World Map

What to See in Allemance
The Astral Shadows
In this region, the Astral Sea bleeds into the Beast World. Afterimages of Astral emptiness drift by in the night sky, just as the Beast World does on the other side. Bats can grab this astra out of the air and make objects real, if only for a while. Astralcraft is possible in the Astral Shadows. The rules for creating objects are the same, except that objects can only be created after midnight, and disappear at dawn.Baritte
The barony capital of Baritte (barEET) is a bustling river port surrounded by picturesque vineyard hills. It enjoys cool summers from the Bêtemère mountains to the west. Wineries and farms from around the region ship their goods into the capital to be carried south into Vinyot, and passenger boats offer inexpensive passage to the coast. The city’s harbor sits in the shade of Castle Baritte. The Quest River diverts into a port underneath the keep, and a well-guarded market within the castle courtyard allows expensive jewelry and magical wares to be sold without fear of highjacking during transport.Barraille
A city stands on a clifftop in the mountains of Glasrún, where miners supply the free people of Allemance with ore. Barraille (BARall) has grown beyond the cliff’s edge, and elevators large enough to lift three delver wagons facilitate travel through the canopy. From the Upper District, one can gaze out over the dense forest Glasrún is known for. The city’s back road splits into a web of mining paths into the Mantle mountains. Mountains surround the most remote city in Glasrún. Its insular people take great pride in taming the severe peaks. Even for Glasrúnish, the beasts and brethren of Barraille have an intense disgust for anyone “whose blood smells noble.”Bristle Inn
A sign points toward a mansion that has been rebuilt a dozen times: “Hospitality Begins Here.” The Bristle Inn is near the subterranean source of the Warm River. Historians believe it is the oldest business in the Beast World, serving guests for over 1,100 years. Natural hot springs dwell underneath the inn. A shelf behind the reception desk holds a dozen books preserved with careful magic, containing the signatures of guests from centuries past.Crystal Plinth
A network of winding crystal caverns runs through the base of the Quarreling Peaks, which have become a nesting ground for the Dungeon. Crystal Plinth was one of the largest ligonine settlements in the world until recently. The frequent dangers of invading subterranean monsters have forced the inhabitants out of their homes through their subterranean Loamlink. The ligonines’ abandoned possessions still fill the deserted city, but treasure usually remains unlooted for a good reason…Daltiarna
Daltiarna (dalTEERna), the Jewel of the Free People, is the unofficial capital of Glasrún. This immense city of 30,000 spreads further in every direction each year. The streets wind throughout Glasrún’s shady forest, all of it veiled by the leaves overhead. A mix of every species populates the city. Families who have been Daltiarnan for centuries live among first-generation immigrants from every homeland. The only condition for someone to move into the city is finding a district willing to speak for them. Once accepted, the city expects that district to help them construct a home and find work. Daltiarna has no central authority. Each district is self-governed, bringing major proposals to neighbors so they have a say in matters that might affect them. The residents in each district choose a Speaker who has the final call when controversy arises. They hold the position until another candidate nominates themselves. Daltiarna has a thriving political culture that enforces an unwritten maximum term of two years for any Speaker. Debates can rage for days. Brethren are unusually common in Daltiarna. Entire districts have formed from transplanted residents of Broken World settlements. After the Pilgrimage, the promise of independence drew many humans to the city, and Daltiarna was eager to pull as many brethren away from noble rule as possible. Life in Glasrún’s woods is difficult, but a breezy prospect compared to the struggle of living in the bizarre wasteland of the Broken World.Dearmad
Glasrún’s sunny coastal plains are where Dearmad (DARmud) rests. Dearmad’s title, the “Forgotten City,” is an old Glasrúnish joke; when Baron Gocaire the First gave up Glasrún, he was unaware of the idyllic land on which the city now stands. The farms of Dearmad are some of the most fertile in the world. Exports feed the free Allemagnians throughout the forest. The Dearmad people are ideological opposites of their neighbors in Barraille. Pacifism runs strong in the city, and the live-and-let-live attitude of Dearmad tempers the revolutionary ambitions of some leaders in Daltiarna. War is recent in everyone’s mind, and few are eager to take up arms against their fellow beasts and brethren. This is as true in Glasrún as anywhere else. Dearmad is the only urban community in the Beast World with a close relationship with druids. Their gentle treatment of the land surrounding the city attracted the curiosity of its steward druids. Dearmad farms use magic and inventive agriculture to feed thousands without harming the tilled earth. Delver caravans would be impossible without the efficiency lessons learned by the city.Dole
In the game of placating Alley commoners, Dole plays with a riskier strategy than most. Lady Briere is a cruel and impatient baroness who is swift to punish habits in the populace that she deems unsavory. Taxes are harsh in the Dole barony, and reinvestment is a superficial afterthought to keep visiting lords from seeing the true nature of conditions in the lands beyond the Baroness’ home. The capital of Dole is a gleaming city on a hill. Every stone in the street looks as if it were plucked from a river last week. Its laughing people wear colorful clothing, and they scrub the facade of every building spotless on the first of every month. On the hilltop, Lady Briere oversees the barony from the halls of Dole Manor. People in the city often say, “The Lady waits an extra day to dust the Manor, lest Her Majesty become envious of its glimmer.”Domeall
The trade road through Glasrún terminates at the northernmost city in Allemance: the port of Domeall (DOMull). It moves Oric goods into the region, and the city is Glasrún’s center of economic and foreign affairs. Domeall’s free people know their independence is only because the Glasrún Pact would cost too much for the queen to break. To keep it that way, Domeall’s naval force is the largest in Allemance. Oria and Allemance have never been close allies since the Mantle War a century and a half ago, but Glasrún is an exception. Orians have never forgotten that the free people stayed neutral during that conflict, and Oric friendship with these “Forest Wolves” has endured through generations of elk. In Domeall, Alley and Oric cultures collide. The buildings bear an undeniable resemblance to the scale of a lodge house. Oric cuisine is also popular, and some Glasrúnish wolves even wear wraps in their long hair that resemble the antler decorations of elk hunters.Fort Kingsfang
The Crown Guard trains new recruits within the ramparts of Fort Kingsfang. A stone wall runs east to west for 15 miles in either direction, with the military base constructed behind its center. This wall was once a landmark denoting the Alley-Oric border, and the fort was the site of a major battle during the Mantle War. Today, it is still used to instruct young commoners from the surrounding baronies. Lords send teenage Alley wolves to Kingsfang to learn basic martial discipline, in case the need for their service arises. The years following the Invader War have seen renewed attention paid to training commoners in the art of war.Gentlerock Rapids
The Gentlerock River becomes one perilous whitewater after another on this 20-mile stretch. A sharp bend at the end empties into a whirlpool named the Eye of Darkness. An expedition of explorers mapping Allemance in the early days of the Beast World was completely swallowed by this whirlpool. None of the crew survived. The ghosts created by their deaths still lurk in the Netherworld, wailing their story to all who approach the vortex.Gocaire
The border city of Gocaire is several miles from the Queensriver that separates Allemance from Glasrún. For centuries, the city’s claim to notoriety was the first baron’s abandonment of the forest lands. However, in recent years the simple barony capital has gained renown as the hometown of the first delving crew. Hoping to change the barony’s fortunes, its nobles have declared that delvers are to be given a special welcome whenever they enter the city. Discounts at local businesses and other preferential treatment have attracted delvers from Allemance and beyond, but not all the locals are fond of the rough visitors their nobility has imposed on them.Goldentide
This city was once an informal association of two dozen tiny farming towns. When the villages could be considered nothing but a single entity, the prior queen of Allemance incorporated it into the Barony of Goldentide. Vast fields of grain are the barony’s namesake, as well as the pride of its commerce and culture. It is the smallest of the Alley baronies, but they wear the yellow and gold of its crest with the fiercest pride.Isle of Brass and Bronze
A large island in Giant’s Foot Bay is the formal property of brass and bronze dragons, but it is the home of other metallic dragons as well. It’s rare for metallics to claim land outright, as they normally prefer secluded lairs. The isle is a neutral but protected meeting ground for good dragons. They commune with politicians and dignitaries from everywhere in the world from its citadels. The dragons offer aid when possible, and keep apprised of the affairs of beasts and brethren. Delvers seeking an audience with metallic dragons often travel to a lair on this island. A draconic calling is an honor for benevolent delvers. It’s a sign of immense peril for evil ones.Lake Reineblest
Reineblest is one of the largest lakes in Allemance. The Dungeon often warps the rocky soil at its bottom and waterborne monsters have become a common threat for the lake towns. This danger has ignited a fierce debate among the villages that grows more urgent every year. Some want to move away from the lake, while others are unwilling to abandon the land of their ancestors. Soon, this schism will be an even bigger concern than the sahuagin attacking fishermen.Madroileán
The Isle of Dogs Madroileán (MADrullahn) is the largest island in Glasrún. Several fishing towns and villages circle its shores, all of them sharing both the island’s name and the farmland in its center. Fishing is a lucrative industry, but life on the Isle of Dogs is also a unique challenge. Weird things happen in Madroileán. The monsters and mayhem of the Dungeon are just everyday life to its residents. After all, its fishers have been dealing with Dungeon-flavored strangeness all their lives; the stories are as old as the region itself. Villagers on the island are armed at all times, and by the time one reaches the age of twenty, they’ve usually had an experience fighting a monster or disarming the traps set by one. Some cosmologists theorize Madroileán is the site of a miniature Dungeon of its own. Others attribute the oddities to some quirk of the Arcana, a necessary outlet for its unpredictability. Conspiracy theorists, especially in Barraille, believe that the royals of Allemance are terrorizing the island with secret magic. Whatever the case, every day on Madroileán is interesting, and its people seem to like it that way.Mansque
The imposing 500-foot tower at the center of this barony capital dominates the horizon for miles. Some have even claimed they can see the Tower of Mansque from the Louvain peninsula hundreds of miles away. The tower is a repository of arcane theses kept by Baron Mansque IX. His family has studied wizardry for centuries, gathering rare magic tomes onto the dizzying stacks of bookshelves in their home. The family’s fascination with magic has influenced the capital city as well. Residents of Mansque dabble in arcane study to curry favor with their lord. Most commoners in the city can perform a cantrip or two, but stop before diving deeper into wizardry. Their shallow brush with magic is the reason for the nickname “Mansque Mage,” describing an arcane university washout.Molemill Well
The Loamlink runs throughout the Beast World and allows ligonines to travel between their underground settlements far beneath the world of most other species. Molemill Well is a major connection between the Loamlink and the world above. The well is over 70 feet across, with a 20-foot wide staircase running along its round outer wall. It’s the largest Loamlink connection in Allemance and a small ligonine town surrounds the entrance on the surface. Travelers seeking a guide through the tunnels start their search here.Meadow of Monsters
Arcanists studying the Dungeon would be remiss not to visit the Meadow of Monsters in southern Allemance. This unsettled region of the homeland has become a peculiar gathering place for nonviolent monsters from within the depths of the Dungeon. No one knows why the location has attracted “leftover” creatures from conquered labyrinths. While many of them are intelligent, none can explain the phenomenon.Riverbed City
The Teplo river once flowed south through the basin where Riverbed City now stands. Two hundred years ago, a rock from the sky crashed into the Mantle. The resulting quake redirected the flow of the mountain streams feeding it. The river switched directions and left the ravine behind. The north edge of Riverbed City is on the Oric border. Orians traveling home from Allemance purchase riverboats from the city to take north. Sailing the Teplo is the best way to get back before winter descends on the north. The boats of Riverbed City are considered the finest freshwater vessels, and inland shipwrights often apprentice there to learn the craft.Shepherd’s Island
The island in the center of Giant’s Foot Bay has a population of one nameless ovine druid and an uncountable number of wild, quiet-minded sheep. They wander their island paradise to munch on a diverse buffet of greenery. The island’s druidic overseer sends animal messengers to find new plants for the flock to sample, tending to it like an immense garden. Well-meaning visitors are welcome on its shore, but the druid has decisively rebuffed attempts to settle the island for decades.Silette
Mages live in every city, with exactly one exception. A hiccup in the Arcana silences magic in and around the city of Silette. Even a cleric or warlock’s magic cannot manifest within this dead zone. As one might predict, Silette is a down-to-earth city. Its people take unusual pride in earning the rewards that come with honest work. People from Silette consider curiosity about magic to be frivolous or even reckless. Perhaps as a side effect, the Dungeon has never appeared in the city. Visiting delvers might receive hushed requests for stories about their exploits.Sourisport
The Causeway’s west end, Sourisport’s vibe is both Arnerian and Allemagnian. The Causeway bridge disappears over the horizon past Sourisport’s shore to cross the Strait of Glass. While the city has a larger Arnerian population than anywhere else in the homeland, Sourisport’s Alley identity is almost exaggerated. Its energy is like a slap on the back and invitation to come on in. The bridge across the Strait of Glass is a kind of moral elastic band, pulled taut by the expectations of life in Arneria. That band snaps here. The first Alley city a newcomer sees is a den of sin; if it’s bad for you, it’s available along the docks of Sourisport.Symphony Canyon
Three rivers flow into this canyon, converging at a trio of waterfalls. When someone rows out to the middle of this confluence, they can hear the Universal Symphony within the veils of water crashing down. This moment of absolute immersion inspires many to learn the bardic arts. The Bardic Evermeet is a college on the cliff’s overlook where students have followed this inspiration for centuries.Uriah’s Wood
The elder sorcerer Uriah lives somewhere within the forest at the base of the Western Cradle. Its exact location is uncertain, but there are those who swear they’ve been invited into his bizarre mansion. Uriah’s Wood attracts beasts with broken hearts, nervous minds, and weary souls. They believe the sorcerer has some magic that can return a beast to their quiet-minded animal self for a short period of time. Allegedly, this transformation brings clarity and purpose to someone troubled by the world. Indeed, some who venture into the woods return changed by the experience, but no one remembers exactly what happens once they step past the threshold of the sorcerer’s home.Verglas
Surrounded by the highest peaks of the Bêtemère Mountains is a plateau of year-round snow. The remote village of Verglas is home to a secluded conclave of snow cats whose oral history tells that they were uplifted separately from Al’ari felines. Precious few Verglas snow cats ever leave this hidden place, and the treacherous mountain walls keep most visitors away.Wingsmeet
The village of Wingsmeet sits between two high cliffs of the Bêtemère Mountains. The grasslands surrounding the village are a golden sea of sunflowers and fence posts drilled with hollow spaces. Keeping this immense field is an important tradition in Wingsmeet. Thousands of wild birds fly over the village and funnel through the pass during their migration south every autumn. They fertilize the crop fields of Wingsmeet’s barony as they make their natural journey. Twice a year, the village sits idle for a week to thank the flocks while they sleep in the fenceposts on their way through.What to See in Oria
The Alerunner runs east from the Mountmirror into the Malenkean. Commerce between lodge houses is most vibrant in the spring and summer months, and during this time the Alerunner is the busiest freshwater shipping lane in the Beast World. The river’s name comes from the goods it carries: southern grain fields ship ale, beer, and vodka north along its waters. Oric shippers often travel straight to Glasrún and Arneria from its estuaryThe Deepshimmer
For one week every summer, this bay explodes with brilliant colors. In spring, massive schools of fish migrate into The Deepshimmer to spawn. At the end of the season, their bodies erupt into luminescence shining as bright as the aurora. This display attracts crowds of foreign visitors. Festival sites and markets dot the shore, and the last week of spring has become a rare time of communion between nomadic Orians and the citizens of its lodges. To sell to the festival’s attendees, Arnerian gem traders make the long journey to its otherwise desolate landscape. The surrounding region has a thriving population of desert foxes whose ancestors fell in love with the snow and never left.Defiant River
Most rivers in northern Oria have lain dormant for centuries, their surfaces frozen over with a permanent sheet of ice. The Defiant River is a recent exception in the remote north, with waters rushing over the still landscape. The river’s source passes over a hot spring exposed by the earthquake that shook the world during the Pilgrimage. Now, the river flows warm year-round.Edelstann
Edelstann’s story is a legend that has endured for the last hundred years. At the height of the Mantle War, this port on the border between the Tiger and First Seas was a vital target of invading Allemagnian forces. With the warning of mountain scouts, the batkos of the Vanlig region united under a common banner to win their first decisive victory against the crown. Edelstann remains a symbol of the Oric peoples’ defiance and fortitude. Today, the lodge house is also a thriving port. with ships from four different homelands congregating in its harbor. Edelstann is the head of the Diamondgale shipping lane leading around Giant’s Foot Bay, between the Tresoli Islands, and to the Vinyotian city of Arloris. Edelstann’s population, storerooms and coffers expand every year. Some of its more old-fashioned elk believe that as the walls swell, monuments to Oric heroes are buried under the hoard of gold. Trade and travel have attracted a growing number of Alley immigrants. Ironically, Edelstann houses Oria’s largest population of Allemagnian expatriates. This causes some friction between newcomers and descendents of the Mantle War’s renowned warriors. Some proud elk have not forgotten what they lost, and a few seek any excuse to deny forgiveness to their canine neighbors.Fallensky’s Rest
The Teplo’s waters trickle down from the Mantle. Centuries ago (circa 350), early records tell of a piece of the sky falling into the mountains from the heavens. The world-shaping earthquake that followed created the Fallensky Pass and forced an instant reversal of the Teplo river’s flow. When the flaming chunk smashed into the mountains, it blasted a cavern of unreal size into the Mantle. This wide-mouthed cave is guarded by Oric druids who pay special reverence to avian creatures and the clear skies of their homeland. The original piece of the sky is buried in the depths, granting its guardians a secret power. Interloping Dungeon monsters occasionally threaten Fallensky’s Rest. A large flock of talking snowbirds might follow delvers making the journey into the Vanlig region. These chattering swarms give information about anything the druids need. This is a lucrative opportunity for seafaring beasts and brethren, as the nature mages reward them for their help with favorable winds on future expeditions.Gonlev
An isolated cluster of peaks stands just south of the Nattefrost. A monastery of grandi felines lives within them, hidden away in the rocky terrain. Here, the white-furred students keep a martial tradition forged over a thousand years ago. Gonlev monks practice especially ruthless fighting and are known for their scowling demeanors.Gorki Peaks
In Strannik, every beast and brethren learns of the Gorkis’ guiding hand. By familiarizing oneself with how the surrounding Grensa mountains appear behind the spike-like nearer range, a traveler can discern their location with a glance. The peaks of Gorki are an ancient guide stone to the Oric people.Heltenlave
This lodge house is renowned for the heroes birthed in its walls—great explorers, soldiers, and mages who shaped the homeland’s history. In Heltenlave, greatness isn’t a wish, but an expectation. They see themselves as the children of the First Sea’s aurora, which grants them a unique and powerful blessing. Every pursuit in life is a chance at another step toward becoming a legend. The lodge relies on the same collective work as everywhere in Oria, but the beasts of Heltenlave have turned the ursine spirit of “competitive cooperation” into their identity. Warriors gather in Heltenlave once a year to test their mettle in the Icelake Tournament. They invite all challengers to their house to try and best their own strongest fighters as soon as the doors open in spring. The fights take place on a nearby frozen lake between brawlers challenged to keep their footing while dressed only in shorts. Locals fight for their house’s prosperity, as a bountiful harvest is believed to follow a Heltenlaver’s victory.Nattefrost
As far north as one can go, mountainous horizons fall away to a flat sheet of ice. The Nattefrost (NOTfrost) is Oria’s crown of ice. The tundra expanse is a permanently frozen realm with sparse vegetation and only the hardiest wildlife survives in its climate. Nothing shelters the body from the killing winds which whip snaking tendrils of crystalline snow across dune-like plains of eternally sleeping soil.Podgorod
Most lodge houses excavate a tunnel lit by Summerstone, but there’s one house built entirely within frozen mountain rock: the mole city of Podgorod. Brass gears and pistons of ligonine engineering whirr and click all around as a part of everyday life in the old corridors. Subterranean agriculture in the city is cutting-edge—the underground crops that sustain most Orians were first grown here. Its elk wear antler charms that give off the bright glow of mushroom oil from the cultivated in vast cavern fields. Podgorod’s mining economy also carries the tinkering spirit. Complex elevators and carts run on tracks built by moles. They’re powered by wheels turned by the same underground river that is the population’s water source. Clockwork golems perform manual labor throughout the tunnels. They belch coal soot ventilated into a central stack that pushes a black line into the sky above the lodge. Easy access to coal has made the ligonine city a mecca for an innovation trendy in recent years: the steam engine. Most consider these machines too cumbersome and unreliable, but Podgorod engines are well-oiled marvels of engineering.Priozhevsky
The head of the Shepka River is at the vast lake called Mountmirror. The lodge house where the river springs from the lake is Priozhevsky, as much a library as a city. Aspiring Oric alchemists and wizards travel here to learn the lessons of their ancestors’ academic research. The stacks rival Louvain’s Library of the Gate, but their collections are a stark contrast. An Orian would call the Library of the Gate a collection of frivolous, flowery prose written by Alley poet-bards. Priozhevsky books are the meat and potatoes of solid Oric knowledge. When the doors open in the warmer months, resident students venture out to conduct field research. Even in summer, academic work is ongoing within the walls as well. While they roam, they rent out their homes in the house to visiting scholars. Priozhevsky farms the rich riverland, but the city largely depends on the outside support of incoming students housed within. Recently, however, delving caravans have also become frequent guests in the dormitories. The longtime batko of Priozhevsky is a veteran of the Arnerian Storied Histories League, an ursine named Oleg the Bold Doctor. Decades spent in the arena have wrecked his knees, but he remains a brilliant academic. Now settled back home from the Causeway, this beloved bear directs medical research within Priozhevsky as his contribution to the lodge.Severport
This fortified lodge house boasts the finest military sailors in Oria. Its enormous ships break the ice of the Malenkean, allowing the smaller surrounding houses to fish late into autumn. Severport operates with brutal efficiency, its efforts split between maintaining the Oric navy and all the other necessary labor to survive the merciless North Oric winter. However, Severport performs both tasks admirably year after year. Its refusal of any help from Jegervalt’s tributes has become a proud tradition at the Housemeet. Severport wears this double responsibility as a badge of honor. The many great-grandchildren of Vinyotian laetines bolster the engineering of Severport’s fleet. There’s no more accommodating lodge house for a Small visitor, and it’s common to find taller residents hunched under a ferret-run eatery’s short ceilings. The lodgers see the unusual sailors as kin; several years ago the berendey appointed the first otter admiral. The Dungeon has thinned the fleet’s alreadystrained ranks. Able-bodied beasts have turned toward delving and away from a life of frosty Malenkean patrols. More trade vessels have reported piracy in the north recently and rumors of monster sightings have spread. Severport faces a crisis it must solve soon or else face greater dangers from the icy depths.Suurin Forge
The largest and most powerful Covenant Forge in the Beast World, Suurin is also the hidden training ground of the Oric War Mages. It is the de facto center of the Oric military, populated by the Beast World’s most powerful evokers and magic item maesters. Its location is a secret kept with memory-altering magic. Witches, who sense its dense concentration of Netherworld ghosts, are the most common accidental intruders on the Forge’s grounds.Tulivuori
Tulivuori is a soaring peak that stands alone on a flat plain. This unnatural feature is the result of meddling by Maximus, the Beast World’s Great Wyrm of Red. Long ago, the dragon pulled fire from below the earth to form the volcano, and he now lurks in a castle within its caldera. Maximus is the only Great Wyrm whose lair’s location is wel-known, but The Red Tyrant doesn’t entertain visitors. The survival rate of those who have attempted to climb Tulivuori is exactly zero. A small lodge house once known as Ylin sits in the mountain’s shadow. Travelers hiking north to the Oenin tell various horror stories about Ylin’s fate. What’s surely true is that it stands deserted. As one story goes, the dragon once offered Ylin’s people a life of ease in exchange for a share of ownership in their house. Maximus purchased parts of the lodge house from their owners and eventually came to own the entire structure. Over time, the price levied by the dragon to live in his domain climbed. When the inhabitants were utterly drained of wealth, he ordered them out into the Oric winter. They stood at the doors of Ylin, pleading for their lives. They insisted they couldn’t survive in the freezing temperatures. To “warm them,” Maximus blanketed the people in white-hot fire.Voyage End
Bands of houseless Oric nomads wander the mountains of Voyage End, a large island in the seas of northern Vanlig. Their small craft sail between its shore and the mainland, but the wanderers have never contacted larger Oric society. Their attachment to the island is unknown. Northern mariners warn that when an ignorant or desperate sailor sets foot on Voyage End’s shores, they are never heard from again.Zaros
Zaros is hidden by the mountain range that shares its name, and a road one wagon wide is the only way in or out. Ever-obscure, even university students learning about Oria often forget the lodge. Its difficult location has isolated it from the rest of the world, and its envoys only appear reliably during the Housemeet. That said, the lodge house relishes the chance to entertain visitors. The people of Zaros love to have strangers under their roof. Most Zarosi will ramble about the unique beauty of their home, insisting a listener come to see for themselves someday. Zaros is weird. The local fashion is a mishmash of gaudy, clashing colors. Fads completely overtake the house’s people, only to be replaced by a new thing the next season. Currently, the Zarosi are obsessed with tiny candles, which burn in every window of every home. Elk even stab them into the points on their antlers. Zarosi hold strong superstitions about the world. It does not house visitors who arrive in odd numbers on the first floor, for fear of upsetting the universe’s numerological balance. By law, no nonZarosi is permitted to consume dill raised in the lodge’s underground fields (but any grown outside is fair game for anyone, and Zarosi pickles are the world’s most powerful pickles). Thanks to the hotspot for Dungeon activity its mountains have become, Zaros is undergoing a sea change. Crews stop at the house after performing their work, and entire caravans have begun to make the trip as well. Locals are undecided about this. Some older folks fear excessive visitors will force their way of life to change, but most are thrilled by the opportunity to share Zarosi customs with the outside world. As long as they don’t eat the wrong pickles.What to See in Vinyot
The Golden Isle of Ailuro is a small island west of Tresoli. Its shore is surrounded by tall, jagged coral visible above the surface during low tide. These reefs are deadly to approaching ships, and the bioluminescent sponges living within them shoot hull-dissolving acid when threatened. This makes Ailuro a challenging vacation destination. Beyond the shoals, however, is an untouched natural paradise. The white and yellow grasses of Ailuro shimmer in sunlight, and the inner groves bear fruit that induces a state of euphoria for a full day after eating it. Ailuro has become especially dangerous in recent years. Passing ships have heard a seductive song sung by a choir beyond the coral. The lyrics and haunting melody entice sailors to crash against the reef and capsize. Crews jump overboard to find the singers, never to be seen again.Amicia Bay
People of the fishing villages and pearl farms that wrap around Amicia Bay lead quiet lives made comfortable by selling to the capital city. However, recently the bay has become such a hotbed of Dungeon activity that it has earned the nickname Sahuagin Bay. Southern delvers getting their start should keep an eye out for strange stories from the fishing company’s beach towns.Bella Madre
The Whirling Jewel of the South is a city at the confluence of the Lion and Gazelle Run rivers. The merging rivers divide it into three districts, with a roaring whirlpool at the center. The waters divert into an intermediate ring around this mighty cyclone of water, allowing trade along the circular harbor. Bella Madre is best known for the Whirlpool Proscenium, a grandiose theater in the city center. It hosts an annual performance by its artists-in-residence, the Vinyot Century Jubilee. These world-famous musicians, poets, and dancers combine their talents to delight audiences from distant lands. Most bards aspire to become part of the Vinyot Century, but only a select few are chosen by its maestro.Calorwood
The dense, humid forest of southeastern Vinyot stretches for miles, thanks to heavy rain that falls on the land it covers. The Calorwood’s hazy air carries a constant cloud of seed pods, fungi, and other miniscule life. There’s no evidence of danger posed by the dust of the Calorwood, but at its densest a traveler can’t see farther than ten feet. Many prefer the safety of the Glimmering Rivers running through the woods. Rumors persist of lost travelers who wander into the Seelie Court, never to return. Vinyotians love to take chances, but only when they understand the stakes.Dragontail Bay
The caverns within this large cove are also the lairs of chromatic dragons. Invited guests are allowed to cross the threshold to sail within the inner waters of the bay, while intruders without powerful and redundant defenses find their ships... elsewhere.Duck Creek Island
The namesake of this western island is a meandering stream winding through its gentle hills. The creek splits to empty into several lakes. Combined with orchards growing easy food and a lack of local natural predators, the island is overrun with wild ducks. In some places, the waterfowl are so abundant that they flow like the water they swim in. Explorers must wade through the quacking horde to pass. Bread crumbs are welcome.Dungeon Town
The Dungeon doesn’t appear in any discernible pattern, even after rigorous study by the brightest minds. There’s a single place in the world where it’s ever-present: underneath Dungeon Town. One is advised to watch their step on the approach— an errant stride could send one falling into it headfirst. Miles of dungeons twist underneath Dungeon Town’s mishmash of improvised scaffolding, tents, and wagons. The site is a quagmire of dozens of entrances. Architecture, monsters, and otherworldly magic tangle around and back over themselves. One might be navigating an animated hedge maze, then take a right turn to see a log flume floating on a lazy river of boiling oil. Chaos is always underfoot within the limits of Dungeon Town. Dungeon Town is a nickname more than the formal title of a jurisdiction. This semi-permanent expedition consists of archaeologists, Dungeoneers, arcanists, and whatever delver caravans happen to stop there on their way elsewhere. Most are sure to do so; the site has attracted a thriving marketplace of merchant stands and tourist attractions. The town is a mix of carnival and trade show and ultimate challenge for visiting delvers. Crews splitting up have taken to using “see you in Dungeon Town” as a farewell, which often turns out to be true. Of course, not everyone treats the place like an amusement or business opportunity. The Dungeoneers, whose field of study (and nigh-religious fascination) is always a few steps or shovel thrusts away here. Among other researchers, they attempt to glean knowledge from its depths while doing their best not to rouse the ire of the threats that lie within its infinite maze.Flying Otter Falls
Chasing River is nearly a mile wide when it takes the 3,000-foot plunge that empties 200,000 cubic feet of water into the Roaring Basin every second of every day. This breathtaking power can be seen from a staggering distance on a clear day. The waterfall is named for its effect on the peculiar minds of laetines, especially otters. Seeing the falls for the first time flips some mental switch in a dozen otters a year or so. They become obsessed with traveling over the precipice and begin studying protective contraptions built by those who came before. Every “Otter Barrel,” as they are called, is slightly different, as laetine researchers attempt to push the survival rate of the plunge a little higher. Currently, about half the otters who paddle their gadgets to the upper river’s center survive the trip to the bottom. Advancements in Otter Barrel technology have been applied to delver wagons to make them safer, provided their users live to share the schematics.Fortunata Hills
North-central Vinyot is the rolling Fortunata Hills. They sit in the shadow of the Bêtemère Mountains, which block rains and give the region its winds and cool climate. Those who live in the hills face the challenge of rocky soil and dry air, which leads to sparse harvests and Vinyot’s coldest winters. Despite the difficulty, several cities exist in the region, and the world’s most expensive wine is produced in their unique climate. Ligonine miners in the hills also unearth gemstones and precious metals that are the envy of all the west. Vinyotians consider Fortunata Hills to be a proud symbol of their ideology: hard work and cooperation begets the rarest fineries.Gonlaro
The largest attempt to settle Kelvonostro was Gonlaro. Built between the Cristalmonte river and miles of swampland, the town was settled to harvest insects from the surrounding area and ship them downstream to be used as fertilizer and animal feed. Shifting soil and floodwaters soon took over the settlement, while a black fog of insect swarms descended on what remained above the surface. Gonlaro’s complete collapse was such a surprise that most residents abandoned their belongings when they evacuated. The mines below were flooded with murky swamp water, closing off a long section of the Loamlink. The armadillo foreman of the project left his personal fortune inside his home, which is now coated in a thick layer of algae and haunted by ghosts of the townsfolk who could not escape.Haven of the High Bethel
The Haven is a picturesque paradise, covered in ancient trees untouched by willful creatures for all of history. The Bethel of the Heartleaf sits on the hilltop, Pirhoua’s most sacred place. The round, open-air building is encircled by crystal glass windows that depict each known species of beast, just as they realized themselves and stood on two feet. The bethel is constructed around the last heartleaf tree. For a single season at the birth of the world, this tree and others like it bore the fruit that granted the first beasts their willful nature. More than a nursery, the Bethel of the Heartleaf is a learning institution for respected Pirhouan clerics. The leaders of the church gather here to discuss the state of the Beast World and decide how they might render aid to embody Pirhoua’s ideals.Hidden Waters
This inlet of the Tiger Sea cuts through tall cliffs and fjords, which flank it on both sides. The seawater zig-zags at sharp angles and ends at slender white-sand beaches. These beaches are concealed by rock outcroppings eroded by the slim streams of water. Caches of treasure are hidden in the snaking waterways by pirates fleeing the Arloris Navy, for anyone whose ship can squeeze through a space narrow enough for a cat to leap over.Isle of the Twilit Tryst
A stone’s throw southwest of Wrightbarrow is what some consider the natural byproduct of its existence: the Isle of the Twilit Tryst. This westernmost point in Vinyot is one of the world’s largest communes of Aubadians. This ungovernable gathering of volatile hedonists live to celebrate the meeting of their Sun Bull and the Moon Wolf. At dusk, both are visible from the island at once. The island is a conclave of artists, scientists, and anyone else brought beyond the breaking point by the regimented life of a Wrightbarrow work contract. Their embrace of anarchy is an ongoing attempt to prove that Aubadism isn’t a dangerous cult, as some insist. However, there’s no other monastery of peace so viciously well-armed. They claim that any rumors of murderous piracy in the waters surrounding the island are fabricated by Wrightbarrow to disparage their movement and keep workers from leaving. Whether these accusations are true is unknown.Kelvonostro Wetlands
The Cristalmonte and the Ficklefox rivers part ways and envelop a long marsh. Kelvonostro is a region that several enterprising Vinyotian patriarchs have attempted to settle to claim its unique ecology for their own use. The horizon of the wetlands is dotted with lopsided, sunken buildings that stand (or lean lopsided) as proof of their failure. They are a warning to anyone who would attempt to lay a stone foundation over a teeming land of grasses and swamps. A longstanding, unconfirmed rumor holds that a circle of druids are responsible for destroying these abandoned cities.Luck’s End
An arid, unforgiving climate typifies the region south of Fortunata Hills. The road leading from Arloris to the nearest Allemagnian city of Verglas travels through a wasteland of stunted trees that struggle to pull enough nutrients from the dust. Travelers and caravans headed east on the road often attract the attention of monsters, especially the sort that warps and corrupts its sparse foliage.Landbridge
Landbridge is a bustling freshwater port between the rivers Cristalmonte and Ficklefox. This city is flanked by twin locks managing the steep elevation change between the waters’ source and their journey downstream toward the Long Sea. The Landbridge Canal Concern manages the locks, coordinates the farms, and regulates the guard. They own most of the city’s housing, as well. Workers struggle constantly to keep their heads above water. Their pay is being gradually transitioned to a scrip that Landbridge Canal owners hope will overtake the prevailing Vinyotian currency. Most Vinyotians know about the city’s recent trouble and it’s only a matter of time until it boils over.Million Souls Overlook
The northern tip of the Lioncrest Prairie is Million Souls Overlook. Legend has it that if one turns their head standing at the cliff’s edge, they can see the homes of a million beasts at once. The Ald Ruin lies at the bottom of the cliff, a wizard’s tower collapsed onto the rocky shoal below. An imposing pair of sphinxes made of white stone guard the ruin, all contained in an arcane sphere frozen permanently in time.Motherfire Island
The island of Motherfire is one of the world’s most volatile, active volcanoes. Its surface is covered in unique flora that can survive the scorching inland heat. Black trees coat themselves in iron, soaked up through roots and laced into their bark. The dense grass is coated in trace metals, sharp enough to cut through boot leather. Vinyotians who don’t mind the warmth have built towns along Motherfire’s shore. They brave the difficult flora (and the dangers of fauna able to survive in such a place) to catch and study the unique fish of the surrounding waters.Porta Strega
Travelers and traders from Louvain tour the entire southern half of the Beast World from riverboats on the Quest River until reaching their destination at the far end of Vinyot. This wide, gentle estuary is surrounded by a forest of maple trees and the Witch City of Porta Strega. Porta Strega earns its name from the peculiarities of its surrounding woodland. Whatever aspect of nature keeping the real world separate from the Netherworld is thinner here, making the forest an intersection of natural and ghostly forces. The emotions of a willful creature are normally necessary for the creation of a ghost. In the woods around Porta Strega, a quiet-minded animal’s violent death or some other shock can leave an imprint on the Netherworld. These feral ghosts are unusually powerful within the treeline of the Strega Woods. They manifest as they like, appearing as herds of pale lights at night, flying through the leaves and darting across the treeline. Thankfully, the mysterious cause of their presence also allows them to calm from the wild outburst of their creation. Porta Stregans are nevertheless known for preferring a salad over a steak. Fate is best left untempted.Porta Ventura
The city of Porta Ventura is Vinyot’s maritime gateway to Arneria. Fine white sand stretches along the coast of the small city. Its roads are built to follow these glittering beaches. Porta Ventura is famous for a law requiring that each building have at least one window facing the sea. This beautiful, secluded city is a haven for the rich; Vinyotian company royalty negotiate trade deals and oversee their shipments on their journey north into Allemance.Procone Woods
The dense canopy of this forest almost completely blocks sunlight from reaching the ground. Within the shadowy thicket is the Tenebrous League, an association of towns with a primarily tenebrine population. This haven for night-dwelling beasts welcomes all who visit its peculiar people. They live in a tiny subculture that has sworn off currency and ownership. Procone natives often have difficulty adjusting to the mercantile society of greater Vinyot, often accidentally confirming the preconception of tenebrines as thieves.Quetra Tenna Islands
Four islands make up the Quetra Tenna archipelago in west Giant’s Foot Bay. The shallows here are saturated with salt and other seafloor mineral deposits. Settlements work in its underwater quarries and laetine researchers conduct alchemical experiments on the odd compounds unearthed.Ruby Bay
The mainland port at the Ficklefox River estuary is named Ruby Bay, after the color of its gentle waters. Iron in the bay stains the water a distinct red color renowned for its bizarre beauty. Fishing hamlets surround the bay, built a few years ago when the Pilgrimage brought thousands to the city searching for work and a home. Ruby Bay is governed by a board of companies whose wealth exploded after the arrival of humanity. Homebuilders, craftsmen, and settlement suppliers able to let go of lingering anger from the Invader occupation saw unprecedented growth from charity-funded contracts to help brethren get on their feet. The test is to treat their new neighbors as charitably now that the gold rush is over.Southwinds
The hot, humid shoreline connecting Vinyot to the Long Sea is dotted with fishing towns and ports where trade fleets can rest on their way to Arneria. Southwinds is the largest of these cities, built on fertile ground between the Honeymoon and Auric Rivers. Southwinds wears the largest scars of the Invader War. The Invader Army’s initial appearance was several miles east of the city. The human army overran it in less than a week and made it their base of operations. At the behest of their shadowy masters, the high commanders ordered every symbol of beast religion removed, and every statue in their image torn down. The bethels were razed, and the city’s identity was erased. Southwinds was the first city occupied and the last surrendered. After the war, Southwinds was one of the few cities to outright refuse entry to humans. This prohibition stunted the city’s reconstruction; the goodwill and hard work of grateful civilian brethren caused an economic boom all around them. In a cruel irony, this slowed the healing of hearts even more in postwar Southwinds. No major caravan forbids brethren, so the city watched them pass by for years. Eventually, their curiosity about delvers became a higher priority than the pain lingering from the war. Brethren are allowed on its streets now, but any humans are watched with unflagging scrutiny. Southwinds has taken its first step on another path, but its destination is yet uncertain.Springbok’s Flight
The city of Springbok’s Flight is known for twin roads leading up the surrounding cliffs east and west to two towers. These lighthouses are important to all devout Vinyotians. The west is a symbol of the Beast Mother’s gift of will into the minds of her menagerie. The east represents Dramphine’s steadfast fairness toward all beasts and brethren. Springbok’s Flight is a crucial stop for all religious pilgrimages across Vinyot. For a major city, Springbok’s Flight has an unusually chaste vibe. Religious tourists visit under the expectation of good behavior in all public areas. The Pleasure Island of Pristana is a wilder destination that’s only one day of sailing away, after all.The Foxmeet
The two vulpine subspecies first encountered at the Foxmeet. Beylik desert fox voyagers crossed the Azur Gulf centuries ago to map the lands beyond, and encountered early Vinyotian tradewind foxes deep in the mountains past the shore. Those fennecs returned after bringing back knowledge of the western continent. Their descendents still live in the region. Throne of the Easterlies The largest unsettled island in the Beast World is the Throne of the Easterlies. Speculation and superstition surround this mysterious landmass and the steep cliffs making up almost every inch of its shoreline. The Throne was named for being the point of convergence between the trade winds and easterlies. They swirl in a hectic circle across its waters. Daring explorers have climbed the cliff face to the sharp, rocky terrain above. However, none have found the source of the winds that gust outward from its center. Arcane anomalies rebuff any attempt to approach Astrally with teleportation and the hurricane gales repel those using feet or flight. Not even the mighty wing beats of old dragons have navigated the perpetual storm. (With a haughty huff, most insist they weren’t interested anyway.)Tresoli Islands
The Dungeon’s punishing early appearances chased away the seafaring population of the three Tresoli islands, as well as Tresoli City. Its port is abandoned and Dungeon monsters have appropriated its docks to launch vessels that menace trade routes all throughout Vinyot.Wrightbarrow
Wrightbarrow is several related things: a large southwestern island of Vinyot, the harbor on its north shore, and the associated towns around its edge and blanketing its surface. The Wrightbarrow Shipping Concern is a vulpine company that makes the sea vessel Vinyot is most known for. Their flagship design is the Gull, a dependable, affordable ship that fills the general needs of a modern Beast World mariner. Wrightbarrow dominates the shipwright market in part because every step of the build process takes place on the island. Timber is sourced from the inland hills and iron ore is mined from underneath it. The labor force lives within its borders, and their children are given free education in company-funded schools. The family heads who run the Concern don’t see the Dungeon with other Vinyotians’ eyes of romance and wonder. They regard its appearance as a frustrating and unpredictable factor in their affairs—risk to be mitigated. They pay lucrative contracts to experienced delvers willing to live on Wrightbarrow Island patrolling its lands.What to See in Al'ar
The archipelago of Al’ar has hundreds of islands, many with their own tiny fishing villages. However, about three quarters of the population live on the shores of the five largest islands.Aurica
The long island in the northwest is renowned for its platinum. Aurica natives dive to explore the caves formed by crashing waves during the hurricane season. The force of the sea digs them deeper every year, leaving chunks of platinum ore behind on the seafloor. Ships from the mainland sometimes sail north of Al’ar before cutting around Aurica to attempt raids in the south. The fastest pirates zip along the northern coast of Aurica to scout for these vessels. Pirates rarely harass delving crews poking around Aurica, but one should take care not to look too much like the law.Dakshin
Dakshin and its sister isles look into the vast western unknown beyond Al’ar. The diverse jungle ecosystem of Dakshin is a dream destination for any naturalist. There are dozens of Dakshin druid circles, who revere sea, land, sky and stars alike. The druids’ ideology sometimes clashes with the Al’ari, but they avoid disturbing the dock towns on Dakshin’s coast. The people of Dakshin docks are proud animal lovers--citizens rarely have fewer than three pets hanging around. Feral cats wander Dakshin dock towns and tropical birds perch on the side of fishing boats for treats tossed by their lazing captains.Jarik
Dock towns on Jarik use sturdy wooden scaffolds to form towers of structures. These elevated streets allow residents to live closer to one another and protect the lower layers from the harsh summer sun. Dense housing gives Jarik an urban vibe. Its people are uniquely fast-talking and cosmopolitan. Their clothing follows the current trends of mainland cities, but they twist rabbit-chic into a laid back, “west-isles flavor.” Jarik cats love nothing more than to talk about how different things are on Jarik.Kandela
Kandela’s name comes from its active volcano. The large land area weakens hurricanes as they pass over it, allowing Kandela dock towns to move inland rather than making a Storm Voyage. They congregate at the volcano’s base to shelter from the storm. The volcano itself is a gentle slope covered in greenery. Its last eruption was decades ago, but some on the island fear that meddling from the Dungeon could cause devastating trouble for the dock towns. Entrances have appeared on the island, but the quick response of delving crews has kept them away from the snaking channels of magma that run through the mountain.Sampura
The Drum Island of Sampura is the farthest east of the five. A wall of trees lines the edge of its dense, hilly jungle. The land slopes down toward the west, and its eastern shore is a tall, rocky cliff that wraps around the peak of Mount Amistat. Every year, hurricanes batter the south shore of Sampura. Many of the island’s dock towns sail around the island for the Storm Voyage, as the northwest half is spared the worst of the rainy season’s destruction. Harsh rains and tidal surges still pummel the island throughout, and those exploring inland risk being swept into the edge of a hurricane during the storm season.Kashòtta Caves
Because of the natural caverns within the island, southeastern Jarik has become an uninhabitable hive of Dungeon activity in the last decade. The dock towns formerly settled in the Kashòtta region have been rebuilt elsewhere since it was overrun. Sailing close to the caverns is popular with delvers looking for trouble and trouble’s potential rewards.Kyry
The Kyrians are peculiar. Rather than migrating north during the hurricane season, this strange town’s Storm Voyage brings it directly into the maelstrom’s path. Kyry is a tight-knit community consisting of the few would go along with this thrill-seeking ritual. Kyrians have refined storm chasing into a (sort of) survivable practice, but the life expectancy of a Kyrian is still ten years shorter than anyone else’s. It would be even shorter if Prophet Bembe, the oldest living Al’ari, wasn’t the town’s cacique. Bembe leads the Storm Voyage every year and is an inspiration to many others without a tight grip on self-preservation.Mijnbou
The city of Mijnbou (MEENbau) follows the northern shore of Aurica. The Single-Shore City is named for its unique Storm Voyage. Rather than sailing to a second location in the dry season, residents of this city split up for six months out of every year to live as scattered nomads. Some fleets of Mijnbouans sail a trade route, while other ships join up with another dock town. No matter their destination, the city reconvenes in the off-season. They share stories and spoils from their months spent abroad, enriching each other’s lives. This culture of travel and information gathering makes Mijnbou the home of many great Al’ari birdkeepers.Tata & Mama Islands
These two islands are close enough that each is visible from the other on a clear day. The oldest recorded Al’ari story is about the rivalry between their towns. The legend goes that Tata and Mama had a race to see who could build a ship to reach the other island first. The story of this competition became the Tata-Mama Race, a sailing relay held every year between the islands. The race is only one of the countless ways Tata Island and Mama Island compete. Every business has a sister on the opposite shore that calls it out by name, offering better service or lower prices. Each constantly tries to one-up the other and delving crews with Tata natives often have a Mama native who insisted on joining to prove themselves even more worthy.Tempestat
If Al’ar was a unified state, then Tempestat would be its capital. This city of 50,000 is smaller than other metropolises of the Beast World, but its docks stretch along a staggering breadth of the shore. Tempestat makes an inland journey instead of a Storm Voyage, which is a factor in its sprawling size. The bouncing rhythm of life and active music scene on its crowded streets attract a certain sort of life-loving islander. The city of Tempestat is huge, but the docks aren’t any farther from the shore. This elongated layout makes quick sailing between locations more important. The Tempestat Windstring is a popular magic item, which most natives carry and a visitor can borrow. When tied around the mast of a sailboat, it fills the sail with enough wind to carry it through the city at a fast clip. The Windstring only works within a quarter mile or so of the docks, but it’s an invaluable tool for exploring the staggeringly long cityTonoro
Tonoro is the collective name for a circle of otherwise anonymous islands in south Al’ar. The entire region is mysteriously invisible to most natives. Islander eyes can’t seem to get a focus on the crowded ports that pop up every dry season, and the bustling dock towns that surround them make no sound that anyone can hear. After all, there are no pirates in Al’ar.Trebe
The Three Babes are a trio of islands with a dock city along their outer coast. Its unique, winding platforms zig-zag much further from the coast than on other islands, taking a drastically different route every year. Their meandering design allows for deep-water fishing and gives the residents a little more space from their neighbors. It also keeps them away from the center of the islands, a region many residents believe to be haunted, cursed, or both. The mangroves of Trebe are a vast forest of squat trees whose roots tangle through the shallow waters. These roots spring up from the water enough that an explorer can walk the shallows surrounding the islands without getting their toes wet. A hundred stories exist about what lies within this seawater forest. Lately, the stories are getting stranger…What to See in The Bat'yan
Castaway Point
A lane of treacherous currents and a dense wall of colorful coral make Castaway Point an isolated port. Trade vessels that sail the Azur Gulf are occasionally thrown off course and into these precarious waters, usually attributed to the Throne of the Easterlies. Vibrant reefs can destroy even the sturdiest hulls, dooming crews to the deep. Nature sometimes shows a chaotic kind of mercy, though; the same currents that shred a boat will safely carry sailors to Castaway Point’s quiet beach. This little city holds a unique secret: a population of murine rats who never left Arneria. The people of Castaway Point refuse to be completely isolated, and have a stubborn rescue tradition. Navigation out to sea is difficult, but not impossible. Skilled, brave sailors weave between the reefs on nimble craft inspired by Al’ari designs. These “Sea Rats” carry rescued sailors back home, and sometimes wander west to become pirates or delvers.Duyan Vale
The large Causeway town of Duyan Vale is a community of apprentice cooks, their masters, and their experimental eateries. Training in this corner of the world is a huge step forward for anyone looking to become a famous datu’s chef or high-end restauranteur. Herb foraging in the nearby Matatrono supplies the professionals with the fresh ingredients they need. It’s a lucrative profession that has become more perilous with regular Dungeon appearances; Duyan herb and mushroom hunters are always looking for delver escorts. Caravan routes often stop in Duyan; even the roughest gruel-eating delver admits the food is worth it.Fort Tawiran
After making the six-mile journey across the Strait of Glass, foreigners looking to enter Arneria must first pass the gates of Fort Tawiran. The twenty-foot doors remain open during the day, but regular patrols of the bey’s infantry keep out undesirables. To enter Arneria, a traveler must provide proof of their business in the homeland. Tawiran is a rare hiccup in Arnerian architectural planning, as the gate fort was never intended to be a city. As a result, buildings have grown on and out from the wall, down under the rainforest canopy. The ancient stone walls of the fort stand in contrast to the chaotic, improvised look of the adjacent city. It’s an accurate look at Causeway life and most newcomers’ first impression of the eastern homeland. The locals are a mix of people from across the continent who seek to spread welcoming goodwill (and to show foreigners the first Arnerian goods of their visit).Kala’bil
At the northmost corner of a hexagon-shaped loop in the Causeway (also known as the “Shield Ring”), Kala’bil is on the front line of the ongoing Dramphinian fight against the Blackwild. From the ramparts of the Causeway ring, paladins stand guard with ferocious commitment. Kala’bil is the closest point on the Causeway to the unnatural scar in the world itself that lurks in the depths of the forest. Kala’bil is the headquarters of Arnerian Dramphinians. The upper floor of its bethels are paladin outposts, from which the church of the Moon Wolf conducts ongoing research to close the Blackwild forever. Training grounds dot the earth within the Causeway ring, where young Arnerian paladins are brought into the fight against demons and undead. The larger city contains numerous arcane and history libraries, sheltered within solid stone with reinforced doors. Copies of every historical account of the Bat’yan and Beylik are stored here. The Dramphinian libraries are open to the public, but curious readers must consent to screening against Unnature’s influence. The Blackwild, distant but so close, claws at the psyche of every paladin.Kal’oro Grove
An enclave of natural grandeur lies deep in the Bat’yan rainforest, guarded by a border of thick, towering trees. Intruders into Kal’oro Grove are punished with harsh, permanent transformations by the circle of old servants of nature that dwell within: the Kapre Druids. Their power over the basic nature of the world has gifted these beasts, who are almost all sloths, with everlasting life. They walk the Bat’yan as something otherworldly, more akin to the nature spirits of the Seelie than their original forms. When a willful creature acts to protect nature in the Bat’yan, they may earn the notice and approval of the Kapre Druids. However, if one takes from nature too greedily or commits wanton acts of destruction against old trees, one risks their wrath. Those with a relationship to nature one way or the other will sometimes look through their window at night to see one of their broad silhouettes, and smell the faint aroma of the cigars they smoke. When one earns enough of their attention, they are scooped up into the Kapre Druids’ enormous clawed hands and carried into the night. In the middle of Kal’oro Grove, good people are said to be gifted with a wreath made from precious golden leaves that only grow within it. Evil people are transformed into twisted, squawking crosses of three different beasts, and let loose to totter through the rainforest until nature reclaims them as a meal.Linang
One of the largest Causeway rings in the Bat’yan is in the region of Linang. The road splits at its entrance, until eventually joining to continue south toward the mountains. Unlike in most places, Linang’s road is at the top of a solid wall to prevent animals from ruining the precious land in its center. The Ring-Towns of Linang have a small-town atmosphere that never ends. Sporadic buildings and friendly people dwell all the way around both sides of the ring. They take elevators down to the farms below every morning and ride out to the protected fields within. The only wildlife that can get in are colorful rainforest birds, which have become a symbol for the Ring-Towns. Parts of the Linang farms have been devastated by the Dungeon’s repeated incursions. A stretch of several miles on the Causeway is nothing but abandoned buildings, a dead zone of the former homes of relocated families. Linang hopes to find a way to prevent its intrusion into a localized area, so that the lands claimed by monsters might be returned.Malduta Estuary
The largest river in the Beast World meets the ocean at the very tip of southern Arneria. The lush estuary spans fifty miles, as wide as it is long. The Attamek fragments into criss-crossing streams, depositing nutrients into the fertile land and transforming the region into a stretch of coast that is beautiful, but waterlogged. Only tiny personal vessels can travel through the meandering shallows, making it an ideal place to evade unwanted attention. Smugglers, thieves, and other castoffs from polite society use the cover of the Malduta to duck the law among the ducks.Mitalu Swamp
The rainforest is filled with a hundred distinct cultures and peoples. There are followers of long-forgotten sects of Pirhouanism, worshippers of the god of knowledge Yttrus, and people of every other sort. You don’t need to go to Mitalu. A few villages among the multitude of barangays reject outsiders altogether. They marry among their own and keep a close-knit, little society they understand well. These barangays don’t have any stake in larger Arneria. They prefer to be left to their own affairs, just as they have for centuries. Treat Mitalu as one of them. Ignore any invitation. Some of the wetlands of the Bat’yan are a hiding place. A little conclave of tenebrines swim in their murky waters. They sometimes emerge from a dark place, with hangers-on far worse than any leech. Some of the beasts out there have good reasons to stay away from paladins and anyone else who can sniff out the perversion of a fiend. They want nothing more than to attract an audience. A few Bat’yan possums play their fiddles from the Songbook, but you don’t want to hear the tune. Don’t go to Mitalu.The Tugatore
The Matatrono Range is a cluster of stark cliffs and jagged peaks that tower over the southern Bat’yan. A barangay legend says that Pirhoua perched on the highest mountain’s summit, scooping out the Attamek with her finger before carving out the rest of the world. According to those who have stood on this spot, one cannot know the Beast World until they’ve seen it from the top of the Matatrono. An ancient stone spire named the Tugatore (toogahTOHRay) sits on this apex. Its original builder is unknown, as is its original purpose. Its architecture is unlike that of any surrounding culture; even its masonry is created by an unknown method. Academics travel to the Tugatore to study the engravings that cover its hollow interior, hoping to decipher some part of its history. If asked, a typical mouse might shrug and say “they built it “cause they could.”What to See in The Beylik
Two marble statues are all that decorate the modest dock of Boughport. They depict a mighty elk crouching to shake hands with a mouse. This monument commemorates the site of the first meeting between the people of Oria and the Beylik. The town is named after their initial writings about “great beasts whose heads have sprouted trees.” Its dock was later visited by the Orians again, to carry the rats who left their homeland for the north. Boughport maintains a humble existence tucked away behind the Bey’s Head Mountains. The town’s strong connection to Oric culture is clear to any northerner who sees the shape of its buildings. Strannik lodge houses sail south in the summer to trade for vast quantities of the wild herbs unique to the island. These traders are received with an annual festival, treated as the direct descendents of the native rats who left more than a thousand years ago. This fragile little amalgam of a culture would be imperiled by a disruption to the traders’ journey, as they are a vital part of its food supplyGlimmerpool
The ligonine capital of the Beast World is high in the northern Beylik. There’s no sign whatsoever that anything lies beneath this part of the Bey’s Head; the city of Glimmerpool is only accessible via the Loamlink. In the peculiar history of the ligonine species, Glimmerpool is cited as the place where the three disparate cousins met for the very first time. Despite its geography making this astoundingly unlikely, this is held as true by every ligonine. Glimmerpool shares its name with the underground lake the city surrounds. This body of water is fed by a waterfall from the Bey’s Head mountains, continues under the cavern, and empties outside to become one of the main sources of the Attamek. The waters of the Glimmerpool are a sacred place to the ligonines, all of whom make an effort to visit the city at least once in their lives. The stereotype of ligonines as good-natured weirdos marching to the beat of their own drum is absolutely fulfilled by this city. The architecture is a wild mishmash of every homeland’s and the armadillo-friendly streets dip and curve seemingly at random. The influence of moles’ love for tinkering and clockwork is everywhere. Most of the city is also accessible by hooks and hanging bars, to facilitate easy traversal by sloths. Like the rest of the Loamlink, Glimmerpool is devoid of natural light. Ligonines nonetheless encourage outsiders to accompany them to the city, so long as they are prepared with a lamp and patient with the eccentricities of its people.Harik
The god of knowledge Yttrus has few adherents among the Beast World’s mortals. The deity, whose avatar is a genderless mouse, is doomed to eternal melancholy by their perfect foreknowledge of the future. When there are no more surprises, existence itself becomes rote. Yttrus would be unknown to the beasts and brethren, were it not for their single place of worship: the Omniscient Temple in Harik. At the birth of the Beast World, Harik was a desolate wasteland ignored by every bey. Scholars would travel to its seclusion to perform research that was unpopular with other academics. One group of these scholars used mathematics and deduction to prove that Yttrus must exist. They even calculated their most likely portfolio. Yttrus spoke, giving them a reward for finding this spark of truth without the guidance of previous discoveries. The god gave them a relic they called the Vessel of Yttrus: a ceramic bowl inscribed in plain language with knowledge about important future events. Some believe this to be the birthplace of the Common tongue, but the Omniscient Temple keeps the purpose of the Vessel—and its location—a grave secret. They used some of its knowledge to transform Harik into a natural paradise. They redirected mountain streams in the Bey’s Head to form the mighty Gizli river, flooding thousands of square miles with fertile soil. This was a compromise with the people of the Beast World, for keeping the Vessel of Yttrus closely among themselves.Isla Adalar Islands
The tale is a warning to some, and a siren’s song to others. Each year, a few Arnerian ships sail east, with the bodies of ships and sailors painted in vibrant colors. Audadian revelers voyage to the far-eastern Isla Adalar Islands, to be the first to see each sunrise. They are musicians and dancers, writers and artists, on the islands for the collective pursuit of sunblood. Isla Adalar is a burning land of passion. Music and creation last from the moment the sun appears until its presence fades from the sky. Masterpieces are written and painted, danced and sung. None of them ever make it to the mainland. The colorful ships burn in the harbor on the day of their arrival. Those who depart for the Isla Adalar Islands stay for life.Kavrama Mines
What’s an unmined gem worth? The bosses of the Kavrama Mines are learning. This sprawling excavation site has deteriorated from a lively and prosperous operation into a maze of empty tunnels with a skeleton crew. Entire wings are closed to head off unanswered Dungeon activity. Most miners won’t risk their lives confronting the distant, terrible roars that echo out every night. The Kavrama Mines are operated for the bey by the esteemed Parlakaya family. These stubborn desert foxes have kept them producing precious stones for generations. They’re unwilling to evacuate the tunnels altogether, preferring to replace “disloyal” miners. Mercenaries, Vinyotian Sellswords, and even delving crews are hired as expendable stand-ins. Put simply, it hasn’t worked. Mining mishaps, ruined tunnels, and outright theft plague Kavrama. Without intervention, the Parlakaya foxes are doomed to lose their claim forever to bandits and monsters.Kazmak ve Küzmek
The Kazmak gem road is the chain of caravanserai that connects the Beylik half of the Causeway in the south with the mines of the north. Its intersection with the Causeway is the Sandstair, the widest descent to the ground from its heights. The Sandstair is a strategic checkpoint for the Beylik military overseen by an Aubadian mouse general named “Murad the Vast.” Murad is notorious for his fervor in enforcing the law and he has authority to forbid anyone but the bey from traversing the gem road. Once one makes it past Murad and ventures north, the midpoint of the Kazmak is the Küzmek, an artificial aquifer river. Where these two meet is the largest of all the caravanserai cities: Kazmak ve Küzmek. If a traveler is looking for Beylik hospitality, Kazmak ve Küzmek is the absolute pinnacle of affordable luxury. The central inn is a massive square courtyard with a hundred and one rooms. Rumor has it that it accommodates guests at a financial loss, subsidized by Bey Vartan’s personal fortune. There’s no other plausible explanation for how a guest can stay in such lush conditions for the pittance they charge. A metropolis in the desert is only possible because of the endless water supply from the aquifer under Kazmak ve Küzmek. An incredible system of wells and gravity-powered pumps unearths the source of the Küzmek river. It pulls so much water from the earth that the river runs southeast, all the way to the east Matansil Sea. The inn would be more than enough to justify the city of ten thousand Arnerians surrounding it. Knowledge is the other treasure drawing travelers to the middle of the desert—Broadgate University’s main campus is located in Kazmak ve Küzmek. Its hallowed halls contain the largest and most respected institution of science and magic. Here, scholars, delvers, and gem merchants walk sideby-side through the streets.Kumluk ve Maden
The north end of the Kazmak sits in the cool shadow of the mountains. It is “The Glittering Inn,” Kumluk ve Maden. While smaller than its central counterpart on the gem road, the riches that flow from the mountains have filled the city with a dense concentration of fineries from everywhere in the world. Everything expensive can be found in Kumluk ve Maden. At the back of the city, the Kazmak splits into a dozen mountain roads that climb up into the Bey’s Head. These have their own tiny offshoot towns formed by miners too poor to live in the caravanserai proper. They climb up into the tunnels they dig before dawn every morning, and early risers can see them lined up on the cliffside overlooking the inn, munching breakfast before a day’s work.Land’s End
The end of the Causeway is a shallow ramp down to a quiet cliff overlooking the Matansil Sea. There is no town here, nor any grand monument. The end of the Causeway is a reminder of what the division of the bad old days accomplished for the people of Arneria: nothing. Ghosts created by the churning and murderous machine of war gather here, and the Netherworld behind Land’s End is a haunted maelstrom. The most frequent visitors are witches, who travel here to have a nightly communion. These witches double as the quiet spot’s guardians from vandalism and desecration.Sekiz Cliffs
Hundreds of miles of tall cliffs overlook the east side of the Attamek river in the Beylik. The harsh, hot winds of the desert are slowed by the rock face, making for a relatively calm and cool region. Dozens of peaceful villages dot the riverbanks here, populated by the People of the Morning Shadow. Settlements in Sekiz are filled with mice known for a strange connection to magic. The gift of sorcery is more common in Sekiz than in other regions of the Beylik. This is attributed to some combination of an easy life giving one the opportunity to explore oneself, and the unknowable, fiddlesome Arcana.Sun Bull Dunes
The hottest place in the Beast World burns in the heart of the Beylik desert. The winds whip dry sand into the face of any doomed wanderer. Sun ignites the fur in daylight and darkness freezes the night. No beast or brethren in their right mind would ever consider wandering so far from any source of water. So naturally, this is an important place in Aubadism. Bull-headed Aubadians lower their heads and charge into the Sun Bull Dunes, carrying nothing but a warpick and morningstar. They seek a black shaft ramming into the sky, as obstinate as they are. A pillar of black sapphire sits at the spot in the Beast World most like the sun itself. Those who reach it enter a trance of sunblood, hacking at the pillar with the weapons they carry. Aubadians who demonstrate themselves to their god return with a piece of the pillar. Everyone else fades away, leaving nothing behind but a sun-bleached skeleton to decorate the dunes for no one.Tilkisan
Tilkisan is a beautiful Causeway city at the convergence of two tributaries of the Mavimar river. Life in Tilkisan isn’t beautiful for everyone, however. The city’s lower class lives on the Causeway’s roadside in packed, spartan homes overlooking the sprawl of Tilkisan wealth. Old mansions lie in verdant courtyards below, the homes of thousand-year old family lines whose ancestors once pleased some bey or another. Silent dissent flashes between the faces of Tilkisan’s commoners. The wealth of travelers passing through has increased recently, as delver caravans display well-earned new wealth. The path to a better life is hope for a common beast, but bad news for a ruling class. They haven’t noticed yet.