Of Empires & Dynasties

Orc Vikings (Norse, Scandinavia)

Elven Isolationists (China, Japan) 
Halfling Riders (Mongolian) 
Warforged Empire (Russia)

Tiefling Empire (Egyptian)
Tabaxi Empire (Persian) 

Dwarven Empire (English, British)
Firbolg Empire (Spanish)
Gnomish Empire (French)
Dragonborn Mystics (Mesoamerican, South American)
Goblin Nomads (Pirates, Polynesia) 

Goliath Icelanders (Arctic, Antarctic) 

The Grunor Conglomerate of Khuddenmennavennheim - Grunor (Orcs) Vikings (Norse, Scandinavia) - Tribal ascendency in the temperate regions up north.

The Xixuthellar Empire of the Nagailen - Nagailen (Elves) Isolationists (China, Japan) - Immortal isolationist conquerors.

The Viccisivaz Khaganate of Iikhazar - Viccisivaz (Halflings) Riders (Mongolian) - Beast-tamers, behemoth-centric empire.

The Votsnystoyan Union of the Votomat - Votomat (Warforged) Empire (Russia) - Mechanical-based creatures from a past world forced to forge an empire.

The Imperium of Ankhmet of the Ibtan - Ibtan (Tiefling) Empire (Egyptian) - The cradle of civilization and the richest of all empires.

The Vassussian Empire of the Qurbe -  Qurbe (Tabaxi) Empire (Persian) - The martial-centric empire of central Essa.

The Commonwealth of Raegentis of Mene - Mene (Human) Empire (English, British) - The most populous empire, and the birthplace of the firearm.

The Seeblei Consortium of Astelia - Seeblei (Firbolg) Empire (Spanish) - Fauna-centric empire that has turned to nature for prowess.

The Coipari Ascendancy of the Cou - Cou (Gnomes) Empire (French) - The most intellectual-based society out of all the empires.

The Tzal Alliance of Idraxxuca - Tzal (Dragonborn) Mystics (Mesoamerican, South American) - Southwestern mystics who have harnessed the secrets of the dragons.

The Oma Principalities of  Eagrecea - Oma (Goblin) Nomads (Pirates, Polynesia) - Goblin Empire ruled by Merchant Lords that span accross the seas.

The Viatinu Collective of the Tunii - Tunii (Goliath) Icelanders (Arctic, Antarctic) - Polar cap-inhabiting, symbiote-centric empire.