No treasure hoard is complete without a set of gemstones to catch a delver's wandering eye. These precious jewels are highly sought after—for trade, for crafting, and for magical components. But how do you determine the value of all your gemstones?
This chapter introduces gemstone qualities and rules on how to use them.
Gemstone Qualities
A gemstone comes in one of six qualities—cloudy, clear, pristine, royal, lucent, and astral. The higher the quality, the more valuable the gemstone is.
To appraise the quality of a gemstone, you must succeed on a DC 20 Intelligence (Investigation) check.
Gemstone Qualities
Quality - Description - Uncut - CutCloudy - Visible imperfections. - 2 gp - 10 gpClear - Minor imperfections. - 10 gp - 50 gpPristine - No visible imperfections. - 20 gp - 100 gpRoyal - Rare sparkles of light. - 100 gp - 500 gpLucent - Persistent sparkles of light. - 200 gp - 1000 gpAstral - A persistent, inner glow. - 1000 gp - 5000 gpJeweler's Tools
Jeweler's tools can help you to appraise, cut, and polish gemstones. If you are proficient with jeweler's tools, add your proficiency bonus to your appraisal check.
If you are also proficient in Investigation, you can make your appraisal check with advantage.
Cutting Gemstones
You can cut a gemstone to improve its value and unlock any latent, magical properties. It takes around eight hours to cut and polish a single, tiny stone.
Make a Wisdom check against a DC determined by the quality of the stone—if you fail, the gemstone shatters and turns into arcane dust worth half of its uncut value.
You can upgrade a cut gemstone's quality to a higher cut gemstone. To upgrade, make a Wisdom check against a DC determined by the quality of the stone increased by +3. If you fail, the gemstone shatters and turns into arcane dust worth half of its uncut value. For example, a Cut Lucent gemstone can be a Cut Astral gemstone with a Wisdom check of 28 or higher.
Cutting Gemstones
Quality - DCCloudy - 15Clear - 15Pristine - 20Royal - 20Lucent - 25Astral - 25Arcane Jewels
Arcane jewels are the collected term that pretain to gemstones that have been carefully cut, shaped, and inscribed with magic runes—often by a wizard or artificer.
When an arcane jewel is socketed into a weapon or piece of armor, that item is imbued with a permanent magical power—a new damage type, elemental resistance, improved accuracy, a new spell, etc.
Arcane jewels brim with magical power—transform your mundane weapons and basic armor into magical, customized artifacts.
Socketing an Arcane Jewel
To use an arcane jewel, you must socket it into a piece of equipment. There are three steps to this process:
Pick an Item: Choose either a) a weapon or b) a piece of light, medium, or heavy armor. Your item must have fewer than three currently-socketed jewels.
Pick an Arcane Jewel: Choose an arcane jewel that is appropriate for your item. You can't socket the same type of jewel into the same item more than once—so choose carefully.
Use your Tools: Spend one hour and a set of tinker's tools (or other tools appropriate for your item—smith's tools, weaver's tools, etc.) to socket your jewel. You must be proficient with your tools to do this.
When you socket an arcane jewel into an item, the jewel provides no magical benefit until you attune to the item.
Removing a Socketed Jewel
Once a jewel is socketed, it becomes an innate part of the item. To remove a socketed jewel, you must spend eight hours working with an appropriate set of tools. Once you unsocket a jewel, the jewel can be reused.
Alternatively, you can spend only one hour to shatter a socketed jewel directly. This removes the jewel from the item, but renders it worthless—the jewel can't be reused.
Casting a Jeweled Spell
Some jewels—such as jewels of spellbinding—can store a spell and allow you to cast it at a later date. When you cast a jeweled spell, the following features apply:
Command Word: You must speak a command word to activate the jeweled spell.
Spell Slots: You don't expend any spell slots when casting a spell from a jewel.
Class Restrictions: You may cast the spell even if you are not a natural spellcaster.
Components: You may ignore any uncosted spell components (verbal, somatic, and material).
Saving Throws: If your spell requires a target to make a saving throw, the DC depends on the quality of your jewel—royal (DC 13), lucent (DC 15), and astral (DC 18).
Jewel Charges
Charged jewels can be used only a few times before they run out of magical power and become dormant.
To spend a charge, you must speak a command word. The jewel must be socketed into an attuned item, and you must be wearing or holding the item to command it.
Choosing your Command Words: When you socket a jewel into an item, you may decide what its command word is. This overrides any previous command word assigned to the jewel.
Recovering Charges: A socketed jewel in an attuned item recovers all expended charges when it's owner finishes a long rest.
Across your adventures, you may discover gemstones of a particularly high quality—royal, lucent, and astral stones.
If you're proficient with both a) Arcana and b) jeweler's tools, you can create your own arcane jewels from these cut gemstones. There are three steps to follow:
- Pick a Jewel Recipe
First, you acquire the relevant crafting recipe for your jewel. Each jewel needs a specific type of gemstone as described by its recipe.
Jewel Recipes and How to Find Them
Jewel recipes are usually present in any major cities' gem trade centers for the standard price of 50 gp each. On the other hand, gem awakening recipes vary in cost in all of Beast World. - Get a Gemstone
Next, you must acquire a suitable gemstone. An arcane jewel requires a particular type and quality of gemstones—pick the right stone for your intended jewel.
Your gemstone must be a) cut and b) either royal, lucent, or astral in quality (as specified by your jewel).
- Craft the Jewel
It takes 8 hours of careful work with jeweler's tools to turn a cut gemstone into a jewel, at which point you can make an Intelligence (Arcana) check against the quality of your gemstone: royal (DC 15), lucent (DC 20), or astral (DC 25).
Critical Success (+10 or more): You crafted an arcane jewel and salvaged a small amount of gemstone dust. This dust can be used as a crafting material with the following properties:
Rarity: Rare (Royal), Very rare (Lucent), or Legendary (Astral)
Substance: Stone
Element: Choose one that suits your gemstone
Success: You crafted an arcane jewel. It holds magical energy and is now ready to be socketed.
Failure: You cracked the gemstone—it can't be turned into a jewel, potion, or oil.
Critical Failure (−10 or more): You've made a huge mistake—the gemstone cracks and its quality is reduced by one step.
Crafting Details
Some jewels require you to choose a specific detail—such as a spell, skill, or saving throw. Once you finish crafting your jewel, this detail can't be changed—a Royal Jewel of Skill (Acrobatics) will forever be that—so choose your spells and skills wisely.Imprinting a Spell: To imprint a spell into a jewel (such as a jewel of spellbinding), you must a) be able to cast the spell yourself and b) have the spell prepared. You can't imprint any spell that requires concentration or costed material components (unless specified otherwise).
Jewel Recipes
These are common arcane jewels that can be crafted for your weapons and armor. Use these recipes to create your jewels and empower your equipment.
Armor Jewels
Jewel of Absorption
Armor Jewel - RubyRoyal Reduce any bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage that you take from non-magical weapons by 1, to a minimum of 1.Lucent The damage absorption bonus increases to 2.Astral The damage absorption bonus increases to 3.
Jewel of Alchemy
Armor Jewel - JadeRoyal While you are wearing this armor, you regain 5 additional hit points when you drink a potion of healing. Lucent The hit point regained increases to 10.Astral The hit point regained increases to 15.
Jewel of Arrow-Catching
Armor Jewel - Ruby - Charges (3)Lucent When you or a friendly creature within 10 feet of you are the target of a ranged weapon attack, you can expend a charge as a reaction to impose disadvantage on the attack. You must choose to do so before the roll.
Jewel of Capaity
Armor Jewel - JadeLucent You count as one size category larger when determining your carrying capacity.Astral In addition to your carrying capacity, you count as one size category larger when determining the weight you can push, drag, or lift.
Jewel of Grounding
Armor Jewel - RubyLucent When you are forcibly moved against your will, you can spend your reaction to reduce the distance you are moved by up to 5 ft. You must remain in contact with the ground during this movement.Astral The maximum reduction increases to 10 ft.
Jewel of Knocking
Armor Jewel - Jade - Charges (3)Lucent While you are wearing this armor, you can touch your fist on an object to cast the knock spell on it.
Jewel of Resilience
Armor Jewel - RubyRoyal This armor has a +1 bonus to AC. This does not stack with other armor bonuses.Lucent The AC bonus increases to +2.Astral The AC bonus increases to +3.
Jewel of Resistance
Armor Jewel - RubyLucent You gain resistance to a damage type of your choice: Acid, Cold, Fire, Force, Lightning, Necrotic, Poison, Psychic, Radiant, or Thunder.
Jewel of Safety
Armor Jewel - RubyRoyal You have a +1 bonus to one saving throw, chosen when the jewel is first crafted.Lucent The saving throw bonus increases to +2.Astral The saving throw bonus increases to +3.
Jewel of Skill
Armor Jewel - JadeRoyal You have a +1 bonus to one skill, chosen when the jewel is first crafted.Lucent The skill bonus increases to +2.Astral The skill bonus increases to +3.
Jewel of Speed
Armor Jewel - Jade - Charges (3)Royal As a bonus action, you can spend 1 charge to gain a +5 ft bonus to your maximum speed. This effect lasts for 10 minutes.Lucent Your movement bonus increases to +10 ft.Astral Your movement bonus increases to +15 ft.
Jewel of Spellbinding
Armor Jewel - Jade - Charges (1)Royal This jewel holds an imprint of 1st-level spell. During your turn, you can spend 1 charge to cast the spell imprinted into this jewel.Lucent This jewel can hold a 2nd-level spell.Astral This jewel can hold a 3rd-level spell.
Jewel of Spellpower
Armor Jewel - Jade - Charges (1)Royal As a bonus action, you can spend 1 charge to recover one expended 1st-level spell slot.Lucent The maximum slot level increases to 2nd-level.Astral The maximum slot level increases to 3rd-level.
Jewel of Vigor
Armor Jewel - Jade - Charges (1)Royal As a bonus action, you can spend 1 charge to recover one expended hit die.Lucent You regain two expended hit die.Astral You regain three expended hit die.
Weapon Jewels
Jewel of Accuracy
Weapon Jewel - JadeRoyal This weapon has a +1 bonus to attack. This does not stack with other attack bonuses.Lucent The attack bonus increases to +2.Astral The attack bonus increases to +3.
Jewel of Bane
Weapon Jewel - Jade - Charges (3)Royal Once per turn, when you hit a target with this weapon, you can spend 1 charge to deal 1d6 additional poison damage. The target must then make a Constitution saving throw (DC 13)—if it fails, the target is Poisoned until the end of its next turn.Lucent Damage increases to 1d8, DC increases to 15.Astral Damage increases to 1d10, DC increases to 18.
Jewel of Blinding
Weapon Jewel - Jade - Charges (3)Royal Once per turn, when you hit a target with this weapon, you can spend 1 charge to deal 1d6 additional radiant damage. The target must then make a Constitution saving throw (DC 13)—if it fails, the target is blinded until the end of its next turn.Lucent Damage increases to 1d8, DC increases to 15.Astral Damage increases to 1d10, DC increases to 18.
Jewel of Corrosion
Weapon Jewel - Jade - Charges (3)Royal Once per turn, when you hit a target with this weapon, you can spend 1 charge to deal 1d6 additional acid damage. The target must then make a Dexterity saving throw (DC 13)—if it fails, the target's AC is reduced by 1 for the next 10 minutes. This effect is not cumulative.Lucent Damage increases to 1d8, DC increases to 15.Astral Damage increases to 1d10, DC increases to 18.
Jewel of Damage
Weapon Jewel - Jade - Charges (3)Royal This weapon has a +1 bonus to damage rolls. This does not stack with other damage bonuses.Lucent The damage bonus increases to +2.Astral The damage bonus increases to +3.
Jewel of Decay
Weapon Jewel - Jade - Charges (3)Royal Once per turn, when you hit a target with this weapon, you can spend 1 charge to deal 1d6 additional necrotic damage. If the target is reduced to 0 hit points by this attack, it is disintegrated.Lucent The damage increases to 1d8.Astral The damage increases to 1d10.
Jewel of Elements
Weapon Jewel - JadeRoyal Once per turn, when you hit a target with this weapon, you can deal 1d6 additional elemental damage of your choice: Acid, Cold, Fire, Force, Lightning, Necrotic, Poison, Psychic, Radiant, or Thunder.Lucent The damage increases to 1d8.Astral The damage increases to 1d10.
Jewel of Frost
Weapon Jewel - Jade - Charges (3)Royal Once per turn, when you hit a target with this weapon, you can spend 1 charge to deal 1d6 additional cold damage. The target must then make a Strength saving throw (DC 13)—if it fails, the target's speed is reduced to 0 until the end of its next turn. The target can spend an action and make a Strength saving throw (DC 13) to attempt to break free of the frost during its turn.Lucent Damage increases to 1d8, DC increases to 15.Astral Damage increases to 1d10, DC increases to 18.
Jewel of Immolation
Weapon Jewel - Jade - Charges (3)Royal Once per turn, when you hit a target with this weapon, you can spend 1 charge to deal 1d6 additional fire damage. The target is then afflicted with burning flames. At the start of each of its turns, the target must make a Constitution saving throw (DC 13)—if it fails, the target takes 1d6 fire damage. The effect ends when either a) the target makes a successful saving throw against it or b) one minute has passed.Lucent Damage increases to 1d8, DC increases to 15.Astral Damage increases to 1d10, DC increases to 18.
Jewel of Opportunity
Weapon Jewel - Jade - Charges (3)Lucent You can spend 1 charge to make one opportunity attack using this weapon as a free action. If you hit a target with this attack, its speed is reduced to 0 until the start of its next turn.
Jewel of Nightmares
Weapon Jewel - Jade - Charges (3)Royal Once per turn, when you hit a target with this weapon, you can spend 1 charge to deal 1d6 additional psychic damage. The target must then make a Wisdom saving throw (DC 13)—if it fails, the target can't attack you or target you with harmful abilities or magical effects until the end of its next turn. If the target makes a successful save, it is immune to future instances of this effect for one hour.Lucent Damage increases to 1d8, DC increases to 15.Astral Damage increases to 1d10, DC increases to 18.
Jewel of Piercing
Weapon Jewel - JadeAstral When you hit a creature with this weapon, you can ignore resistance to the damage type of your choice: Acid, Cold, Fire, Force, Lightning, Necrotic, Poison, Psychic, Radiant, or Thunder. If your target has immunity, treat it instead as resistance.
Jewel of Reach
Weapon Jewel - Jade - Charges (3)Lucent On your turn, you can spend 1 charge to extend the natural range of your weapon by +5 ft. This effect lasts until the end of your turn.Astral The range bonus increases to +10 ft.
Jewel of Recovery
Weapon Jewel - Jade - Charges (1)Lucent You can spend 1 charge to fully restore the charges of one jewel socketed into this weapon.
Jewel of Shock
Weapon Jewel - Jade - Charges (3)Royal Once per turn, when you hit a target with this weapon, you can spend 1 charge to deal 1d6 additional lightning damage. The target must then make a Constitution saving throw (DC 13)—if it fails, the target can't take reactions until the end of its next turn.Lucent Damage increases to 1d8, DC increases to 15.Astral Damage increases to 1d10, DC increases to 18.
Jewel of Spellbreaking
Weapon Jewel - Jade - Charges (3)Royal Once per turn, when you hit a target with this weapon, you can spend 1 charge to deal 1d6 additional force damage. The target must then make an Intelligence saving throw (DC 13)—if it fails, the target loses concentration on any currently-active spell. In addition, the target can't cast spells until the end of its next turn. If the target makes a successful save, it is immune to future instances of this effect for one hour.Lucent Damage increases to 1d8, DC increases to 15.Astral Damage increases to 1d10, DC increases to 18.
Jewel of Summoning
Weapon Jewel - Jade - Charges (3)Astral You can spend 1 charge to summon this weapon into your free hand as a bonus action. The weapon must be within 100 ft of you to be summoned.
Jewel of Thunderstrike
Weapon Jewel - Jade - Charges (3)Royal Once per turn, when you hit a target with this weapon, you can spend 1 charge to deal 1d6 thunder damage. The target must then make a Strength saving throw (DC 13)—if it fails, the target is deafened until the end of its next turn. In addition, the target is pushed back 10 ft.Lucent DC increases to 15.Astral DC increases to 18.
Jewel of Transmutation
Weapon Jewel - JadeAstral Change the natural damage type of your weapon to a damage type of your choice: Acid, Cold, Fire, Force, Lightning, Necrotic, Poison, Psychic, Radiant, or Thunder.
Jewel of Wrath
Weapon Jewel - JadeRoyal When you critically hit a target with this weapon, you deal an additional 4 damage type of your choice: Acid, Cold, Fire, Force, Lightning, Necrotic, Poison, Psychic, Radiant, or Thunder.Lucent The damage increases to 8.Astral The damage increases to 12.
Mythic Jewels
Jewel of Armor Mastery
Armor Jewel - SapphireAstral You have proficiency with this armor.
Jewel of the Aquatic
Armor Jewel - SapphireAstral You have a swim speed equal to your normal speed, and you can breathe underwater.
Jewel of the Bastion
Armor Jewel - Sapphire - Charges (1)Astral You can use a bonus action to press your fist to the ground and speak its command word, causing a 10-foot radius immobile dome of force to spring into existence around and above you that remains stationary and lasts for 1 minute. The dome automatically repels nonmagical ranged attacks attempting to pass through it, and the area inside the dome is considered difficult terrain for hostile creatures.
Jewel of Charisma
Armor Jewel - SapphireAstral Increase your Charisma score by 1, to a maximum of 20.
Jewel of Close Call
Armor Jewel - Sapphire - Charges (1)Astral When you are reduced to 0 hit points, you can spend 1 charge to be reduced to 1 hit point instead.
Jewel of Constitution
Armor Jewel - SapphireAstral Increase your Constitution score by 1, to a maximum of 20.
Jewel of Dexterity
Armor Jewel - SapphireAstral Increase your Dexterity score by 1, to a maximum of 20.
Jewel of Displacement
Armor Jewel - SapphireAstral When you take damage from a weapon attack, you can teleport 30 feet to an unoccupied space that you can see. Once you teleport in this way, you can’t do so again until the start of your next turn.
Jewel of Intelligence
Armor Jewel - SapphireAstral Increase your Intelligence score by 1, to a maximum of 20.
Jewel of Invisibility
Armor Jewel - Sapphire - Charges (1)Astral As a bonus action, spend 1 charge to become invisible until the end of your next turn.
Jewel of Overshield
Armor Jewel - SapphireAstral You gain 8 temporary hit points at the start of each of your turns.
Jewel of the Phoenix
Armor Jewel - Sapphire - Charges (1)Astral When you’re reduced to 0 hit points and start dying while wearing this armor, this rune immediately casts fireball centered on you. At the start of your next turn, instead of rolling a death saving throw, you regain 1d6 hit points.
Jewel of Proficiency
Armor Jewel - SapphireAstral You have proficiency in one skill of your choice.
Jewel of Silence Step
Armor Jewel - SapphireAstral This armor no longer imposes disadvantage on Dexterity (Stealth) checks.
Jewel of Spiderclimb
Armor Jewel - SapphireAstral Climbing doesn't cost you extra movement.
Jewel of Spiderclimb
Armor Jewel - SapphireAstral You can try to hide while lightly obscured from the creature from which you are hiding.
Jewel of Strength
Armor Jewel - SapphireAstral Increase your Strength score by 1, to a maximum of 20.
Jewel of Summon Armor
Armor Jewel - Sapphire - Charges (3)Astral As a bonus action, you can spend 1 charge and summon your armor. The armor must be within 100 ft of you, and you must be able to wear it comfortably.
Jewel of Supreme Will
Armor Jewel - SapphireAstral While you are wearing this armor, you can’t be affected by enchantment magic unless you choose to be.
Jewel of Tongues
Armor Jewel - SapphireAstral You can read, write, and speak one language of your choice.
Jewel of Waterwalking
Armor Jewel - SapphireAstral You can walk across water. If you end your movement on water, you fall into it as normal.
Jewel of Wisdom
Armor Jewel - SapphireAstral Increase your Wisdom score by 1, to a maximum of 20.
Jewel of the Berserker
Weapon Jewel - Sapphire - Charges (1)Astral When you hit a creature with this weapon, you can expend a number of Hit Dice up to half your character level (rounded down). For each Hit Die spent this way, roll the die and add it to the damage of the attack. You take an amount of damage equal to the damage dealt in this way, including any extra damage from a critical hit. This damage to you can’t be reduced or prevented in any way.
Jewel of Blood
Weapon Jewel - SapphireAstral When you score a critical hit with an attack using this weapon, you regain a number of hit points equal to the damage dealt to a maximum of the hit points lost by the target. No effect against constructs or undead.
Jewel of Conquest
Weapon Jewel - SapphireAstral This weapon critically hits a target on a natural 19-20.
Jewel of Corruption
Weapon Jewel - SapphireAstral When you hit a target with this weapon, that target can't regenerate hit points or be healed by a magical spell or effect until the end of its next turn.
Jewel of Demonslaying
Weapon Jewel - SapphireAstral When you hit a demon with this weapon, you deal an additional 2d6 weapon damage.
Jewel of Devilslaying
Weapon Jewel - SapphireAstral When you hit a devil with this weapon, you deal an additional 2d6 weapon damage.
Jewel of Dragonslaying
Weapon Jewel - SapphireAstral When you hit a dragon with this weapon, you deal an additional 2d6 weapon damage.
Jewel of the Earthshaker
Weapon Jewel - Sapphire - Charges (1)Astral You can use an action to strike a point on the ground within reach, creating a seismic disturbance as per the earthquake spell with a duration of 1 round.
Jewel of Fear
Weapon Jewel - Sapphire - Charges (3)Astral Once per turn, when you hit a target with this weapon, you can spend 1 charge to deal 1d10 additional psychic damage. The target must then make a Wisdom saving throw (DC 18)—if it fails, the target is Frightened until the end of its next turn.
Jewel of Feint
Weapon Jewel - Sapphire - Charges (3)Astral When a creature that you can see hits you with an attack roll, you can spend 1 charge to force that creature to reroll the attack. It must use the second result.
Jewel of Feint
Weapon Jewel - Sapphire - Charges (3)Astral When a creature that you can see hits you with an attack roll, you can spend 1 charge to force that creature to reroll the attack. It must use the second result.
Jewel of Paralysis
Weapon Jewel - Sapphire - Charges (3)Astral Once per turn, when you hit a target with this weapon, you can spend 1 charge to deal 1d10 additional lightning damage. The target must then make a Constitution saving throw (DC 18)—if it fails, the target is Paralyzed until the end of its next turn.
Jewel of Quickload
Weapon Jewel - SapphireAstral This weapon no longer has the Loading property.
Jewel of Relocate
Weapon Jewel - Sapphire - Charges (3)Astral Once per turn, when you hit a target with this weapon, you can spend 1 charge to deal 1d10 additional force damage. The target must make a Charisma saving throw (DC 18)—if it fails, you swap places with it. The target must be able to fit comfortably into your space, and must be within 100 ft of you.
Jewel of the Tempest
Weapon Jewel - SapphireAstral Once on each of your turns, when you hit a creature with this weapon you can deal an extra 1d10 lightning damage. An arc of lightning then leaps from that target to as many as three additional creatures of your choice within 30 feet of it, which also take 1d10 lightning damage.
Jewel of Spectral Shot
Weapon Jewel - SapphireAstral This weapon can now fire spectral ammunition (arrows/bolts/bullets/etc) instead of normal ammunition. Spectral ammunition counts as magical damage. This jewel has no effect if socketed into a weapon that uses no ammunition.
Jewel of Undeadslaying
Weapon Jewel - SapphireAstral When you hit an undead creature with this weapon, you deal an additional 1d6 damage.
Jewel of Victory Rush
Weapon Jewel - SapphireAstral When you score a critical hit with this weapon, you can make one attack using this weapon as a bonus action.
Jewel of the Volant
Weapon Jewel - SapphireAstral You gain a flight (hover) speed equal to twice your walking speed.
Jewel of Weapon Mastery
Weapon Jewel - SapphireAstral You have proficiency with this weapon.
Jewel of the Wolfsbane
Weapon Jewel - SapphireAstral In darkness, the unsheathed blade or head of this weapon sheds moonlight, creating bright light in a 15-foot radius and dim light for an additional 15 feet. In addition, when you hit a shapechanger with this weapon, it takes an extra 2d6 radiant damage and must succeed on a Constitution saving throw. On a failure, it immediately assumes its true form if it was shapechanged and it can’t shapechange until the end of its next turn.
Awakened Arcane Jewels
Awakened arcane jewels are the next step in arcane jewels. These are the gemstones that have 'awakened' potential so that they can be used for various arcane circumstances such as spellcasting enhancement or modification.
Awakened Jewel Recipes
These are the rarer awakened arcane jewels that can be crafted for your weapons and armor. Use these recipes to create your jewels and empower your equipment.
Jewel of Combustio
Awakened Jewel - CinnabarLucent You can use this gem as a material component of a spell you cast and change the damage type of the spell to fire damage. Once you do so, the spell consumes this gemstone.Astral You can use this gem as a material component of a spell you cast and change the damage type of the spell to fire damage. The spell cast by this spell is cast as if it is cast two level spell slots higher to a maximum of 9th-level. Once you do so, the spell consumes this gemstone.
Jewel of Fulmina
Awakened Jewel - OpalLucent You can use this gem as a material component of a spell you cast and change the damage type of the spell to lightning damage. Once you do so, the spell consumes this gemstone.Astral You can use this gem as a material component of a spell you cast and change the damage type of the spell to lightning damage. The spell cast by this spell is cast as if it is cast two level spell slots higher to a maximum of 9th-level. Once you do so, the spell consumes this gemstone.
Jewel of Kinein
Awakened Jewel - JetstoneRoyal This jewel can be powdered and used as a substitute for gunpowder as it is incorporated into a firearm. A kinein-ehanced firearm is only enhanced for one cartridge. The firearm has double the range and has an additional damage die when rolling for damage.Lucent This jewel can be powdered and used as a substitute for gunpowder as it is incorporated into a firearm. A kinein-ehanced firearm is only enhanced for one cartridge. The firearm has triple the range and has two additional damage dice when rolling for damage.Astral This jewel can be powdered and used as a substitute for gunpowder as it is incorporated into a firearm. A kinein-ehanced firearm is only enhanced for one cartridge. The firearm has quadruple the range and has three additional damage dice when rolling for damage.
Jewel of Vriezen
Awakened Jewel - TurquoiseLucent You can use this gem as a material component of a spell you cast and change the damage type of the spell to cold damage. Once you do so, the spell consumes this gemstone.Astral You can use this gem as a material component of a spell you cast and change the damage type of the spell to cold damage. The spell cast by this spell is cast as if it is cast two level spell slots higher to a maximum of 9th-level. Once you do so, the spell consumes this gemstone.