Group Maneuvers
Teamwork makes the scheme work!
The line in the sand has been drawn. Valen, a hulking tzal, stands toe to toe with the grinning viccisivaz known as Tella, ready to see their feud through to its bitter end. As Valen commits to a powerful charge, Tella lets out a piercing whistle, calling her cou ally out from the shadows and into the fray. As she sidesteps the tzal’s charge, she grabs Valen’s forearm and torso and pulls him with ease over her now-prone ally, forcing the tzalinto an embarrassing stumble to the floor.
Group maneuvers introduce new reactions that allow creatures to work with their allies to manipulate the flow of combat. These lightweight mechanics are designed to be available to all creatures big and small—even foes and monsters so be careful!
Learning Maneuvers
When using this system, each character can learn a number of maneuvers of their choice equal to their proficiency bonus. The options are listed under “Maneuvers” later. You learn new maneuvers as your proficiency bonus increases. When you gain a level, you can replace one maneuver you know with another from the list.
Downtime Activity: Training Montage
Player characters can study maneuvers during downtime. Two or more characters can choose to study together. It typically takes 5 days of dedicated practice to train each maneuver, and anyone who participates in the training can choose to learn the maneuver at the end of that time. In order to learn a maneuver during downtime, you must have a dedicated teacher who knows the maneuver or a scroll that guides you through the process of learning the maneuver.
Roleplaying a Maneuver
Using a maneuver is a chance to create memorable moments with your friends. Coordinate with your team in advance: “James, please use your Clever feature as a bonus action! I’m probably going to miss with one of the attacks from my scorching ray, so get ready to redirect it!”
Using Maneuvers
A maneuver is executed by using your reaction in response to a predefined trigger—an activity being performed by an ally that you can see or hear—to combine your efforts into an effect greater than the sum of its parts.
Maneuver Saving Throw DC
If a maneuver requires your target to make a saving throw, the DC is calculated as follows:
Maneuver save DC = 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Strength, Dexterity, or Intelligence modifier (your choice)
The group maneuvers are presented in alphabetical order.
When an ally you can see or hear disarms a creature within 5 feet of you and causes it to drop an object, you can use your reaction to either pick up the object, provided you have a free hand to do so, or kick it up to 20 feet away. You can also use your reaction after an ally you can see or hear scores a critical hit against a creature within 5 feet of you to disarm that creature, forcing it to drop an object of your choice that it’s holding. As part of this maneuver, you can pick up the object up or kick it up to 20 feet away.
Arcane Echo
Prerequisite: Pact Magic or Spellcasting feature
When an ally you can see or hear within 30 feet of you casts a spell that you also know or have prepared with a casting time of 1 action and a range of self that targets an area (such as thunderwave), you can use your reaction and expend a spell slot of the triggering spell’s level (a minimum of a 1st-level slot) to echo the spell, casting it yourself. If the areas of the spells overlap, a target in the overlapping area is affected only by the first spell cast.
Catapult Jump
When an ally within 5 feet of you who weighs less than 30 times your Strength score jumps, you can use your reaction to launch them farther. The distance they are able to jump doubles, and every 2 feet of movement during their jump costs only 1 foot.
Charged Projectile
Prerequisite: You can cast a cantrip that requires an attack roll
When an ally makes a ranged weapon attack and you are within 5 feet of the target or the attacker, you can use your reaction to cast a cantrip to charge the projectile. The cantrip must be one that requires an attack roll and targets only one creature, and it is cast as if you were a 1st-level spellcaster. If the attack hits, the target is also hit by the cantrip.
Cross Strike
When an ally you can see or hear hits a creature within 5 feet of you with a melee weapon attack, you can use your reaction to make a melee weapon attack against the target. On a hit, instead of suffering the normal effects of your attack, the target takes damage of your weapon’s type equal to the ability modifier used for your attack roll. Hit or miss, both you and your ally can move up to half your speed to an unoccupied space within 5 feet of the target.
After an ally you can see or hear hits a creature within 5 feet of you with a melee weapon attack, you can move up to half your speed as a reaction. The target of the attack can’t use their reaction to make an opportunity attack against you.
When a creature within 5 feet of you makes a Dexterity saving throw against a spell cast or effect created by an ally, you can use your reaction to attempt to grapple the target. On a success, the target is grappled as normal and also has disadvantage on the Dexterity saving throw.
Get Down
Prerequisite: Evasion feature
When you and an ally within 5 feet of you both make a Dexterity saving throw to take only half damage from an effect or spell, you can use your reaction to cause the friendly creature to take only the same amount of damage that you do.
Hail of Arrows
When you are wielding a ranged weapon and an ally makes a ranged weapon attack against a target you can see that is within your weapon’s range, you can use your reaction to join in the attack. Your ally makes their attack roll with advantage, and if the attack hits, you can roll your weapon’s damage dice and add the total to the damage dealt.
When an ally you can see makes a ranged attack with a thrown weapon against a target within 5 feet of you and you have a free hand, you can use your reaction to toss the weapon back to your ally. Once you’ve used your reaction to execute this maneuver, you can repeat it any number of times without using your reaction until the end of the turn.
Reflect Magic
Prerequisite: The Deflect Missiles feature or the ability to cast at least one spell
If an ally makes a ranged spell attack against a target within 10 feet of you and misses, you can use your reaction to redirect the magic back toward the target. Make a new attack roll using your proficiency bonus and your Dexterity or spellcasting ability modifier (your choice).]
When an ally that can see or hear you makes a ranged attack against a target that is behind half cover or three-quarters cover for them but isn’t behind cover for you, you can use your reaction to guide their strike. Your ally’s attack ignores half cover or three-quarters cover.
Tabletop Trip
When an ally you can see pushes or pulls a creature that starts the movement from within 5 feet of you, you can use your reaction to fall prone in the creature’s path. If the target is your size or one size larger, it stumbles and falls prone in an unoccupied space within 5 feet of you, or the nearest unoccupied space.
Whirling Magic
Prerequisite: The ability to cast at least one spell
When an ally you can see or hear within 30 feet of you makes a melee weapon attack against a creature, you can use your reaction to enchant your ally’s weapon, allowing them to create a damaging burst of force with their weapon instead. In lieu of the attack, your ally can force each creature within 5 feet of themself to succeed on a Dexter- ity saving throw or take force damage equal to a damage roll made with the weapon, plus additional force damage equal to your spellcasting modifier.
New Character Options
When using group maneuvers, characters have access to the following additional class features and options.
Fighting Style Options
When you choose a fighting style, the following style is added to your list of options. When you gain this feature, you can replace one of your previously chosen fighting styles with this option.
Gang Tactics. Choose a maneuver and add it to the maneuvers you know. You have a pool of opportunity dice equal to your proficiency bonus, which are d6s. When making an opportunity attack or performing a maneuver that deals damage, you can expend one of these d6 and roll it, adding the result to the damage dealt. You regain all of your expended opportunity dice when you finish a long rest.
2nd-level rogue feature
As a bonus action, you can ready yourself to anticipate your allies’ movements in battle. The first opportunity attack you make or maneuver you perform before the start of your next turn doesn’t require you to use your reaction.
Ki-Inspired Tactics
2nd-level rogue feature
Once per round, you can spend 1 ki point to execute a maneuver without using your reaction.
Feat: Opportunist
Prerequisite: The ability to perform at least one maneuver
You’ve dedicated extra time and training to practicing maneuvers that you can execute with others. You gain the following benefits:
Increase your Strength, Dexterity, or Intelligence score by 1, to a maximum of 20.
You have a pool of two opportunity dice, which are d6s. When you deal damage with an opportunity attack or maneuver that uses your reaction, you can expend one of these d6 and roll it, adding the result to the dam- age dealt. You can only spend opportunity die at a time. You regain all of your expended opportunity dice when you finish a long rest.