech when you cast the spell, the familiar also gains an otherworldy aura in a 5-foot radius around it. Any creature inside that aura of your choice is exposed to Psychic damage and doesn't benefit from advantage on saving throws against being Frightened.
- Find Familiar: Celestial Blessing. When you cast the Find Familiar spell and choose to make your familiar a Celestial, it gains resistance to radiant and necrotic damage. Additionally, as a bonus action while the familiar is within 60 feet of you, you can cause it to start shedding bright light in a 5-foot radius, and dim light for an additional 5-feet, or to stop shedding light. If you know the Celestial language when you cast the spell, the sizes of these radiuses is doubled, and creatures of your choice in the bright light have advantage on saving throws against being frightened.
- Find Familiar: Conjure Construct. (Tool Infusion) When you cast the Find Familiar spell, you can choose for the summoned familiar to be a Construct, instead of its normal creature type. When you do, the creature's AC is 16, if it would be less, and you can communicate with it or share its senses out to 300 feet, instead of 100. If you are proficient in Tinker's Tools and use part of a set in the spell's casting, the AC minimum for the familiar increases to 18, and the sense sharing extension becomes 1000 feet.
- Find Familiar: Draconic Ally. When you cast the Find Familiar spell, you can choose for the summoned creature to be a Dragon, instead of its normal creature type. Choose one damage type from acid, cold, fire, lightning, or poison. The familiar is resistant to the chosen damage type. If you know Draconic when you cast the spell, your familiar gains a breath weapon feature: As an action, you can expend a spell slot of 1st level or higher while within 100 feet of your familiar to cause your familiar to make a breath attack in a 15-foot cone. Creatures in that area must make a Dexterity saving throw against your spell save DC. A creature takes 2d6 damage of the chosen type on a failed save, or half as much on a success. If you expend a spell slot of 2nd level or higher, the damage increases by 1d6 for each slot level above 1st.
- Find Familiar: Elemental Ally. When you cast the Find Familiar spell, you can choose for the summoned familiar to be an Elemental, instead of its normal creature type. When you do, choose one damage type from acid, cold, fire, lightning, or thunder. Additionally, if the familiar doesn't already have a flying speed, it gains a flying speed of 10 feet, although it can't use this speed to fly more than 10 feet off the ground. The familiar is immune to the chosen damage type. If you know Primordial when you cast the spell, whenever the familiar delivers a spell for you that deals the chosen damage type above, add your proficiency bonus to one damage roll for the spell.
- Find Familiar: Fey Friend. When you cast the Fiend Familiar spell and choose to make your familiar a Fey, it has advantage on saving throws against spells and magical effects. If you know Sylvan when you cast the spell, your familiar bond gains the following feature: While your familiar is within 100 feet of you, you can use an action and expend a spell slot of 1st level or higher to turn your familiar Invisible for up to 10 minutes, provided you concentrate as though on a spell for that duration. The invisibility ends if you cast a spell through the familiar. If you expend a spell slot of 2nd level or higher, the duration increases by 10 minutes for each slot level above 1st.
- Find Familiar: Fiendish Features. When you cast the Find Familiar spell and choose to make your familiar a Fiend, the familiar gains resistance to cold and poison damage, and has advantage on saving throws against being poisoned. If you know Abyssal or Infernal when you cast the spell, the familiar can also see normally in darkness, both magical and nonmagical, to a distance of 120 feet.
- Find Familiar: Nature's Gift. (Tool Infusion) When you cast the Find Familiar spell, you can choose for the summoned familiar to be a Plant, instead of its normal creature type. When you do, the familiar has advantage on Dexterity (Stealth) checks to hide amongst vegetation, and resistance to poison damage. Additionally, if you are proficient with the Herbalism Kit and use part of a set in the spell's casting, you can cause vines to grow from your familiar's body, granting it a 10 foot reach and a climbing speed equal to its walking speed. It can use this climbing speed to climb difficult surfaces, including upside down on ceilings, without needing to make an ability check or occupy its hands.
- Find Familiar: Ooze Form. (Tool Infusion) When you cast the Find Familiar spell, you can choose for the summoned familiar to be an Ooze, instead of its normal creature type. When you do, the familiar is immune to acid damage and has resistance to non-magical bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage. If you are proficient with Alchemist's Supplies and use part of a set in the spell's casting, the familiar also becomes partially amorphous, allowing it to move through a space as narrow as 1 inch wide without squeezing.
- Find Familiar: Undead Ally. When you cast the Find Familiar spell, you can choose for the summoned familiar to be an Undead, instead of its normal creature type. When you do, the familiar is immune to poison damage and the poisoned condition, and resistant to necrotic damage. It also can't regain hit points. If you have the ability to cast at least 1 necromancy spell when you cast this spell, the familiar also gains the following benefit: The first time after being summoned that the familiar would drop to 0 hit points, it instead drops to 1 hit point.
- Fog Cloud: Brief Bellows. When you cast the Fog Cloud spell, you can change the duration to 1 round, not requiring concentration. The effects last until the end of your next turn.
- Fog Cloud: Expanded Cloud. When you cast the Fog Cloud spell, it always counts as though cast using a spell slot of one level higher (to a maximum of 9th level).
- Fog Cloud: Freezing Fog. When you cast the Fog Cloud spell, any creature in the cloud's area when it is created must immediately make a Constitution saving throw. On a failed save, a creature becomes Chilled until the end of its next turn.
- Fog Cloud: Friendly Fog. When you cast the Fog Cloud spell, you ignore the spell's heavily obscured property, treating the area as lightly obscured instead.
- Goodberry: Herbal Blend. (Tool Infusion) When you cast the Goodberry spell, if you are proficient with the Herbalism Kit and use part of a set in the spell's casting, you can combine the 10 berries into a smooth mixture, which becomes encapsulated in a magical seed about 3 inches in diameter. A creature can use an action to break the seed and drink the mixture, regaining 10 hit points and receiving enough nourishment to be sustained for 1 day. The mixture loses its potency if it hasn't been consumed in 24 hours, or if you create another mixture with this mastery. Additionally, if you cast the spell using this mastery and a spell slot of 2nd level or higher, the amount of hit points the mixture restores increases by 5 for each slot level above 1st.
- Goodberry: Motes of Memory. When you csat the Goodberry spell, you can draw on ancient fey magics to infuse the berries with memories of the oldest forests. For 1 hour after eating a berry, a creature knows Sylvan and can also communicate in a limited manner with plants. Plants can understand the meaning of the creature's words, though the creature has no special ability to understand plants in return. The creature also has advantage on all Charisma checks you make to influence them.
- Goodberry: Mystic's Feast. When you cast the Goodberry spell, for the duration, if a creature eats a berry for 10 consecutive turns, when it eats the 10th berry, it also benefits from one effect from the Lesser Restoration spell.
- Goodberry: Preservation. When you cast the Goodberry spell, the berries last for a number of days (24 hour periods) equal to your spellcasting ability modifier.
- Grease: Corrosive Pool. When you cast the Grease spell, when the grease appears, creatures that fail the saving throw also take acid damage equal to the slot level used to cast the spell + your spellcasting ability modifier.
- Grease: Oil Flow. When you cast the Grease spell, you can choose to concentrate on the spell to gain closer control over it. When you do, as an action on subsequent turns for the spell's duration, you can force each creature standing in the spell's area to repeat the saving throw against the spell.
- Grease: Shape Splash. (Tool Infusion) When you cast the Grease spell, you can choose to spew grease in a 20-foot cone, or in a line 30-feet long and 5-feet wide, ignoring the normal range and shape of the spell. If you are proficient with Chef's Tools and use part of a set in the spell's casting, you can instead choose a number of 5-foot squares within range to be affected equal to 3 plus your spellcasting ability modifier. Each square must be touching at least one other square on one side.
- Guiding Bolt: Accurate Assistance. When you cast the Guiding Bolt spell, if the next attack against the target would be affected but already has advantage, the attacker can add 1d4 to their attack instead.
- Guiding Bolt: Lightning Rod. When you cast the Guiding Bolt spell, the spell deals lightning damage, instead of radiant. Additionally, if the next attack roll made against this target before the end of your next turn would deal lightning damage, the attacker can roll three times for its advantage, instead of twice, and the attack deals an extra 1d4 lighting damage if it hits.
- Guiding Bolt: Light Seeker. When you cast the Guiding Bolt spell, you have advantage on the attack roll for the spell if the target is in bright light.
- Healing Word: Corrupted Tongue. When you cast the Healing Word spell, you can choose to cast a corrupted version of the spell. When you do, if you target a Decaying creature, the spell automatically deals necrotic damage to the target equal to the hit points it would normally restore. If you know abyssal, deep speech, or infernal, you can impose this effect even against a creature that isn't decaying, but the creature can make a Constitution saving throw to resist the effect, taking no damage if it succeeds.
- Healing Word: Mind Message. When you cast the Healing Word spell, you can cast the spell without any verbal component out to a range of 30 feet, provided the target has 1 hit point and can see you. If you are able to communicate with the target telepathically, you can cast the spell to the range of your telepathy (maximum 120 feet) without any verbal component.
- Healing Word: Titan's Recovery. When you cast the Healing Word spell, the target can choose to expend and roll one of its hit die. It regains hit points equal to the roll plus its Constitution modifier, instead of the hit points the spell would normally restore. Additionally, if you know the Giant language, the spell's range is tripled when you use this mastery, although casting it this way is also three times as loud.
- Hellish Rebuke: Devilish Interference. When you cast the Hellish Rebuke spell and the target fails its saving throw by a margin of 5 or more, it also suffers disadvantage on attack rolls and ability checks until the start of your next turn.
- Hellish Rebuke: Hellfire Storm. When you cast the Hellish Rebuke spell using a spell slot of 2nd level or higher, creatures of your choice within 5 feet of the target must also make the saving throw against the spell, suffering the spell's damage as d4s if they fail, or half as much on a success.
- Hellish Rebuke: Hellfrost. When you cast the Hellish Rebuke spell, you can change the damage to cold. When you do, if the target fails its saving throw by a margin of 5 or more, its speed is also reduced to 0 until the end of its next turn. The target ignores this effect if it is resistant or immune to cold damage.
- Hellish Rebuke: Infernal Authority. When you cast the Hellish Rebuke spell, if you speak Infernal, the spell's DC increases by a bonus equal to your proficiency bonus. Additionally, if you target a fiend with the spell and it fails its saving throw, it has disadvantage on its next attack roll against you before the end of its next turn.
- Heroism: Fragile Confidence. When you cast the Heroism spell, it doesn't require concentration for you, but if the target ever loses the last of its temporary hit points granted by the spell, the spell immediately ends.
- Heroism: Heroic Leader. When you cast the Heroism spell, for the duration, whenever the target sees another creature within 30 feet of it make a saving throw against being frightened, it can use its reaction to give that creature advantage on its saving throw.
- Heroism: Inspiring Epic. When you cast the Heroism spell, for the duration, whenever the target succeeds a saving throw against being frightened, it gains a d4 inspiration die, which it can add to one of its attack rolls, ability checks, or saving throws (no action required, before or after rolling). The die lasts until the spell ends, or until used.
- Hunter's Mark: Death at Distance. When you cast the Hunter's Mark spell, the range is 300 feet. Additionally, affected attacks against the target ignore any penalty imposed due to being made beyond the weapon's normal range. If you hit the target with an attack from 120 feet or more away, use the maximum value of the spell's damage die, instead of rolling it.
- Hunter's Mark: Expert Efficiency. You can cast the Hunter's Mark spell as part of any other bonus action you take, apart from casting another spell as a bonus action. Additionally, for the spell's duration, you can move the mark when your target is reduced to 0 hit points immediately, without having to spend any action.
- Hunter's Mark: Lethal Aptitude. When you cast the Hunter's Mark spell, the damage added by the spell depends on your level: A d6 at 1st to 4th level, a d8 at 5th to 8th level, a d10 at 9th to 12th level, A d12 at 13th to 16th level, and 2d6 at 17th to 20th level.
- Hunter's Mark: Predator & Prey. When you cast the Hunter's Mark spell targeting a Beast or your favored enemy type (if you have one), the spell doesn't require concentration for you. Additionally, when you cast the spell, you can choose to add your Wisdom modifier to qualifying damage rolls, instead of rolling 1d6 for the duration.
- Identify: Applied Insights. When you cast the Identify spell, for the next 24 hours, you have advantage on any ability check made to successful operate the item. For example, if you cast identify on a magical door, you would gain advantage on ability checks to unlock that door or solve its puzzle.
- Identify: Combat Analysis. When you cast the Identify spell, you can use a 1 action casting time, and you needn't touch the target, provided it is within 30 feet of you. If you target a creature or an object that is being worn or carried, the target creature or creature wearing/carrying the object can make a Charisma saving throw. If it succeeds, the spell fails.
- Identify: Expertise. When you cast the Identify spell and target an object related to a tool you are proficient with, at the GM's discretion, the casting time becomes 1 action, and you can cast the spell without expending a spell slot.
- Illusory Script: Ageless Enchantment. (Tool Infusion) When you cast the Illusory Script spell, if you are proficient with Calligrapher's Supplies and use part of a set in the spell's casting, the spell lasts until dispelled.
- Inflict Wounds: Exposed Opening. When you cast the Inflict Wounds spell and hit, the target must make a Constitution saving throw. On a failed save, the wound is left open for additional damage. Until the end of your next turn, if an attack hits the target and its attack total is 20 or higher, the target takes 1d10 necrotic damage. The effect then ends.
- Inflict Wounds: Lingering Wound. When you cast the Inflict Wounds spell, any damage dealt by the spell reduces the target's hit point maximum by the same amount until it completes a long rest.
- Inflict Wounds: Soured Scar. (Tool Infusion) When you cast the Inflict Wounds spell, if you are proficient with the Poisoner's Kit and use part of a set in the spell's casting, on a hit, the target must make a Constitution saving throw. On a failed save, it is sickened for 1 minute, ending early if it regains at least 1 hit point. The target can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on a success.
- Inflict Wounds: Warrior's Craft. When you cast the Inflict Wounds spell and hit, if you are wielding a weapon which you are proficient with and the target is within the weapon's reach, you can add the ability modifier you would use for the weapon's damage rolls to the spell's damage.
- Jump: Quick Leap. When you cast the Jump spell, the target can immediately use its reaction to move up to half its speed and then jump. If you target yourself, this doesn't require your reaction.
- Jump: Rabbit's Grace. When you cast the Jump spell, the target also gains advantage on Dexterity (Acrobatics) ability checks for the duration.
- Jump: Swift & Soft. When you cast the Jump Spell, for the duration, the target's speed also increases by 5 feet, and the target takes no fall damage from falling 60 feet or less.
- Jump: Thunderous Leaps. When you cast the Jump Spell, the target is propelled by thunderous energy with each leap. For the duration, once per turn when the target jumps at least 10 feet, creatures within 5 feet of the space it left must succeed a Constitution saving throw or take thunder damage equal to the level at which the spell was cast + your spellcasting ability modifier.
- Longstrider: Boosted Boots. (Tool Infusion) When you cast the Longstrider spell, if you are proficient in Cobbler's Tools and use part of a set in the spell's casting while targeting a creature that is wearing shoes, the spell lasts until dispelled, until the target is no longer wearing the same shoes, or until you cast it again.
- Longstrider: Long Leaps. When you cast the Longstrider spell, the target's horizontal jump distance is also doubled for the duration. Longstrider: Paragon Pace. When you cast the Longstrider spell, instead of the normal bonus granted by the spell, increase the target's speed to 50, unless it would be higher already.
- Longstrider: Wild Stride. When you cast the Longstrider spell, the target ignores nonmagical difficult terrain for the duration.
- Mage Armor: Arcane Adamantine. When you cast the Mage Armor spell, the first time the target suffers a critical hit during the duration, it becomes a normal hit instead, and the spell ends.
- Mage Armor: Familiar Protection. When you cast the Mage Armor spell, for the duration, the spell also effects any familiar you have from the Find Familiar spell, or any creature you have summoned. Additionally, for the duration, when you cast the Shield spell, it also affects your familiar or summon, provided the familiar or summon are within 5 feet of you.
- Mage Armor: Field of Force. When you cast the Mage Armor spell, for the duration, the target gains a +2 bonus to its AC increase against spell attacks.
- Mage Armor: Light Armor. When you cast the Mage Armor spell, for the duration, the target's speed increases by 5 feet, or by 10 feet if the target has a Dexterity modifier of 5 or higher.
- Mage Armor: Living Armor. When you cast the Mage Armor spell, for the duration, while the target isn't missing any hit points, it can use its Constitution modifier, instead of Dexterity, to determine the base AC granted by the spell. When you cast the spell in this way, the duration changes to 1 hour.
- Mage Armor: Mind Magic. When you cast the Mage Armor spell targeting yourself, you can use your Intelligence modifier, instead of Dexterity, to determine the base AC granted by the spell. When you cast the spell in this way, the duration changes to 1 hour.
- Magic Missile: Angelic Arrows. When you cast the Magic Missile spell, you can change the damage to Radiant. When you do, the spell isn't blocked by a Shield spell, and the damage dice become d6s against any Fiend or Undead affected by the spell.
- Magic Missile: Concussive Force. When you cast the Magic Missile spell and target the same creature with every dart, you can also force it to make a Constitution saving throw. On a successful save, it takes half as much damage from the spell. On a failed save, it becomes Dazed until the end of its next turn. On a save that fails by a margin of 10 or more, it becomes Stunned until the end of its next turn.
- Magic Missile: Dart Swarm. When you cast the Magic Missile spell, you can choose to create two more darts, plus an additional bonus dart for every two slot levels above 1st, but when you do, you don't add the +1 to the damage of any of the darts.
- Magic Missile: Volley. When you cast the Magic Missile spell and target a different creature with each dart, the damage dice become d6s.
- Protection from Evil and Good: Bulwark. When you cast the Protection From Evil and Good spell, you don't have to make saving throws to maintain concentration on the spell as a result of taking 10 damage or less. This threshold is tripled against damage dealt by aberrations, celestials, elementals, fey, fiends, and undead.
- Protection from Evil and Good: Sacred Stone. (Tool Infusion) When you cast the Protection from Evil and Good spell, if you are proficient with a Jeweler's Kit and use part of a set in the spell's casting, as well as a gem worth at least 25 gp (which counts as a material component for the spell), you can cast the spell without requiring concentration. For the duration, to gain the spell's effects, a creature must be holding the gem used the spell's casting at the start of its turn, and the effects last only until the start of its next turn, or until it is no longer holding the gem. When the spell ends, the gem is consumed by the spell and vanishes.
- Protection from Evil and Good: Shared Spell. When you cast the Protection From Evil and Good spell, for the duration, the target can touch another willing creature within 5 feet of it as a bonus action to extend the spell's effects to that creature until the start of the target's next turn.
- Purify Food and Drink: Chef's Standard. (Tool Infusion) If you are proficient with Cook's Utensils and use part of a set in the spell's casting, you can cast the Purify Food and Drink spell without expending a spell slot.
- Purify Food and Drink: Feast Without Fear. When you cast the Purify Food and Drink spell, it affects all food and drink, magical or otherwise, within a 60-foot radius.
- Sanctuary: Extraplanar Ward. When you cast the Sanctuary spell, choose one creature type from aberrations, celestials, fey, and fiends. For the duration, creatures of the chosen type has disadvantage on saving throws against the spell.
- Sanctuary: Mason's Mark. (Tool Infusion) When you cast the Sanctuary spell, if you are proficient with Mason's Tools and use part of a set in the spell's casting, you can target a 5- foot square on the ground made of worked stone, instead of targeting a creature. For the duration, a creature that ends its turn on the ground in that space gains the spell's effects until the end of its next turn, or until it is no longer in that space.
- Sanctuary: Sacred Shielding. When you cast the Sanctuary spell, you can concentrate on the spell to grant the target resistance to Necrotic damage for the duration. Additionally, Undead creatures have disadvantage on any saving throw against the spell.
- Shield: Bash. When you cast the Shield spell, the AC bonus decreases to +2, but if the attack or spell that triggered your reaction came from a creature, that creature must make a Constitution saving throw. On a failed save, it takes force damage equal to your spellcasting ability modifier and is knocked prone.
- Shield: Phalanx. When you cast the Shield spell, the AC bonus decreases to +3, but creatures within 5 feet of you of your choice also benefit from the bonus for the duration while they remain within 5 feet of you.
- Shield of Faith: Active Protection. When you cast the Shield of Faith spell, you can increase the AC bonus to +3, but you must use a bonus action on each of your turns for the duration to maintain the spell. If you fail to do so, or the target isn't within 60 feet of you when you do so, the spell ends.
- Shield of Faith: Deep Devotion. When you cast the Shield of Faith spell, you can choose to change the duration to "Concentration, up to 1 hour". When you do, after 10 minutes, the AC bonus decreases to +1.
- Shield of Faith: Strengthen Soul. When you cast the Shield of Faith spell and target yourself, you can also add the spell's bonus to your Wisdom and Constitution saving throws, but the spell only lasts up to 1 minute.
- Silent Image: Accelerated Animation. When you cast the Silent Image spell, you can move the image as a bonus action, instead of an action.
- Silent Image: The Big Fib. When you cast the Silent Image spell, the maximum size of the illusion increases to a 30-foot cube, but creatures have advantage on Intelligence (Investigation) checks against the spell if you make the illusion larger than a 15-foot cube.
- Sleep: Lullaby. When you cast the Sleep spell, any creature within the spell's area that is charmed by you or one of your allies counts as having half as many hit points for the sake of being affected.
- Sleep: Nightmarish Nap. When you cast the Sleep spell, when an affected creature wakes up, it must succeed a Wisdom saving throw or become frightened of you until the end of its next turn.
- Sleep: Overpowering Aura. When you cast the Sleep spell, you can choose to target a single creature you can see within range, instead of targeting an area. When you do, treat the spell as cast as one spell slot higher.
- Tasha's Hideous Laughter: Accompaniment. (Tool Infusion) When you cast Tasha's Hideous Laughter spell, if you are proficient with a musical instrument, you can play that instrument as part of casting the spell. When you do, if the target can hear you, it has disadvantage on its saving throw against the spell.
- Tasha's Hideous Laughter: One Liner. When you cast Tasha's Hideous Laughter spell, you can change the duration to 1 round, not requiring concentration. The spell lasts until the start of your next turn.
- Tasha's Hideous Laughter: Witty Opener. When you cast Tasha's Hideous Laughter spell, if you are proficient in the Performance skill, when you cast the spell you can make a Charisma (Performance) check. The total for this check becomes the DC for the target's initial saving throw against the spell. If you don't share a language with the target, it ignores this effect.
- Tenser's Floating Disk: Autopilot. (Tool Infusion) When you cast Tenser's Floating Disk spell, if you are proficient with Navigator's Tools and use part of a set in the spell's casting, for the duration, you can use an action to describe a set path for the disk to travel. This path can be a general direction, or towards a specific location you are familiar with no more than 1000 feet from you. The disk then autonomously travels at a speed of 30 feet per round towards the location / along the path you describe until it reaches the destination, at which point it stays at the destination until you are within 20 feet of it again. Once you are within 20 feet of it again, the disk functions as normal until the spell ends. This action allows the disk to be up to 1000 feet away from you without disappearing.
- Tenser's Floating Disk: Body Bearer. When you cast Tenser's Floating Disk spell, for the duration, any dead body placed on the disk is suspended in time and protected from decay. This effectively extends the time limit to revive or raise the target from the dead with spells like Revivify or Raise Dead. A body can't be preserved for more than 1 hour in this way.
- Tenser's Floating Disk: Close Control. When you cast Tenser's Floating Disk spell, for the duration, while the disk is within 20 feet of you, you can use a bonus action closely control the disk, moving it up to 20 feet.
- Tenser's Floating Disk: Launch Pad. When you cast the Tenser's Floating Disk spell, any creature standing on the disk that makes a long jump or vertical jump can jump three times as far.
- Thunderwave: Booming Blast. When you cast the Thunderwave spell, any creature that fails its saving throw is also Deafened until the start of your next turn. If a creature fails its saving throw by a margin of 5 or more, it is also disoriented until the start of its next turn, reducing its speed by 10 feet.
- Thunderwave: Focused Burst. When you cast the Thunderwave spell, you can concentrate the spell's energy in a smaller area. Creatures within 5 feet of you have disadvantage on their saving throw and take one more die of damage on a failed save, while creatures more than 5 feet from you have advantage on their saving throw and take no damage on a successful save.
- Thunderwave: Wider Wave. When you cast the Thunderwave spell, you can expand the spell's area to a 25-foot cube. When you do, the spell's damage is halved.
- Unseen Servant: Service Squad. When you cast the Unseen Servant spell, you create a number of servants equal to your spellcasting ability modifier. When you use a bonus action to command a servant, you can issue commands to each of your servants as part of the bonus action.
- Unseen Servant: Spectral Song. When you cast the Unseen Servant spell, for the duration, the servant gains the ability to play any instrument that you are proficient with. By playing such an instrument, the servant can perform the Help action to aid you or one of your allies on Charisma (Performance) checks.
2nd Level
- Alter Self: Aquatic Evolution. When you cast the Alter Self spell and choose the Aquatic Adaptation effect, the spell lasts up to 8 hours, but you can't change the benefit for the duration. Additionally, for the duration, you don't need to make Constitution saving throws to maintain concentration on the spell due to taking 10 damage or less.
- Alter Self: Instinctive Attacks. When you cast the Alter Self spell and choose the Natural Weapons effect, you can make an unarmed strike with the natural weapon you grew as a bonus action on each of your turns for the duration. This benefit ends if you change which of the spell's effects you benefit from.
- Animal Messenger: Mass Messenger. When you cast the Animal Messenger Spell, you can designate a number of recipients equal to your spellcasting ability modifier. You can also designate multiple locations, and an order for the beast to visit those locations in. The beast travels to each location, seeking the recipients, until it has found all the recipients, or visited all the locations.
- Animal Messenger: Swift Delivery. When you cast the Animal Messenger spell, the beast travels an additional 25 miles per day for a flying messenger, or an additional 15 miles per day for other animals.
- Arcane Lock: Alert. When you cast the Arcane Lock spell, the first time during the duration that a creature attempt but fails to break the lock, force it open, or pick the lock, you are alerted with a ping in your mind if you are within 1 mile of the arcane lock. This ping awakens you if you are sleeping. You are also alerted if the spell is dispelled, but not if it is suppressed or unlocked with the password.
- Arcane Lock: Built-In Defenses. When you cast the Arcane Lock spell, you can set a trap with the spell. For the duration, when a creature attempts to break the lock, force it open, or pick it, it must first make a Constitution saving throw. On a failed save, it takes 2d12 lightning damage. The spell then ends. When you cast the spell in this way, it ends early if you cast the spell again. When you cast the spell in this way using a spell slot of 3rd level or higher, the lightning damage increases by 1d12 for each slot level above 2nd.
- Blindness/Deafness: Dual Hindrance. When you cast the Blindness/Deafness spell, you can affect the target with both the blinded and deafened condition, instead of having to choose one or the other. When you do, the spell requires concentration.
- Blindness/Deafness: Maddening Silence. When you cast the Blindness/Deafness spell and choose the deafened condition, the target also has disadvantage on Wisdom and Intelligence saving throws while it is deafened by the spell. When you cast the spell in this way, it requires concentration.
- Blur: Focused Illusion. When you cast the Blur spell, you don't need to make Constitution saving throws to maintain concentration on the spell due to taking 15 damage or less.
- Blur: Shifting Steps. When you cast the Blur spell, you can Disengage as a bonus action for the spell's duration. A creature that can see through illusions, as with truesight, isn't affected by this disengagement.
- Darkness: Born in the Dark. When you cast the Darkness spell and target a point that isn't an object, you can use any normal darkvision you possess to see through the magical darkness created by the spell for the duration.
- Darkness: Expanded Shadow. When you cast the Darkness spell, the area's radius becomes 30 feet, instead of 15, but a creature with darkvision can see through the spell's darkness normally, and nonmagical light can illuminate it.
- Darkness: Shadow Shield. When you cast the Darkness spell, for the duration, creatures in the spell's area are resistant to radiant damage, unless that damage was created by a spell that was cast using a higher level spell slot than the one used to cast your Darkness spell.
- Darkvision: Devil's Gift. When you cast the Darkvision spell, for the duration, the target can also see through magical darkness that would normally impede darkvision, though only out to a range of 30 feet, but the target is also vulnerable to radiant damage.
- Darkvision: Evolution of the Night. When you cast the Darkvision spell, if the target already has darkvision, the range of their darkvision increases by 60 feet for the duration.
- Detect Thoughts: Subtle Search. When you cast the Detect Thoughts spell and probe deeper into a target's mind, if the target fails its saving throw by a margin of 5 or more, it doesn't know that you are probing into its mind.
- Enhance Ability: Might of the Wilds. When you cast the Enhance Ability spell, if the target has at least 13 Constitution, the Bear's Endurance effect also grants the target advantage on Constitution saving throws to maintain concentration or resist exhaustion. If the target has at least 13 Strength, Bull's Strength effect also grants the target advantage on Strength saving throws to resist being knocked prone, pushed, or pulled.
- Enhance Ability: Majesty of the Wilds. When you cast the Enhance Ability spell, if the target has at least 13 Dexterity, the Cat's Grace effect allows the target to reroll any 1 on a d20 for Dexterity ability checks. If the target has at least 13 Charisma, the Eagle's Splendor effect grants the target advantage on saving throws against being charmed or frightened.
- Enhance Ability: Wit of the Wilds. When you cast the Enhance Ability spell, if the target has at least 13 Intelligence, the Fox's Cunning effect allows the target to add 1d6 to its initiative rolls. If the target has at least 13 Wisdom, the Owl's Wisdom effect allows the target to use an action on each of its turns to gain Darkvision out to a range of 60 feet until the start of its next turn.
- Enlarge/Reduce: Gift of Giants. When you cast the Enlarge/Reduce spell and use the Enlarge effect, the target also gains 2d4 temporary hit points which last for the spell's duration, and the target can speak and understand Giant until the spell ends.
- Enlarge/Reduce: Overgrowth. When you cast the Enlarge/Reduce spell against an unwilling creature using the Enlarge effect, for the duration, that creature no longer gains advantage to Strength checks and saving throws, instead suffering disadvantage on Dexterity checks and saving throws. Additionally, the target's speed is reduced by 10 feet. The target's weapons still grow to match its new size, but don't deal any extra damage due to being enlarged.
- Enlarge/Reduce: Speed of the Small. When you cast the Reduce spell, you can choose to grant the target certain benefits thanks to its smaller size. For the duration, the target's speed increases by 10 feet, and it gains advantage on Dexterity ability checks and saving throws.
- Flame Blade: Ferocious Flames. When you cast the Flame Blade spell, for the duration, when you miss with an attack using the blade, but only by a margin of 5 or less, the target still takes fire damage equal to your spellcasting ability modifier.
- Flame Blade: Fiery Focus. When you cast the Flame Blade spell, for the duration, you don't need to make Constitution saving throws to maintain concentration on the spell due to taking 15 damage or less.
- Flame Blade: Scorching Sword. When you cast the Flame Blade spell, for the duration, when you make an attack with the blade and the attack total is 20 or higher, the target also becomes Scorched until the end of your next turn.
- Flame Blade: Swift Scimitar. When you cast the Flame Blade spell, for the spell's duration you can also use a bonus action to make a melee spell attack with the fiery blade. On a hit, the target takes 1d6 fire damage. This damage increases by 1d6 for every three slot levels above 2nd.
- Flaming Sphere: Blazing Bowl. When you cast the Flaming Sphere spell, for the duration, you can use an action to move the sphere, instead of a bonus action. When you do, you can move the sphere up to 60 feet, and the damage for ramming into a creature increases by half the spell's normal damage.
- Flaming Sphere: Rapid Roll. When you cast the Flaming Sphere spell, the distance you can move the sphere increases to 45 feet when use a bonus action to move it.
- Gust of Wind: Concentrated Winds. When you cast the Gust of Wind spell, you can choose to halve the length of the line created by the spell to empower the wind. While the wind is empowered, a Large or smaller creature that fails its Strength saving throw against the spell is also knocked prone. Once you change the direction of the line, the wind is no longer empowered.
- Gust of Wind: Growing Gust. When you cast the Gust of Wind spell, for the duration, you can use a bonus action to increase the length of the line by 60 feet, instead of changing the direction of the line. The length of line returns to its base size if you change the direction of the line or if you move at least 5 feet.
- Heat Metal: Scalding Touch. When you cast the Heat Metal spell, you can change the range to touch. When you do, the damage dice become d12s. To repeat the spell's effect as a bonus action, you must be within touch range of the target.
- Heat Metal: Spellbreaker Burns. When you cast the Heat Metal spell, if the spell's damage forces a creature to make a Constitution saving throw to maintain concentration, the DC of that saving throw is increased by your spellcasting ability modifier.
- Hold Person: Close Capture. When you cast the Hold Person spell, you can change the range to 5 feet. When you do, the target has disadvantage on its initial saving throw against the spell. However, the target has advantage on any repeat saving throw it makes to end the spell while you are more than 5 feet from it.
- Hold Person: Natural Bindings. When you cast the Hold Person spell, you can also target Beasts, Elementals, Giants, and Plants. When you target one of these creature types, the target can choose whether it makes a Wisdom saving throw or Constitution saving throw.
- Invisibility: Assassin's Opportunity. When you cast the Invisibility spell targeting yourself, for the duration, if you attack or cast a spell, the spell doesn't end until the start of your next turn.
- Invisibility: Disappearing Act. When you cast the Invisibility spell, the range becomes 30 feet, but the spell ends if the target ends its turn more than 30 feet from you.
- Knock: Secret Password. When you cast the Knock spell, you can use a casting time of 1 minute. When you do, the spell counts as though cast using a spell slot three levels higher (to a maximum of 9th level).
- Knock: Subtle Access. When you cast the Knock spell, make a DC 10 ability check with your spellcasting ability. On a successful check, the spell doesn't emanate a loud knock. Levitate: Drift. When you cast the Levitate spell on a creature, for the duration, that creature can use an action to move up to half its speed as though flying.
- Levitate: Power Lift. When you cast the Levitate spell, the spell's weight limit increases by 500 pounds at 2nd level, plus an additional 500 pounds for each slot level above 2nd when you upcast the spell.
- Magic Weapon: Deep Enchantment. When you cast the Magic Weapon spell, you can change the casting time to 1 bonus action and duration to 1 minute. When you do, it does not require concentration, but the spell ends if you cast it again.
- Magic Weapon: Enhanced Armament. When you cast the Magic Weapon spell, for the duration, if the weapon doesn't have the Heavy property, it gains the Light property. If it does have the Heavy property, the bonus to its damage rolls granted by the spell increases by 1.
- Magic Weapon: Spellblade. When you cast the Magic Weapon spell, you have a unique magical bond to the affected weapon for the duration, allowing you to use your spellcasting ability modifier, instead of Strength, for attack and damage rolls with the affected weapon while you wield it.
- Mirror Image: Illusory Army. When you cast the Mirror Image spell, you can create two additional duplicates. While you have more than three duplicates, you must roll a 4 or higher to change the attack's target to a duplicate. However, any attack that would target a duplicate automatically hits it.
- Mirror Image: Mirrored Attackers. When you cast the Mirror Image spell, for the duration, once per turn when you make an attack (before rolling the attack) against a creature within 5 feet of you, you can expend one of your Mirror Image duplicates to gain advantage on the attack.
- Mirror Image: Protective Forms. When you cast the Mirror Image spell, for the duration, you have advantage on d20 rolls to determine whether an attack targets one of your duplicates instead of you.
- Misty Step: Elusive Escape. When you cast the Misty Step spell, the casting of the spell doesn't trigger reactions (such as a Counterspell spell or a Mage Slayer's attack), and your movement doesn't trigger opportunity attacks for the rest of the turn.
- Misty Step: Extended Step. When you cast the Misty Step spell, you can change the casting time to 1 action. When you do, you can teleport twice as far. Alternatively, you can change the casting time to 1 minute to teleport five times as far.
- Misty Step: Gift of Going. When you cast the Misty Step spell, you can change the range to Touch, allowing you to teleport a willing target you touch, instead of yourself.
- Misty Step: Misty Shimmer. When you cast the Misty Step spell, after you reach your destination and until the start of your next turn, a cloak of mist surrounds you, lightly obscuring your space and granting you a +2 bonus to your AC. These benefits end if you move at least 5 feet.
- Misty Step: Sneaky Step. When you cast the Misty Step spell, you also gain advantage on Dexterity (Stealth) checks until the end of your next turn. Also, if casting the spell would end the Invisible condition on you, you can roll a DC 10 ability check with your spellcasting ability. On a success, casting the spell doesn't end the condition.
- Moonbeam: Cold Light of Night. When you cast the Moonbeam spell, for the duration, the damage counts as Radiant or Cold for each target (whichever is better). A target that fails its saving throw by a margin of 5 or more also has its speed halved until the end of its next turn.
- Moonbeam: Full Moon. When you cast the Moonbeam spell, you can change the radius of the cylinder to 20 feet, but you can't move the beam on subsequent turns.
- Moonbeam: Purging Essence. When you cast the Moonbeam spell, for the duration, Monstrosities and Undead that fail their saving throw against the spell take additional damage equal to your spellcasting ability modifier.
- Nystul's Magic Aura: Expedited Enchantment. When you cast the Nystul's Magic Aura spell, it takes only 5 days of consecutive casting to make the illusion last until it is dispelled, instead of 30.
- Pass Without Trace: Moment of Magic. When you cast the Pass Without Trace spell, you can change the duration to 1 minute, not requiring concentration.
- Pass Without Trace: Compounding Enchantments. When you cast the Pass Without Trace spell, for the duration, any affected creature that is also Invisible can't be detected by magical means (including a See Invisibility spell or similar spells), or by Truesight.
- Protection From Poison: Failsafe. When you cast the Protection From Poison spell, for the duration, the next time the target would become Poisoned or take poison damage, they instead do not gain the condition and/or take none of the poison damage. The spell then ends.
- Protection From Poison: Necrotic Ward. When you cast the Protection From Poison spell, the target also has resistance to necrotic damage for the duration.
- Protection From Poison: Promote Health. When you cast the Protection From Poison spell, the target also gains temporary hit points equal to the level at which the spell was cast + your spellcasting ability modifier, which last for the spell's duration.
- Ray of Enfeeblement: Burst of Curse. When you cast the Ray of Enfeeblement spell, you can choose to target a point within range, instead of a creature. All creatures within 10 feet of that point must make a Constitution saving throw or be affected by the spell. When you cast the spell in this way, the duration becomes 1 round, not requiring concentration. The spell ends at the start of your next turn.
- Ray of Enfeeblement: Rupturing Ray. When you cast the Ray of Enfeeblement spell and miss with the attack, but only by a margin of 5 or less, the target still suffers the spell's effect. However, the spell ends immediately after the target makes an attack that is affected.
- Ray of Enfeeblement: Total Weakness. When you cast the Ray of Enfeeblement spell, the spell also affects attacks that use Dexterity. If the target fails its saving throw by a margin of 5 or more, it also has disadvantage on Strength and Dexterity ability checks until the spell ends.
- Scorching Ray: Sunburn. When you cast the Scorching Ray spell and direct all the rays at one target, if at least two of the rays hit, you can also force the target to make a Constitution saving throw. On a failed save, the target is Scorched until the end of its next turn.
- Scorching Ray: Abundant Attacks. When you cast the Scorching Ray spell and direct all the rays towards separate targets, you can create one additional ray to hurl at a different target. The additional ray deals half as much damage on a hit.
- See Invisibility: Sharper Sight. When you cast the See Invisibility spell, for the duration, you also gain advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks and ignore any Light or Heavily Obscured property caused by magic.
- See Invisibility: Shared Sight. When you cast the See Invisibility spell, you can change the range from Self to Touch, allowing the spell to target any willing creature you touch.
- Shatter: Booming Blast. When you cast the Shatter spell, any creature that fails its saving throw is also Deafened until the end of your next turn. If a creature fails its saving throw by 5 or more, it is also Dazed and has disadvantage on the next Intelligence or Wisdom saving throw it makes before the end of your next turn.
- Shatter: Demolition Magic. When you cast the Shatter spell, it deals two extra dice of damage to nonmagical objects that aren't being worn or carried and to creatures made of inorganic material.
- Silence: Fading Spell. When you cast the Silence spell, it creates a 40-foot radius sphere, instead of 20. However, at the start of each of your turns for the spell's duration, the radius decreases by 10 feet. When it reaches 0 feet, the spell ends.
- Silence: Heavy Silence. When you cast the Silence spell, for the duration, the spell's area is difficult terrain. Additionally, any creature that starts its turn in the spell's area must make a Constitution saving throw. On a failed save, its speed is halved until the end of its turn. When you cast the spell in this way, it lasts up to 1 minute, instead of 10.
- Silence: Living Spell. When you cast the Silence spell, on subsequent turns for the spell's duration, you can use an action to move the spell's area up to 20 feet. However, if you don't take this action or use a bonus action to maintain the spell on each of your turns, the spell ends.
- Silence: Maddening Silence. When you cast the Silence spell, for the duration, when a creature ends its turn inside the spell's area, it must make a Wisdom saving throw or take psychic damage equal to your spellcasting ability modifier. When you cast the spell in this way, it lasts up to 1 minute, instead of 10.
- Silence: Moment of Silence. When you cast the Silence spell, the duration becomes 1 round, not requiring concentration. The spell ends at the end of your next turn.
- Spider Climb: Arachnid Instincts. When you cast the Spider Climb spell targeting yourself, it doesn't require concentration, but it ends if you cast it again. Additionally, you ignore the effects of webs, both nonmagical and magical (such as those created by the Web spell). Lastly, you have the ability to communicate in a limited manner with spiders. They can understand the meaning of your words, though you have no special ability to understand them in return. You have advantage on all Charisma checks you make to influence them.
- Spider Climb: Secondary Focus. When you cast the Spider Climb spell, it doesn't require concentration, but you must use your bonus action on each of your turns for the duration to maintain the spell, otherwise it ends.
- Spider Climb: Swift Scuttle. When you cast the Spider Climb spell, the target's speed also increases by 10 feet for the spell's duration, and it has advantage on saving throws against being restrained or knocked prone.
- Spike Growth: Even Arrangement. When you cast the Spike Growth spell, for the duration, the spell's damage is 5, instead of 2d4.
- Spike Growth: Exploding Spikes. When you cast the Spike Growth spell, for the duration, you can use an action on subsequent turns to cause the spikes to explode. Every creature within 5 feet of the spell's area must make a Dexterity saving throw. A creature inside the spell's area has disadvantage on this save. On a failed save, a creature takes 1d4 piercing damage. The spell then ends.
- Spike Growth: Fickle Vines. When you cast the Spike Growth spell, the spell no longer requires concentration, but the duration is 1d4 rounds. The spell ends at end of your turn on the last of the 1d4 rounds.
- Suggestion: Enduring Enchantment. When you cast the Suggestion spell, the first time you or one of your companions damage the target, the spell doesn't automatically end. Instead, the target repeats the Wisdom saving throw against the spell. If it succeeds, the spell ends. Otherwise, the spell doesn't end due to that instance of damage.
- Suggestion: Short-Term Suggestion. When you cast the Suggestion spell, it doesn't require concentration, but the duration becomes 1 minute.
- Warding Bond: Defensive Ward. When you cast the Warding Bond spell, both you and the target gain 5 temporary hit points, which last for the spell's duration. The temporary hit point amount increases by 5 for each slot level above 2nd when you upcast this spell.
- Warding Bond: Unbreaking Bond. When you cast the Warding Bond spell, while you are within 5 feet of the target, both you and the target have advantage on saving throws against being frightened or charmed.
- Web: Treated Silk. When you cast the Web spell, for the duration, the webs aren't flammable, and they are even stickier, increasing the saving throw DC by 2.
- Web: Webwalker's Way. When you cast the Web spell, for the duration, you are unaffected by the spell's movement inhibiting effects. Additionally, every 10 feet of movement in the spell's area only costs you 5 feet of movement.
- Web: Widespread Webs. When you cast the Web spell, you can spread the webs thin, causing them to cover a 30 or 40-foot cube. When you do, the spell's saving throw DC decreases by 2 or 4, respectively, for the duration.
3rd Level
- Animate Dead: Beastial Bodies. When you cast the Animate Dead spell, you can target a pile of bones or corpse from a Medium or smaller beast. When you do, the undead gains one of the traits below, determined by the GM based on what best fits the type of beast targeted:
- Aquatic: The undead gains a swimming speed equal to its walking speed.
- Climber: The undead gains a climbing speed equal to its walking speed.
- Flying: The undead gains a flying speed equal to its walking speed, but its hit points are halved.
- Runner: The undead's movement speed increases by 10 feet.
- Animate Dead: Rapid Raising. When you cast the Animate Dead spell, you can use a casting time of 1 action, instead of 1 minute. However, when you do, the creature is only under your control for 1 hour, instead of 24, and you can't reassert control over that creature by casting the spell again.
- Animate Dead: Self Destruct. When you cast the Animate Dead spell, when you command your undead, you can issue a command to self destruct to one or more of them. At the start of the undead's turn, it bursts with necrotic energy. The undead is destroyed and turns to dust, while creatures within 5 feet of it must succeed a Constitution saving throw or take necrotic damage equal to your spellcasting ability modifier.
- Bestow Curse: Compounding Curse. When you cast the Bestow Curse spell, the target has disadvantage on its initial saving throw against the spell if it is already affected by at least one curse (such as a curse from another casting of Bestow Curse, a magic item, or lycantrhopy) or by the Hex spell.
- Bestow Curse: Inhibiting Curse. When you cast the Bestow Curse spell, if the target fails its saving throw by a margin of 5 or more, for the spell's duration, it has disadvantage on all ability checks.
- Bestow Curse: Seductive Curse. When you cast the Bestow Curse spell, you can change the saving throw from Wisdom to Charisma. When you do, if the target has advantage on saving throws against being charmed or immunity to the charmed condition, it automatically succeeds the saving throw. Additionally, any spell or effect that would end the charmed condition can end the spell.
- Blink: Better Control. When you cast the Blink spell, for the duration, whenever you roll the d20 for the spell at the end of each of your turns, roll the d20 twice and choose which result to keep. However, the spell requires concentration.
- Blink: In The Blink Of An Eye. When you cast the Blink spell, the casting time is 1 action or 1 bonus action (your choice), and you can end the spell at any time on your turn (no action required), rather than using an action to dismiss it. Also, casting the spell as an action or bonus action doesn't prevent you from casting a second spell on your turn.
- Call Lightning: Before The Thunder. When you cast the Call Lightning spell, for the duration, whenever you call a bolt of lightning, a creature that fails its saving throw also takes thunder damage equal to your spellcasting ability modifier.
- Call Lightning: Strikeswarm. When you cast the Call Lightning spell, for the duration, whenever you would create a bolt of lightning from the spell, you can instead create two bolts, each directed at different points at least 10 feet from each other. However, the damage of each bolt is reduced by two damage dice.
- Call Lightning: Superstorm. When you cast the Call Lightning spell, the radius of the storm cloud doubles, or triples if you are outdoors in stormy conditions when you cast the spell.
- Call Lightning: Surging Zap. When you cast the Call Lightning spell, any creature that fails a saving throw against the spell by 5 or more is also Shocked until the end of your next turn.
- Clairvoyance: Flexible Recon. When you cast the Clairvoyance spell, once during the duration, you can use an action to change the sensor's location, following the same parameters as when you cast the spell initially.
- Clairvoyance: Paranormal Spy. When you cast the Clairvoyance spell, you can choose to make the sensor visible for the duration. While the sensor is visible, you can choose both seeing and hearing, instead of having to choose only one.
- Clairvoyance: Quick Clairvoyance. When you cast the Clairvoyance spell, you can use a casting time of 1 action, instead of 10 minutes. When you do, the duration becomes "Concentration, up to 1 minute", and you must use your action on each of your turns to maintain the spell, otherwise the spell ends.
- Counterspell: Close Counter. When you cast the Counterspell spell and the target caster is within 5 feet of you, your spell counts as though it was cast using a spell slot of one level higher (to a maximum of 9th).
- Counterspell: Determined Defenses. When you cast the Counterspell spell and make an ability check for it, that check has advantage if the spell targets you or one of your allies.
- Counterspell: Insulting Interruption. When you cast the Counterspell spell, you can choose to add a Verbal spellcasting component. When you do, if the target spell is successfully countered, the caster must make a Wisdom saving throw, taking psychic damage equal to your spellcasting ability modifier + the level at which this spell was cast on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one.
- Create Food and Water: Sublime Sustenance. When you the Create Food and Water spell, any food created by the spell is not bland but exceptionally tasty and enjoyable. You can choose exactly what food is created, although the effects of the food don't change. Additionally, the food takes twice as long to spoil. The water may be flavored like a fruit of your choosing.
- Daylight: Brightest at Dawn. When you cast the Daylight spell, creatures within 20 feet of the point you created must immediately make a Constitution saving throw. Creatures more than 10 feet away have advantage on the saving throw. On a failed save, a creature is Blinded until the end of its next turn. Then, for the duration of the spell, the radius of the bright and dim light created by the spell decreases by 10 feet at the start of each of your turns. When the radius would reach 0 feet, the spell ends.
- Daylight: Dangerous Daylight. When you cast the Daylight spell and choose a point that isn't on an object, for the duration, any creature that starts its turn within 15 feet of the point you chose must succeed on a Constitution saving throw or take radiant damage equal to 1d6 + your spellcasting ability modifier. When you cast the spell in this way, the duration becomes "Concentration, up to 1 minute". The damage also increases by 1d6 for each slot level above 3rd when you upcast the spell.
- Daylight: Moon Mirror. When you cast the Daylight spell, it creates moonlight instead of sunlight. A shapechanger that starts its turn in the spell's area must make a Constitution saving throw at the start of each of its turns. If it fails, it instantly reverts to its original form and can't assume a different form until it leaves the spell's light. When you cast the spell in this way, the duration becomes "Concentration, up to 1 minute".
- Dispel Magic: Forceful Dispel. When you cast the Dispel Magic spell and target a creature, you can also force that creature to succeed a Constitution saving throw or be pushed up to 10 feet away from you and take force damage equal to the level at which this spell was cast + your spellcasting ability modifier.
- Dispel Magic: Spellbreaker's Touch. When you cast the Dispel Magic spell, you can change the range to touch. When you do, the spell counts as though you cast it with a spell slot two levels higher.
- Fear: Final Fright. When you cast the Fear spell, any creature in the spell's area that is already frightened by you makes all of its saving throws against the spell for its duration with disadvantage.
- Fear: Focused Horror. When you cast the Fear spell, you can choose to target only one creature you can see within 60 feet, instead of targeting an area. If the target fails its initial saving throw, it takes psychic damage equal to 2d8 + your spellcasting ability modifier, which increases by 1d8 for each slot level above 3rd when you upcast the spell.
- Fear: Momentary Terror. When you cast the Fear spell, you can change the duration to 1 round, not requiring concentration. The spell ends at the end of your next turn.
- Fireball: Consuming Flames. When you cast the Fireball spell, creatures in the spell's area don't benefit from cover for their saving throw against the spell.
- Fireball: Expanded Eruption. When you cast the Fireball spell, you can change the radius to 30 feet. When you do, creatures more than 10 feet from the center of the sphere make their saving throw against the spell with advantage, and take no damage if they succeed on their save.
- Fireball: Focused Flames. When you cast the Fireball spell, you can change the radius to 10 feet. When you do, creatures within 5 feet of the center of the sphere make their saving throw against the spell with disadvantage.
- Fireball: Freezing Flames. When you cast the Fireball spell, you can change the damage type to cold. When you do, the spell doesn't ignite objects, but instead freezes any water in the area that has no creatures in it. The water unfreezes in 1 minute.
- Fireball: Intense Explosion. When you cast the Fireball spell, any creature that fails its saving throw is pushed 10 feet away from the center of the spell's area. Fly: Extended Flight. When you cast the Fly spell, you can change the duration to "Concentration, up to 1 hour." However, each target must use its action or bonus action on each of its turns to maintain the spell. Otherwise, the spell ends on that target.
- Fly: Flight of the Flock. When you cast the Fly spell, you can target twice as many creatures. However, the fly speed granted is halved.
- Fly: Wings of the Inner Self. When you cast the Fly spell targeting yourself, for the duration, your flying speed granted by the spell equals 40 feet + a number of extra feet equal to 10 times your spellcasting ability modifier. When you cast the spell in this way, it lasts up to 1 minute only.
- Fly: Wings of Strong Winds. When you cast the Fly spell, you can change the flying speed granted by the spell to 30. However, the target also gains advantage on saving throws against being pushed, pulled, or knocked prone. Additionally, when the spell ends, the target descends slowly at a rate of 60 feet per round until it reaches the ground, taking no falling damage and landing on its feet.
- Glyph of Warding: Condensed Explosion. When you cast the Glyph of Warding spell and choose the Explosive Runes option, you can change the radius of the explosion to 5 feet. When you do, the damage dice become d10s.
- Glyph of Warding: Dual Stored Spell. When you cast the Glyph of Warding spell and choose the spell glyph option, you can store two 1st level spells, instead of one 3rd level spell. When you cast Glyph of Warding this way using a spell slot of 4th level or higher, the level of spells you can store increases by one for every two slot levels above 3rd.
- Haste: Extended Boost. When you cast the Haste spell, you can change the duration to "Concentration, up to 1 hour". However, when the spell ends, both you and the target gain 1 level of exhaustion. You gain two levels if you targeted yourself.
- Haste: Minor Magic. When you cast the Haste spell, provided you aren't already concentrating on a spell, the spell doesn't grant the target an extra action, but also doesn't require concentration. However, the spell ends early if you cast it again.
- Lightning Bolt: Arcing Energy. When you cast the Lightning Bolt spell, you can change the direction of the line at a point along the line at least 30 feet from the origin, and again at least 60 feet from the origin. The direction change only applies to parts of the line beyond that point. Each time you change the line's direction, the spell's damage is reduced by 1d6 for all creatures in the spell's area.
- Lightning Bolt: Concentrated Energy. When you cast the Lightning Bolt spell, you can change the spell's shape to a 50 foot line that is 10 feet wide.
- Lightning Bolt: Shocking Burst. When you cast the Lightning Bolt spell, any creature that fails its saving throw against the spell by a margin of 5 or more also becomes Shocked until the end of your next turn.
- Lightning Bolt: Storm Bolt. When you cast the Lightning Bolt spell, you can reduce the spell's lightning damage by 4d6 to add an additional Strength saving throw to the spell for all creatures in its area. On a failed save, a creature takes 4d6 thunder damage and is pushed up to 10 feet in the line's direction. On a successful save, a creature takes half as much thunder damage and isn't pushed. When you cast the spell in this way at higher levels, only the lightning damage increases.
- Magic Circle: Diverse Magic. When you cast the Magic Circle spell, you can also choose for the circle to affect aberrations, beasts, monstrosities, and oozes.
- Magic Circle: Spiritual Prison. When you cast the Magic Circle spell, you can ignore the spell's material component, but the spell requires concentration.
- Major Image: Accelerated Animation. When you cast the Major Image spell, the casting time becomes 1 bonus action, and for the duration, you can move the image as a bonus action, instead of an action.
- Major Image: Larger Illusion. When you cast the Major Image spell, the maximum size of the illusion increases to a 30- foot cube, but creatures have advantage on Intelligence (Investigation) checks against the spell if you make the illusion larger than a 15-foot cube.
- Nondetection: Enhanced Hiding. When you cast the Nondetection spell and target a creature, that creature also has a +3 bonus to Dexterity (Stealth) checks that rely on sight for the spell's duration.
- Nondetection: Instant of Invisibility. When you cast the Nondetection spell and target a creature, before the spell ends, that creature can use its action to become Invisible until the start of its next turn, or until it attacks or casts a spell. Once the invisibility ends, the spell ends.
- Nondetection: Quiet Zone. When you cast the Nondetection spell and target an area, for the duration, sounds within that area are 10x quieter than normal. For example, the boom of a Thunderclap spell, normally audible to 100 feet, would only be audible out to 10 feet. All Dexterity (Stealth) checks made within the area that rely on sound are made with advantage.
- Phantom Steed: Floating Phantom. When you cast the Phantom Steed spell, for the duration, the steed ignores difficult terrain, is under the effects of the Water Walk spell, and its jump distance is tripled.
- Phantom Steed: Sturdy Specter. When you cast the Phantom Steed spell, the spell doesn't end when the steed takes damage - - only when it reaches 0 hit points. Additionally, the steed created by the spell is resistant to nonmagical bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage.
- Protection from Energy: Added Endurance. When you cast the Protection from Energy spell, the target also gains 10 temporary hit points which last for the spell's duration. When you cast the spell using at higher levels, these temporary hit points increase by 5 for each slot level above 3rd.
- Protection from Energy: Evolving Elements. When you cast the Protection from Energy spell, you can also choose a second damage type. For the duration, as an action, the target can switch between being resistant to the first damage type and the second.
- Protection from Energy: Inner Energy. When you cast the Protection from Energy spell and target yourself, for the duration, damage of the chosen type doesn't force you to make Constitution saving throws to maintain concentration on the spell.
- Protection from Energy: Short-Span Shield. When you cast the Protection from Energy spell, it doesn't require concentration, but the duration becomes 1 minute, and the spell ends if you cast it again.
- Sleet Storm: Focus Frost. When you cast the Sleet Storm spell, you can use a bonus action for the spell's duration to direct a wave of frost towards one creature in the spell's area. That creature must succeed a Constitution saving throw or take cold damage equal to your spellcasting ability modifier and become Chilled until the end of its next turn.
- Sleet Storm: Waning Winter. When you cast the Sleet Storm spell, it lasts a number of rounds equal to your spellcasting ability modifier, but doesn't require concentration. The spell ends at end of your turn on the last of the rounds.
- Sleet Storm: White Walker. When you cast the Sleet Storm spell, for the duration, you can see through the heavily obscured area normally, you ignore the spell's difficult terrain, and you automatically succeed on saving throws against the spell.
- Slow: Focused Fusion. When you cast the Slow spell, you can choose to target only one creature you can see within range, instead of multiple creatures in an area. When you do, the target takes force damage equal your spellcasting ability modifier each time it fails its saving throw against the spell for the duration.
- Slow: Move Like Molasses. When you cast the Slow spell, for the duration, affected targets have their speed reduced by an additional 10 feet.
- Slow: Time Rift. When you cast the Slow spell, you can change the duration to 1 round, no longer requiring concentration. When you do, the spell ends automatically at the start of your next turn.
- Speak With Dead: Bestial Bones. When you cast the Speak With Dead spell and target the corpse of a beast, you also gain the effects of the Speak With Animals spell for the duration. Additionally, you can target up to 5 beast corpses within range, though each corpse must be from the same kind of beast, and you don't get additional questions.
- Stinking Cloud: Sickening Smell. When you cast the Stinking Cloud spell, for the duration, any creature inside the cloud or within 5 feet of it is Sickened while it remains there, unless it doesn't need to breathe or is immune to poison.
- Stinking Cloud: Toxic Air. When you cast the Stinking Cloud spell, for the duration, any creature that fails its saving throw against the spell, or succeeds, but only by a margin of 5 or less, is Poisoned until the start of its next turn.
- Tongues: Reinforced Fluency. When you cast the Tongues spell, you can also choose one language the target already knew. For the duration, the target adds a +3 bonus to any Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma ability check it makes that relies on that language.
- Vampiric Touch: Bloodlust Curse. When you cast the Vampiric Touch spell, for the duration, when you make a the spell's attack as an action or as part of casting the spell, you can also repeat the attack as a bonus action on that turn. However, if you end your turn without having dealt any damage to another creature with the spell, you must make a DC 20 Wisdom saving throw. On a failed save, the spell ends.
- Vampiric Touch: Ravenous Hunger. When you cast the Vampiric Touch spell, for the duration, while you are missing 50% or more of your hit points, you have advantage on the spell's attacks. Additionally, while you are missing hit points, you don't need to make Constitution saving throws to maintain concentration on this spell due to taking damage.
- Vampiric Touch: Sanguine Shield. When you cast the Vampiric Touch spell, for the duration, any excess healing granted to you by the spell's attack is turned into temporary hit points, which last for the spell's duration. While you have these temporary hit points, you also have a +1 bonus to your AC.
- Water Walk: Full Sail. When you cast the Water Walk spell, you can choose to target only one creature. For the duration, that creature can Dash as a bonus action and ignores nonmagical difficult terrain. When you cast the spell in this way, it ends early if you cast it again.
- Water Walk: Speed of the Sea. When you cast the Water Walk spell, the target's speed is also increased by 5 feet for the duration, and by a further 5 feet while it moves across a liquid surface as described in the spell. When you cast the spell in this way, it ends early if you cast it again.
- Wind Wall: Gale Force. When you cast the Wind Wall spell, for the spell's duration, you can use an action to repeat the effect that occurs when the wall appears, forcing creatures in its area to make the saving throw against the spell's damage. To do so, you must first succeed on an ability check with your spellcasting ability. The DC equals 13 + 2 for each other time you have repeated the effect during this casting.
- Wind Wall: Living Wind. When you cast the Wind Wall spell, for the duration, you can use an action on subsequent turns to move the wall up to 30 feet (from the center of the wall).
4th Level
- Arcane Eye: Battle Scout. When you cast the Arcane Eye spell, you can use a bonus action casting time, and the spell's duration becomes 1 minute, no longer requiring concentration. Additionally, you can move the eye as a bonus action.
- Arcane Eye: Both Eyes Open. When you cast the Arcane Eye spell, the spell creates two eyes, instead of one. When you use an action to move an eye, you can only move one. You mentally receive visual information from both eyes simultaneously.
- Arcane Eye: Long Range Recon. When you cast the Arcane Eye spell, the distance you can move the eye as an action becomes 300 feet, instead of 30. Additionally, the spell doesn't end if the eye enters another plane of existence.
- Blight: Cursed Ichor. When you cast the Blight spell, any damage dealt by the spell also reduces the target's hit point maximum by the same amount until it finishes a short or long rest. Additionally, if the target fails its save, necrotic ichor oozes from its body as you drain its vitality, and then hardens over it. The target's movement speed is halved for 1 minute, or until it uses an action to wipe away the hardened ichor.
- Blight: Infectious. When you cast the Blight spell, any creature within 10 feet of the target must also make the saving throw against the spell. On a failed save, a creature takes half the spell's damage.
- Blight: Touch of Drought. When you cast the Blight spell, you can change the range to touch. When you do, the damage dice become d10s, or d12s if the target fails its saving throw by a margin of 5 or more.
- Compulsion: Apple of the Eye. When you cast the Compulsion spell, you can choose to target a single creature you can see within range, instead of targeting an area. When you do, if the target succeeds its initial saving throw against the spell, you can maintain concentration on it, forcing the target to make the saving throw again at the start of each of your turns for the duration, until it fails, at which point the spell continues as normal.
- Compulsion: Lover's Call. When you cast the Compulsion spell, if you choose for an affected target to move directly towards you, the target also uses its action to Dash before it moves. If the target is already within 5 feet of you, it ignores this additional effect.
- Confusion: Cone of Confusion. When you cast the Confusion spell, you can change the spell's target area to a 60-foot cone. When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 5th level or higher, the cone's size increases by 10 feet for each slot level above 4th.
- Confusion: Controlled Chaos. When you cast the Confusion spell, roll the d10 twice, choosing which result to use.
- Confusion: Solitary Confinement. When you cast the Confusion spell, you can choose to target a single creature you can see within range, instead of targeting an area. When you do, if the target succeeds its initial saving throw against the spell, you can maintain concentration on it, forcing the target to make the saving throw again at the start of each of your turns for the duration, until it fails, at which point the spell continues as normal.
- Control Water: Combat Magic. When you cast the Control Water spell, you can concentrate on the spell while also concentrating on one additional spell. When you do, the spell ends if you don't use your action on each of your turns to cause one of the spell's effects.
- Death Ward: Armor Against Extermination. When you cast the Death Ward spell, the target also gains 4d6 temporary hit points, which last until the spell ends.
- Death Ward: Resilient Ward. When you cast the Death Ward spell, when the spell would prevent the target from dropping to 0 hit points, there is a 50% chance the spell doesn't end.
- Death Ward: Vitality Boost. When you cast the Death Ward spell, when the spell would prevent the target from dropping to 0 hit points, the target can also immediately roll one of its hit dice and regain hit points equal to the roll plus your spellcasting ability modifier.
- Dimension Door: Double Door. When you cast the Dimension Door spell, before your turn ends, you can use a bonus action teleport again as described in the spell, though the spell's range is halfed for this second teleportation.
- Dimension Door: More The Merrier. When you cast the Dimension Door spell, you can bring along a number of creatures equal to half your spellcasting ability modifier (round up, minimum of 1).
- Divination: Instant Augur. When you cast the Divination spell, the casting time is 1 bonus action. When you cast the spell as a ritual, it only takes 1 action.
- Dominate Beast: Expanded Entities. When you cast the Dominate Beast spell, you can also target Dragons, Elementals, and Monstrosities of a CR equal to or less than your spellcasting ability modifier.
- Evard's Black Tentacles: Grasp of the Dark. When you cast the Evard's Black Tentacles spell, on each of your turns for the duration, you can use an action to target a creature within 15 feet of the spell's area. That creature must make a Strength saving throw, as black tentacles reach from the spell to put the target in. If the target fails, it is pulled up to 15 feet towards the spell's area. If this forces the creature to enter the spell's area, the creature must make the saving throw against the spell.
- Evard's Black Tentacles: Inky Cloud. When you cast the Evard's Black Tentacles spell, inky black fog fills a 20-foot cube centered on the spell's area for the spell's duration. The fog heavily obscures its area.
- Fabricate: Speed Craft. When you cast the Fabricate spell, you can use a casting time of 1 minute, instead of 10 minutes. If you cast the spell using a 5th level spell slot, the casting time is 1 action instead. Using a spell slot of 6th level or higher, the casting time is 1 bonus action.
- Fire Shield: Expanded Elements. When you cast the Fire Shield spell, you also gain the ability to create a caustic shield or storm shield. The storm shield grants you resistance to lightning damage, and deals lightning damage instead of cold or fire. The caustic shield does likewise for acid, instead of lightning.
- Freedom of Movement: Dexterous Blessing. When you cast the Freedom of Movement spell, the target also gains a +3 bonus to its AC and Dexterity saving throws for the spell's duration. When the spell is cast in this way, it requires concentration.
- Freedom of Movement: Fleet of Foot. When you cast the Freedom of Movement spell, the target's speed is increased by 10 feet, and it can Dash or Disengage as a bonus action.
- Giant Insect: Maestro's Swarm. When you cast the Giant Insect spell, you can choose to use the duration "1 minute" instead, not requiring concentration. However, when you do, you must use an action on each of your subsequent turns to maintain the spell. If you don't, you lose control of the creatures for the duration of the spell. The creatures become hostile, attacking the closest non-insect creature to them.
- Greater Invisibility: Delicate Spell. When you cast the Greater Invisibility spell, you can concentrate on it while also concentrating on one other spell. However, you must use your action on each of your turns to maintain the spell, or it ends.
- Greater Invisibility: Silent Steps. When you cast the Greater Invisibility spell, for the duration, the target is wrapped in magical silence so that it can create no sound of any kind. Even its steps are completely silent. It is impossible for the target to cast a spell that includes a verbal component while under this effect. Additionally, the target emits no scent or thermal signatures. It also has advantage on Dexterity (Stealth) checks against creatures using Blindsight or Tremorsense.
- Guardian of Faith: Emergency Ally. When you cast the Guardian of Faith spell, you can use the casting time of "1 reaction, which you take when a creature hostile to you moves to a space within 10 feet of you for the first time on a turn".
- Guardian of Faith: Momentary Miracle. When you cast the Guardian of Faith spell, you can change the duration to 1 minute. When you do, the spell doesn't end when the guardian reaches a certain threshold of damage dealt.
- Hallucinatory Terrain: Instant of Illusion. When you cast the Hallucinatory Terrain spell, you can change the casting time to 1 action, but the duration changes to 1 minute.
- Hallucinatory Terrain: Massive Mirage. When you cast the Hallucinatory Terrain spell, the spell's range and the size of the cube each become 500 feet.
- Ice Storm: Giant Hailstones. When you cast the Ice Storm spell, any creature without cover from the spell has disadvantage on its saving throw, and is knocked prone on a failed save.
- Ice Storm: Winter's Reign. When you cast the Ice Storm spell, you can change the duration to "Concentration, up to 1 minute". At the start of each of your turns for the duration, creature's in the spell's area must make the saving throw against the spell. Additionally, the difficult terrain from the storm lasts until the spell ends.
- Mordenkainen's Private Sanctum: Battle Ward. When you cast the Mordenkainen's Private Sanctum spell, you can use a casting time of 1 action, but the duration becomes "Concentration, up to 1 minute". Casting the spell this way does not contribute to making it permanent.
- Mordenkainen's Private Sanctum: Invite Only. When you cast the Mordenkainen's Private Sanctum spell, the following effect expands the properties you can choose from for the area: Whenever a creature enters the area, you gentle ping enters your mind as long as you are on the same plane of existence. Within 1 minute of this ping, you can use an action to discern whether the creature that entered the area is one you are familiar with. If it is one you are familiar with, you learn their identity.
- Phantasmal Killer: Infectious Fear. When you cast the Phantasmal Killer spell, if the target fails its saving throw, any creature within 15 feet of the target that can see it must also make the saving throw against the spell. On a failed save, a creature is also affected by the spell, although it doesn't take any of the spell's damage.
- Polymorph: Dire Form. When you cast the Polymorph spell, the target is transformed into a more powerful and deadly version of whatever beast you choose. While transformed, the target's size increases by one category, it gains +4 to its Strength score, and it gains additional max hit points in its beast form equal to your level.
- Polymorph: Primordial Forms. When you cast the Polymorph spell, you can also turn the target into an Elemental of the appropriate challenge rating. The target does not gain any spellcasting abilities, legendary resistances, or legendary actions its new form would provide.
- Polymorph: Toll of the Transformation. When you cast the Polymorph spell, if the target reverts as a result of dropping to 0 hit points, it also gains one level of exhaustion, not exceeding a third level. Alternatively, if you concentrate on the spell for the full duration and the target then reverts as a result of the spell ending, it gains three levels of exhaustion, not exceeding a third level.
- Resilient Sphere: Frozen Sphere. When you cast the Resilient Sphere spell, you can choose to create an icy chill that fills the sphere. For the spell's duration, any creature inside the sphere must make a Constitution saving throw at the start of each of its turns. A creature takes 2d6 cold damage on a failed save, or half as much on a successful one. If you concentrate on the spell for its full duration and a creature remains in the sphere for the same amount of time, the creature gains a level of exhaustion when the spell ends (not exceeding a 5th level). When you cast the spell in this way, you must your action on each of your turns to maintain the spell, or it ends.
- Stone Shape: Earthen Echo. When you cast the Stone Shape spell, you can change the duration to "Concentration, up to 1 minute". When you do, for the duration, you can use an action to cause the spell's effect again. You can cause the spell's effect a number of times equal to your spellcasting ability modifier, after which point the spell ends.
- Stone Shape: Master of Craft. When you cast the Stone Shape spell, the maximum dimensions of the section of stone you target equals 5 times your spellcasting ability modifier.
- Stoneskin: Heavy Armor. When you cast the Stoneskin spell for the duration, the target's AC is 20 if it would be less. If it would be more already, the target gains a +1 bonus to its AC instead. In either case, if the target's Strength is 13 or less, its speed is also reduced by 5 feet for the spell's duration.
- Stoneskin: Thick Layers. When you cast the Stoneskin spell, the target also gains 2d10+20 temporary hit points which last for the duration. However, once none of these temporary hit points remain, the spell ends at the end of the target's next turn.
- Wall of Fire: Frozen Flame. When you cast the Wall of Fire spell, you merge the energies of flame and frost. The wall becomes a pale blue color, and deals Frostfire (both Cold and Fire) damage, instead of its normal damage type. Additionally, the wall's area is difficult terrain, and any creature that fails its saving throw against the wall has its speed halved until the start of its next turn.
- Wall of Fire: Rising Smaug. When you cast the Wall of Fire spell, a cloud of thick smoke emits from the wall vertically for 20 feet and lasts for the spell's duration. The cloud’s area is heavily obscured. It can be temporarily dispersed by winds of 10 mph or greater, reforming again at the start of your next turn while the spell continues.
5th Level
- Antilife Shell: Defensive Shell. When you cast the Antilife Shell spell, any creature inside the spell's area has a +3 bonus to its AC.
- Antilife Shell: Repelling Inception. When you cast the Antlife Shell spell, all creatures within 30 feet of you must make a Strength saving throw. On a failed save, a creature takes 2d8 force damage and is pushed up to 20 feet away from you.
- Antilife Shell: Warding Dome. When you cast the Antilife Shell spell, it no longer requires concentration, but the spell's area doesn't move with you, and the spell ends if you leave its area.
- Bigby's Hand: Giant Grasp. When you cast Bigby's Hand spell, the hand's size is Huge, instead of large. Anytime the hand deals damage, the damage is increased by one damage die. Additionally, the Forceful and Grasping effects of the hand gain their benefits against creatures that are Large or smaller, instead of Medium.
- Bigby's Hand: Pair of Palms. When you cast Bigby's Hand spell, you create two hands, instead of one. You can control both hands when you cast the spell, but when you use a bonus action on subsequent turns, you can only control one of the hands. You also gain the ability to use an action on subsequent turns to control one of the hands. You can't control the same hand twice in one turn. If you end your turn without having used an action or bonus action to control at least one of the hands, the spell ends.
- Cloudkill: Sickening Toxins. When you cast the Cloudkill spell, when a creature fails its saving throw against the spell, it also becomes Afflicted until the end of its next turn.
- Cloudkill: Swarm of Clouds. When you cast the Cloudkill spell, you can create three 10-foot radius spheres within range, instead of one 20-foot radius sphere. A creature in multiple spheres at a time is only affected once. Each sphere's damage is reduced by one damage die.
- Commune: Mediator. When you cast the Commune spell, you can touch a willing creature through the entirety of the casting to allow that creature to contact a deity or divine proxy it is associated with. You witness the conversation, but you can't communicate with the divine being. This casting of the spell contributes as normal to the cumulative chance of failure for the spell.
- Commune With Nature: Complete Survey. When you cast the Commune With Nature spell, you gain knowledge of all the facts listed in the spell's options.
- Commune With Nature: Synergistic Connection. When you cast the Commune With Nature spell, for the next 8 hours, while you are within the area affected by the spell, you have advantage on all Wisdom ability checks, and you can't be Surprised.
- Cone of Cold: Blizzard Burst. When you cast the Cone of Cold spell, a force of cold wind accompanies it, forcing creatures in the area to make a Strength saving throw. On a failed save, a creature takes an extra 2d6 bludgeoning damage and is pushed up to 20 feet away from you.
- Cone of Cold: Yeti's Breath. When you cast the Cone of Cold spell, you can force each creature in the spell's area to make a Wisdom saving throw. On a failed save, a creature is frightened of you for 1 minute. A creature can repeat its save at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on a success.
- Conjure Elemental: Reconciliation. When you cast the Conjure Elemental spell and your concentration is broken, you can use an action on subsequent turns, while the elemental is within 90 feet of you, to attempt to regain control over it. Make an ability check with your spellcasting ability modifier. The DC equals 15 + the CR of the elemental. On a successful check, you regain control of the elemental and begin concentrating on the spell again until 1 hour has passed after you cast it. On a failed check, the elemental becomes further enraged and the DC to regain control of it increases by 3 for future checks (this increase can stack).
- Contact Other Plane: Enlist Envoy. When you cast the Contact Other Plane spell, the range becomes Touch. You can confer all the effects of the spell to a willing creature you touch throughout the spell's casting. You gain no insight into any communications between the target and the entity it contacts, nor control over what entity it attempts to contact.
- Contagion: Evolved Ailment. When you cast the Contagion spell, once a creature fails three saves at the end of its turns and becomes diseased, you can choose two of the listed diseases to affect it, instead of only one.
- Contagion: Mass Infection. When you cast the Contagion spell, you can change the range to Self (20-foot radius). Every creature in the spell's area must make a Constitution saving throw, avoiding the spell on a success, or becoming poisoned by the spell on a failure. When you cast the spell in this way, an affected creature need only succeed two saving throws at the end of its turns to end the spell, rather than three.
- Creation: Quick Creation. When you cast the Creation spell, you can use a casting time of 1 action. However, the duration of the object you create is reduced by one step on the Creation table. If the duration would be 1 minute already, the spell still lasts for 1 minute, but the spell requires Concentration for that time.
- Creation: Masterful Craft. When you cast the Creation spell, you can create an object that fits in a 20-foot cube, instead of a 5-foot one. Alternatively, if your creation does fit in a 5-foot cube, its duration is 10 times as long.
- Dispel Evil and Good: Determination. When you cast the Dispel Evil and Good spell, there is a 50% chance when you use the Break Enchantment special function that the spell doesn't end. Further, if you use the Dismissal special function and miss with the melee spell attack, the spell doesn't end.
- Dispel Evil and Good: Rapid Response. When you cast the Dispel Evil and Good spell, you can change the duration to Instantaneous. When you do, you immediately use one of the spell's special functions as part of casting the spell.
- Dominate Person: Imposing Enchantment. When you cast the Dominate Person spell, you can choose to impose your will through the spell. When you do, certain conditions can provide a bonus (or penalty) to the saving throw DC of the spell.
+X - You are one or more size categories larger than the target (+1 per category)
+1 - Your Charisma score is higher than the target's
+2 - The target is prone, you are within 5 feet of it, and you aren't prone
+2 - The target has failed a saving throw against this spell when you cast it at least once before
-10 - The target has succeeded a saving throw against this spell when you cast it at least once before
- Dominate Person: Third Times The Charm. When you cast the Dominate Person spell, if the target succeeds its initial saving throw against the spell, you can continue concentrating on the spell. On your subsequent turns through the spell's duration, you can force the target to make the saving throw again. If the target suceeds the saving throw three times, the spell ends, it becomes immune to your casting of Dominate Person permanently, and you gain a level of exhaustion.
- Dream: Shared Dream. When you cast the Dream spell, you can choose to bring a number of creatures along with you into the dream as messengers. The number equals your spellcasting ability modifier.
- Flame Strike: Radiant Nova. When you cast the Flame Strike spell, each creature outside the spell's area but within 30 feet of the point you chose must make the saving throw against the spell, taking only the spell's radiant damage on a failure, and no damage on a success.
- Flame Strike: Retribution. When you cast the Flame Strike spell, any creature that has dealt damage to you or affected you with a hostile spell in the last 24 hours has disadvantage on its save, and the damage dice become d8s against it.
- Greater Restoration: Multiboon. When you cast the Greater Restoration spell, roll 1d8. If the result is lower than your spellcasting ability modifier, the target comes under the spell's effects one additional time, and you may roll again, using a d20 instead of a d8.
- Greater Restoration: Recovery Shield. When you cast the Greater Restoration spell, the target also gains a bonus to its AC equal to the level at which the spell was cast, and temporary hit points equal to 5 times the level at which the spell was cast, each of which last until the start of your next turn.
- Hold Monster: Secondary Stun. When you cast the Hold Monster spell, if the target succeeds its saving throw, but only by a margin of 5 or less, it is Stunned until the end of its next turn.
- Hold Monster: Silvered Chains. When you cast the Hold Monster spell, if the target fails its saving throw, for the duration attacks made against it with Silvered weapons deal an additional 1d6 damage to it on a hit.
- Insect Plague: Living Swarm. When you cast the Insect Plague spell, you can move the area up to 30 feet on each of your turns as a bonus action. This movement doesn't cause creatures to make a saving throw against the spell.
- Insect Plague: Maddening Bites. When you cast the Insect Plague spell, creatures inside the spell's area have disdavantage on Constitution and Wisdom saving throws while they remain there.
- Mass Cure Wounds: Energy Efficient. When you cast the Mass Cure Wounds spell, if you choose fewer than six creatures to be affected by the spell, for each extra slot you can grant an additional 1d8 healing to one of the creatures that is effected by it.
- Mass Cure Wounds: Moonwell. When you cast the Mass Cure Wounds spell while standing in moonlight, affected creatures also gain the following benefit: For 1 minute, any curse, poison, and disease affecting the creature is suspended. The duration becomes 10 minutes if you cast the spell using a 7th level slot, and 1 hour if you cast the spell using a 9th level slot.
- Mass Cure Wounds: Tides of Life. When you cast the Mass Cure Wounds spell, any target within 10 feet of you gains an additional 1d8 healing, but targets 20 feet or more from you gain 1d8 less.
- Mislead: Puppet Master. When you cast the Mislead spell, the duration becomes "Concentration, up to 1 minute", but you can control the illusory double as described in the spell by using a bonus action, instead of an action.
- Modify Memory: Arcane Therapy. When you cast the Modify Memory spell, if you target a willing creature, you can alter the target's memories of an event that took place any time in the creature's past.
- Modify Memory: Mindshaper. When you cast the Modify Memory spell, if the target fails its saving throw, you can change a number of its memories up to your spellcasting ability modifier, rather than just a single memory.
- Passwall: Deep Dive. When you cast the Passwall spell, you can use a 1 minute casting time to increase the maximum depth of the passage to 100 feet.
- Passwall: Gatekeeper. When you cast the Passwall spell, while you are within 30 feet of the passage during the spell's duration, you can close or reopen the passage as an action.
- Raise Dead: Boosted Recovery. When you cast the Raise Dead spell, roll 1d4. The penalty imposed by the spell is reduced by the amount rolled.
- Rary's Telepathic Bond: Empowered Connection. When you cast Rary's Telepathic Bond spell, you can use a 1 hour casting time to empower the spell. When you do, the communication is possible even across other planes of existence, and the duration is 24 hours. When the spell would end, there is a 70% chance it doesn't end, instead lasting for another 24 hours. Each time this occurs, the chance decreases by 10% accumulatively until it fails and the spell ends.
- Reincarnate: Hand of Fate. When you cast the Reincarnate spell, you can choose which of the races from the Reincarnate Races table the new body is from.
- Scrying: Break the Barrier. When you cast the Scrying spell, you don't have to target a creature on the same plane of existence of you, but if the target is on a different plane, it has advantage on its saving throw. Additionally, the spell bypasses protection from divination, such as that granted by the Nondetection spell, but such targets also have advantage on their saving throw.
- Scrying: Reliable Connection. When you cast the Scrying spell, your benefit from the Knowledge of Target and Connection to Target is always one step greater. If it would already by the greatest option from the table, the save has disdavantage.
- Scrying: Voice of the Gods. When you cast the Scrying spell, if the target fails its save, you can use an action during the duration to speak up to 10 words. Your voice is relayed through the invisible sensor as echoing whispers or a booming voice (your choice), so that the target and anyone nearby hears the message. The voice is distorted so that it is unrecognizable as your own. The spell then ends.
- Seeming: Fallback Faces. When you cast the Seeming spell, once during the spell's duration, you can use an action to change the illusory appearance of one or more affected targets within range to a new one. An unwilling creature can repeat its saving throw against the spell when you do.
- Telekinesis: Swift Psionics. When you cast the Telekenesis spell, on subsequent rounds for the spell's duration, you can use a bonus action or an action (not both) to exert your will as described in the spell. However, when you do so as a bonus action, the target must be within 30 feet of you or it is unaffected.
- Telekenesis: Dual Mind. When you cast the Telekenesis spell, and anytime you use your action to exert control as described in the spell, you can attempt to control two different targets, instead of only one. Before you do, you must make a DC 15 Constitution saving throw to maintain concentration on the spell. On a success, you can cause the spell's effect twice this turn, but you can't affect the same target twice. On a failure, your concentration is broken, ending the spell.
- Teleportation Circle: Risky Rush. When you cast the Teleportation Circle spell, you can choose to cut the casting time short, rushing the spell but risking side effects. Roll 1d20, adding a bonus equal to the number of rounds (excluding the first) you have spent casting the spell. Then consult the table below:
1 - The spell fails. You take 6d6 force damage. Every creature within 15 feet of you must make a Dexterity saving throw, taking the same damage on a failed save, or half as much on a successful one.
2-3 - The spell fails. You take 6d6 force damage.
4-5 - The spell fails.
6-10 - The portal leads to a random teleportation circle anywhere on the same plane of existence as you, excluding circles in an area warded against divination. If there are no other circles on the plane, the spell fails.
11-14 - The portal leads to a random point within 1d10 miles of the target circle.
15-19 - The portal leads to the intended teleportation circle, but any creature that goes through the portal arrives at a different random point within 1d10 x 100 feet of the circle.
20+ - The portal takes you to the intended teleportation circle.
- Tree Stride: Barkskin Boon. When you cast the Tree Stride spell, whenever you enter or exit a tree as described in the spell, you gain 10 temporary hit points which last until the start of your next turn. While you have these temporary hit points, you also have a +4 bonus to your AC.
- Tree Stride: Friends of the Forest. When you cast the tree stride spell, anytime you enter or exit a tree, you can spend an additional 5 feet of movement to bring along another willing creature that is within 5 feet of both you and the tree.
- Tree Stride: Guerilla Magic. When you cast the Tree Stride spell, whenever you enter or exit a tree as described in the spell, you become invisible until the start of your next turn, or until you attack or cast a spell.
- Tree Stride: Landwalker. When you cast the Tree Stride spell, you can reach trees up to a distance three times as far.
- Wall of Force: Erupting Force. When you cast the Wall of Force spell, any creature within 5 feet of the wall when it appears must make a Strength saving throw. On a failed save, a creature takes 4d6 force damage and is pushed up to 20 feet away from the wall. On a successful save, a creature takes half as much damage and isn't pushed. When you cast the spell in this way, it is slightly more vulnerable. The wall is immune to all damage except force. It has an AC of 15 and 60 hit points. If the wall is destroyed, any creature within 5 feet of it must make the saving throw against the spell as described previously.
- Wall of Stone: Obsidian Bastion. When you cast the Wall of Stone spell, you can create the wall with obsidian, instead of normal stone. To do so, you must provide a fist-sized chunk of obsidian worth at least 15 gp as the material component. The obsidian stone wall has an AC of 20, instead of 15. If the wall cuts through a creature's space when it appears, the creature must make a Dexterity saving throw. On a failed save, it takes 4d6 slashing damage. If the wall is destroyed, it sends obsidian shrapnel out towards creatures within 5 feet of the panel that was destroyed, forcing them to make a Dexterity saving throw. A creature takes 2d6 slashing damage on a failed save, or half as much on a successful one.
- Wall of Stone: Permanent Placement. When you cast the Wall of Stone spell, on subsequent turns for the spell's duration, you can use an action to attempt to make the spell permanent immediately. Make a DC 18 spellcasting ability check. On a successful check, the wall becomes permanent and can't be dispelled, and the spell ends. On a failed save, the wall shatters. Creatures within 5 feet of it must make a Dexterity saving throw, taking 4d6 bludgeoning damage on a failed save, or half as much on a successful one. The spell then ends and the wall disappears.
6th Level
- Blade Barrier: Elemental Blades. When you cast the Blade Barrier spell, the weapons are infused with an element of your choice from cold, fire, or lightning. Whenever the spell deals damage, it deals an additional 1d10 damage of the chosen type. This extra damage isn't halved by a creature who succeeds its save.
- Blade Barrier: Steel Sentry. When you cast the Blade Barrier spell, when a creature within 5 feet of the wall moves out of that range, you can use your reaction to cause a group of the blades to attack one creature of your choice within 5 feet of the wall. The attack counts as an opportunity attack, therefor a creature that disengages from the wall is immune to the effect. The target creature must make the saving throw against the spell, taking half the spell's damage on a failed save, and none on a success.
- Chain Lightning: Concentrated Blast. When you cast the Chain Lightning spell, the damage against the initial target increases by 3 dice, but the damage against the additional targets decreases by 3 dice.
- Chain Lightning: Longer Leap. When you cast the Chain Lightning spell, the bolts of lightning can leap three times as far. However, if a bolt leaps more than 30 feet, it deals 1d8 less damage, and if it leaps more than 60 feet, it deals 2d8 less damage.
- Chain Lightning: Red Lightning. When you cast the Chain Lightning spell, the lightning is infused with necrotic energy. Half the spell's damage counts as necrotic. A creature that fails its saving throw against the spell becomes Shocked and Decaying for 1 minute. It can make a Constitution saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effects on a success.
- Circle of Death: Absorb Life. When you cast the Circle of Death spell, you gain temporary hit points equal to 1d4 per creature that failed its saving throw against the spell and took at least 1 damage from it.
- Circle of Death: Escelating Energy. When you cast the Circle of Death spell, creatures make the saving throw in order from the closest to the center of the spell's area up to the 60 feet mark, in radius increments of 5 feet. When a creature is killed by the spell, the spell's damage increases by 1d6 accumulatively for the remaining saving throws.
- Circle of Death: Feed Undeath. When you cast the Circle of Death spell, any undead creatures in the spell's area don't take damage, instead regaining hit points equal to half the spell's damage.
- Contingency: Inevitable. When you cast the Contingency spell, the duration becomes Until Dispelled.
- Contingency: Twin Fates. When you cast the Contingency spell, you can choose one additional within 5 feet of you. That creature also comes under the effect on the spell, using the exact same contingent spell and trigger you chose for yourself. To do so, you must expend an additional spell slot for the contingent spell (for a total of three slots used).
- Disintegrate: Minor Disintegration. When you cast the Disintegrate spell, you can cast it as a 3rd level spell instead of 6th level. The base damage becomes 4d6+10, and the spell's damage increases by 3d6 for each slot level above 4th,
- Disintegrate: Resounding Force. When you cast the Disintegrate spell, creatures and objects within 10 feet of the target also must make a Dexterity saving throw (objects automatically fail this save). On a failed save, a creature or object takes 5d6+10 force damage.
- Drawmij's Instant Summons: Summoner's Bond. When you cast the Drawmij's Instant Summons spell, you can designate the target object as your Summoner's Bond object. When you do, you can call the item to you as described in the spell without needing to crush the sapphire, and without ending the spell. You can only have one Summoner's Bond object at a time. Creating another ends the spell on any previous Summoner's Bond item and destroys the sapphire used in that casting.
- Eyebite: Instant Invocation. When you cast the Eyebite spell, you can change the duration to "Instantaneous". When you do, the spell also affects all creatures in a 30-foot cone or a line 60 feet long and 5-feet wide (your choice) originating from you.
- Eyebite: Overwhelming Gaze. When you cast the Eyebite spell, the first time a creature makes the saving throw against the spell during its duration, the saving throw DC is increased by 10 for it.
- Eyebite: Vision of the Void. When you cast the Eyebite spell, for the spell's duration, you have Darkvision out to a range of 60 feet. Magical darkness doesn't impede this darkvision. Additionally, to the same range, you see invisible creatures as if they were visible.
- Find the Path: Howling Guides. When you cast the Find the Path spell, you can summon four mystical dire wolves to your aid. They are your allies that the DM controls. The wolves will do their best to aid you and your allies through your journey.
- Flesh to Stone: Gorgon's Touch. When you cast the Flesh to Stone spell, you can change the range to touch. When you do, the target automatically fails its initial saving throw against the spell.
- Flesh to Stone: Snowball Effect. When you cast the Flesh to Stone spell, when a creature fails a saving throw against the spell, its next saving throw against the spell has disadvantage. If it also fails that saving throw, its subsequent saving throw has disadvantage and the target rolls three times for the disadvantage, instead of twice.
- Forbiddance: Rapid Permanence. When you cast the Forbiddance spell, it only takes three consecutive days of casting the spell to make it last until dispelled, instead of 30.
- Globe of Invulnerability: Gift Globe. When you cast the Globe of Invulnerability spell, you can change the range to Touch, allowing you to confer the spell's benefits to a willing creature you touch.
- Globe of Invulnerability: Reflective Barrier. When you cast the Globe of Invulnerability spell, anytime a creature inside the barrier is targeted by a spell that requires an attack roll or the magic missile spell, the spell is reflected, using its caster as the new target. Additionally, if a line spell would intercept the globe, the line is reflected back in the same direction, using the globe as its point of origin.
- Globe of Invulnerability: Shatter. When the spell ends due to the complete duration being achieved or your concentration being broken, the globe shatters. Creatures within 20 feet of it but that were not inside of it must make a Dexterity saving throw. A creature takes 8d6 force damage on a failed save, or half as much on a successful one. Guards and Wards Harm: Deadly Disease. When you cast the Harm spell, the spell can reduce a creature's hit points below 1. Additionally, if the target is missing hit points, it has disadvantage on its saving throw. If it has 50% or less of its hit points remaining, it has disadvantage and rolls three times for the disadvantage, instead of twice.
- Harm: Toxic Touch. When you cast the Harm spell, you can change the range to touch. When you do, if the target fails its saving throw, it is also poisoned until the entire hit point reduction of this spell is returned to normal for it. If it succeeds its saving throw, but only by a margin of 5 or more, it becomes Poisoned until the end of your next turn.
- Heal: Golden Gift. When you cast the Heal spell, the positive energy manifests in a shimmering golden aura around the target. Any excess healing granted by the spell is given to the target as temporary hit points. While it has these temporary hit points, the target sheds bright light in a 10-foot radius, and dim light for an additional 10 feet. Heal: Miracle. When you cast the Heal spell, there is a 50% chance the target also receives one effect from the Greater Restoration spell.
- Heal: Shower of Energy. When you cast the Heal spell, creatures of your choice within 10 feet of the target also regain 10 hit points, and are cured of all diseases.
- Heroes' Feast: Quick Snack. When you cast the Heroes' Feast spell, you can change the casting time to 1 minute, and the feast only takes 10 minutes to consume. When you do, the material component isn't consumed by the spell's casting, but the spell's benefits only last for 1 hour.
- Heroes' Feast: The Hero We Need. When you cast the Heroes' Feast spell, you can change the spell's benefits to better suit different situations. Instead of becoming immune to the frightened condition, you can allow spell to grant immunity to one of the following: blinded, charmed, deafened, petrified, stunned. Additionally, you can change the Wisdom saving throw advantage to any other ability score of your choice.
- Irresistible Dance: Contagious Caper. When you cast the Irresistable Dance spell, any creature that starts its turn within 5 feet of a creature affected by the spell must also make the saving throw against the spell or become affected by it.
- Irresistable Dance: Song & Dance. When you cast the Irresistable Dance spell, if the target fails its saving throw, it also starts to sing out loud until the spell ends. This prevents it from otherwise speaking or performing verbal components of spells.
- Mass Suggestion: Mixed Messages. When you cast the Mass Suggestion spell, you can give up to three different suggestions to the various creatures targeted by the spell, distributed however you like. You can't give any one target more than one suggestion.
- Mass Suggestion: Peer Pressure. When you cast the Mass Suggestion spell, choose one of the targets. If that target fails its saving throw, the remaining targets have disadvantage on their saving throw.
- Move Earth: Efficient Excavation. When you cast the Move Earth spell, changes take only 1 round to occur, instead of 1 minute. You can also attempt to hasten this even further by making a DC 15 ability check with your spellcasting ability modifier. On a successful check, the changes occur in an instant. On a failed check, the changes are sabotaged and can't be attempted again for at least 10 minutes.
- Otiluke's Freezing Sphere: Condensed Cold. When you cast Otiluke's Freezing Sphere spell, you can change the radius of the explosion to 15 feet. When you do, the damage dice become d8s.
- Otiluke's Freezing Sphere: Durable Ammunition. When you cast Otiluke's Freezing Sphere spell and choose not to fire the globe when you complete the spell, the globe lasts up to 1 hour, instead of 1 minute, until it automatically explodes.
- Programmed Illusion: Playwright's Ploy. When you cast the Programmed Illusion spell, the scripted performance can be up to 1 hour, instead of only 5 minutes. Additionally, if you are proficient in the Performance skill when you cast the spell, the DC for the spell increases by an amount equal to your Charisma modifier. A creature immune to being charmed ignores this bonus.
- Sunbeam: Branding Beam. When you cast the Sunbeam spell, any creature that fails a saving throw against the spell is Branded until the end of your next turn. When you cast the spell in this way, if you end your turn without having used your action for the spell, the spell ends.
- Sunbeam: Lightweaver. When you cast the Sunbeam spell, whenever you would create a line of light, you can instead create a 30-foot cone, or a 10-foot radius centered on yourself.
- Sunbeam: Lunar Conversion. When you cast the Sunbeam spell, you can change the spell's light from sunlight to moonlight. Any light created by the spell counts as moonlight, and affected creatures are Exposed to the spell's Radiant damage.
- Transport via Plants: Exclusivity. When you cast the Transport via Plants spell, only creatures you designate can pass through the plant. Other creatures can attempt to, but must succeed a Charisma saving throw against your spell saving throw DC. On a failed save, a creature is unable to pass through the plant via the spell's effect until the start of its next turn, at which point it could attempt to do so again.
- True Seeing: Boon of the Seer. When you cast the True Seeing spell, the target has advantage on all Wisdom ability checks and saving throws for the duration, but the spell ends early if you cast it again.
- True Seeing: Shared Sight. When you cast the True Seeing spell targeting yourself, for the duration, you can designate any number of creatures to also benefits from the spell's effects while within 10 feet of you. In this form, the spell requires concentration.
- Wall of Ice: True Winter. When you cast the Wall of Ice spell, any creature that fails its saving throw against the spell is Chilled until the end of its next turn, and its speed is halved for the same duration. If it fails by a margin of 10 or more, it is instead restrained. A creature resistant or immune to cold damage ignores these effects.
- Wall of Ice: Unbreakable Ice. When you cast the Wall of Ice spell, the wall has three times as many hit points per section, and its AC is 15, instead of 12.
- Wall of Thorns: Grasping Growths. When you cast the Wall of Thorns spell, for the duration, you can use an action to cause the thorny plants to reach out and grasp at every creature within 10 feet of the wall. On a failed save, a creature is pulled up to 10 feet towards the wall, and into the wall if possible. This forces a creature to make the saving throw against the wall if it enters the wall's space this way.
- Wall of Thorns: Toxic Thorns. When you cast the Wall of Thorns spell, any creature that fails its saving throw against the spell must also make a Constitution saving throw. On a failed save, it takes an additional 1d8 poison damage and is Poisoned until the end of its next turn. On a successful save, it is Sickened until the end of its next turn.
New Conditions
The following new conditions are used throughout my homebrew content. Some of these conditions can be classified as a step up or down from existing conditions, which helps to give them a sense of context.
Condition - Relationship
Dazed - Lesser Stunned
Shaken - Lesser Frightened
Sickened - Lesser Poisoned
Staggered - Greater Prone
Any feature which grants advantage against or immunity to the related condition also affects the new condition.
A dazed creature can't take reactions. Additionally, on its turn, it can take only an action or a bonus action -- not both. Lastly, it has disadvantage on saving throws against being stunned.Exposed
This condition always specifies one or more damage types. Immunity to an exposed damage type is reduced to resistance, and any other resistance to the damage type is nullified.Hobbled
Every one foot of movement for a hobbled creature costs two feet. A hobbled creature also has disadvantage on Dexterity saving throwsShaken
A shaken creature can't willingly move closer to the source of its condition, and has disadvantage on saving throws against being frightened.Sickened
A sickened creature can't roll ability checks or attack rolls with advantage; if it would roll twice due to advantage, it rolls normally instead. A sickened creature also has disadvantage on saving throws against being poisoned.Staggered
While staggered, a creature takes its turns on initiative count 0, regardless of its actual initiative. Additionally, while staggered, standing from prone costs twice as much movement.Suppressed
A suppressed creature's magical abilities are limited. Any attack roll or ability check it makes for a spell has disadvantage, and saving throws against its spells have advantage. It also has disadvantage on saving throws to maintain concentration on a spell.Damage Conditions
Each damage condition is tied to a specific damage type, noted in parentheses after the condition name. A creature resistant or immune to that damage type is also immune to the condition.