The Beast World uses a different way of choosing the Race trait. Ordinarily, the flow of character creation decisions work like this:
Class: “what can I do?”
Race: “what am I?”
Subrace: “what environment am I from?”
Ability Scores: “what are my natural advantages?”
Background: “what kind of lifestyle do I come from?"
This set of stats leaves out a crucial part of understanding a character: their culture. Cultural features are almost always included as part of race. Take dwarf’s Stonecunning for instance:
Stonecunning. Whenever you make an Intelligence (History) check related to the origin of stonework, you are considered proficient in the History skill and add double your proficiency bonus to the check, instead of your normal proficiency bonus.
Choose a species, then a subspecies (if they are available), then a homeland, then a background as normal. Homeland doesn’t replace a character’s background.
Languages. People of the Beast World primarily speaks Common. Some of the cultural languages are:
Arneria. Bat’yan and Beylik are separate languages, and Greater Arnerian is a blend of the two used on the Causeway.
Allemance. Allemagnian is used everywhere except Glasrún, which uses Glasrúnish.
Vinyot. Vinyotian.
Oria. Vanlig in the west, and Strannik in the east.
Al’ar. Al’ar has many, depending on the island and specific dock town. Most are dialects of Al’ari.
Species Languages. Loamtongue is spoken by ligonines from the Loamlink. Draconic is spoken by dragons and goblins. Seelese is spoken by jackals.
When choosing languages, characters in Beast World have Common, and the language of their homeland. The monster languages (such as Giant) and the elemental languages (such as Ignan) are also available, as scholars have been studying the speech of creatures from the Dungeon.
Homeland or Species - Naming Convention
Allemance - French, Irish.
Oria - Russian, Norwegian.
Vinyot - Italian.
Arneria (Bat’yan) - Filipino. Tagalog and post-colonial names.
Arneria (Beylik) - 1600’s Ottoman Empire. Turkish and Armenian names.
Al'ar - Caribbean. post-colonial Portuguese, Carib, and Indian names.
Jackals - Ancient Egyptian, modern Arabic.
Dragons - Greco-Roman. Traditional “fantasy” tropes.
Goblins - After something they do, something they like, or something else. Named goblins are extremely recent.
Bovines are born with an innate connection with the flora of the Beast World—they hear the earth and know the soil. Angus and bison beasts use this ability to turn fallow, dusty land into rolling pastures. Adventuring bulls and cows glean life-saving knowledge from “conversations” with the mosses that thrive in the Dungeon. They live anywhere with wide open spaces, but anguses are most common in Allemance and most bison dwell in the deserts of the Beylik. Bovines are ill-suited for many of a crew’s needs. They aren’t naturally equipped to spot monsters moving in shadows or untangle finer mechanical puzzles. If a crew requires someone to squeeze into a tight crevasse, it’s best to call on a nimbler species.
However, if they need the unshakable fortitude of a battering ram on legs, bovines offer this and more. Unlike an equine’s powerful legs, bovine power is in their arms. An angus can throw their weight into a fight harder than anyone, and the bison physique is suited to wield their enormous weapons. Woe be unto an unlucky drunk in a bar fight with a bull.
Bovine Traits
- Creature Type. You are a Humanoid.
- Ability Score Increase. Your Strength score increases by 2.
- Speed. Your walking speed is 30 feet.
- March on Hooves. You have advantage on saving throws you make to avoid suffering exhaustion from a forced march.
- Powerful Build. You count as one size larger when determining your carrying capacity and the weight you can push, drag, or lift.
- Head Down, Feet Forward. If you move at least 10 feet in a straight line toward a creature as part of your turn, your first melee attack against that creature is made with advantage. If this attack scores a critical hit, you can roll one of the weapon’s damage dice one additional time and add it to the extra damage of the critical hit.
- Root Connected. As an action, you can touch a plant to communicate with it for 1 minute. You can ask about events within the past day that happened in a 30-foot radius around the plant, or as far as its roots reach underground (whichever is farther).
A plant knows how many Small or larger creatures traveled through the area, and can also describe anything that disturbed its home soil. It can provide a rudimentary visual description of things within range. For example, it knows the color of clothing and the species of a creature, but can’t distinguish individuals. You can also determine whether the plant is having difficulty growing, and why.
- Ability Score Increase. Your Constitution score increases by 1.
- Size. Most anguses stand slightly taller than other bovines between 6’3” and 7’3”. Your size is Medium.
- Bullheaded. An enemy that hits you hard enough gets your undivided attention. When you take half your maximum hit points or more in damage from a single attack, you gain advantage on melee weapon attack rolls for 1 minute, or until you target a different creature with an attack.
- Ability Score Increase. Your Constitution score increases by 1.
- Size. Most bison stand between 6 and 7 feet tall. Your size is Medium.
- Unreal Grip. A large weapon is a natural fit in a bison’s immense palm. When you are wielding a two-handed melee weapon and no other weapons, you can wield it with one hand. Additionally, when you wield a melee weapon with the versatile property with one hand, you deal damage as if wielding it with two hands.
Homeland Traits
- One of the homeland’s most common species, Bovines tame the land and feed the people across the plains and hills of Allemance. Their hearts swell with joy at the sight of a good harvest. A slow and steady life is the norm among Alley anguses, and they are proud to be the bedrock of their homeland.
Alley bovines are a rural folk, and are often annoyed by fast-talking urbanites. The city lifestyle distracts from what bovines see as a fulfilling life. They have no time for the grifts and scams of out-of-town hucksters. Dependable, down-toearth people earn the respect and friendship of an Alley bull. Because of this impatience with flaky personalities, other species see bovines as quick-tempered hotheads. This reputation isn’t entirely unearned.
- Tenacious Curiosity. Bovine stubbornness with Allemagnian leisure learning is a formidable thing. Your Intelligence modifier is treated as 3 higher for the purposes of training a language or tool proficiency.
- Once in a blue moon, a young bovine farmer looking past their own fields feels some force beckon them to leave home. Even before the Dungeon’s appearance, some Oric bison were gripped by the need to wander the mountains to see their peaks. A bovine delver is usually someone who feels this call, following it to the caravans.
- Ingenuity in Artificing. Oric bovines share a secret art among their kin. With 24 hours of work, you can repair a broken magic item to restore its magical properties. The tool used is based on the type of item. For example, a staff requires a Dexterity (woodcarver’s tools) check. The cost and DC are based on the magic item’s rarity.
A successful check allows you to repair the damaged connection to the Arcana and restore the item’s magic. It retains the same number of charges or uses it had when it was broken. The materials aren’t consumed on a failed check, but the item takes twice as long to repair each time it is unsuccessfully restored.
Ingenuity in Artificing
Rarity - Cost - Repair DC
Common - 25 gp - 18
Uncommon - 100 gp - 20
Rare - 1,000 gp - 25
Very Rare - 10,000 gp - 30
Legendary - --- - Impossible
- The goddess Pirhoua’s avatar is a gentle-faced angus, a fact bovines regard with great pride. They consider their gift with plants to be a divine secret whispered from the Beast Mother herself. Vinyotians are especially drawn to religious service, so many respected members of the church are bovine.
- The Bouncer’s Kid. Those bovines not inclined to spend their lives in prayer find another path. Every Vinyotian bovine family has an uncle or cousin who works as a heavy in one of its gambling halls, and they pass on the knowledge of that trade. You have proficiency in the Perception skill and with one gaming set of your choice. You have advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks made for the purposes of spotting someone cheating with any gaming set you have proficiency with.
- Bison are an important part of the Beylik’s history. When desert explorers search for a place to build a new caravanserai, bovines always walk among their traveling parties. Their abilities are crucial to cultivating the homeland’s difficult soil.
The current ruler of Arneria is a bison named Bey Vartan, and all bison live a privileged life throughout the homeland. One never knows if a horned stranger might be a member of the Beylik’s royal family, so most Arnerians are just a little more careful around them.
- Reader of Maps and Moss. The old Beylik bovine ways of pathfinding and trailblazing run deep in their traditions. You have proficiency with cartographer’s tools. By spending 1 minute touching a plant growing in an underground space, you can discern the direction of a path to the surface. You also learn the most common creature type other than Humanoid or Beast within 300 feet of the plant. Once you use this ability, you can’t use it again until you finish a long rest.
- Like all non-felines, Al’ari bovines are rare. Because reaching the homeland is so difficult, most bovines in the homeland are those who feel a powerful wanderlust. Island bulls are the adventurous exceptions of their species.
- Light-Touched Farmhand. Over generations, the diet and habits of Al’ari bovines have rendered them smaller than their mainland cousins. You have proficiency in the Stealth skill. Additionally, when traveling over land, you roll Dexterity (Stealth) checks to avoid being tracked with advantage. Lastly, with your smaller frame, you gain an additional 10 feet of walking speed.
From the Allemagnian royal family to the shepherd dogs roaming icy Oric plains, canines are a flexible species who thrive in any environment. Dogs aren’t particular to any homeland, but the majority of wolves live in Allemance.Canines have an innate social spark and a need for attention. They’re excitable around others, but sulk when left alone for too long. They’re attentive listeners and they laugh longest and loudest at a good joke. Most canines show unwavering loyalty to their friends, standing by them after everyone else turns away.
Canine Traits
- Creature Type. You are a Humanoid.
- Ability Score Increase. Your Charisma score increases by 2.
- Speed. Your walking speed is 30 feet.
- Scent Tracking. You have advantage on Wisdom (Survival) checks used to track a creature if you have an object the creature has worn or carried in the last seven days.
- Hardy Stomach. You have advantage on saving throws made to resist ingested poisons.
- Ability Score Increase. Your Strength score increases by 1.
- Size. Most wolves stand between 5’10” and 6’6” tall. Your size is Medium.
- Unit Tactics. You have advantage on an attack roll against a creature if at least two of your allies are within 5 ft. of the creature and the allies aren’t incapacitated.
- Better With an Audience. You have a +2 bonus to Charisma checks if at least three allies you can see are within 30 feet of you.
- Ability Score Increase. Your Wisdom score increases by 1.
- Size. Most dogs stand shorter than their lupine counterparts between 4’7” and 6’3” tall. Your size is Medium.
- Herding Tactics. You have advantage on attack rolls against a creature if one of the creature’s allies is within 5 feet of it, and that creature is not incapacitated.
- Ears Toward Danger. When automatically defending yourself with innate reflexes, you have some extra protection against magical assault. You have advantage on saving throws made to avoid or resist magical traps or spells cast on you while you are surprised. In addition, you add an extra 1d4 to initiative rolls.
Homeland Traits
- Just as Oria is known for elk and Al’ar for cats, Allemance is the wolf’s homeland. The Lupine Throne has always been a wolf’s seat, and while not all Alley nobles are wolves, most respected courtiers share the queen’s species.
- Insistent Strike. The soldiers in Allemagnian canine levies are trained in following up failed attacks with a brutal backswing that catches their enemy off guard. Once per round on your turn, when you miss with a melee weapon attack, you can deal 1d4 damage of the weapon’s type to the target (the attack is still a miss for all other purposes). Once you use this ability, you can’t use it against the same target again until you hit it with a melee weapon attack.
- Canines and Oria have a fraught history. The Mantle War between the Lupine Throne of Allemance and the northern homeland left northerners with a sour attitude toward canines. While open hostility has faded in the decades since the conflict, wolves still face an undercurrent of distrust and exclusion. Those who live in the Oric lodge houses despite this treatment take pride in their role as ambassadors and bridge-builders.
- Charm with Outsiders. Life is even more complicated for a canine Orian than for most folks. You’ve made friends in unlikely places and share kinship with those who don’t fit the mold of the Oric lodge lords. You have advantage on Charisma (Persuasion) checks made with non-cervine people from Oria, and with cervines who are not from Oria.
- The canine species’ most pronounced quality is their ability to adopt the culture of their surroundings. Dogs in Vinyot are partners in vulpine business and confidantes to street-smart raccoon and possum tenebrines. A mastiff makes a trusted deckhand on any southern trade ship and they raise crew morale with gripping stories and boisterous sea shanties.
- Sniffing Out Deals. The sense of the urban mercantile that Vinyotians instill in their families over generations has given you the ability to find good deals. You have advantage on Intelligence (Investigation) checks to find the best price on nonmagical items in a large city (one with more than 10,000 people).
- Dogs of every shape dwell in the Beylik and the Bat’yan. Short, shaggy-furred Shih Tzu canines dart between the legs of sloths in the Bat’yan barangays, while coyotes with pointy ears and sharp eyes walk the Beylik sands. The mixing of cultures on Arneria’s thousand-mile road also blends dogs from different parts of the continent. The resulting mixed-breed Askals proudly identify themselves as “the Causeway’s species.”
- Strafing Strike. You fight with the hit-and-run tactics of the desert canines still wandering the Beylik and Bat’yan alike. When you hit an attack using a light weapon, you can roll a larger damage die: d4 becomes d6, then d8, then d10, then d12 (a d12 or 2d6 damage roll cannot increase in size). Once you use this ability, you can’t use it again until you move at least 10 feet.
- Dock towns enjoy easy living thanks to smart movement with the tides and storms. Island dogs are beloved neighbors who often fall into the role of mediator between surly cats in their community. They’re a little-known but important part of making sure a town’s journey across the sea goes smoothly.
- Like Herding Cats. The canines of Al’ar have found a niche in jobs bringing disparate factions together for large projects. You can coordinate the un-coordinate-able. You can roll skill checks using the Help action of two allies at once. If two allies use the Help action on a skill check that you make, you can reroll one of the d20s that you use to make that check.
Common Dog Breeds
- Homeland - Common breeds
Allemance - Border Collie, Corgi
Oria - Samoyed, Saint Bernard
Vinyot - Borzoi, Mastiff
Arneria - Coyote, Askal (mixed)
Al'ar - Potcake dog, Akita
Rabbits and squirrels have an awareness and physical quickness that defines their common culture. They share the same inherent connection to magic and tend to view the world similarly. They are the two halves of the celerine species, most common in Allemance’s packed urban centers. Celerines are naturally alert to what’s around them and they get bored whenever there isn’t enough to stimulate them. This instinct alerts them to potential danger, but also oncoming cultural shifts. They thrive in crowded places with plenty of people to impress. Rural squirrels and country rabbits aren’t unheard of, but any celerine farmhouse is full of stir-crazy youth longing for a busier life.
All celerines perceive colors and details no one else can put into words. When they set these senses to creative ends, what happens is magic. Most pursue some artistic medium, and many strive for the top of their field. If celerines share any trait across the homelands, it’s an urge to contribute to the world’s beauty.
Celerines are predisposed to sorcery. Innate magic is common among the species, but even those without sorcerous blood can bend the Arcana around themselves. Combined with their natural alertness toward danger, celerines are a good fit for several roles in a delving crew. If a celerine is motivated by big-city trends, one might ask why a promising young rabbit would jump into the Dungeon.
The answer is simple:
Delving is cool, so celerines must be delving.
Celerine Traits
- Creature Type. You are a Humanoid.
- Ability Score Increase. Your Dexterity score increases by 2.
- Speed. Your walking speed is 35 feet.
- Skittish Instinct. Some part of a creature built to run away remains in you. You can’t be surprised while you are conscious.
- Arcane Alacrity. A spark of the arcane attunes celerine reflexes to subtle shifts in natural law. You have advantage on Dexterity saving throws against spells and other magical effects.
- Ability Score Increase. Your Charisma score increases by 1.
- Size. Rabbits are usually between 5’6” and 6’6” tall. Your size is Medium.
- Extraordinary Panache. Pirhoua has a sense of humor. You know the cantrip prestidigitation. Charisma is your spellcasting ability for it.
- Ability Score Increase. Your Intelligence score increases by 1.
- Size. Squirrels are often of similar build to rabbits, standing between 5’5” and 6’5” tall, barely shorter than their fellow celerines. Your size is Medium.
- Vaulting Poise. Like your tiny progenitors, you excel at reaching high places (as long as you don’t stop on your way up). You can move up your speed along vertical surfaces without falling during the move.
Homeland Traits
- Celerines wear shocking colors and unique garments. This aesthetic revolution sprang from the streets of Allemance’s capital city, inspired by the bizarre clothing brought from the humans’ Broken World. Their style is a blend of these reverse-designed patterns and the prevailing looks of the 1365 Beast World. Other species are hesitant about the new look. Celerines see them as simply not catching onto the truth: the future is sneakers and tunics, baseball caps and chainmail.
- Burst of Color. Every homeland’s celerines manipulate their natural arcane flair in a different way, and for Allemagnians, this manifests as a flashy display of magical fireworks. When you use this ability as an action, you emit a dazzling strobe of color for 1 minute. If another creature starts its turn within 60 feet of you and can see you, it must make a DC 13 Wisdom saving throw. Any creature that can’t be charmed succeeds on this saving throw automatically. On a failed save, the creature has disadvantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks made to perceive any creature other than you until the start of its next turn (as a reminder, this effect lowers a creature’s passive Perception by 5).
Unless surprised, a creature can avert its eyes to avoid the saving throw at the start of its turn. If the creature does so, it can’t see you until the start of its next turn, when it can avert its eyes again. If the creature looks at you in the meantime, it must immediately make the save.
The effect ends early if you are incapacitated or end it as an action. Once you use this ability, you can’t use it again until you finish a long rest.
- The macabre northern cousins of squirrels and rabbits are inspired by the frozen, endless night of Oria’s winter. Their clothes and attitudes reflect this darkness that they so love. Some Oric celerines are born with black fur, and many that aren’t dye it to match. They do this, in part, to stand out from their snowy surroundings.
- Burst of Darkness. Oric rabbits and squirrels utilize their hint of the Arcana to summon lashing tendrils of ebony blackness. When you use this ability as an action, tentacles fill a 5-foot-radius area surrounding you, turning it into difficult terrain for 1 minute. When a creature enters the affected area for the first time or starts its turn there, it must succeed on a DC 13 Dexterity saving throw or take 1d6 bludgeoning damage and be restrained by the tentacles.
A creature that starts its turn in the area and is already restrained by the tentacles takes 1d6 bludgeoning damage. A creature restrained by the tentacles can use its action to attempt to free itself by succeeding on a DC 13 Strength or Dexterity check (its choice). When a creature is freed, the tentacles dissipate and the effect ends. It also ends if you move or choose to dismiss it as an action. Once you use this ability, you can’t use it again until you finish a long rest.
- The maritime hubs of Vinyot are a natural home for any rabbit; new sailors dock every day to draw aesthetic inspiration from. Southern celerines produce art using goods from all over the world. Some become powerful brokers in Vinyotian trade companies just to help decide what passes through their harbors.
- Burst of Silence. Distractible celerines cope with the dense, narrow streets of Vinyotian cities by bending their magical gift into quiet respite. As an action, you erect a barrier of silence in a 5-foot-radius sphere centered on yourself for 1 minute. No sound can be created within or pass through this sphere. Any creature or object entirely inside the sphere is immune to thunder damage, and creatures are deafened while entirely inside it. Casting a spell that includes a verbal component is impossible there. You can dismiss this effect as an action. Once you use this ability, you can’t use it again until you complete a long rest.
- Squirrels are talented managers of combatants in the Storied Histories League, Arneria’s unique mix of battle and theater. Some of its most prestigious characters have had a celerine standing behind them, watchful for what opponents might best further their career. Despite their less-than-hulking physiques, more than one celerine has used their magic and panache to hold the title of SHL Champion. When you’re unforgettable, the crowd can’t help but cheer.
- Burst of Speed. The Arnerian Causeway is home to most of the homeland’s celerine population, so they use their arcane quirk for better travel on the road. As an action, you gather speed around yourself for 1 minute, increasing your speed and long jump distance by 10 feet. At the start of each of your turns, creatures you choose within 5 feet of you also gain this increase in speed and jump distance until the end of their next turn. You can dismiss this effect as an action. Once you use this ability, you can’t use it again until you finish a long rest.
- Al’ar is a paradise for a species able to see a wider spectrum of colors. Island celerines trade away big city life for the chance to work with a never-ending supply of brilliant inks and dyes. When it comes to what’s cool and what’s too slow to keep up, dock town cats hang on a celerine’s every word.
- Burst of Air. Al’ari celerines shape their gift into a sphere of safety and comfort. By activating this ability as an action, you are enclosed by a transparent bubble of air just large enough to contain you. The bubble is filled with breathable air at a comfortable temperature, and it floats on the surface of water and other liquids.
You can push against the edge of the bubble to move half your speed on land or through water. As a bonus action, you can mentally command the bubble to submerge or surface in water up to half your speed. If you take damage or target a creature or object with an effect that deals damage, the bubble disappears. Otherwise, it lasts 1 minute. Once you use this ability, you can’t use it again until you finish a long rest.
The cervine elk embody the northern mountains they originate from: their stature, endurance, and their chilly exteriors. Some are nearly eight feet tall, and most have broad shoulders and powerful arms. Those with antlers cast an even longer, broader shadow. By appearances, one might assume cervines to be brutish barbarians from the north. While plenty fit that description, the species runs deeper than raw muscle. Just as a wizard’s staff empowers them, a cervine’s physical body anchors them to the Arcana. Elk of every homeland share a cultural curiosity about the mysteries of magic. Perhaps because of their size or a lingering influence of their origin species, others know cervines to be cautious and to keep their distance in social gatherings. Most cervines are less-than-forthcoming with new people, but it’s not impossible to form close relationships with them. Their curiosity has driven them to travel around the world despite their suspicion of strangers. While they are impatient with idle chatter (especially that of wolves), any beast or brethren who can find common ground with an elk makes a devoted friend.
The most famous military force in the Beast World is also its most secretive: the Oric War Mages. The sharpest wizards and strongest fighters in Oria dwell in a hidden stronghold, where they study and train together. While everyone knows about their existence, their identities are a closely guarded secret. Elk are the typical person’s image of a War Mage, and cervine delvers who travel beyond the Oric border inevitably face excited questions about the order. Foreigners wonder if they’ve spotted a War Mage whenever they see an elk with a heavy weapon or one casting arcane spells.
Cervine Traits
- Creature Type. You are a Humanoid.
- Ability Score Increase. Your Strength score increases by 2.
- Speed. Your walking speed is 30 feet.
- Armaments of the First. All cervines are gifted with one of their forebears’ natural weapons. You have a hoof stomp and a gore attack (if you have antlers, which is your choice). These attacks deal 1d6 damage plus your Strength modifier. The hoof stomp deals bludgeoning damage, and the gore attack deals piercing damage.
- March on Hooves. You have advantage on saving throws you make to avoid suffering exhaustion from a forced march.
- Powerful Build. You count as one size larger when determining your carrying capacity and the weight you can push, drag, or lift.
- Ability Score Increase. Your Consitution score increases by 1.
- Size. Cervines are some of the tallest inhabitants of the Beast World, with most standing somewhere between 6’4” and 7’6” tall before accounting for antlers. Your size is Medium.
- Nature’s Conduit. Animal ancestors of the elk roamed the mountains before the Beast World’s creation. The old world’s magic still shimmers in the expanse that became Oria. Your legacy still manifests as a faint glow in your eyes or pinpricks of light at the points of your antlers. You can use this part of your body in place of any spellcasting focus. Additionally, you can attune to a maximum of four magic items.
- Unshakable Guard. Cervines are stout and wide, and their stature enables them to plant their feet and endure. When an effect would knock you prone, you can use your reaction to remain standing. Once you use this ability, you can’t use it again until you finish a short or long rest.
Homeland Traits
- Elk in Allemance are often from lodge houses captured during the Mantle War generations ago. Most dwell just south of its mountainous border with Oria, among other species from the far north. Their lifestyle is a blend of north and south, small Alley houses clutching the customs from before their annexation. While the war displaced many Orians, the most fervent protectors of their stolen culture are cervines.
- Holders of History. You have proficiency in the History skill. You roll Intelligence (History) checks with advantage when attempting to discern the family lineage of an Orian, an Allemagnian, or a cervine. If you succeed on that check, you roll Charisma checks against that creature with advantage for the next hour.
- Elk are the emblematic species of the Houses of Oria. The cervine inheritance is the way of the maester hammering powerful magic into their creations. Your inheritance is the way of the mammoth hunter on the tundra plains, stalking northern wooly giants. While you may not be a maester or hunter yourself, the lessons of childhood remain with you.
- Forge Bequeathed. You can cast spells with expensive components with materials 20% less than is normally required. You roll any ability check used to create a magic item with advantage, and the gold material cost to do so is 20% lower.
- Tusk Bequeathed. If you hit a creature at least one size category larger than you with an attack on the first turn of combat, the attack deals an extra 2d6 damage to the creature. You can use this trait only once per combat.
- Savvy shipwrights brought cervines to Vinyot to aid in fortifying their fleets. While Vinyotian ships are larger and capable of longer voyages, Orians hold the secrets of constructing massive, stalwart vessels of ice-breaking iron. Today these families work alongside the common species of the south. They combine their durable designs with the experimental schematics of laetine engineers.
- The Oric Shipbuilding Tradition. When you build a vehicle or supervise the construction of one, you ensure it has a sturdy, holistic frame. Whenever the vehicle collides with a creature or object while moving, the damage it takes is reduced by 3d6. The struck creature or object takes bludgeoning damage equal to the amount of damage prevented this way.
- The earliest records of the Oric cervines contain stories about the “snow-whisperers,” wielders of profane magic against their own kin. Cast out for the practice, they settled in the Beylik desert. While their traditions are a forgotten sin, their lasting influence is the “Sand Whisper.” Arnerian elk combine this cutting tongue into their martial training.
- Sand-Whispering Outcasts. You know the vicious mockery cantrip. Charisma is your spellcasting ability for the spell. When you take the Attack action on your turn, you can cast vicious mockery as a bonus action. You can use this trait to cast the cantrip as a bonus action a number of times equal to your Charisma bonus, and you regain all expended uses when you finish a long rest.
- Cervine families in other homelands can trace their lineage back to great Oric lodge houses. Even a third-generation Al’ari grows up hearing the history of the northerners who bore her family name. The fastest way to a cervine’s heart is to ask about these stories.
Generations ago, Al’ari cervines arrived as cultural ambassadors looking to spread their art and music. In exchange for the spirited northern culture, the islands taught the elk a natural combat style that is distinctly feline.
- Mountain to the Isles. You have proficiency with two artisan’s tools, two musical instruments, or a combination of both.
- Pounce of the North. If you move at least 20 feet in a straight line toward a creature and then hit with the natural weapon attack from your Armaments of the First trait on the same turn, the target must succeed on a Strength saving throw with a DC of 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Strength modifier or be knocked prone. If the target is already prone, you can instead make the natural attack as a bonus action.
Whether by nature or nurture, equines run. Their minds drift toward the horizon, and a restlessness stirs in most of their species. Horses and donkeys share a culture of wandering, seeking new people and opportunities throughout their lives. Some beasts build castles and monuments, but equines are satisfied to see them as they run past. The world has too much beauty to witness to weigh one’s life down with stone. Matching the strength of their quiet-minded ancestors, this species is known for their physical power. Their physique is usually more bottom-heavy than a bovine’s, with powerful legs built for endurance on the long roads they walk. Horses vary in height much more than donkeys. The shortest members of both subspecies stand around 5’3”. However, while donkeys are rarely taller than 5’10” or so, horses can tower to 7’5” or more.
The appearance of the Dungeon has given equines more company on the road than ever. Horses are common in delver caravans and their wandering makes them invaluable scout contacts. They hear more about strange happenings than anyone from the tiny villages on the routes they walk. Their stature and strength make them invaluable members of any crew. They often stand as an impassable wall separating a monster from the fragile, crunchy spellcaster it wants to eat.
Equine Traits
- Creature Type. You are a Humanoid.
- Ability Score Increase. Your Wisdom score increases by 2.
- Speed. Your walking speed is 35 feet.
- March on Hooves. You have advantage on saving throws you make to avoid suffering exhaustion from a forced march.
- Powerful Build. You count as one size larger when determining your carrying capacity and the weight you can push, drag, or lift.
- Eyes on the Horizon. You add your Wisdom bonus to initiative rolls.
- Ability Score Increase. Your Strength score increases by 1.
- Size. Most horses range in height from around 5 feet, to over 7 feet tall. Your size is Medium.
- Out of the Gate. Horses channel the rush of danger into a burst of incredible agility. Your speed is doubled during the first round of combat.
- Sure-Footed Stomp. Moving through a creature’s space doesn’t count as difficult terrain if it is at least one size category smaller than you or the same size category and prone. When spending movement to travel through a creature’s space with this trait, you can make an unarmed attack against it. On a hit, you deal bludgeoning damage equal to 1d4 + your Strength modifier, and the target cannot make opportunity attacks against you until the end of your turn. Once you use this ability, you can’t use it against the same creature until the start of your next turn.
- Ability Score Increase. Your Constitution score increases by 1.
- Size. Donkeys are a fairly consistent height, most standing between 5’3” and 5’10”. Your size is Medium.
- Unbroken Focus. Donkeys excel at keeping an ongoing rhythm, and don’t falter easily. You have advantage on Constitution saving throws to continue concentrating on a spell.
- Sleepwalker. Donkeys keep moving. No matter what, they keep moving. You only need 4 hours of sleep to gain the benefit of a long rest. Additionally, when in a state of nonmagical sleep, you can walk up to your speed on your turn in a state of half-consciousness. You have disadvantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks while in this state, and your speed drops to 0 when carrying more than half your carrying capacity while asleep.
Homeland Traits
- Nomadic horses arrive in Alley fields and vineyards every spring to offer their services for seasonal work. They board with the residents in the lofts of their homes, tilling the soil and growing the green country. Some time after harvest, they pack up all they need and bid their summer homes farewell. Equines then walk the roads of Allemance to chase the horizon.
Roads traveled year after year become like family to an equine. When something unnatural appears to threaten their home, they have always been ready to rise to the occasion. They share stories with other horses and donkeys on the road, and over time a clandestine order has emerged among them.
- Hunter Legacy. Long before the Dungeon came into the world, Alley equines burned vampires out of the homeland’s darkest places. Someone in your family was involved with this never ending hunt and you’ve learned some secret techniques for protecting yourself from their mind-affecting powers. You have advantage on saving throws against being charmed.
- The Houses of Oria are disparate, self-sufficient communities, and trade between houses would be more troublesome if not for northern equine trailblazers. The horses and donkeys of Oria use their meandering nature in service of finding the easiest way between distant lodge houses. Natural instincts and thorough preparation keep them safe in the unpredictable climate. They also share a unique method of hunting small game to survive the long journeys between the lodges.
- Horseshoes in the Drifts. You have advantage on Wisdom (Survival) checks made in arctic environments. Snow and ice are not difficult terrain for you. Additionally, you are proficient with the javelin, and have advantage on attacks made with a javelin against targets at least one size category smaller than you.
- All horses and donkeys love to tell stories about the places they’ve seen and the dangers of the road. In Vinyot, equines carry the homeland’s religious devotion as they wander. Southern Pirhouanism is close to their hearts, and their traveler’s tales are often parables that teach lessons about the goddess Pirhoua’s mercy. They often offer more than a kind word, though. During times of conflict between the trade lords and common people, the equines carried secret messages between oppressed coastal towns, hidden within holy books.
- Carriers of the Good Word. You have proficiency in Religion. Additionally, with subtle marks and changes to the script, you can hide a written message within the other writing in a book without apparently changing its content. You can spend 1 hour to teach an ally how to discern a specific code, and develop different codes for different people. Recognizing that a book has a hidden message requires an hour of reading and succeeding on a DC 15 Intelligence (Investigation) check. Decoding the message without the key requires a separate DC 25 Intelligence (Investigation) check.
- No one is unfamiliar with the stereotype of the Arnerian equine mail-carrier. The most esteemed noble families exchange messages between distant estates, and the humblest farmers send greetings to the next town over. Everyone uses the Donkey Post. Most Arnerian donkeys (and its few native horses) do delivery work at some point. Taking something to its rightful place is a rite of passage in the species’ culture. Eastern equines have impeccable balance from running miles along the edge of the Causeway, and an innate sense for shortcuts from delivering across the Beylik and Bat’yan.
- Mail Runner. When you make a Dexterity (Acrobatics) check or Dexterity saving throw to keep your balance or to avoid falling prone, you can treat a d20 result of 9 or lower as a 10. Additionally, you have advantage on Wisdom checks made for the purposes of navigation.
- Equines in Al’ar face a unique challenge. The islands lack the open space they crave by nature, so very few have settled in Ala’ri dock towns. Nevertheless, some horses are raised by parents with a love for wandering the Feline Isles. A martial tradition has formed around working out the frustration of time spent on a cramped ship deck. The Al’ari Hammerhead Horses channel their stir-craziness through mighty blows with their weapons.
- Hammer Masters. You have proficiency with the warhammer, and deal double damage to objects with them. Additionally, if you hit a creature with this weapon, you can push the creature up to 5 feet straight away from yourself if it is Large or smaller.
Felines are Al’ar, and Al’ar is feline. The strong association comes from the islands’ remoteness, and that cats were their only willful creatures for centuries. A thousand miles of ocean separates feline culture from the others, and it’s inextricable from that of Al’ar itself. The feline species is split into two subspecies named in the old Al’ari language: grandi and chikitu. These labels are based on physical size— tigers and other big cats are grandi, and smaller shorthairs and other breeds are the chikitu. A softer line separates them than those separating other species. Taller and broader lynxes, for instance, are assumed to be grandi, while smaller members of the same family might identify as chikitu.
Other homelands see cats as a curiosity. The descendents of many chikitu wanderers still live in Vinyot and Allemance, while Arnerian felines are a sight rare enough that other natives will point one out on the street. The reverse is also true—when a wolf introduces himself as Al’ari to a dock town, he expects raised eyebrows and some curious questions about his story.
Compared to other species, felines behave a bit more like their animal ancestors. A typical cat is careful about who they make friends with, and they watch closely before making a move to join with a group. They are the canines’ social opposite—a dog spends time alone counting down the hours until they can be with friends again, while felines have an inborn need to decompress and unwind alone. There are plenty of feline party animals, and some altogether lack this tendency, but it’s normal for a chikitu friend to decline an invitation in favor of lying on the wagon roof to look up at the stars.
The allure of an early retirement motivates many felines to a life of delving. They love the idea of working a dangerous job for just a few years to earn security and safety for the rest of their lives. Felines of either sort are quick on their feet and make great additions to any delving crew. Grandi largeness makes them a good choice for a front line Point or Rampart. Chikitu have sharper vision and discernment, and they’re great scouts and False Eyes.
Feline Traits
- Creature Type. You are a Humanoid.
- Ability Score Increase. Your Dexterity score increases by 2.
- Speed. Your walking speed is 35 feet.
- Prowling Between the Lines. Felines have a supernatural slipperiness from the eyes of magic. You can’t be targeted by divination spells of 5th level or lower unless the spell has a range of Self. You also can’t be perceived by magical scrying sensors. Alarm and glyph of warding spells cast using spell slots 5th level or lower cannot detect your presence.
- Legs for Pouncing. Some quirks of the animals felines were uplifted from still remain in their biology. Your Strength score is treated as 6 higher when determining your jump distance.
- Alert Sleeper. Cats’ unusual relationship with sleep allows them straddle the border between the Beast World and the Dreaming, even when incapacitated by violent means. You remain aware of your surroundings when you are subjected to the unconscious condition. You remember things you hear, but you cannot see. Additionally, when in a state of nonmagical sleep, you can awaken in response to anything you hear.
- Ability Score Increase. Your Wisdom score increases by 1.
- Size. Chikitu are the smaller cats, uplifted from shorthairs and house cats prowling the wild place that came before. Most Chikitu stand between about 4 and 6 feet tall. Your size is Medium.
- Bounding Grace. Chikitu felines have an unrivaled knack for weaving through danger while running. Whenever you take the Dash action, you also gain the benefits of the Dodge action.
- Ability Score Increase. Your Strength score increases by 1.
- Size. Grandis are the Beast World’s tigers, panthers, and other big cats. Almost always taller than their chikitu cousins, most stand between 6 and 7 feet tall. Your size is Medium.
- Hunter’s Cleave. When you reduce a creature to 0 hit points with a melee weapon attack on your turn, you can immediately make another melee weapon attack.
Homeland Traits
- Most of Allemance is landlocked, so the felines who have chosen to settle in the homeland are often descended from the species’ most eccentric beasts. Its diverse population attracts felines who are curious about the larger Beast World, but shy about standing out from their neighbors. Sweet Al’ari rum is an enduring hit in Allemagnian bars, and felines thrive in the homeland’s dense cities. One can often spot kittens scrambling up to their rooftops, but grandi farmers also find lifelong friends among the homeland’s rural folk.
- Alley Cat. You have a climbing speed equal to your walking speed if you can brace against two parallel walls.
- Spiced Brews. You have proficiency with brewer’s supplies.
- In many ways, Oria is the polar opposite of Al’ar. The precious few who venture past the Mantle to become lodge housecats are almost always students of the Arcana seeking to trade their discoveries with the Orians’ distinct academia. Feline mages in Oria often attract the attention of the War Mages, and a few have even been inducted into their order. Most cats who grow up in the lodge houses pick up a trick or two from neighbors studying war magic.
- Cat’s Got Your Tongue. As a reaction to a spell you can hear being cast within 60 feet of you, you can speak a word that complicates its verbal component. The caster must make a saving throw using its spellcasting ability with a DC equal to 8 + your proficiency bonus. On a failed save, the spell fails and has no effect. Once you use this ability, you can’t use it again until you finish a long rest.
- While almost all felines are accustomed to spending time on the open sea, the prospect of being too far from land to reach it by swimming unnerves many of their kind. The felines of Vinyot wear unique armor that imposes fewer dangers on the open sea.
- Corked Armor. You can wear armor with pockets of cork inlaid specifically for your body, and can spend 24 hours of work converting armor you are proficient with into corked armor. While wearing it, water up to chest height is not considered difficult terrain for you, and walking through it costs you no extra movement. Your speed is not reduced by armor, and armor does not affect Athletics checks made to swim.
- Young felines in Arneria play a game called Kolaçan, a contest to see who can follow a stranger’s trail for the longest without them noticing. The game has become ubiquitous in their culture, and there’s no Arnerian cat whose ears don’t perk up when they hear its name. The scaffold towns beneath the Causeway are a feline’s playground; they understand line of sight and gaze better than almost anyone.
- Uncanny Navigator. You can substitute Strength (Athletics) for Dexterity (Stealth) when using the Hide action in situations where you can climb to a higher surface.
- Kolaçan. You have advantage on Dexterity (Stealth) checks to follow an unaware target you can see.
- The Al’ari feline delver is most likely to come from the families of experienced sailors. While they might not be pirates (there are no pirates in Al’ar), they certainly have some exposure to their boarding tactics and hard-nosed demeanor. The Al’ari maritime martial tradition emphasizes tenacity when engaging the enemy. Another skill the adventurous sort of island feline picks up is knowing the best place to leave something for later, even if they have to make it themselves.
- Deadman’s Drop. You have proficiency with carpenter’s tools. When you are in a room with wooden walls and suitable space within, you can spend 8 hours to make a Dexterity (carpenter’s tools) check to build a secret compartment six inches on each side. This compartment requires an Intelligence (Investigation) check with a DC equal to the carpenter’s tools check to discover it. Additionally, you have advantage when rolling Intelligence (Investigation) checks for the purposes of finding secret doors or compartments.
- Piratical Boldness. If you are hit by an attack while moving (such as from an opportunity attack), you have advantage on your next attack roll made before the end of your next turn.
Laetine (LAYteen) is the species shared by ferrets and otters, their aquatic counterparts. They consider themselves two parts of the same whole because of their long, small bodies and peculiar thinking patterns. As one of the Small species awakened by Pirhoua, laetines often disappear under the sightline of the Beast World. However, they attract plenty of attention in other ways. Their electric intellect and unique problem solving skills make an impression on anyone they meet. Attending a laetine family function as a guest can be a frustrating affair. Relatives are often the only people who truly comprehend the momentto-moment paths a laetine mind walks. Their conversations are a labyrinth of inside references, technically precise descriptions of past events, and long journeys from the topic at hand. Some wizards get on especially well with laetines. Conjurers, tinkerers, and construct builders exercise the same critical thinking laetines apply to every interaction in life.
Laetines are curious and inventive, and there’s no better place to flex one’s ingenuity than in the Dungeon. The most common motivation for new laetine adventurers is hearing of a new delver innovation. As a popular ferret story goes, when Penelope Clearwater invented the spring-loaded ladder in 1358, one in ten able-bodied noodles started lacing their first delving boots. When it comes to the dungeon’s puzzles and maze-like corridors, a laetine mind can be a lifesaving addition to the crew’s kit. As an added bonus, their pliable bodies can help out-of-reach treasures find their rightful home in the crew’s loot sack.
Laetine Traits
- Creature Type. You are a Humanoid.
- Ability Score Increase. Your Intelligence score increases by 2.
- Speed. Your walking speed is 35 feet.
- Noodle Body. Your long and flexible body can squeeze into tighter spaces than anyone else—one can almost imagine pouring you into a teacup. You are treated as Tiny when determining what your body can fit into. For instance, you can squeeze through any hole your head can fit through (usually about 6 inches). Additionally, you can move through the space of any creature at least one size category larger than you, which costs you no extra movement.
- Slippery Thoughts. You have resistance to psychic damage, and you are immune to the detect thoughts spell unless it was cast by another laetine.
- Ability Score Increase. Your Wisdom score increases by 1.
- Size. Most otters stand between 3 and 4 feet tall. Your size is Small.
- Swim. You have a swimming speed equal to your walking speed, and you can hold your breath for up to 15 minutes.
- A Head For Knots. Otters can easily visualize a ship’s rigging. Your proficiency bonus is doubled for any Dexterity or Intelligence check you make to use rope.
- Ability Score Increase. Your Dexterity score increases by 1.
- Size. Most ferrets stand between 3’4” and 4’0”. Your size is Small.
- Malleable Mind. You can take control of instincts that are automatic to most people, and with focus and deliberation you can prime your mind for a task. At the end of a long rest, choose one of the following skills: Insight, Investigation, Perception, or Survival. You are proficient in that skill until you choose a different one.
Homeland Traits
- Thanks to laetines, every city in Allemance uses mechanical wonders to serve the needs of its people. There’s a gear-headed laetine in the belfry of every Alley clocktower, and more artisans than ever are letting ferrets with outlandish schematics run wild in their workshops.
Alley laetines are (a little) less fastidious and scatterbrained than their cousins in other homelands. Teams of ferrets or otter builders are often overseen by an Allemagnian to prevent infighting and feuds when a debate about proper blueprint notation turns hostile.
- Court Tinkers. You have proficiency with tinker’s tools. With 1 minute of study, you can discern the trigger or means of operating any device that you can hold or whose primary moving parts you can see.
- The eccentric plans of laetine engineering are valued in Oria, especially when expanding an already-sprawling lodge house to accommodate a new family. There aren’t many laetines north of the Mantle, but some noodles venture north to tackle the challenge of winter-proofing a house the size of a small town.
The Oric Barnraising Circle is a loose organization of laetines who exchange chain letters outlining their discoveries in engineering and architecture. Every newsletter is a cherished treasure to the club’s members, but almost incomprehensible to anyone else.
- Schematic Sense. As a bonus action, you can roll an Intelligence (Perception) check to determine a weak point in an artificial structure you can see. The DC is equal to the result of the artisan’s tools check rolled to erect the structure. Some example DCs are given below. On a successful check, choose one of the following effects:
- You deal double damage to a 5-foot section of the structure’s wall you can see.
- If you break a section of the ceiling, support beam, or column, you can cause a collapse that fills a space you choose within 60 feet of you with a pile of debris roughly 5 feet on each side. The debris leaves a hole in the ceiling, and causes 3d6 bludgeoning damage to any creature in the space, plus an extra 1d6 for every 10 feet it falls.
On a failed check, you can’t roll to perceive flaws in the same structure again.
Schematic Sense Examples
Structure - Perception DC
Barn or Hovel - 10
House - 12
Lodge House or Manor - 15
Castle or Dungeon - 18
- Otters’ elastic bodies are well-suited to fixing up hard-to-reach places, and they’re known for their common role maintaining Vinyot’s trade ships. Meanwhile, ferrets dart between the stacks of every Vinyotian library. Laetines live in other homelands as well, but the south has a unique patience for their lateral sort of creativity.
Vinyotians’ love of patterns and efficiency is a natural fit for their inborn sensibilities. Members of the species take on leadership roles in other homelands extremely rarely, but there are a dozen or more laetine trade lords. Their ability to adapt in the moment is invaluable to the businesses of which they are stewards.
- Jury-Rig. You can improvise solutions to mechanical problems and adapt as a situation changes. You carry a kit of invaluable tools that seems like a pack of junk to anyone else. With 1 minute of studious work, you can roll an Intelligence check to perform one of the following effects. The DC of each effect is given in the Jury-Rig table below.
DC - Effect
12 - Opening a door or hatch springs a trap that deals 1d6 bludgeoning, piercing, or slashing damage (your choice). The DC to detect or disarm the trap is equal to the result of the Intelligence check.
15 - Waterproof a modified Huge or smaller vehicle for 24 hours, allowing it to float on water.
15 - Increase the break DC of a modified Large or smaller object by 2d4 for 1 hour.
20 - The first hit with an attack made with a modified weapon against a construct in the next hour is treated as a critical hit.
- Watch your step while walking through the halls of Broadgate University, as Arnerian laetines tend to read while walking, and most spend at least a year or two studying there. The university’s desert vulpine mathematicians are famously impatient with ferrets’ tendency to leave their offices in total disarray. That said, the two species are close colleagues.
Beyond the walls of a university, Arnerian laetines are valued craftspeople and appraisers. They dwell in the back rooms of jewelers and the offices of Causeway city planners, always looking for some new challenge for their racing minds.
The people of the deepest Bat’yan rainforest have a uniquely stereotypical image of laetines. Within the most remote barangays, sloths and ferrets are well-known, inseparable pals. One might describe Bat’yan culture as the ideal catalyst for these two reagents, and its laetines are distinctly sloth-like: easygoing, ponderous folks.
- Lens Master. You have proficiency with glassblower’s tools and jeweler’s tools. As an action, you can accurately appraise the market value of any non-magical plant or gem. With 1 minute of study, you can also identify any magic item that prominently features a gemstone, glass, or lens (such as a staff or weapon with an inset gem). You can also attune yourself or an ally within 10 feet to such magic items with 1 minute of observation, instead of the normal 1 hour.
- Already a relatively uncommon species, laetines are a novelty worthy of notice in the Feline Isles. Most families living on the islands have an ancestor who had some exceptional reason for leaving Vinyot, and a nosy Al’ari will ask a native laetine about the story.
Surrounded by it on all sides, Al’ari laetines are fascinated by the sea and what lives in it. The sturdy and specialized nets they craft are in high demand all over the islands. Their operation usually requires knowledge of some weird buoy or counterweight, so folks tend to let their creators handle them.
- Netfisher Noodle. You have proficiency with the net. You can spend 15 gp and 8 hours to improve a net’s function, making it more difficult to escape and harder to destroy. Its escape DC increases to 18, and a creature must deal 10 slashing damage to the net (AC 15) to free itself.
Most subspecies are grouped by the similarities of the animals they come from. Horses and donkeys call themselves equines. Laetines are comprised of otters and ferrets, both silky-furred, noodle-shaped creatures. Moles, armadillos, and sloths all claim a shared species as well: ligonine (LIGohnyne). In this and so many other ways, they are the exception. Ligonines live in the Beast World’s highest and lowest places. Some are reclusive and insular, others are chatty and curious. What they share are clawed fingers and unflagging weirdness.
The same day they stood up, moles and armadillos drove their clawed mitts into the dirt to find their own home. Just a few decades later, the two subspecies’ farthest-reaching tunnels met. Despite no shared language and homes thousands of miles apart, moles and armadillos connected on a profound level, and declared themselves of the same species.
While the diggers crossed the world through tunnels, a third cousin did just the opposite. Sloths disliked the noise of infant Beast World civilization, so they opted out of the labor and conflict of city building. They climbed into the rainforest canopy that would someday be known as the Bat’yan, and then hung around.
No one remembers how the moles and armadillos made contact with the sloths, but their bond was just as immediate and obvious. Despite living at the other end of the world, a sloth’s ligonine-ness is an undisputed fact.
The LoamlinkThe road that joined armadillos and moles is a web of tunnel-towns underneath the world. Moles favor the stony soil of Oria and armadillos love the heat and sand of the Beylik. The underground has allowed ligonines to travel and live in relative safety. This network is the Loamlink.
Any species is welcome to use the Loamlink, but most find it troublesome. Ligonines are one of the only species able to see in complete darkness. The underground’s dark and ever-changing layout is a challenge to navigate for most outsiders. Visitors could ask a passerby for directions, but it’s likely they’d be speaking to an armadillo who has never been above ground, and only knows their local region of the tunnels.
The appearance of the Dungeon wasn’t a happy moment for ligonines. Sections of the Loamlink were ruined by the spread of monster-filled chambers. It’s an existential threat to the ligonine way of life, and many displaced ligonines left behind generations of work to flee to safety above ground.
This danger has spurred ligonines into unprecedented action in the last few years. A ligonine delver often has a loved one in mind when they enter the mouth of the Dungeon. Sloths have descended from the trees to develop new skills, all to fight for their beloved cousins’ home—the bond between the ligonines is thicker than blood.
Just Happy to HangBoth moles and armadillos have an intense energy, but the reputation is offset by their sloth cousins. Sloths are rarely in a rush and prefer to avoid confrontation whenever possible. Their patience and watchfulness make them adept researchers in their own way; a sloth wizard initially devised the school of sleep-magic known as Somnomancy.
Ligonine Traits
- Creature Type. You are a Humanoid.
- Ability Score Increase. Your Constitution score increases by 2.
- A Mind Outside the Box. The disparate ligonine subspecies share a unique perspective. When you make an Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma check that does not allow the use of a specific skill, you are treated as proficient.
- Ability Score Increase. Your Intelligence score increases by 1.
- Size. Most moles stand between 4’0” and 4’8” tall. Your size is Medium.
- Speed. Your walking speed is 25 feet. Burrow. When you have free use of both hands, you have a burrowing speed of 10 feet.
- Darkvision. You’re accustomed to tunnels, and have superior vision in dark and dim conditions. You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You can’t discern color in darkness, only shades of gray.
- Soil Sense. Moles close off their sense of sight to temporarily gain a new way of perceiving the world. You can use a bonus action to gain tremorsense out to a range of 15 feet for the next 1 minute. While using this ability you lose the ability to see by conventional means, and also lose the benefit of darkvision. Once you use this ability, you can’t use it again until you finish a short or long rest.
- Bottlebottoms. Moles are nearsighted—you have disadvantage on Perception checks related to sight. While wearing spectacles made for you, you do not have disadvantage from this trait and are instead treated as proficient in Perception for ability checks related to sight. You can spend 8 hours and 50 gp to make a DC 15 Dexterity (glassblower’s tools) check to make a new pair. Someone else can do this for you, but you must be present while they are being crafted.
- Tunnel Sense. When underground, you always know the dimensions of the space you occupy, as well as the shortest path to reach open air. You also know if digging upward will lead to a body of water if the water is within 60 feet.
- Quick Fix. Your natural affinity for tinkering and repair is aided by the Arcana itself. You know the mending cantrip. Intelligence is your spellcasting ability for it.
- Ability Score Increase. Your Strength score increases by 1.
- Size. Most armadillos stand between 4’4” and 5’0” tall. Your size is Medium.
- Speed. Armadillos are much faster than their fellow ligonines. Your walking speed is 35 feet.
- Natural Armor. You have a tough protective shell. When you aren’t wearing armor, your AC is 14 + your Dexterity modifier. You can use your natural armor to determine your AC if the armor you wear would leave you with a lower AC. A shield’s benefits apply as normal while you use your natural armor.
- Defensive Ball. You can curl your armored hide around you during a fight, and even launch yourself into a roll. When you take the Dash, Disengage, or Dodge action, bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage that you take from nonmagical attacks is reduced by 3 until the start of your next turn. Additionally, when you take the Dash action, your speed is increased by twice your walking speed (instead of only your walking speed) if you move in a straight line.
- Ability Score Increase. Your Wisdom score increases by 1.
- Size. Most sloths stand between 5’9” and 7’1” tall. Your size is Medium.
- Speed. Your walking speed is 25 feet.
- Climb. You have a climbing speed equal to your walking speed.
- A Mean Right Hook. Sloths have claws that are long and hooked, for climbing and fighting. In addition, your claws are natural weapons, which you can use to make unarmed strikes. On a hit, you deal slashing damage equal to 1d6 + your Strength modifier, instead of the bludgeoning damage normal for an unarmed strike.
- Long Arms. The reach of your unarmed strikes is 5 feet longer than normal.
- Slow and Steady. If you moved 0 feet and did not take a bonus action on your last turn, and have not used your reaction since then, you have advantage on the first attack roll or ability check using Strength or Dexterity you make against a creature on your turn.
Homeland Traits
- Most mole and armadillo ligonines, and a few sloths, live deep below the earth, in subterranean towns in the Loamlink. When a ligonine raised in the Loamlink reaches puberty, they focus themselves on a single, narrow topic for the rest of their lives. They wholly embody their work; most consider the subject of a ligonine’s research as fundamental to them as their name.
A ligonine’s field of study is a deeply personal endeavor, and they’re hesitant to share the technical details of their work. Two moles in what seems like an identical field often bicker, each scoffing at the minute details of the other’s projects. As collaborative research spreads across the world, subterranean researchers are attracting headstrong partners and documenters to standardize their efforts.
- Ligonine Focus. You have proficiency with one artisan’s tool of your choice, and one of the following skills: Arcana, History, Medicine, Nature, Religion. If you spend 24 hours in uninterrupted study and practice, roll two d20s and save the higher result. Any time in the next 7 days, you can replace the result of an ability check made for the chosen artisan’s tool or skill with the one rolled beforehand. You must choose to do so before the roll, and you can use this result only once.
- While Loamlink ligonines are often brusque with outsiders, even unpleasantly so, those raised among other species on the surface are eager to poke their heads into any doorway (or up from the floor) to say hello. Surface ligonines have a benevolent disregard for personal boundaries.
One might introduce herself and then immediately begin asking questions about the most personal topics imaginable. “Do you prefer one of your children over the others? When was your last kiss?” She sees the questions as an effort to get closer with a new friend, so why wait?
If laetines are the Beast World’s engineers, ligonines are its builders. From the warrens underneath the wolf kingdom’s great cities to the lodge houses of Oria, ligonines have always been masters of ingenious construction. The floating disk spell is a ligonine innovation, a thesis solved by sloths eager to help out with the initial construction of Arneria’s Causeway
- Stonemovers and Surveyors. You can cast the Tenser's floating disk spell once, and regain the ability to do so when you finish a long rest. When you cast it, you can create a disk up to 10 feet wide that can carry up to 1,000 pounds. It can travel over gaps up to 20 feet wide, but its elevation cannot change without traveling over a slope. Intelligence is your spellcasting ability for this spell.
Additionally, when you are inside a building, you can sense the presence of any basement or tunnel up to 300 feet underneath it.
- While the treetops are usually the domain of the sloths, many moles and armadillos have also joined them in houses constructed high in the canopy. It’s not uncommon to see a mole hanging off the back of his sloth compatriot, chattering away in her ear as she carries them back up to their home. Canopy ligonines are most common in the Bat’yan and in Al’ar, but Glasrúnish forests are also beloved by skyfaring claw-folk.
Canopy ligonines are laid-back and long-suffering beasts who take life as it comes. Monastic training is a common pursuit among delvers from this “homeland,” as a life of self-reflection and patience speaks to the way they see the world. - Dweller in Leaves. All your life, you’ve looked out over the treetops, and into the distance. If you wear eyeglasses, you learned the importance of a head strap early! You can see up to 1 mile away with no difficulty, and can discern even fine details as though looking at something no more than 100 feet away from you.
Additionally, you can swing around a handhold to turn a dangerous fall into a safe leap forward. You are proficient in the Acrobatics skill. If you fall at least 10 feet and there is a suitable spot to grab (such as a tree branch or stone outcropping), you can roll a Dexterity (Acrobatics) check with a DC of 12 + 1 for every 10 feet you’ve fallen. On a successful check, you swing your body around the handhold and move forward the distance fallen in a straight line. This negates the distance for the purposes of calculating fall damage.
The murine species walks tall and proud, albeit often between the legs of larger species. The mice are the masters of Arneria’s Causeway, while their rat cousins have spread out to fill the little corners of every homeland. Murine mice have the uncanny ability to communicate without a sound. They can speak with their own kind through facial tics and eye movements too subtle for others to even notice without immersed, dedicated study. A room full of mice is somewhat unnerving—background chatter goes on in complete silence.
Perhaps because of this, mice are one of the most insular species. It’s said that each has two distinct identities: one they present for outsiders in normal speech, and one for other mice. They often struggle to reach out to other species, especially in their younger years. While a mouse might be renowned in their own circles for quick wit, to their non-mouse friends they might seem soft-spoken and aloof.
Rats were once also blessed with silent speech. However, a tragedy centuries ago robbed them of the ability to discern it, spurring an adaptation in the opposite direction of collective mouse society in Arneria.
Filling the space left behind by this stolen gift of nature, rats have an intuitive sense of where to find what they need. A starving rat will discover their next meal in a place that’d be dumb luck to anyone else. This knack for adaptation has even changed their physical bodies over time. While almost all mice are under 4 feet and Small size, rats can be Small or Medium, and grow to six feet or taller.
Hardly any rats live in Arneria. In the early days after their departure from the homeland, they were determined to stay in touch and share news from their new homes with loved ones they left behind. The letters they sent evolved over time and eventually the publications spread out of murine circles. Today, rats operate the Beast World’s first independent newspapers, and ratprint brings the written word to people in every homeland. With cooperative effort between the homelands, rats have devised a way to set lettering into a machine that prints thousands of papers a day. As the world changes, rats have ensured that everyone knows about it.
Murine Traits
- Creature Type. You are a Humanoid.
- Ability Score Increase. Your Dexterity score increases by 2.
- Speed. Your walking speed is 30 feet.
- Mazeproof. You never become lost retracing any path you’ve traveled while conscious in the past 7 days. Additionally, you are treated as a minotaur for the purposes of the maze spell.
- Low-Light Vision. Murines see very well in the dark, though not as well as species that live underground or at night. Dim light is bright light for you.
- Ability Score Increase. Your Charisma score increases by 1.
- Size. The average mouse is the smallest of the Beast World species. Most stand between 3’4” and 3’8” tall. Your size is Small.
- Voiceless Speech. Mice have an innate connection among themselves that allows them to communicate using facial tics and mannerisms too subtle for other species to detect. You can communicate silently with any mouse who can see your face, and vice versa.
- Collective Magic. As a reaction to another creature within 60 feet of you that you can see losing concentration on a spell (because of disruption or the end of its duration), you can expend a spell slot of at least the spell’s level to allow it to continue. Its duration is extended by its normal maximum.
- Ability Score Increase. Your Wisdom score increases by 1.
- Size. Rats vary widely in stature; most stand anywhere from 3’9” to 5’9” tall. Your size is Small or Medium (your choice).
- Leftover Magic. Rats can make do with what’s left over, and this extends even into the arcane. As a reaction to a spell being cast on a creature you can see within 60 feet of you, whose level is up to your level divided by 3 (minimum 1st-level), you can cause the spell to additionally affect you as if you were the target. Once you use this ability you can’t use it again until you finish a long rest.
- Survivable. Rats persevere. You can survive twice as long as normal without eating or drinking.
Homeland Traits
- Allemagnian nobles are eager to recruit mouse fighters for the tactical advantage of their small bodies, and nearly all able-bodied mice in the kingdom are drafted into their barony’s guard for a few years. They compensate for their shorter stature with a culture of clever riding, even on an ally’s back. Alley mice have also found their niche using a courtly weapon that aids this style of combat.
- Versatile Rider. As a bonus action while mounted, you can position your body to prepare yourself for an emergency dismount. After taking this action, you can dismount into an unoccupied space within 5 feet as a reaction to being hit by an attack. Additionally, mounting a bipedal creature costs 5 feet of your movement.
- Royal Lancer. You are proficient with the lance. While mounted, you ignore the property of the lance that imposes disadvantage on attack rolls against creatures within 5 feet of you.
- As in Allemance, northern mice thrive in the deep snow with disciplined riding. Oric mice have a longstanding rivalry with their southern cousins centered on whose ridership tactics are superior. Mice are usually surrounded by bigger beasts and brethren, but doubly so among Orians. However, Orians use this to their advantage.
- Versatile Rider. As a bonus action while mounted, you can position your body to prepare yourself for an emergency dismount. After taking this action, you can dismount into an unoccupied space within 5 feet as a reaction to being hit by an attack. Additionally, mounting a bipedal creature costs 5 feet of your movement.
- Mouse Among Giants. If a creature at least one size category larger would grant you half cover, you have three-quarters cover instead.
- Southern mice work in groups to tend the vineyards of the homeland’s harsher regions. Working with Vinyotian sails sparked an idea in one ingenious mouse that rippled through murine culture and changed the way they travel overland.
- Drifting Drop. With 1 minute of preparation, you can tie a sail (or another square cloth at least 10 feet on a side) to your ankles. When wearing this cloth and holding the other two corners with both hands, you fall 60 feet per round and don’t take fall damage. You can remove the cloth with an action.
- Gliding Descent. While using the Drifting Drop trait in moderate or stronger wind, you can move up to your speed in its direction at no movement cost to you. In strong wind, you can also choose a falling speed between 0 and 60 feet per round.
- Arneria is the domain of mice. The east has oft been ruled by a murine Bey, and there are as many mouse datus as any other species in the Bat’yan. An engraving on the last stone laid in the Causeway reads, “In Silence Built, In Friendship Standing.” The secrets of voiceless speech have historically belonged only to mice, but recent breakthroughs have made it possible for them to educate someone patient enough for the lessons.
- Twitch Literacy. With 30 days of practicing at least 2 hours a day, you can teach a creature who shares at least one spoken language with you to understand your voiceless speech. If you are under the shared effects of a telepathic bond spell, you can teach this skill in 2 hours instead.
- Collective Effort. You can use the Help action to aid any creature that can understand your voiceless speech and see your face (such as another mouse or a creature you have used the Twitch Literacy trait to teach).
- After sailcloth drifting caught on in Vinyot, murine voyagers to Al’ar devised their own techniques using airborne travel. If pirates existed in Al’ar, they might see the value in using such skills to board enemy vessels.
- Drifting Drop. With 1 minute of preparation, you can tie a sail (or another square cloth at least 10 feet on a side) to your ankles. When wearing this cloth and holding the other two corners with both hands, you fall 60 feet per round and don’t take fall damage. You can remove the cloth with an action.
- Pirate Drop. You can hold a weapon in one hand while using the Drifting Drop trait, and you can make a melee weapon attack against a creature immediately after falling at least 10 feet this way.
- Life Among Others. Rat culture is defined by their departure from Arneria centuries ago. Generations of life among the species of other homelands and their innate adaptation to their magic have blended them seamlessly into their new homes. If you are from Arneria, you have the Blackwild Feedback homeland trait. If you are from a different homeland, you can choose your homeland trait from any species’ list except murine.
- Blackwild Feedback. The species-wide disruption that afflicted your people still echoes in you. As a reaction to taking necrotic damage, you can grant yourself resistance to necrotic damage until the start of your next turn. The source of the damage takes an amount of necrotic damage equal to the amount reduced. Once you use this ability, you can’t use it again until you finish a short or long rest.
Wherever there are interesting animals to talk to, you’ll find a sheep somewhere nearby making conversation. These gentle and uncomplicated folks are equally common in every homeland. Sheep are born with a unique blessing from the goddess Pirhoua: the ability to communicate with animals. Most sheep keep faithful pets as friends and conversation partners throughout their lives. The most common pet is a pig, whose minds can absorb and retain more ideas than some other potential companions.
Ovines invented the term “quiet-minded beasts” to describe the animals of the world. The term comes from the simple, quiet thoughts that animals express. Creatures driven by instinct don’t have the same elaborate motivations and nuanced thoughts as their willful counterparts. Sheep recognize the value of their freedom from strife and anxiety, and have great respect for animal life.
Ovines are tuned into a reality most only have a passing awareness of, but impatient folks might think them dull-witted. A sheep’s priorities rarely include formal learning and intellectual study. Their love for peaceful life among the herd is incompatible with the conniving of Allemagnian street hustlers or savvy Vinyotian trade moguls.
But sheep aren’t stupid! Their patience affords them wisdom and perception of the world around them.
Their gentle nature and tendency to take things slow makes them the friends of the eccentric ligonines. In particular, sheep and sloths tend to meet for the first time just as one might chatter with an old friend. In the opposite manner, laetines are sometimes impatient with ovines on their crew. A ferret’s mind races in a dozen directions, and they find sheep impossible to drag along on their mental tangents.
Appropriately, sheep have unrivaled shepherding skills. A flock is well-understood and obedient in the care of an ovine rancher. They also enjoy work as shopkeepers or any other job with ample opportunities for long, thoughtful gazes into the distance.
Wooly delvers often have a close relationship to nature or practice druidic magic. Indeed, sheep druids are gravely concerned about the Dungeon’s effects on the natural world. They ally themselves with crews to seek any possible way to reverse the blight an entrance might inflict on local flora and fauna.
Ovine Traits
- Creature Type. You are a Humanoid.
- Ability Score Increase. Your Wisdom score increases by 2.
- Speed. Your walking speed is 30 feet.
- March on Hooves. You have advantage on saving throws you make to avoid suffering exhaustion from a forced march.
- Efficient Metabolism. Ovines can eat a wide variety of foods that are unpalatable to other species. You can (joyfully!) sustain yourself indefinitely on any green vegetation.
- Mind for Beasts. You can comprehend and verbally communicate with all Beasts. Their knowledge and awareness is limited by their intelligence, but at minimum, animals can give information about what they’ve seen within the past 24 hours. You might also be able to persuade a Beast to perform a small favor for you, at the GM’s discretion. Additionally, you can cast the animal messenger spell as a 2nd-level spell once with this trait, and regain the ability to do so when you finish a long rest. Wisdom is your spellcasting ability for it.
- Shepherd Step. The steep hills of the world have been your playground since you took your first steps. On anything other than a sheer vertical surface, you have a climbing speed of 15 feet, and your hands remain free while you do so.
- Ability Score Increase. Your Charisma score increases by 1.
- Size. Most ovines stand somewhere between 4’11” and 5’11”. Your size is Medium.
- Inner Spark. Ovine wool gives a friend a little shock, but with a bit of practice this can be honed into something extraordinary. Whenever you deal lightning damage to a creature, the creature takes an extra 1d4 lightning damage.
Homeland Traits
- In the wilderness of Allemance it’s easy to get lost, but also to hide one’s misdeeds. The crown has trained any willing ovine in martial skills to protect native wildlife. They learn to punish poachers with unique maneuvers and long-hafted weapons. Beware—the sleepy bundle of wool watching over her flock can likely lay out an attacker in seconds.
- Shepherds on the Green. Once per turn, when you hit a creature with an attack using a weapon with the reach property and roll the maximum value on any of the weapon’s damage dice, you can also attempt to knock the target down. If the target is Large or smaller, it must make a Strength or Dexterity saving throw (its choice) with a DC equal to 8 + your attack bonus with the weapon. On a failed save, you knock the target prone.
- Oric sheep have been cherished for centuries by the Houses of Oria for their role as scouts and watchers in the night. When the doors of a lodge house close for the colder months, some sheep stay on the outside. Orians abstain from shearing their thick wool until spring, which protects from the cold. When the sun sets, they teach each new generation how to find the scarce remaining wildlife to enlist help watching for winter dangers.
- Self-Sufficient Herder. You automatically succeed on Constitution saving throws made to survive in extreme cold weather. Additionally, you have proficiency in Survival, and you know one cantrip of your choice from the druid spell list. Wisdom is your spellcasting ability for it.
- The typical ovine is content to let the business machine of Vinyot churn past them as they attend to other things. However, they still show a glimmer of the homeland’s culture of wit and wiles. Enterprising foxes and possums often take sheep to be easy marks when selling their wares or playing their confidence tricks. Keep an eye on a Vinyotian sheep; they know their reputation for dopiness and will turn the tables on one trying to play them for a fool.
- Underestimated. Whenever you make a Charisma (Deception) check against a creature with an Intelligence score of 13 or more, you are treated as proficient and your proficiency bonus is doubled for the check.
- In some sense, the Bat’yan and Beylik are very much the opposite sort of place for a sheep. The rainforest is teeming with a thousand potential conversations every day, crawling along underfoot and chirping in every tree. In the Beylik, however, such opportunities are few and far between. Whichever side of the Attamek they’re from, Arnerian sheep are the chattiest of their kind. They enjoy spending hours listening to the ongoing quiet-minded drama around them, and they have a knack for finding the juiciest gossip, even in the scorching eastern desert.
- Find a Friend in Fauna. If you spend 1 minute studying your surroundings, you can discern the type and number of the highest CR Beast within 1 mile, as well as the direction to their location. You also know whether the creatures were forced to move unexpectedly, such as to flee a predator or intruder. Once you use this trait, you can’t use it again until you finish a long rest.
- The solitary curiosity of Al’ari felines has drawn a playful streak out of the ovines who live in the region. Island sheep are pranksters and troublemakers who grow up watching the fishers from the docks of their hometowns. Each island’s ovines have their own set of good-natured tricks, which often leave everyone laughing at the end. A common tool of this “trade” is their ability to split their innate gift with animals between several aquatic accomplices at once.
- School Teacher. When you cast the spell animal messenger on creatures that live in water, you can affect a number of creatures with the spell equal to your proficiency bonus. You can specify a different message and destination for each creature affected this way.
With vision that pierces darkness and a nocturnal body clock, raccoons and possums are considered two halves of the same species: tenebrine. A preference for nighttime rouses suspicion in some folks, but tenebrines are a gregarious species who contribute their unique rhythm to a city’s quiet hours. Tenebrines can be found in every homeland, but they’re especially common on the crowded streets of Vinyotian cities. Diligent possums walk the night patrol along southern harbors.
Raccoons tend the farms surrounding their home city without worrying so much about the punishing southern heat. Raccoons and possums are attracted to crowded places, and they consider the city a fundamental part of their identity. While they share homes and even workplaces, they dwell in a different city than their daytime neighbors. Their world is made of shadow and silence, with a vibrance that only they can truly understand. When merchants pack up and everyone heads to bed, tenebrines believe the real city emerges. A possum work song goes, “Your eyes shut when the city wakes. I see its face, I know this place.”
Night-beasts are misunderstood and maligned by many. Strangers tiptoeing around a sleeping city are unfortunately easy to distrust, and the tenebrines’ deft hands attract even more suspicion. The most hard-hearted beasts openly accuse tenebrines of being thieves and spies, but even some kindly folks are hesitant to work with a possum. They dislike the idea of being seen as prejudiced, but one can’t help but wonder if the “common wisdom” is true… right?
Tenebrines have a complex relationship with other species and with themselves. The disadvantages of their reputation can force desperate tenebrines into doing things they wouldn’t otherwise. Their kin sympathize with this struggle, but some see it as confirming their neighbors’ assumptions. Either way, they keep a sense of humor about it. Some leverage their image as sneak thieves and criminals to cloak themselves in an air of danger and mystique. After all, in the proper context, everyone loves a bad boy
Tenebrine Traits
- Creature Type. You are a Humanoid.
- Ability Score Increase. Your Dexterity score increases by 2.
- Speed. Your walking speed is 30 feet.
- Darkvision. You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You can’t discern color in darkness, only shades of gray.
- Pristine-Blooded. All tenebrines are blessed with a supernatural immunity to sickness. You are immune to magical and nonmagical diseases. Additionally, a creature injected with at least a pint of your blood has advantage on their next Constitution saving throw to resist or overcome a disease in the next 24 hours. Losing a pint of blood inflicts 1 level of exhaustion.
- Urbanite’s Fortune. Either tenebrines are drawn to cities because they’re luckier there or tenebrines are luckier in cities because it’s where they’re drawn to. While in a city with more than 10,000 people, you can reroll one attack roll, ability check, or saving throw you dislike. You must use the second roll. Once you use this trait, you can’t use it again until you finish a long rest.
- Ability Score Increase. Your Charisma score increases by 1.
- Size. Raccoons are 5 to 6 feet tall on average. Your size is Medium.
- Think with your Hands. Raccoons have a brilliant tactile sense, and can feel out the function of a mechanism. If you use an action to run your fingers over the teeth of a key, for the next 7 days you have advantage on Dexterity checks made to open its lock. Additionally, you automatically pass Dexterity checks made to open a lock you’ve opened before with a Dexterity check.
- Ability Score Increase. Your Strength score increases by 1.
- Size. Most possums tend to be markedly larger and bulkier than their fellow tenebrines, standing between 5’8” to 7 feet tall. Your size is Medium.
- Below the Belt. Possums can sweep their long tails to pull the legs out from unsuspecting foes. When you are hidden from a creature no more than one size category larger and within 5 feet of you, you can use a bonus action to make a Strength (Athletics) or Dexterity (Acrobatics) check. The target must succeed on a Strength saving throw with a DC equal to your ability check or be knocked prone. Additionally, your melee weapon attacks deal an extra 1d4 damage against prone creatures.
Homeland Traits
- To describe a homeland’s tenebrines is to describe its cities. The capitals of Alley baronies are the center of rich-blooded petty squabbles. In the dangerous world of privilege, secrets need keeping and betrayers need a knife to do their bidding. Tenebrines who are disposed to such things find their purses mysteriously heavy with kickbacks, and the upstanding citizens of the species often rub elbows with trouble at some point anyway. Even if a raccoon or possum is morally opposed to such shortcuts to wealth, the ability to recognize the skills of the trade rub off from watching one’s peers.
- Dittoed Rumors. You have proficiency with the forgery kit. Additionally, when you make a Charisma (Deception) check to impersonate someone, you are treated as proficient and add double your proficiency bonus to the check, instead of your normal proficiency bonus.
- Oric tenebrines make their way in city-sized lodge houses. The second look strangers give them is more dangerous with nowhere to lie low but out in the killing cold. Night-beasts learn to be discreet to get by. Slipping into a crowd allows them to avoid accusations, fair and unfair alike.
Tenebrine Orians also serve a more secret duty. War Mages must take action when a northerner becomes disruptive, but a stranger appearing in the middle of winter would be too conspicuous. The order trains well-compensated tenebrine locals to drift through a crowd, delivering a killing sting as they pass by.
- Mosquito in the Crowd. When you make a Dexterity (Stealth) check to hide in a crowd, you are treated as proficient and add double your proficiency bonus to the check, instead of your normal proficiency bonus.
Additionally, when you hit a creature with a dagger or shortsword while hidden, you can choose to delay any damage or effect of the attack until the start of your next turn. The creature only becomes aware of the attack when the effects occur. Once you use this ability, you can’t use it again until you finish a long rest.
- Over the last century, the passion and craftsmanship of night-beast mask makers has made the Night of the Veil festival a part of the species’ identity in the homeland. For generations, tenebrines struggled especially hard to earn their way in Vinyot, but the festival offered them both a role in the world of business and a single night in which a disguise allows them to set down the burden of their heritage.
- Peer Misdirection. In Vinyot, many tenebrines make their way as street performers (and only occasionally as mountebanks). You can throw your voice, choosing to make your words sound like they are coming from any point up to 60 feet away from you. Additionally, if you fail a Dexterity (Sleight of Hand) check, you can improvise a misdirection based on the size of your audience to add a bonus to the roll equal to the number of creatures other than you watching the attempt (maximum bonus of +5), potentially turning a failure into a success. Once you add a bonus this way, you can’t do so again until you finish a long rest.
- The Causeway is the perfect home for the urban-dwelling tenebrines, and the species is a common neighbor in cities on both sides of the Attamek river. Arnerian tenebrines are trusted spy-hunters in the Bat’yan and Beylik, a duty that has earned all their kin significant renown. When the stakes are low, raccoons and possums are great to have around for morning coffee, as gossiping Bat’yan chat circles see them as excellent listeners.
Despite tenebrines’ unusual popularity in the homeland, the sins of a few curse all of their kind in Arneria. A profane ring of fiend worshipers hides among them, keepers of a book of forbidden demon magic known as the Possum Bard Songbook. Frightened whispers from secluded places occasionally follow a tenebrine on the Causeway. - Stash Finder. You have advantage on Intelligence (Investigation) checks to find hidden spaces in brick and stone. Additionally, when you make a Dexterity (Sleight of Hand) check to hide an object on your person, you are treated as proficient and add double your proficiency bonus to the check, instead of your normal proficiency bonus.
- Virtually all Al’ari tenebrines live in Tempestat, a city large enough to scratch their itch to live in crowded places. Tenebrine islanders fish at night, and their few families have kept their techniques a secret, bringing them unusual wealth. A raccoon from Tempestat is careful not to fall off the dock; the weight of their platinum would sink them like a stone. This good fortune is often shocking to Vinyotian trade lords, who think of tenebrines as hard-on-their-luck dock workers.
Al’ari night-beasts who aren’t in rich fishing families are in an awkward place. They don’t enjoy generational riches like their privileged kin, but people in Tempestat are still eager to do favors for any tenebrine. - The Training of Privilege. You were blessed in your early life with a few knowledgeable acquaintances eager to do you a favor. You are proficient in one skill or with one tool of your choice, taught for free by this eager tutor. Additionally, you have practice putting on airs, whether you actually grew up drowning in money or not. When you make an ability check to convince someone you meet of your wealth, you can choose to treat the d20 result as 15. You must decide to do so before making the roll, and this ability can only be used the first time you meet someone. First impressions are easier to mislead.
Bears never forget a face, or a good meal, or a bad one. In fact, they don’t forget just about anything. Divinity has blessed ursines with perfect memories, which shapes their common culture in every homeland. They’re united by a love of history and are the Beast World’s most trusted historians. Like the animals they come from, an ursine’s body is equipped to thrive in freezing conditions. Their pristine written history puts the first willful ursines in the remote peaks of the far north, and the species is still most common in Oria. Their thick bodies turn away the biting chill of Oric winters, and also afford them extra protection from the dangers of delving. Bears don’t fear a fight, they come self-assured they will be the last ones standing.
The spirit of competition is the bedrock of their Oric tradition, spread through history to burn in the ursine hearts of every homeland. Headstrong to the last, a bear will never let you forget how tough they are. They take pride in their achievements and revel in victories that bring honor to their family name. Every triumph is a chance to bring a trophy home to one’s parents and soak in the praise. Many bears have a braggadocious streak, but the drive to climb the highest mountains in life also makes them valuable and motivating friends.
They love competition and sport; every homeland’s popular athletic games are a sure place to spot its ursines. Among friends, every open field is a potential race and every battle is a contest to see who can clobber the most foes. A good-natured ursine sees these contests as a way to bond with others through mutual self-improvement. A cruel one lords their victories over their lessers.
Ursines’ ancestral roots are entangled with Oria’s, and in every homeland, family is core to the way a bear sees themselves. An ursine parent rarely hesitates to name their favorite child, and sibling rivalries ignite between cubs and burn throughout a bear’s life.
Ursines race into the waiting mouth of the Dungeon just to prove they can. Siblings and cousins leave together to join crews, and the corner of every delver bar has two bears arguing over whose scars are more impressive.
Ursine Traits
- Creature Type. You are a Humanoid.
- Ability Score Increase. Your Constitution score increases by 2.
- Speed. Your walking speed is 30 feet.
- Eidetic Memory. Bears have uncanny memories that trap and store every detail. You can accurately recall anything you have seen or heard. Additionally, when you make a Strength or Dexterity saving throw against a creature’s nonmagical ability, you have advantage on saving throws against future uses of that ability by the same creature.
- Mnemonic Mind. When a creature you can see within 60 feet of you casts a spell that’s on your spell list, you can use your reaction to commit it to memory. You can visit an arcane library or university within the next 7 days to research the memory and learn to cast the spell. Doing so requires 8 hours of research per level of the spell. If you are adding the spell to a spellbook, you must pay double the cost of copying it from a scroll.
When you finish the research, make an Intelligence (Arcana) check with a DC equal to 10 + the spell’s level. If you succeed on the check, you add the spell to your spells known or copy it into your spellbook as if you had access to a scroll.
If you use this trait to add a spell to your spells known, any previous spells added this way are lost.
- Ability Score Increase. Your Intelligence score increases by 1.
- Size. Bears are bulky, but their stature varies greatly between 5’2” and 7’2” feet tall. Your size is Medium.
- Toughen Up. The endurance of your progenitors runs in your blood, giving you the ability to steel yourself in a fight. When you roll initiative, you can also spend a number of Hit Dice up to half your level, rounded down (minimum 1). When you spend Hit Dice this way, you gain a number of temporary hit points equal to the total rolled, without adding your Constitution modifier. These temporary hit points last 10 minutes.
Homeland Traits
- Bears south of the Mantle live on rural farmsteads and in bustling university cities. The Alley love of beauty and art is just as strong as their competitive streak. These traits combine to inspire colorful and explosive expression from a colorful and explosive people. Even the debate and study styles of ursine academics in the homeland are uniquely carefree and joyful.
- Spirited Discourse. You can substitute Intelligence in place of Charisma for any Performance or Persuasion check. Additionally, as a reaction to another creature within 30 feet of you failing a saving throw to avoid becoming charmed, you can speak an encouraging word. When you do, the creature can immediately make the saving throw again. Once you use this trait to allow a reroll, you can’t use it again until you finish a long rest.
- The secluded peaks of Oria are a common site for dragon lairs, and their volcanoes are often claimed by chromatic tyrants. Most Orians know to stay away from known lairs, but Oric ursines have a dangerous tradition that has persisted for centuries.
A headstrong young bear in Oria proves their mettle by climbing the side of a chromatic dragon’s volcano lair. Their goal is to steal a chunk of smooth obsidian from the caldera, and return from the heist alive. Once (if) they do, the bear crafts an ornament from the black glass, wearing it as a trophy of their courage. Some ursines choose to make another trip after every milestone in their lives. The most renowned northern ursines wear dozens of shiny black garments and jewelry.
- Obsidian Bauble. You have proficiency with smith’s tools. If you have access to a forge and a chunk of obsidian, you can spend 8 hours and 30 gp working with your smith’s tools to create a small bauble, such as a brooch or handheld toy. The bauble is an uncommon magic item. Any creature can touch the bauble while casting a 1st-level spell, which has no effect other than to be stored in the item. As an action, a creature holding the bauble can cast the spell. This removes the spell and destroys the bauble.
- In the Vinyotian business world, bears use their gift for recall to excel as contract negotiators. Ursine families run many of Vinyot’s most accomplished law practices. They’re believed to be so good at arguing a case, they can game the laws of the Arcana and the divine.
- Rules Lawyer. Choose two 1st-level spells. Those spells are on every class’ spell list for you.
- At the northern end of the Kazmak are the Bey’s Head mountains, the source of the Beylik’s thriving gem trade. Red-furred ursines work deep inside the mines, driving picks into stone in search of glittering fortune.
The desire to win at life itself drives Arnerian bears into Aubadism, and they’ve had an impact on the religion’s history in the homeland. More bears revere the Sun Bull in Arneria than in other regions, thanks to the homeland’s permissive attitude toward the Aubadian religion. Many are enticed by building a life on the ideals of self-expression and leaving a strong impression on the world. - Born of the Bey’s Head. You have proficiency with the war pick. If you hit a creature with an attack roll made with a war pick during the first round of combat, the creature takes an extra 2d6 piercing damage.
- Long ago, a few ursines made the long journey south from Oria to settle in the Feline Isles. It took time for the species to make a place for themselves in the sunny dock towns’ vastly different society. Eventually, the children of those settlers found their way by embracing what made them unique from the feline majority. Today, Al’ari bears teach wrestling and boxing to their neighbors. Their brute strength and immovable stance is a path for their students that they teach better than anyone else. They’re highly aware of their own bodies, and excel at instructing others to use their strength.
- Instructive Muscle. You are proficient in the Athletics skill. When you succeed on a Strength (Athletics) check, you can demonstrate the method to creatures that share a language with you and are watching you. Those creatures are treated as proficient when making Strength (Athletics) checks to perform the same task.
Desert and tradewind foxes live on opposite sides of the Beast World. Tradewind harbormasters and merchant nobles are red foxes, the iconic species of Vinyot, while desert fennec vulpines run the caravanserai inns of the Beylik. With their innate sense of patterns and consequences, they bring the world together through travel and trade. All willful creatures perceive patterns all around them, but vulpines can tune out the noise and distinguish the true flow of events from false associations. Most believe this is a supernatural blessing, the way their minds formed when uplifted from their animal ancestors.
Whatever the case may be, foxes possess an instinct for cause and effect that has brought their kind great wealth on both outer coasts of the Beast World. Vulpine ambition and intellect planned the major trade routes of the world. In fact, their shared love for connecting the needed with the needing is why red foxes call themselves “tradewinds.”
Foxes are often front-and-center in a delving crew. Vulpine Gladhand delvers are skilled with negotiating for a scout’s leads, and no crew was ever worse off for having a tradewind wizard at their back during a trip underground.
Vulpine Traits
- Creature Type. You are a Humanoid.
- Ability Score Increase. Your Intelligence score increases by 2.
- Speed. Your walking speed is 30 feet.
- Darkvision. You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You can’t discern color in darkness, only shades of gray.
- Polar Sense. Vulpines unconsciously favor arranging furniture and other objects in a northsouth direction, and sleep with their heads facing north when given the opportunity. You are always aware of magnetic North.
- Prolonging Focus. Vulpines are united in their ability to pull extra motes of the supernatural using the raw power of concentration. When concentrating on a spell with a duration of at least 1 hour, you can extend it. At the end of its duration, make a DC 10 Intelligence saving throw. On a failed save, the spell ends as usual. Otherwise, the spell continues while you concentrate on it. Every 10 minutes thereafter, make another Intelligence saving throw with a DC equal to 10 + 2 per 10 minutes the spell has been extended (12 after ten minutes, 14 after twenty, and so on). The spell continues until you choose to stop concentrating on it, or until you fail the save.
While prolonging your focus in this way you appear visibly distracted to observers, and if you take damage, the spell automatically ends. - Vulpine Deduction. A fox connects intuitive dots to make smart decisions in the moment. As an action, you can focus yourself on a closed-ended decision you face. That is, the decision must have a limited set of potential choices. Some examples include which exit to take out of a dungeon room, which suspect to accuse of a crime, or which of two pies to take your dessert from.
Make a DC 10 Intelligence check. If you succeed, the GM tells you something about one of the possible decisions. For example, “the east exit seems dangerous,” “the old man wasn’t in town the night of the crime,” or “blueberry is a bad flavor for a pie.” You will usually learn something cryptic but helpful on a success.
Once you use this trait, you can’t use it again until you complete a long rest.
- Ability Score Increase. Your Constitution score increases by 1.
- Size. Tradewinds generally stand between 5 and 6 feet tall, often taller than their desert cousins. Your size is Medium.
- Preternatural Sense. You can examine an object for illusions as a bonus action, and you have advantage on Intelligence (Investigation) checks to detect them. Additionally, when an effect requires you to roll a Dexterity saving throw, you can roll an Intelligence saving throw instead. Once you substitute a save this way, you can’t do so again until you finish a long rest.
Desert Fox
- Ability Score Increase. Your Strength score increases by 1.
- Size. Most desert vulpines are shorter than tradewinds on average, with a typical height between 4’3” and 5’3”. Your size is Medium.
- Vigilant Senses. By acclimating to unseen fields surrounding you, you can sense if something moves through them. After spending at least 1 hour without moving, you know if a creature enters the area 90 feet around you, and its size category. The feedback is strong enough to awaken you if you choose to let it, and it lasts until you move.
Homeland Traits
- Vulpines commonly serve as advisors in the noble courts of Allemance. The uneasy and capricious alliances between baronies require them to suss out dishonesty. Someone in every vulpine family has experience watching their back in the cutthroat world of royal politics.
- Sense for Betrayers. You have proficiency in Deception. You also have advantage on Wisdom (Insight) rolls to determine if someone has secret motives against you. Additionally, by spending 8 hours continuously with someone, you have advantage on Insight rolls to sense secret motives against them for the next 24 hours.
- Academics have observed that the gifts of vulpines are connected with an invisible energy field, which is stronger in some places than in others. In the far north of Oria, where white-furred arctic desert vulpines are common, this energy field is so intense, it’s visible in the night sky. The vulpines of the Houses of Oria bathe themselves in the rainbow light of this force to enhance their blessings.
- The Aurora Tradition. Whenever a spell is cast within 60 feet of you that you can see or hear the components of, you automatically intuit the spell’s school. Additionally, when you cast a spell of 1st level or higher, you can treat the spell as if it were any other school. Once you use this trait this way, you can’t use it again until you finish a long rest.
- Not every Vinyotian fox is an affluent lord of trade and finance. However, life in the south is more shaped by vulpine sensibilities than any other species’, and vice versa. Most foxes from their homeland of stewardship have a knack for finding what they need in a pinch. Part of this cultural talent involves adapting their pitch to salespeople to emphasize their own negotiating strengths.
- Stashed in a Foxhole. If you’re caught in a situation where your money is inaccessible (for example, if it was stolen or confiscated), you always have some money or something else of value around. It might be in a sewn-in pocket, the heel of your left shoe, or in the form of debt you can collect from someone nearby. The amount available to you is a number of gold pieces equal to twice your level. If you spend the money, it’s deducted from your gold total. Once you spend the money “conveniently accessed” with this trait, you can’t do so again until you regain access to your main source of wealth.
- Position of Strength. You can use any combination of ability and skill to negotiate the cost of goods and services. For example, a fox bodybuilder might get a discount from a merchant by giving them advice on diet regimen and lifting technique, making an Intelligence (Athletics) check followed by a friendly request to knock a few silver off the price of his breakfast.
- Most foxes in Arneria are desert fennecs living in the caravanserai towns of the Beylik. They walk every path in Beylik society. Some live as beggars and thieves while others are the wives of the Bey, lounging in his palace. Rich and poor alike, Arnerian vulpines share a trick among their kind for adding an extra bite while fighting with their magic.
- Dune Dagger. Immediately after you cast a spell of 1st level or higher on your turn, you can make a weapon attack with a dagger.
- Foxes are one of the most common non-feline species in Al’ar. They were the first species to make contact with cats on the islands centuries ago, and the friendship between the two is a venerated keystone of both cultures. Al’ari foxes that spend their lives among sailing cats are imparted with their knack for winning a meal from the surrounding waters. It’s known that foxes’ magnetic gift makes them superior spearfishers, but a cat would never admit it.
- Cats Stuck in the Family Tree. You have advantage on Strength (Athletics) checks while treading on and/or under water.
Additionally, you have proficiency with the trident, and when you make an attack with a trident against a target you can’t see, you don’t have disadvantage on the attack roll. Tridents count as having the reach property for you.
Bats are anomalies, outsiders, and asterisks in the cosmic ledger. They come from the Astral Sea, previously understood to be little more than space between worlds. In its blue expanse, they weave matter from thin air and flit about their own world without a care. In the Astral, they enjoy a life of infinite space and limitless resources. What will they do, now that they’ve found the Beast World?New Discovery, Unsolved MysteryOne year ago next month—practically the other day—bats beat the odds of finding another species. Before that, no record of meeting them existed in any world. Their discovery raised a thousand questions about the nature of the universe. First, beasts thought they were the only willful species other than dragons. Then the humans arrived, then the goblins began to wake themselves up.
But bats are another thing altogether. There are no quiet-minded bats in the Astral, so how did they come to be? They don’t know about Pirhoua or other Beast World gods, nor do they have any of their own. They are a gap in the model of existence held true by dragons, jackals, and every other esteemed scholar. The fervor to understand their nature is overflowing from every academic institution.
Unfortunately, the bats just can’t seem to sit still to be examined.
AstralbornBats are the only known willful species who call the Astral Sea their home. Its unlimited space is teeming with their free-floating towns, yet their relatively tiny footprint on the place hid them from the Beast World until now. They have their own society separate from the Beast World, the Broken World, the Ancestral Homeland, or any other.
In the Astral, bats are natural masters of astralcraft. By exerting one’s will on the murky astra that drifts all around the Astral Sea, one can shape any tangible objects they can imagine. Everything tangible there is either brought in from elsewhere or made of astra. Bats are born surrounded by it and live among it. Astra sustains a bat (though they can also digest Beast World food, with a few days of initial bellyaches). For a bat, willing an object into existence is second nature.
Bat TownsBat homes are clustered together in a loose arrangement of bizarre astralcraft constructions. Their homes serve more as ongoing art installations; the Astral Sea has no weather to protect oneself from. Bats build sprawling mansions, gigantic representations of tiny objects, and anything else they can dream of. They spend their lives inventing new ways to stretch and shape their own world.
Many of the homes and other constructs created by bats are reminiscent of objects and places in the Beast World. Just as shadows of the Astral Sea drift through parts of the Beast World, the bats caught glimpses of places in other worlds as well. Until last year, these were thought to illusions— images and shapes conjured by nature. Bats called them “color storms.” Now a bat can walk among every color storm they’ve ever seen.
Art for Art's SakeSelf-expression is the beginning and end of bat culture. Almost everything they do is out of immediate curiosity and fleeting impulse. Bats are often swept up by a sudden artistic inspiration, which consumes them until they can see it realized from their own minds. In the Astral, one’s paintbrush or block of marble is always on-hand. Bats living in the Beast World are often frustrated by the scarcity of stuff.
The CheiropocketBats keep part of the Astral with them when they travel to the Beast World. Every bat has an extraplanar space called a cheiropocket within their body. Its existence was unknown to them before arriving in a world other than the Astral, and it’s part of why bats are eager to visit the Beast World often.
The cheiropocket sits in the inside of a bat’s wings, summoned with a thought. When the portal is open, their wings glow with the same eerie, blue light as their home. Both wings are a gate to a bat’s personal, self-contained portion of the Astral Sea.
No Such Thing as HistoryBat culture has no notion of the ideas of history, legacy, or memory beyond one’s own lifetime. Bats know and love their own families, they make friends, and they create art for those around them. They learn everything they need from the lessons of their parents and peers. Everything beyond these things is irrelevant.
Bat towns have floated in the infinite blue of the Astral Sea for as long as any of them can remember. Their lack of historical record makes it impossible to determine anything about their origins or creation. Even their general number is unknown; scholars guess that there are over a million bats in the Astral, but there’s no way to know for sure. Bats are unbothered by this ignorance of the past. They value firsthand experience more than any secondhand account. Needless to say, this has vexed curious scholars and arcanists since their appearance in the Beast World.
Bats in the Beast WorldAs a species from a place without solid ground or gravity, bats are eager to explore the alien Beast World for new inspiration and friends. Their place in the larger machinations of the world has yet to be determined, but their scarce number makes them popular most everywhere they go.
As of now, only a few bats have attempted to settle permanently on the material plane. Most travel back and forth between the Astral Sea and the Beast World by their own magical means or through a facet of The Junction, a teleportation hub located in the Allemagnian city of Patrie. The first bat delvers have joined crews only in the last three months, eager to see what’s within the Dungeon that has everyone so fascinated.
Bat Traits
- Creature Type. You are a Humanoid.
- Ability Score Increase. Your Charisma score increases by 2, and your Dexterity score increases by 1.
- Size. Most bats stand between 4’7” and 5’7” tall. Your size is Medium.
- Speed. Your walking speed is 30 feet.
- Cheiropocket. Every bat carries a connection to the Astral Sea while in another world. This cheiropocket is an extraplanar space accessible through the inner membrane of their wings. As a bonus action, you can touch the inside of your wing to open your cheiropocket or close it again. While it’s open, your wings emanate the glow of the Astral Sea, and you can stow or retrieve an item as an action.
Your cheiropocket can hold cubic feet of nonliving material up to 12 x your Intelligence modifier (minimum 12 cubic feet). If you attempt to stow living material, or an item that’s too large, it passes through your wing and falls to the ground behind you. You take any damage that the pocket’s contents deal to its interior. If you fall to 0 hit points or die, the pocket’s contents spill forth, unharmed.
The space of your cheiropocket cannot exist in the Astral Sea when your body is also present there. Traveling to the Astral collapses your cheiropocket and leaves its contents behind in your space the moment you cross over. - Wings. While a bat’s wings don’t allow for flight outside of the Astral Sea, they can still make an otherwise deadly descent into a breezy float downward. While your arms are free and you are not wearing heavy armor, you can extend your wings to fall at a speed of 30 feet per round. For every foot you descend, you can also move a foot horizontally (this costs movement as normal). You do not take falling damage while gliding.
While in the Astral Sea, bats have a flying speed of 40 feet regardless of armor worn, and can hover. - Astral Echoes. A bat’s voice resonates on two worlds at once, and they can speak in Astral tones to listen for what echoes back. As a bonus action, you can emit a sound that’s silent in the Beast World, but a loud shriek in the Astral Sea. Anything in the part of the Astral Sea that crosses within 120 feet of you (such as a creature using the etherealness spell) becomes visible to you until the end of your next turn. While in the Astral Sea, this ability gives you blindsense out to a range of 120 feet instead. You can use this ability a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus, and you regain all expended uses when you finish a long rest.
Astral Sea
- Practiced Astralcrafter. The pale blue astra that fills every corner of the Astral Sea is the indefinite stuff that holds every thing in every world. All willful creatures have some rudimentary power to manipulate astra, but bats raised in its light are the true masters of the craft. You can add your proficiency bonus to Intelligence checks to perform astralcrafting. Additionally, you know the Charles’ chunk* cantrip. Intelligence is your spellcasting ability for this spell.
Humans are everywhere in the Beast World— roughly one in every three willful creatures is a brethren. Yet, they don’t appear in the great histories of the homelands. They hold very little power in its governments, and no brethren is famous from the deeds of their ancestors. Fifteen years ago, the first humans arrived on the shores of Vinyot to wage war. That war is long over. Now humans are writing the first pages of their history throughout the world.Lost BirthplaceHumans are a migrant race from a warped, dead material plane called the Broken World. They lived there for unknown generations, in a losing battle against unraveling nature. They clung to life using whatever scavenged means of survival they dug from the ruins of their once-advanced civilization. The history and knowledge of that utopia is long gone, written in a language now unknowable and scattered to the winds.
Twelve years ago, almost every single human lived in the Broken World. Every adult has memories and stories of their time there, though the recollection slips further into the haze of the past every year. A human blacksmith may have learned their craft by fusing sheets of scavenged metal together to make shelters in a past life. A human farmer likely once tilled soil filled with sandy shards of glass and metal. They remember the struggle to force something green out of dust.
New HistoryHumans were snatched up by a miracle in their final days and brought to their new world. Now called brethren, they spent twelve years building homes and finding a role to play in their communities. The effort was a monumental cooperation between the combined people of the Beast and Broken Worlds.
Today, brethren have largely finished this transition and become part of the Beast World’s society. Every human has met the other common species in their homeland, and every beast has spent time in the company of brethren. They live and work alongside the other species as they make the slow shift from migrants to natives. Twelve years from the Pilgrimage, the first teenage brethren are roaming the only world they can remember.
Friends, Once EnemiesToday, beasts and brethren live in as much harmony as any two species. However, the migration from the Broken World was initially an ugly, violent thing. Mislead by an otherworldly power, an army of humans waged war in the Beast World for three years before the civilian population would see its shores. These humans, who had been assured that the beasts were no more than local wildlife to be rounded up for the safety of the population, were sent out to conquer the homelands. This Invader War lasted too long, but the humans eventually realized what was happening and what they were doing. Regret sapped their will to fight and the humans surrendered. In time, the homelands forgave their trespass.
ReparatorsThe soldiers of that Invader Army are still in the Beast World today. All of them served a seven-year sentence of labor for their crimes. They were named the Reparators, and given a permanent mark of shame in exchange for being allowed to stay in the only place left for them. All the Reparators have finished serving their sentences, but the mark remains on each of them. While the world has forgiven their crimes, there are still those in the Beast World who lost family and loved ones in the war. Seeing the mark of the Reparator always risks opening old wounds.
Human Traits
- Creature Type. You are a Humanoid.
- Ability Score Increase. An ability score of your choice increases by 2, or two ability scores of your choice increase by 1.
- Size. Humans vary widely in height and build, from barely 5 feet to well over 6 feet tall. Regardless of your position in that range, your size is Medium.
- Speed. Your walking speed is 30 feet.
- Feat. You gain one feat of your choice.
Homeland Trait
Broken World
- Keepsake of a Lost Home. Brethren who arrived in the Beast World each brought a precious object from their former home. These one-of-a-kind “brethren curios” cannot be reproduced by any known means, but thousands are circulating throughout the world. Most brethren hold their personal curio as a reminder of the struggle they once endured.
Work with your GM to create your curio. Curios are generally handheld objects from an alternate version of the real world 1990s. They can sometimes perform functions that are more portable or more efficient than their real-world counterparts (for example, a solar-powered toaster is a great curio). Their usefulness should be situational but your curio doesn’t need to be tchotchke! Real-world objects that can reproduce a cantrip or 1st-level spell make excellent curios.
If its function reproduces the effects of a cantrip, it operates without the need for acid buttons (batteries). The Broken World had many types of power sources before its unraveling. If it reproduces the effects of a 1st-level spell, it can be used once before its acid button needs to be recharged by leaving the curio in direct sunlight for 8 hours. Your GM might allow you to purchase more acid buttons for your curio during the campaign, allowing for more uses before recharging. However, your curio can only recharge 1 acid button per 8 hours in direct sunlight.
The Curio table below gives some suggestions for suitable brethren curios.
Potential Curios
Curio Name - Real-world Object - Spell Effect
Mirror Bulb - Flashlight - light
Immolation Cylinder - Blowtorch - burning hands
Shock Needles - Taser - fire bolt (deals lightning damage)
Vapor Kit - Portable humidifier - create/destroy water
Nightwatch Stake - Motion detector - alarm
Reusable Light Wand - Refillable glowstick - faerie fire
Earbug - Earpiece and lapel mic - message
After their creation, goblins were not supposed to escape the captivity of Ancestral Homeland dragons. Furthermore, none were supposed to escape to the Beast World. Even in the Beast World, none of the intruders were intended to be willful creatures. Yet, here we are.
Stolen ActualizationMost goblins in the Beast World are akin to grubby little automatons. They eat, hoard shiny things, and reproduce. None of these goblins are aware of their individual selves, nor are they motivated beyond what instinct wants. There’s a spark of intelligence when enough of them get together, but they are almost never anything more than animals that can speak a few phrases.
When enough goblins gather in the same place, their cooperative intellect sometimes causes something strange to happen. Their minds sit on each other’s shoulders, and the one at the very top of the tower plucks something truly precious straight from the grasp of the gods: will. Get enough goblins together and one of them realizes who they are, and starts referring to themselves by name. Such a goblin ceases to be an “it,” and becomes a “they.” Defying the basic natural order is just another way goblins get into things others try to keep them from.
Quiet-Minded KinshipA willful member of the species is also called a named goblin. Named goblins are capable of the same things all willful creatures are. They can shape a worldview from their experiences, and they seek to improve themselves. A named goblin has an inner life that is absent in their siblings and cousins.
Given the astounding rarity of willful goblins (most believe there are fewer than one thousand in the Beast World), their lives can be lonely. Some feel a special bond with their vacant-eyed families and feel responsible to protect them from harm. Others resent their unenlightened origins and distance themselves from other goblins so as not to be mistaken for a ”chicken-brain.”
Other species of the Beast World aren’t sure what to make of named goblins. Many assume that the self-awareness is a trick the goblins have devised to attract sympathy. Most folks are willing to give them the benefit of the doubt, though, and enjoy having their big personalities around to chat with.
Breaking and EnteringGoblins can get into anything, anywhere. The lentil-brained variety end up stuck on the inside of glass display cases and locked basements all over the Beast World. With the discernment and forethought of a willful creature, they stand footclaw-to-toe with the best lockpicks and burglars. This makes them brilliant additions to a delving crew, if they can find one willing to tolerate their interesting shiny-hoarding urges.
Goblin Traits
- Creature Type. You are a Humanoid.
- Ability Score Increase. Your Dexterity score increases by 2, and another score of your choice (except Intelligence) increases by 1.
- Size. Goblins are the optimal size to get into places they don’t belong. Most stand between 3’2” and 4' tall. Your size is Small.
- Speed. Your walking speed is 30 feet.
- Escaper’s Keepers. You are proficient in the Sleight of Hand skill. As a reaction to being targeted by an opportunity attack, you can make a Dexterity (Sleight of Hand) check contested by the attacking creature’s Wisdom (Perception) check. If you succeed, the attack misses, and you can take an object worn or carried by the attacker (but not one they are holding) without them noticing. The object must fit in one hand and weigh no more than 5 pounds. Either way, after using this ability any creature that can see you (including the target) is immune to this ability for 24 hours.
- Clumsy Competence. Unburdened by the paralyzing effects of analytical thinking, Goblins have a way of getting to the solution they seek (even more so if unburdened by intellect). You have a +1 bonus to any ability check you make on which you don’t have a bonus other than from your ability modifier, or from the Stackable Intellect trait (see below.)
- Stackable Intellect. You gain a bonus to ability checks based on the number of goblins within 60 feet of you. The bonus is determined by the Goblin Stacking table below.
Goblin Stacking
Number of Goblins - Ability Check Bonus
2 - +1
4 - +2
Lesser Lineage
- Made in their image and now a reminder of their hubris, goblins exhibit characteristics of their draconic creators. Choose one from the following: acid, fire, lightning, cold. When you take damage of that type, reduce the damage by 1d6. This reduction increases to 2d6 at 9th level, and 3d6 at 17th level.
Dragons and Jackals are Powerful
Dragons and jackalas are stronger than the baseline for a 5e race.- Rather than try to tiptoe around a species with otherworldly power that’s still balanced, it is best to keep the promise of “playable dragons” to let them be better at some things than other species. They are designed to feel stronger than others. They deal more damage with natural weapons and have some extra options from the outset.
Level-appropriate encounters are taken into consideration!
- A 3rd-level dragon will still be challenged by encounters and monsters written for their level. If you’ve been in a game with a slightly over-tuned character among the others, you’ll be familiar with the feel of these species already. A lot of hours where spent making sure they wouldn’t trivialize the game in most combinations of classes. Don’t be shy about using them!
- For players, be sure that everyone at the table is cool with the power disparity. The dragon/jackal delver isn’t going to waste everything you come across, but they will have some extra answers to problems compared to the other species. If you make a jackal or dragon character, I recommend using it as an opportunity to play an underpowered subclass you’ve been wanting to check out! Applying an already-powerful class here might have unintended consequences.
- Don’t let this warning or the stat blocks scare you off of creating dragon characters or allowing them in your game! Have fun, delvers.
If a brethren or beast of another species meets a jackal, it becomes a story they tell for years. These tall, mysterious beasts have slipped through quiet places for centuries, watching the goddess Pirhoua’s menagerie from just beyond its peripheral vision. They are the Beast World’s rarest species.Storybook BeastsEvery adult beast remembers a time many believed that jackals didn’t exist at all. Seeing one—and remembering one had done so—was so rare that they were considered a tall tale invented by nobles and eager-to-impress travelers. Parents told their children the stories of their magnificent cities. Fairy tales and fables used jackals as stock characters known for their wisdom and cool heads.
Twelve years ago, the rest of the world was faced with the impossible task of finding millions of brethren migrants their next meal. To aid their fellow beasts, hundreds of jackal envoys appeared in every homeland. For four years after, jackals lived among common people to lead the engineering effort with advanced knowledge of nature and science.
Jackals are known to exist by the public today, but their reclusive nature hasn’t changed much. Their home cities remain shrouded in ancient magic, and most of their knowledge and history are still guarded secrets.
Memory of the BeginningWhen the first beasts were lifted up by the goddess Pirhoua about 1300 years ago, the jackal species were a special exception. These chosen children were adopted by the Seelie, a swirling collective of nature spirits that were deities of the world that came before the current one. The Seelie sat among Jackals in dreams, telling them all the knowledge of the wild place passed away. Their bodies were preserved by the Seelie’s remaining power. They stay young for centuries to help study the Beast World’s natural splendor.
As they slept in the world’s early nights, the first jackals sat under the tutelage of divinity in the Seelie Court. Only the oldest generation know the full lessons of those early nights. Jackal secrets are shared orally and never written. What the larger Beast World knows is, the few words of these secrets jackals shared after the Pilgrimage caused an explosion of agricultural progress and curiosity about the larger world. The full breadth of this guarded knowledge would likely make the world unrecognizable with its emergence.
The natural lifespan of a jackal is unknown; none have died of old age in the thousand years since their uplifting. The eldest generation remember the moment their minds raced from an animal’s with the gift of will for the first time. Despite their lifespan, a young jackal still grows to adulthood at the same rate as any other beast. A jackal’s natural aging slows around age 25 and advances a biological year around every 20 real years.
Jackals rear children the same way they do everything: slowly, deliberately, cautiously. They make the decision with the guidance of their community’s wisest members, only when certain that it’s according to the Seelie’s will that a new jackal should enter the world. Every baby is considered a sacred gift of the highest order.
With Enough TimePatience is more than a virtue it is a fundamental truth in a jackal’s life. They do not take action before they are sure of its impact and worth. This makes conversation with an elder jackal a grueling test of patience, and negotiating to change their mind even moreso. However, their advice is a precious commodity—every court in the world begs to have a jackal advisor.
One can at least rest assured that they won’t be interrupted in conversation. A jackal does not speak until they have heard a message, taken time to consider the motives and implications of what they’ve heard, and done the same for their own response. This makes jackal society impeccably polite and proper. A social call between important figures is often marked by several hours of introductions and the announcement of honorifics and titles.
Impatient folks often find their minds wandering as a jackal sits in silence, working out what they’ll say next. A drinking game among delvers is to see who can provoke their jackal crewmate to cut in during conversation. Most are quietly tolerant of this tomfoolery, but some less benevolent elders remember any slight, and seek retribution long after the perpetrator has forgotten.
Hidden CitiesUnlike other species, Jackals live separated in their own cities, irrespective of the homelands’ political boundaries. Magic illusions older than the world itself keep their homes imperceptible to outsiders searching for them. The only time one finds a jackal city is when one isn’t looking for it. Even knowledge of its precise location is useless without the explicit permission of the illusion’s keeper in a city.
Their reverence to the Seelie’s sleeping gods gives jackal society close ties with lost nature. Each of their cities embodies love for some expression of the Seelie’s magnificence. They’re built in impossible locations, out of cloudstuff and around giant ancient trees and underneath ocean waves. Every jackal city is uniquely breathtaking and an outsider who finds one is blessed to do so.
Leisure Time of the EverlivingNo one can spend all their time in serious intellectual pursuits. Jackals have lively and unusual pastimes that have become more popular among other people as they meet their weird old neighbors.
Jackal parlors are social clubs common in all their hidden cities. Parlors are grand architectural wonders that contain dozens of shelves with hundreds of their games. It’s customary to contribute new games regularly, and nothing honors a jackal more than when someone plays one they created.
The jackal parlor’s game library is an exploration of every activity possible while sitting at a table. Some are a simple deck of cards traded between players with four or five rules. Other games involve contraptions with hundreds of tiny moving parts, which require intense concentration and dexterity to play competitively.
Many popular jackal games are elaborate simulations of some other activity, with complex mathematical formulae for determining outcomes contained in multiple rulebooks, each hundreds of pages long.
The parlor is a growing fascination in the outside world, now that the wisest jackal elders have deemed it acceptable to share. Larger cities in the Beast World contain a parlor run by jackals who patiently explain and reiterate the rules of their games for curious visitors. Only daring and genius outsiders attempt to learn the most complicated jackal games, but centuries-old champions have new rivals now that the pool of competitors has grown by a few orders of magnitude.
Three Acres WarWhile the jackals have never participated in open warfare, they recognize the stimulating challenge of a tactical face-off. Many parlor games recreate various aspects of war (a popular field surgery game has players use a pair of tiny tweezers to operate on a miniature body), but one stands above the rest. Three Acres War is a game with a world-spanning subculture devoted to its intersection of warfare simulation and storytelling.
In Three Acres War, a miniature battlefield is the site of each skirmish. 3AW enthusiasts spend countless hours crafting every bush and tree of hillside battlefields and forest ambush points. Entire jackal social clubs are held by their bored spouses, meeting while they spend weeks sequestered in landscape workshops.
Once they determine the site of the battle, competitors produce their armies. A soldier in the Three Acres War is so much more than a two-inch wooden figure. Every member of a unit has an identity and elaborate backstory. A skilled player’s soldiers have skirmish histories spanning hundreds of pages of triumph, heartbreak, romance, and intrigue.
The skirmish itself is played according to a tome of common rules. These rules come under review during a player convention held once every three years. They change and refine to keep player tactics from stagnating. The Three Acres War has been a balancing act of supply lines, and other iterations the rules have been a blow-by-blow simulation of swordplay and chivalry.
Victory earns an army accolades and experience develops a soldier’s skills. Defeat is often heartbreaking, as fallen soldiers are removed from the game world. Parlors close to hold funerals for a soldier of great renown, as their miniature bodies are cremated. The ritual is more than a shared hobby—mourning a wooden soldier is preferable to forgetting the game’s lessons and stoking the fires of real war.
Three Acres War is a close-knit circle of players who keep its shared history sacrosanct. The first non-jackal generals have emerged, earning admission into this sacred order of enthusiasts. Like everything else in the Beast World, things are changing quickly.
Jackal Traits
- Creature Type. You are a Fey.
- Ability Score Increase. Your Dexterity score increases by 2, your Intelligence score increases by 2, and your Wisdom score increases by 2.
- Size. Jackals are the tallest of all Beast World native species, standing between 6’8” and 7’8”. Your size is Medium.
- Speed. Your walking speed is 30 feet.
- Ageless. You are immune to any effect that ages you at an unnatural rate.
- Obscuring Dream. You can cast the dream spell once with this trait and regain the ability to do so when you finish a long rest. You can cast this spell using any spell slots you have of the appropriate level. Intelligence is your spellcasting ability for it when you cast it with this trait.
When you cast dream, instead of causing a messenger to appear in a creature’s dream, you can cast a mental fog over their recollection of an encounter with you. They’re unaware that they are the target of the spell, but it fails if you made a jarring impression on the creature during the encounter (such as by fighting them or using strange magic). Otherwise, the target must make an Intelligence saving throw with a DC equal to 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Intelligence modifier. A creature with an Intelligence score lower than yours automatically fails the save. If you have a body part, tuft of fur, clipping from a claw, or similar portion of the target’s body, the target makes its saving throw with disadvantage.
On a failed save, the creature forgets that you were present in their memory of an encounter up to 1 hour long that happened within the last 7 days. The event isn’t erased, but your identity becomes a missed detail in the target’s long-term memory. On a successful save, the memory is unaffected and you can’t use the spell to alter the same memory again. - Life’s Passion. You gain proficiency with one artisan’s tool of your choice, and in one skill chosen from the following: Arcana, History, Medicine, Nature, or Religion. Your proficiency bonus is doubled for any ability check you make using either of these proficiencies. Additionally, you gain proficiency with one martial melee weapon without the heavy property, which counts as a finesse and thrown (range 20/60) weapon for you.
- Birthmates of the Arcana. The Seelie’s uplifting of the jackal species coincided with the nursing of the infant Arcana, and their fundamental connection to it grants them spell-like abilities. You know the eldritch blast cantrip. Additionally, choose two 1st-level spells with the ritual tag from the wizard spell list. You can cast each of them with this trait, ignoring any material components without an indicated cost. Once you cast either chosen spell with this trait, you can’t cast that spell with it again until you finish a long rest. You can also cast any of those spells using any spell slots you have of the appropriate level. Intelligence is your spellcasting ability for these spells when you cast them with this trait.
Dragons walk among beasts as a living symbol of dignity and might throughout the world. Every dragon is born with power over magic, and as they grow, the physical world as well. They wear their hearts as a coat of scales, inspiring hope with their encouraging luster or striking fear with their stark colors.Draconic LineageA dragon can trace their lineage back to a material plane called the Ancestral Homeland. Their gifts manifest based on their ancestors’ lairs. A white dragon whose forebears hatched in a volcano breathes a cone of ivory fire, while a silver breathes a splash of melting acid if they descended from sea dragons. A wyrmling inherits physical traits as well. Some grow a durable horn that allows them to burrow through the earth. Others sport sleeker, stronger wings to propel them skyward faster than others.
In some ways, lineage makes a dragon’s mind alien to a beast’s. Dragon nests are hidden from the world and a wyrmling’s sequestered upbringing means their culture is inseparable from blood. A young dragon is educated solely according to the customs and ideals of their parents. The drive to learn the world’s secrets is the only truth a blue dragon knows before they become independent. Green dragons begin learning the steps of their brutal dance the day they emerge from a shell. In short: to a dragon, biology is culture. Species is homeland.
Native PowerOnly a few of the Great Wyrms who permanently left the Ancestral Homeland are still alive today. They dwell in the highest and most remote places of the world, playing ancient games amongst themselves. The oldest dragons wield unfathomable power at a whim, and they resemble demigods more than willful creatures. They imparted all of the Ancestral Homeland’s traditions and obsessions to their whelps, and now watch from a distance with the other elders.
Dragons have not found a maximum age, but milling around with the lessers is a pastime of the young. Those who depart their lairs and live among beasts are never more than a century old. These visible members of society number less than 2,000 total, within fewer than 120 families.
Luster & HueGold and red are the same, under the scales. Every dragon is hatched between two extremes as a glassy creature known as a hyaline dragon. These newborns have translucent skin and organs; only the beating crimson heart is visible within the baby. Hyaline dragons begin to show one of two possible colors based on their moral decisions.
Thus, with every new generation, a chromatic tyrant’s child has the potential to demonstrate kindness and earn lustrous scales. Likewise, a family of noble-hearted metallics could give birth to a monster who chooses selfishness and violence, eventually turning their true colors. Either way, to rear a child who betrays their family’s basic morality is the absolute pinnacle of draconic humiliation.
Metallic or chromatic nature is impermanent. If the bloodiest red dragon has a change of heart that stirs action, their body can turn hyaline and then gold with time and trial. However, the older the dragon, the less likely they are to ever turn hyaline. While it’s rare enough for a whelp to switch from their parent’s scales (and utterly reject their ideology), it is unheard of for an adult dragon to switch. This isn’t biology, simply the moral momentum of an adult deciding who they are.
Dragon Traits
- Creature Type. You are a Dragon.
- Ability Score Increase. An ability score of your choice (other than the one increased by your subspecies) increases by 2.
- Size. Your size is Medium.
- Speed. Your walking speed is 30 feet.
- Flight. You have a flying speed equal to your walking speed.
- Natural Weapons. Your tail, claws, and teeth are natural weapons, which you can use to make unarmed strikes. If you hit with one of them, you deal damage equal to 1d8 + your Strength modifier, instead of the normal damage for an unarmed strike. Your tail deals bludgeoning damage, your claws deal slashing damage, and your bite deals piercing damage.
Additionally, when you take the Attack action on your turn, you can make a tail, claw, or bite attack as a bonus action. - Natural Armor. Your scales are a source of protection as well as pride. When you aren’t wearing armor, your AC is 13 + your Dexterity modifier. You can use your natural armor to determine your AC if the armor you wear would leave you with a lower AC. A shield’s benefits apply as normal while you use your natural armor.
- Unreal Potential. Your maximum for all ability scores is 22.
- Draconic Lineage. Instead of choosing a homeland trait when creating a dragon character, first select a subspecies (color) and then choose a lineage. Subspecies determines the focus of a dragon’s natural talents, while lineage determines a dragon’s breath weapon, special movement options, and energy resistance. Choose a lineage, whose traits are outlined below: Cove, Flatland, Glacier, or Volcano.
Monarch (Red or Gold)
- The shared culture of monarch dragons is centered on hoarding political power and influence. Reds and golds are instructed from birth that leadership is the most valuable treasure. For golds, it’s an opportunity to improve the most lives at once. Reds are obsessed with the domination of weaker creatures. They are the de facto rulers of dragonkind, though most would only admit this begrudgingly. The two oldest living dragons are gold and red.
- Ability Score Increase. Your Charisma score increases by 3.
- Crown and Scepter. You are proficient in the Intimidation and Persuasion skills.
- Rulers of Dragons. Millennia of magic and breeding have culminated in unquestioned privilege. A monarch dragon’s natural gift is simple: power over other dragons. You have advantage on attack rolls, saving throws, and ability checks made against dragons and to resist their abilities.
- Presence. Monarch dragons can gather their otherworldly demeanor and project themselves to terrible or inspiring effect. As an action, creatures you choose within 30 feet must make a Wisdom saving throw with a DC equal to 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Charisma modifier. If a creature’s saving throw is successful or the effect ends for it, the creature is immune to your Presence for the next 24 hours. All creatures who fail the save are subject to your choice of one of the following effects for the next 10 minutes. Once you use this ability, you can’t use it again until you finish a long rest.
- Frightening Presence. You are the quintessence of danger. Creatures under this effect drop what they are holding and become frightened for the duration. If the creature ends its turn in a location where it doesn’t have line of sight to you, the creature can make another Wisdom saving throw. On a successful save, this effect ends for that creature.
- Majestic Presence. This expression is something more basic than the parlor trick of enchantment mind-fiddling: you are a fundamentally trustworthy force in the world. Creatures under this effect are charmed by you, and regard you as a wise and discerning leader
Once you reach 11th level, you can inflict special terror in the heart of a creature you can see affected by your Frightening Presence as an action. The creature must take the Dash action and move away from you by the safest available route on each of its turns, unless there is nowhere to move.
Also at 11th level, you can make a request of a creature you can see affected by your Majestic Presence as an action, who is moved to action by your exquisite countenance. You can request an activity (limited to a sentence or two). Unless the creature has an irrefutable reason to believe the action will cause them immediate misfortune, they will work in good faith to carry out the task for the duration.
- Dragon Magic. You can cast the command spell with this trait. Once you reach 5th level, you can also cast the summon subject spell with it. Once you cast either of these spells with this trait, you can’t cast that spell with it again until you finish a long rest. You can also cast either of those spells using any spell slots you have of the appropriate level.
Charisma is your spellcasting ability for these spells when you cast them with this trait.
Bulwark (White or Silver)
- Bulwarks are more insular than other species, focused on fortifying their bodies and their lairs. They are physically heavier than other species and covered in dense, bulky scales that regrow every day. They are taught from a young age to prioritize securing their hoard over growing it—a stolen treasure is worth nothing. White dragons are the loneliest of the ten colors, and their lairs kill more intruders than any other. Silver dragons prefer to confound those looking to steal from their hoards with meticulous and complex pranks that dump thieves back outside their lands.
- Ability Score Increase. Your Constitution score increases by 3.
- Lair Builders. White and silver dragon minds are the masters of creation. Whenever you gain a tool proficiency, you also gain a second tool proficiency of your choice.
- Brittle Shieldscales. Your scales have a hard exterior shell that breaks away to protect you. Whenever you finish a long rest, you gain temporary hit points equal to 5 times your proficiency bonus, and a +2 bonus to AC.
Additionally, your scales turn away trivial sources of damage. You take no damage from any single effect that deals less than 4 damage. Once you reach 11th level, this threshold increases to 6. You lose this immunity and the bonus to AC once you fall below your maximum hit points, and you don’t regain them until you finish a long rest. - Dragon Magic. You can cast the shield spell with this trait. Once you reach 5th level, you can also cast the bulwark of scales spell with it. Once you cast either of these spells with this trait, you can’t cast that spell with it again until you finish a long rest. You can also cast either of those spells using any spell slots you have of the appropriate level.
Charisma is your spellcasting ability for these spells when you cast them with this trait.
Dancing (Green or Copper)
- Of all the dragon types, dancing dragons are the most nimble and sharp-clawed. Their traditions are focused on perfecting one’s natural weapons. Dancing dragons also grow up with the importance of art and expression instilled in them. Copper dragons uplift gifted beast artists and support them from their own hoard. They consider work done under their wing to be a precious part of their “belongings.” Green dragons, on the other hand, steal precious masterpieces and kidnap gifted dancers to hide their work away for their own selfish amusement.
- Ability Score Increase. Your Dexterity score increases by 3.
- Masterpiece of Movement. Dancing dragons are born with supernatural agility and body awareness. You are proficient in the Acrobatics and Performance skills.
- Body of Grace. Your natural weapons have the finesse property. When you reach 11th level, your natural weapon attacks score a critical hit on a roll of 19 or 20.
- Contorted Breathing. You can bend your breath weapon into a unique shape depending on your lineage (outlined later in this section).
- Cove. You can choose the radius of your acid breath’s splash, up to the maximum for your level.
- Volcano. You can exclude creatures of your choice from your fire breath.
- Flatland. The line of your lightning breath can change direction twice. A creature can only be affected once by the line.
- Glacier. The panels created by your ice breath do not need to be contiguous.
- Dragon Magic. You can cast the longstrider spell with this trait, without requiring a material component. Once you reach 5th level, you can also cast the perfect respiration spell with it. Once you cast either of these spells with this trait, you can’t cast that spell with it again until you finish a long rest. You can also cast either of those spells using any spell slots you have of the appropriate level.
Charisma is your spellcasting ability for these spells when you cast them with this trait.
Scholar (Black or Bronze)
- Greater understanding of the world and magic around them is a precious treasure in scholar dragon culture. Black dragons are uniquely obsessed with keeping proprietary knowledge and leveraging it to grow their fortunes. Following the money paid for some of the most potent medicines in the Beast World will eventually lead one to a black dragon’s hoard. Bronze dragons focus on the collective advancement of Beast World arcana and alchemy. Their pride drives them to put their name on the work they and their peers do, but their discoveries are freely shared.
- Ability Score Increase. Your Intelligence score increases by 3.
- Ancestral Librarian. The scholar dragon’s eyes are born to drink in the wisdom of the written word. When you gain proficiency in Arcana, History, Medicine, Nature, or Religion, you also gain proficiency in another one of these skills. Additionally, you read at five times normal speed, and can copy spells into a spellbook at five times normal speed.
- Altered Arcana. You gain two Metamagic options of your choice from the sorcerer class. You can use only one Metamagic option on a spell when you cast it, unless the option says otherwise. Whenever you reach a level that grants the Ability Score Improvement feature, you can replace one of these Metamagic options with another one from the sorcerer class.
You gain 4 sorcery points to spend on Metamagic, which are added to any you have from another source. You regain all spent sorcery points when you finish a long rest. When you reach 11th level, you gain another Metamagic option from the sorcerer class and 2 more sorcery points, for a maximum of 6 from this trait. - Dragon Magic. You can cast the identify spell (without requiring a material component) and two other 1st-level spells from the wizard spell list with this trait. Once you reach 5th level, you can cast the draconic lucubration spell and two additional spells up to 3rd level from the wizard spell list with this trait. Once you cast a spell with this trait, you can’t cast that spell with it again until you finish a long rest. You can also cast any of those spells using any spell slots you have of the appropriate level.
Intelligence is your spellcasting ability for these spells when you cast them with this trait.
Whispering (Blue or Brass)
- Almost all draconic culture is ostentatious and boastful; even a reclusive bulwark makes their lair into a testament to their might and grandeur. Blues and brass are of a different mind, however. A whispering dragon’s hoard isn’t a vault of treasure and relics, but a list of names… and interesting facts about each of them. Brass dragons revel in connections. They’re social butterflies who stay in as many inner circles as possible. Blue dragons wear a cloak of shadow, stealing information that falls from loose lips. Each is a creature who represents a frightening web of blackmail and effortless coercion. A powerful person who doesn’t owe a blue dragon favors isn’t as important as they think.
- Ability Score Increase. Your Wisdom score increases by 3.
- Listening in Shadows. Whispering dragons blend into shadow. They excel at spotting prey and “overhearing” secrets. You are proficient in the Stealth and Perception skills.
- True Hearing. You can hear sounds ignoring up to 2 feet of stone or material of a similar obstruction. When you reach 11th level, you can also focus yourself as an action to listen in at uncanny distances. You can hear sounds as if you were standing in any space you choose within 300 feet of you. This ability ignores solid objects of any material and thickness, but does not defeat the silence spell.
- Venomous Claw. Your claws are finesse weapons. When you hit a creature with a natural attack made with your claws, you can deliver a shock of poison into the wound. The target must make a Constitution saving throw equal to 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Dexterity bonus. On a failed save, it takes an additional 1d12 poison damage and is poisoned for 1 hour. On a successful save, the creature takes half damage and isn’t poisoned.
When you reach 11th level, if they fail the save by 5 or more the target is also unconscious while poisoned in this way. The creature wakes up if it takes damage, or if someone uses an action to shake or slap the sleeper awake. Once you use this ability, you can’t use it again until you finish a short or long rest. - Dragon Magic. You can cast the illusory script spell with this trait, without requiring a material component. Once you reach 5th level, you can also cast the discern the heart’s hoard spell with it. Once you cast either of these spells with this trait, you can’t cast that spell with it again until you finish a long rest. You can also cast either of those spells using any spell slots you have of the appropriate level.
Wisdom is your spellcasting ability for these spells when you cast them with this trait.
- Amphibious. You have a swimming speed equal to your walking speed. You can breathe air and water.
- Acidic Scales. You have resistance to acid damage.
- Acid Breath. Your breath weapon is a targeted burst of acid that destroys objects. As an action, you can exhale a focused spray of acid targeting a creature or object you can see within 30 feet, which splashes in a 5-foot radius on impact. The target, as well as each creature and object within 5 feet of it, must make a Dexterity saving throw with a DC equal to 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Constitution or Dexterity modifier (your choice). The target takes 4d4 acid damage on a failed save, or half as much on a successful one. Each creature and object within 5 feet of the target takes half the damage on a failed save, but no damage on a successful one. Acid Breath deals double damage to objects and structures.
The damage, range, and splash radius all increase based on the Acid Breath table below. You can use your breath weapon a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus, and you regain all expended uses when you finish a long rest.
Acid Breath
Level - Range (ft.) - Damage - Splash Radius (ft.)
1st - 30 - 4d4 - 5
5th - 60 - 8d4 - 10
11th - 90 - 16d4 - 15
17th - 120 - 32d4 - 20
- Voltaic Arc. You can connect yourself with a destination through a flash of light as an action, teleporting yourself up to 60 feet to an unoccupied space that you can see. Once you use this ability, you can’t use it again until you finish a short or long rest.
- Insulated Scales. You have resistance to lightning damage.
- Lightning Breath. Your breath weapon is a bolt of lightning that shocks enemies into dropping their weapons. As an action, you can exhale lightning forming a line 30 feet long and 5 feet wide. Each creature in the line must make a Dexterity saving throw with a DC equal to 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Constitution or Dexterity modifier (your choice). The creature takes 2d10 lightning damage and drops whatever metal objects it is holding on a failed save. On a successful save, it takes half damage and does not drop held objects.
The damage and length increase based on the Lightning Breath table below. You can use your breath weapon a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus, and you regain all expended uses when you finish a long rest.
Lightning Breath
Level - Range (ft.) - Damage
1st - 30 - 2d10
5th - 60 - 4d10
11th - 90 - 8d10
17th - 120 - 16d10
- Tunneling Horns. You have a burrowing speed of 15 feet.
- Icy Scales. You have resistance to cold damage.
- Cold Breath. Your breath weapon is a roar of supercooled air that creates an ice wall. As an action, you can form a wall with two square panels, each 10 feet on a side, within 30 feet of you. Each panel must be contiguous with another one. The wall is 1 inch thick and lasts for 1 minute.
If the wall cuts through a creature’s space when it appears, the creature within its area is pushed to one side of the wall and must make a Constitution saving throw with a DC equal to 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Constitution or Dexterity modifier (your choice). The creature takes 1d8 cold damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one.
The wall is an object that can be damaged and thus breached. Each 10-foot section has AC 12 and 5 hit points, and is vulnerable to fire damage.
The damage, range, size, and duration of the wall increase based on the Cold Breath table below. You can use your breath weapon a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus, and you regain all expended uses when you finish a long rest.
Cold Breath
Level - Range (ft.) - Damage - Number of Cubes
1st - 30 - 1d8 - 2
5th - 60 - 2d8 - 3
11th - 90 - 4d8 - 4
17th - 120 - 8d8 - 5
- Superheated Tailwind. Your flying speed increases by 10 feet, and you can hover.
- Searing Scales. You have resistance to fire damage.
- Fire Breath. Your breath weapon is a cone of fire that devastates a wider area than other breath weapons. As an action, you can exhale fire in a 15-foot cone. Each creature in the area must make a Dexterity saving throw with a DC equal to 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Constitution or Dexterity modifier (your choice). The creature takes 3d6 fire damage on a failed save, or half as much on a successful one.
The damage and range increase based on the Fire Breath table below. You can use your breath weapon a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus, and you regain all expended uses when you finish a long rest.
Fire Breath
Level - Range (ft.) - Damage
1st - 15 - 3d6
5th - 30 - 6d6
11th - 60 - 12d6
17th - 90 - 24d6
Dragon Magic
Bulwark of Scales
3rd-level AbjurationCasting Time: 1 action
Range: Self
Components: V, S
Duration: 10 minutes
Classes: N/A
For the next 10 minutes, any critical hit against you becomes a normal hit. As a reaction to an effect that requires you to make a saving throw, you can treat the d20 roll as a 20. If you do, the spell ends.
Discern the Heart’s Hoard
3rd-level DivinationCasting Time: 1 action
Range: Self
Components: S
Duration: 1 minute
Classes: N/A
You peer into the cloister of draconic secrets within the Arcana to discern truths about a creature you can see within 60 feet.
You can mentally ask up to 2 questions from the following list while looking directly at the creature. The GM offers a truthful reply that might lack context or be unhelpful if the question is unanswerable or uncertain.
What is the creature’s relationship to those they live with?
What is one of the creature’s bonds or flaws?
What is one of the creature’s fears?
What is something this creature would not tell a stranger?
What is this creature’s largest outstanding debt, and the name of the debtor?
How much money does this creature have in savings?
Draconic Lucubration
3rd-level EvocationCasting Time: 1 action
Range: Touch
Components: V, S
Duration: Instantaneous
Classes: N/A
Motes of invisible arcane power split and restitch at your whim. A creature you touch regains 2 spell slots up to 2nd level. Once you cast this spell, you can’t cast it again for 24 hours.
At Higher Levels. If you cast this spell using a spell slot higher than 3rd, the target regains 2 spell slots of a level one higher than 2nd for each slot you use higher than 3rd.
Perfect Respiration
3rd-level TransmutationCasting Time: 1 action
Range: Self
Components: V
Duration: Instantaneous
Classes: N/A
When you cast this spell, and then as an action on each of your turns until the spell ends, you can use your breath weapon without expending a use. At the end of each of your turns, make a Constitution saving throw with a DC equal to 10 + 5 times the number of rounds since casting the spell (15 on the second round, 20 on the third round, and so on). On a failed save, or if you use an action to do anything other than use your breath weapon, the effect ends.
Summon Subject
3rd-level ConjurationCasting Time: 1 action
Range: 30 feet
Components: V, S
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute
Classes: N/A
You call out the name of a dragon with Hit Dice up to half your level, rounded down. The dragon hears your call and knows who is summoning it. If it is willing, it appears in an unoccupied space that you can see within range.
If the spell ends before 1 minute has passed, the target reappears in the space it left or in the nearest unoccupied space if that space is occupied. Otherwise, the target doesn’t return. The target can choose to end the spell at any time during its duration.
A summoned NPC dragon can typically use its breath weapon 1d2 times. There is usually a 10% chance a friendly NPC dragon is busy and won’t answer your call, determined by the GM.