The Grunor Conglomerate of Khuddenmennavennheim


Geography and Locations

Culture & Customs

"Strength and Perseverance"
Falconers & Mountaineers.
Mountaintop and Undermountain settlements.
The Four Tribes - Khud, Denmen, Navenn, Heim
Eye Color. Tattoos.


Herbs and plants with seafood



Government & Law

Megatribal Council

Religion & Faith

The Voion, the twelve celestials.
The Fae of Laugiz, stories and fables.

Important People

The Ogrunor of Khuddenmennavennheim - Living legends of the Conglomerate. Powerful warriors that wield divine magic of pure story and acclaim. Ogrunor are distinguished by their luminescent halos a few inches above their heads.


Mountain Hyenas, Field Rhinos


Subtribes of the main ones have representative mages as their blood is considered nearly holy. Magic is used seldom as they see magic as sacred. The Grunor use sorcery in battles, wars, and skirmishes, and for connecting with the divine and the fey.
Fey, Divine Magic