
Factions Primer (for PC creation) (All the said factions here have subfactions):

Dramphinians - Largest, most well known community of Paladins

Thieves' Army - The Criminal and Mercenary Enterprise of Beast World

Shamans - Human-centric Historians and Recordkeepers

The Ferals - Terrorist Bigots stuck in the mindset of the Last War

Oric War Mages - Oria Mage Peacekeepers

Queensguard - Allemance Intelligence Knights Order

The Trade League - External Organization of the Vinyot Traders Guild

Bey Blades - Supermilitary of the Beylik

Order of Brass and Bronze - Noble Order of Warriors for the People

Monk Orders are small in size and are secluded in world.

There are no major druidic orders as druids prefer being few in numbers and all religious people help in the care of nature.

There are no major pirate alliances present as pirates are selfish AF.